I've beening thinking lately about all the good and bad times I've had playing this game. I've had a ton of fun with events or just to plain stuipd deaths with friends.
You ever have that moment were all things just went wrong and was just rotten luck and all you could do was sit there and laugh at it. I've had a few, like for instance, last Tuesday my Dynamis LS, GTC, decided to make another attempt at the Dynamis Lord. Well, everthing was going to plan, we got it down to 40%. Then BAM!, Oblivian Smash all the melee and tanks go down, and reraise to get hit by a Chainspelled Firaga III so they all die again, then the Dynamis Lord walks over to the Mages and guess what! Oblivian Smash, bye bye mages. So the mages get reraised only to be eaten by Ying and Yang. Then the Dynamis Lord goes over the the remaining people who haven't died, and take a guess what happen, thats right folks, Oblivian Smash...All I did was sit there and laugh, we didn't have a chance, it was to funny.
How about you guys?
Edited, Mon Nov 14 12:57:41 2005 by Calvern