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Crafters of Shiva - List your skills...Follow

#1 Oct 13 2005 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
1,755 posts
Looking to put together a list of the crafters of Shiva that are willing to help others. I took this from what I saw on the Midgardsormr forum and thought Shiva could use the same:


By: Andonino

Here is the list of crafters that want to sell their skills or just show off their skills. Either way, send me a PM or just post what you have. Please include your in-game name as well as any other information you think is needed.

Prerequisites: Your main craft must be at least 60+ (80 for alchemy, cooking, and woodworking) if it is less, and then feel free to post it. I will also make a link to PM the crafters. If you are willing to help random people out then let me know and I will color your name to represent that.

Terms of Agreement:
For people who want to use the crafter’s (whose names are marked by a color other than white) skills: By using this post and asking these crafters to use their skills for your benefit, you will provide all materials needed for the synth, and if applies, trade the gil that they asked for in return for the already synthed item. You also understand the risks involved for the synth to fail. If this is the case, then (if applies) you must give the crafter the gil he/she asked for the synth even though it failed. The crafter's skill levels are posted as well as links to the estimated level of skill needed to create various items. The item that you want to be crafted will be ACTIVATED, EQUIPED, and/or KEPT for your job(s) and will not be used for the sole purpose to be sold for your own profit.

For the crafters who out of the kindness of their heart, will lend their skills to make an item for someone who needs it (These crafters who will do this and agree to this will be marked yellow.)

If you agree to help someone out and they trade the items needed for the synth, you will synth it. If the synth succeeds, you will give the item to the person who provided the materials. Please Agree ahead of time about HQ items each crafter has his own value system on HQ and should be respected please include yours.

If the synth fails, you will give any items that are left over, if any, back to the person who supplied it. If you want your name to no longer be marked as so, please give me a PM or post it. Preferably a PM.

For the crafters who want to sell their skills for a small price (These crafters will be marked green) for whatever reason (I.E. the time it takes to get the items from the person and synth it.) If you agree to help someone out and they trade the items needed for the synth, you will synth it. If the synth succeeds, you will trade the item to the person who provided the materials for the gil that you asked for. Please Agree ahead of time about HQ items each crafter has his own value system on HQ and should be respected please include yours.

If the synth fails, you will give any items that are left over, if any, back to the person who supplied it.

Because they are marked green does not mean that they will charge for their services every time, and may situationally do it for free. If you want your name to no longer be marked as so, please give me a PM or post it. Preferably a PM.
Yellow names mean that the crafter will provide a synth for free, providing that they have time.
Green names means that the crafter may or may not choose to charge gil for their services.

The List The Master Crafters of Shiva

Pyl Smithing 100+3 Woodworking 100+3 Goldsmithing 100+3 Clothcraft 99+3 Leathercraft 9x


Oneiro: 100+3 ALchemy 57 Bonecraft 55 Smithing 55 Leather 45

Carmn ~100
Marleau 98 Goldsmithing 53 Smithing 52 Cooking 60 Bonecraft 53 Leathercraft 39 Fishing 11 Alchemy 60 Clothcraft 53

Ayazz 81

Xellith 69

Jaelynn lvl 69 wood 51 alchemy 30 cooking 26 smith 21 cloth
20 gs
1000gil for any synth less than 500k is charge :)
bring own materials anything over that will be 5% of price of item at AH

Tornetta 60 Woodworking Goldsmithing 42 Alchemy 33


malystryx/Dasnor 93.8+3 ( all 3 smithing guild + skkill items) 60 all subs except bone and goldsmith gold is 53 and bone is 22 AH10%HQ less nq the only hq you will not get right now is huaberk+1 and or adaman cursed gear -1 which i would keep for my drk and buy you a nq huaberk or non -1 cursed item

Blackblade Smithing - 91+3 (very close to 92 now) Cloth - 60+1 Alchemy - 60+1 Wood - 60 Bone - 60 Leather - 60 Gold - 58 Cooking - 22
If you provide all of the materials a recipe asks for I will charge only a small fee (say 125k on a 1 million gil item) for NQ and a slightly larger fee for HQ (say 1 million on a 13 million gil item). These are approximations, deals can always be worked out. I will do trades as well. If you would like to make use of my services, send me a /tell on Matthew; that is my exp account.

Noremorse 95.4 + 6 Smithing 60 Goldsmithing 60 Leathercraft 60 Clothcraft 60 Woodworking 60 Alchemy 60 Bonecraft


Terien Goldsmithing 95 +2 Smithing 60 Clothcraft 60 Alchemy 60 Cooking 60 Bonecraft 60 NQ free, HQ negotiate, breaks are at own risk.


Starilae 100+3 and all my other crafts are atleast 52. Count me in, ill craft for free^^

DuoMaxwellxx: Alchemy 100 +3 ALL other crafts 60

Ladyofhonor: 98+2 Woodworking 59 Goldsmithing 54+1 Smithing 34

Ithorien 93.0+2 Wood 60.0

Thunderstorm: 91+2 Smithing 52 Goldsmithing 40 *Donation Accepted*

Papawarlock: 90 Woodworking 59.4 Smithing 50 Goldsmithing 44 *Donations Accepted*

Eryvinim Alchemy 98+2 (almost +3)Woodworking 60 Clothcraft 60
Leathercraft 49 Goldsmithing 40 Smithing 39 Bonecraft 27

Cornnholio: 76

Drui 60.2 30 Smithing 30 Goldsmithing 30 Woodworking 30 Clothcraft 20 Cooking


Lienna 88.6+2 clothcraft 60 Leathercraft 47 Smithing 46 Goldsmithing 60 Cooking 18 Alchemy

HQ results will have a fee of 10% AH history (average of sales)
I am happy to do things a few lvls above me for skillup. I will pay for any mats that are lost (if you wish to do this)
"rare" items will be signed by me, just part of the deal (rare like black cloak, vermillion, and things like that. really at my discretion if you really have an issue with this we can talk about it)

Purutaru: 88.0 +2 Smithing 60.0 Woodworking 60.0 Bonecraft 60.0
Leathercraft 60.0 Alchemy 60.0 Cooking 60.0 Goldsmithing 39.9 HQ=%10AH$

Anthonyz 72+1 Sub: 20 Alc 10 Leather HQ=%15AH$

xobjektx 70.1


Chumm - 100+2 Cooking

Mrtauren---- Cooking 100+1 (almost 2 :S) Fishing 91 Bonecraft 60+1 Leathercraft 60

Morgue Cooking 97.6

Chillypalms 97

Wakkawakka 95 - 48 fishing - 57 clothcraft

Kalten 90

Inverno 90ish

Takumaku 82

Hillary 70


Aetius: 100+3 Leathercraft 60+1 Clothcraft 60 Alchemy 60 *No charge as long as I am allowed to sign the items*

Sepheris 100 bonecraft, 60 alchemy, 60 leather.

Aresfury Bonecraft 100+3 (+6 if you pay 330 for adv support) (Key Item= Bone Purification) Leathercraft 60+1 (Key Item = Leather Ensorcement = can make powder boots) Alchemy 60+1
Goldsmithing 60 (Key Item = Gold Purification = can make reraise earring)Woodworking 60 (Key Item = Lumberjack) Smithing 60 Clothcraft 60 Cooking 60

NHQ - Small Fee based on item (hey I'm a DRG it's how I make my gil)HQ - 20% Profit not ah pirce! see below if you are confused
(Item price - supplies you provide = profit * 20% = Fee)

Geno 81 or 82 + 2 HQ=10%AH$

Malevolent 78+1 bonecraft now, and bone purification key item
68.0+1 Wood, Lumberjack Key Item 60.0 Cloth 60.0 Leather 60.0 Alchemy 55.? Smithing 50.0 Cooking 30.2 Gold *I will not charge for my synthing services for 1 or 2 synths, although donations will be accepted*

Wolfums 59 Will craft for free, I'll provide crystals.


agirlyman 100+2 60+2/smithing 60/cloth 50/gold NQ=10%AH$ HQ=?? *Negotiations*


Mrtauren: 91

Cornnholio: 81

Akirus 80+ Fishing Send me a tell if you need a broken Mithran Rod for the Opo Opo Quest.

Fernanda 77

Please post your skill and also if you charge a fee and what your rules are for HQing and price. Please list your personal rules in your post below.

Name Highest Craft to lowest see above examples!!!!

Thanks and hopefully we can get a great list of the best crafters willing to help others on Shiva.


Edited, Mon Jan 9 10:27:53 2006 by kenshynOnShiva

Edited, Wed Jan 25 11:14:46 2006 by kenshynOnShiva

Edited, Tue Jan 31 16:07:51 2006 by kenshynOnShiva

Edited, Wed Feb 8 14:19:51 2006 by kenshynOnShiva

Edited, Mon Feb 13 09:56:54 2006 by kenshynOnShiva
#2 Oct 13 2005 at 10:21 AM Rating: Excellent
This is kinda low but, 70.1 clothcraft and my subs suck.
10 Leather
20 Alc
1 wood
1 gold
1 smith
40 cook

I don't charge but if I do HQ, please pay me 15% of the AH price thank you very much.
#3 Oct 13 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
66.7 woodworking
21 cooking
2 fishing
#4 Oct 13 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Excellent
49 posts
Alchemy 91+2
Smithing 52
Goldsmithing 40
Everything else is slowly making it's way up, but nothing too spectacular at all.

I usually synth for others on a "donation" basis. If you want to give me something for what I have done for you, I appreciate it. It's not required though in my opinion because I do enjoy simply helping others.
#5 Oct 13 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Excellent
4,447 posts
Alchemy 98+2
Woodworking 59
Goldsmithing 54+1
Cooking 43 or something
Smithing 34
#6 Oct 13 2005 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
83 posts
100+3 woodworking
55 Smithing
57 Alchemy
55 Bonecraft
45 Leather

Will craft for free for rate ups.. :D
#7 Oct 13 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Oniero i rated u up, where my Apolo Staff i asked^^
#8 Oct 13 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Excellent
26 posts
Clothcraft 70.1
no subs leveled until 80, when they're useful.
#9 Oct 13 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Excellent
240 posts
This reminds me of the Shiva's Crafters thread that I tried to do back in March. That didn't really catch on too much so I hope that this one will.

Right now I'm 90 cooking. If anyone needs something crafted I will do it for free just bring me the items needed for synthesis. I also don't charge for any HQ items.


Edited, Thu Oct 13 17:51:52 2005 by cyanjoeblake
#10 Oct 13 2005 at 6:14 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
Alchemy 90
Woodworking 59.4
Smithing 50
Goldsmithing 44

No charge for synthing. Donations accepted.
#11 Oct 13 2005 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
248 posts
double post, sorry

Edited, Thu Oct 13 19:50:02 2005 by Cornnholio
#12 Oct 13 2005 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
248 posts
70 Alchemy - skilling in progress
81 Fish - if I was skilling any slower I'll be going backwards
50 Cook

#13 Oct 13 2005 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
Clothcraft 88.0 +2

Smithing 60.0
Woodworking 60.0
Bonecraft 60.0
Leathercraft 60.0
Alchemy 60.0
Cooking 60.0
Goldsmithing 39.9

Key Items
Cloth Purification

No charge for NQ, HQ 10% of AH value =P
Only active after 7.30pm JP time on weekdays - if i do not reply to tell means i am AFK

Edited, Fri Oct 14 19:01:19 2005 by Purutaru
#14 Oct 13 2005 at 7:30 PM Rating: Good
I think i'm like 81 or 82 + 2 bonecraft.
no subs worhty of mention :(

oh yeah i'll craft for free or w/e.. 10% for HQ i guess

Edited, Thu Oct 13 20:38:30 2005 by Genoshiva
#15 Oct 13 2005 at 7:35 PM Rating: Default
I usually charge 10% of sale price, but open to negotiation. Breaks are like "****", it happens.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 21:41:38 2005 by agirlyman
#16 Oct 13 2005 at 7:39 PM Rating: Good
530 posts

Bonecraft 59. No leathercraft sub yet.

Will craft for free, I'll provide crystals.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 20:53:21 2005 by WolfieWunderlich
#17 Oct 13 2005 at 7:50 PM Rating: Good
37 posts

Bonecraft 100+3
Leathercraft 60+1
Clothcraft 60
Alchemy 60

No charge as long as I am allowed to sign the items.
#18 Oct 13 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Good
5,055 posts
Alchemy 100 +3
ALL other crafts 60
#19 Oct 13 2005 at 9:58 PM Rating: Good
Wow finally everyone can stop recommending Pyl haha.

<LS> hey who has high goldsmithing
Pyl... pyl... pyl...

Not that he's bad or anything :O

I'll be on here soon if I ever hit 70 or so smithing. :X
#20 Oct 14 2005 at 2:02 AM Rating: Good
379 posts
My synthing skills:

100+2 Bonecraft, Bone Purification Item
60+1 Wood, Lumberjack/Wood Ensorclement/Bolt Maker Key Item
60.0 Cloth
60.0 Leather
60.0 Alchemy
55.? Smithing
50.0 Cooking
31.0 Gold
21.? Fish

Bonecraft is my main, and will continue to gain skill levels here and there, the rest will most likely remain as is, except for GS, which I will probably level more in the future.

I will not charge for my synthing services for 1 or 2 synths, although donations will be accepted :)

*updated as of 2/13/06*

Edited, Mon Feb 13 16:45:23 2006 by xXMalevolentXx

Edited, Wed Apr 5 15:33:16 2006 by xXMalevolentXx
#21 Oct 14 2005 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
1,755 posts

Name: Marleau
Race/Gen: Tarutaru Male
Main/Sub: White Mage/Smn
Level: 52
Server: Shiva
Linkshell: Yagyuu Ichizoku
Woodworking 98
Goldsmithing 53
Smithing 52
Cooking 60
Bonecraft 53
Leathercraft 39
Fishing 11
Alchemy 60
Clothcraft 53

Here's a list of what have I made in the past (Bold meaning I have my name set on them... Either I or someone else has it.):

Ice Staff
Light Staff
Dark Staff
Lightning Bow
Revenging Staff

Doublet +1
Kabura Arrows
Bloody Bolts
Tarutaru Folding Screen
Mahogany Bed
Noble's Bed
Silent Oil
Bronze Bed
Yagudo Drink
Mythril Cuisses
Glass Sheet
Prism Powder
Scorpion Ring

In my case, its simple... Just supply me all the materials involved and I will do my best with whatever you would like made. But please note my liability factor. I would like people to understand that you will get HQ or NQ whatever comes out. However, theres also the possibility for breakage as well, so please don't complain at me if your item breaks. I'm also free of charge as well for the services.

Name: Xellith
Race/Gen: Tarutaru
Main/Sub: Blm/Pld/Whm/War
Level: 75/70/61/52
Server: Shiva
Linkshell: Enmity/Wheelchair

i got 69 woodworking. ill make or fix anything i can. just gimme the ingredients and ill be happy to make whatever im able to. no charge. :P

Edited, Fri Oct 14 08:42:14 2005 by kenshynOnShiva
#22 Oct 14 2005 at 9:38 AM Rating: Excellent
191 posts

Fishing --> 70

Ok It's 69.9... I've been stuck at this for like 2 months. /cry


Cooking --> 81

That's last time I checked, he may have gotten a few more levels now.
#23 Oct 14 2005 at 9:41 AM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
61 cooking... just let me know if you need something made
#24 Oct 15 2005 at 6:08 AM Rating: Good
161 posts
95 cooking (raising to 100 on mule)
48 fishing
57 clothcraft - looking to take this to 100 on my main.
#25 Oct 15 2005 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good

93.0 + 3 Smithing
60 Goldsmithing
60 Leathercraft
60 Clothcraft
60 Woodworking
60 Alchemy
60 Bonecraft

Just /tell me if you need something. I usually charge a small fee, unless I HQ a hauby ^_^

ps: I need Relic Iron, and Wootz Ore (only dropped in dynamis), If anyone gets i'll buy all at AH price (20k per wootz, 10k per relic iron, thanks)

Edited, Thu Oct 20 14:54:04 2005 by noremorseMan
#26 Oct 17 2005 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
1,755 posts
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