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"That's gay", "What a ******", "I bFollow

#77 Oct 14 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
Most of the recent discussions have already been covered; LoH, please read more above regarding the Christianity issue, particularly the exchange between Alekzander and myself.

One new argument I felt compelled to respond to:
Lexxuk wrote:
stop stealing words to make your own then get insulted by people using the words in whichever manner they wish

I certainly had very little choice in choosing how language evolved, and I believe it would be impossible to identify one "side" to have single-handedly attributed any meaning to a word. I never "stole" the word, it evolved.

That said, some words have multiple meanings - like anything, context plays a role. Using "gay" to mean happy or "*****" to mean strange is certainly not an insult. But, at least in the US, gay has evolved to mean someone who is a homosexual. And the phrase "that's gay" has come about in the last 20 years or so to identify anything someone identifies as dumb, stupid, or otherwise "bad". And that stems from gay people being "bad". The argument is that taking what has become a term to identify a classification of people, and then using it in a negative way is demeaning. It is the same as saying "that's black" (which exists in the term "ghetto" as well), "what a jew/****/*****/***/etc." and so on

So while I appreciate that the term may have different meanings in certain contexts, THIS context that is at issue here is a distinctly American problem, and the context is equating gay people with stupid, wrong, bad, etc., which I have issue with.

As for other gay people not having problems with it, that doesn't make it right. And just because you happpen to know a few gay friends that think nothing of it does not mean I am in the minority here. Attention hog? Wow, I must be so full of myself for having ONE post that discusses a topic I feel passionately about (well, two if you count the bio thread, but that's more a side note of that post).
#78 Oct 14 2005 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
55 posts
I have many gay friends (great shopping buddys!) and the one thing I have noticed is that "straight" guys who are so against Gay people that they have to call names and be hostile are usually that way because they are in denial about feelings THEY themselves have (aka Ayazz) and the "straight" guys who are comfortable with thier sexuality feel no need to be derogatory whether they agree with being gay or not. Maybe its time to look in the mirror...
#79 Oct 14 2005 at 8:13 PM Rating: Default
..............................your gay
#80 Oct 14 2005 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Well, hmmm, ok, no sense in dragging this BS on..

Don't like it? Ok, well, let it be known, but down have a fit everytime someone says/types it. Can't win 'em all.

Like saying? Well, then if you're aiming to **** someone off, then yeah, you're doing your job obviously, if not, then just try to be more respectful..

What does it boil down to? Either side has some people who are totally against it, or for it, and there's not stopping the inevitable with this crap.

I have no problem with either side, but it's an effin' forum... No sense in flaming eachother over it... Wait... I forgot..

<<<Welcome to Shiva Forums!>>>
We live to flame eachother..

#81 Oct 14 2005 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
WOW OMG its mike... is he back??

Sorry to highjack the Thread...
#82 Oct 14 2005 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
wtf is really your problem lawtech are you the like savior of all the homos?
its slang its lingo its what ppl use as synonyms...whether is wrong or not. no matter how much you dont want it to happen its a reality. nothing you will do will make ppl the wiser if they ... UMMMM dont want to stop saying it.
ever cry like a ***** throw like a are on your period? think that isnt offensive to girls? it ppl still say it? yes. will they continue to say it? yes
its just been accepted, although i'll agree still just as offensive. crying like a girl <---o wow and ressurecting this thread does, NOTHING. nothing except give bored ppl a few more posts on their super post count and failing to sound pseudo smart.
no matter how great or thoughtful an arguement you bring up about how offensive or not pc it are still whining bout how what ppl say make you feel bad or insulted. grin and bear it...yes it would be wrong and its in the same boat as sayin "oh thats mexican o thats so black" guess what. that jazz happens...EVERYDAY every minute and they take as it comes. who is really going to make a conquest to go ban ppl from saying blacks like chicken or blacks like watermelon...grow up. if i say ****** to someone irl or i say hey watermelon lover...guess what i get stomped. so be a big boy IRL instead of trying to make every see the light that is not there.

in a mans perspective girls are whiny, girls are flaky, girls are pansies that cant "hang" and are overall disappointing. but in general girls like a man who likes a man is indirectly a if i tell my boy to come help me camp something and he says no, then "you're gay" b/c he is being a *****.

but i understand, homosexual ppl have enough troubles and banter in their daily life so im sure they dont want to be reminded of they sexual choice in a negative fashion multiple times a day. but really though...its not a big deal, suck it up, stop being so gay
#83 Oct 14 2005 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts

in a mans perspective girls are whiny, girls are flaky, girls are pansies that cant "hang" and are overall disappointing. but in general girls like a man who likes a man is indirectly a if i tell my boy to come help me camp something and he says no, then "you're gay" b/c he is being a *****.

So are you saying that girls = b1tches? Why don't you STFU and post in your real name instead of being a punka$$ ***** that hide behind sockpuppy false accounts to say something that you feel. If you WERE "a man", you'd have the BALLS to speak your **** in your name.

Obviously, you don't even know what "a man's" perspective is. How can you? You yourself is just a pansya$$ boy that thinks because he has a little 2 inch protrusion between his legs, that you are "a man".

Puberty is sucking for you right now, isn't it? I wish I knew who you really were. Your b1tcha$$ deserves your own soundtrack. Someone needs to beat the ***** out of your childish a$$. I got a ticket to be the first in line. Pfft, "a man", son you lost your balls with your pathetic attempt at flaming a guy for feeling insulted by ppl's ignorance. Heed my advice, Mr. sockpuppet ***** #1:


Hahaha, I guess you are gay now, eh?

Lawtech, don't worry about this asstrap. This sockpuppet's probably too busy letting soap slip out of his hands.
#84 Oct 14 2005 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts

in a mans perspective girls are whiny, girls are flaky, girls are pansies that cant "hang" and are overall disappointing. but in general girls like a man who likes a man is indirectly a if i tell my boy to come help me camp something and he says no, then "you're gay" b/c he is being a *****.

So are you saying that girls = b1tches? Why don't you STFU and post in your real name instead of being a punka$$ ***** that hide behind sockpuppy false accounts to say something that you feel. If you WERE "a man", you'd have the BALLS to speak your **** in your name.

Obviously, you don't even know what "a man's" perspective is. How can you? You yourself is just a pansya$$ boy that thinks because he has a little 2 inch protrusion between his legs, that you are "a man".

Puberty is sucking for you right now, isn't it? I wish I knew who you really were. Your b1tcha$$ deserves your own soundtrack. Someone needs to beat the ***** out of your childish a$$. I got a ticket to be the first in line. Pfft, "a man", son you lost your balls with your pathetic attempt at flaming a guy for feeling insulted by ppl's ignorance. Heed my advice, Mr. sockpuppet ***** #1:


Hahaha, I guess you are gay now, eh?

Lawtech, don't worry about this asstrap. This sockpuppet's probably too busy letting soap slip out of his hands.

LMFAO thats some funny ****! Rate up for jooooooooooooo!!!!1!1!!
#85 Oct 15 2005 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
If I had to guess, that probably is the real Klaw, and he called himself gay just to make a point.
#86 Oct 15 2005 at 1:17 AM Rating: Decent
yes this is klaw and please see past your own little nose and grab your crotch to make sure you still have balls

a mans perspective is my perspective as a stereotype, yes girls are b1tches and you sound like one too. of course not all girls are but in a general fun poking men are all @!ssholes and gay ppl are all light talking pink wearing gropers, girls are b1tches. my mom is not one but sometimes she can be my girl is not one though i call her time to time. if you have never called a girl a ***** then you can speak, and if you havent then your are too puszy to face the truth.

so now u know who i am, even though you were too stupid to realize it. ive long been out of puberty and have experienced more of what relationships and women have to give (and take) to speak on a (not all) mans behalf. so gather up your big words and make something of it, since you "found out who i am"...o i forgot this is the internet...straighten up that backbone...or keep talking ***

Edited, Sat Oct 15 02:29:08 2005 by Klawisgay
#87 Oct 15 2005 at 1:25 AM Rating: Default
and shinkyu if you thought it was funny then rate him up and spare us the post...i know dvsIII and wasp are all lovey dovey ppl, but we have enough d1ck riding on this thread as it is.
#88REDACTED, Posted: Oct 15 2005 at 1:30 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I think what Klaw said is exactly true. Barchiel man you need to chill with this drama bullsh!t your sounding like a bigger *** more and more by the minute. If your gay w/e, it dont bother me. I just don't want to be hit on, or I dont want to see 2 dudes making out in public. I'm sorry but however you look at it, 2 dudes is an ugly *** sight and that gay **** should be kept in private. Whoever this douche lawtech is, jesus stfu with the whole gay-pride parade. Its people like you, who make me dislike the gay community. Why can't you just go along your business and stop being an attention ***** on a online game forum. Please people, you guys need to get a little thicker skin. If you get that offended by playing ffxi.....then you must be such a little puss in the REAL WORLD. Lawtech, the point of the matter is we get your point. No one really gives a crap, and yes everyone's gonna keep saying it. So o well I guess ^^. If you really feel that bad about the comments, then quit playing the game!!! kk thx
#89 Oct 15 2005 at 2:17 AM Rating: Good
I certainly don't need anyone to "defend" me, and quite honestly would prefer those who do agree with me not turn around and flame other people. Sorry, Barch, had to rate down that particular post (don't worry, I've rated up plenty of your other posts :p ). Throughout this thread I continued to explain the one underlying request was for people to stop thrashing each other and show a little respect.

At no time have I ever believed I would completely stop the phrase from being used; unfortunately, I am perfectly aware there will always be a$$holes out there who have so little self esteem in themselves that they feel the need to put down anyone and everyone else. Yes it saddens and disappoints me that someone neglected to teach them any sort of behavioral decency. But I do know from experience that there are also people who may not realize what they say is hurtful, and who HAVE tried to curb their use of such words out of respect for other people. Take Jae; he told me he used the terminology casually without thinking much of it, but that he understood where I was coming from and would do his best not to say it. Will he never say it again? Naw, he probably will, but I do know he'll try and probably even apologize when he slips up. And I know even though Alekzander will most likely never believe my "lifestyle" is valid, he'll always treat me like the bible says to treat neighbors. I guess that makes Alek gay too then?

So, no, I'm not going to change the world, but I might just get a few people to think about what they say and even realize that one of the greatest lessons they can teach their kids is respect and tolerance of others. Because in the real world, THAT will take you further in life than bashing everyone left and right. Lucky me: I get to work with professional adults on a daily basis and only have to put up with some immaturity when I read this board or play the game; I truly feel sorry for the lonely homos stuck working at McDonalds with the jerks of the world (see? - context - no disrespectful intent in my use of the word).

It's nice to know I finally have some people on this board who think I'm a whiny, ****** attention-*****, becuase I was starting to feel a little left out. But now I guess I have something in common with Kramer since he gets accused of the same thing; next thing you know I'll be joining Wasp or something.

Edited, Tue Oct 18 13:12:40 2005 by lawtechguy
#90 Oct 15 2005 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
the street goes both ways...
me being me and saying whatever slang i choose to pick up and reiterate through whatever situations i choose is my choice. how is me saying *** or gay NOT being respectful or tolerant of other. i see how it can be misconstrued as being disrespectful, but what is disrespectful to you is an opinion, in reality a true disrespect is when someone purposely say things with the intent of insult. any thing else is new wave, crybaby, pc, im more intelligent than you b/c you use stereotypes bull. if anything you should be respectful and tolerant of me or any other ppl who want to say *** or gay in any way we choose. #1 its not directed at you #2 its not meant to be malicious or hurtful in any fashion...whether or not it ends up being malicious or hurtful. bottom line practice what you preach and suck it up...its kinda ironic someone who is trying to get the limelight off saying "thats gay" and "what a ******" by making a big an even bigger stink of a thread than ive heard any one complain about the phrases ever

Edited, Sat Oct 15 03:40:03 2005 by Klawisgay
#91 Oct 15 2005 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
as for this...
At no time have I ever believed I would completely stop the phrase from being used; unfortunately, I am perfectly aware there will always be a$$holes out there who have so little self esteem in themselves that they feel the need to put down anyone and everyone else. Yes it saddens and disappoints me that someone neglected to teach them any sort of behavioral decency.

i'll just take it as a knock at me...i can respond quite easily...
you are not right. the way you were raised is just that, the way you were raised. you may say i have no behavioral decency i will say you have a stick up your @ss. it saddens and disappoints me that some people actually live their life confined by boundaries and are curbed by the beliefs of other people...again see how the street goes both ways
#92REDACTED, Posted: Oct 15 2005 at 5:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) no i believe that comment was addressed at me. But I didn't bash anyone, nor did I bash gays. I just bashed you lawtech for being a attention *****. It has nothing to do with being gay, I just don't like it when people cry out about political issues on a game forum. Take your bullcrap somewhere else, and just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean im hateful or have low self esteem. I just believe your argument is way too whiny and I'm sick of people crying about the political correct crap. I'm sure you walk around all day watching everything you say like a perfect little angel....
#93 Oct 15 2005 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,099 posts
That said, some words have multiple meanings - like anything, context plays a role. Using "gay" to mean happy or "*****" to mean strange is certainly not an insult. But, at least in the US, gay has evolved to mean someone who is a homosexual. And the phrase "that's gay" has come about in the last 20 years or so to identify anything someone identifies as dumb, stupid, or otherwise "bad".

I agree, words do evolve and mutate, one word which springs to mind, starts with C ends with T and has the UN sitting in the middle of it, these days it is a very bad swear word, but in its original context, which I cant remember what it was, it was used during the Spanish Inquisition or something.

But language does evolve, but the Internet isnt America, so the language has a meaning of its own that should not be interpreted as it would offline. So whilst in some sectors gay refers to sexuality, in others it refers to colour and gaeity from the french gai, and online, it refers to bad/stupid/silly/lots of other things.

Personally I dont use the term, I can express myself in words of more than three letters, and I do think less of people who constantly spout out gay, but I do not think automatically of sexuality when it is said, and that is really the point.
#94 Oct 15 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
This is what happens to gays in certain countries due to religous biggots.

Now this is truly immoral.

Edited, Sat Oct 15 12:01:38 2005 by asuraversion
#95 Oct 15 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
150 posts
great another homosexual who thinks that being gay is like being black. being a certain race cannot be chosen. i believe homosexuality can be chosen

If it is something that can be chosen, then it must be a choice anybody can make. So do it. Take a few minutes out of your life and CHOOSE to be attracted to people of the same sex.

Yeah, uh huh. I've heard this before: Any homosexual out there, they got up in the morning, chose to wear a blue tie, chose to eat wheaties for breakfast and why not live out the rest of their life in a very commonly socially rejected group of people in the world?


Hi, I'm Coji from the Siren Server by the way. The original post is a great post. A tad long, but it says a hell of a lot. Good job dude. :3

Yeah sure, there are ways of life I don't necessarily agree with, but I tend to agree to disagree with them. Every good person deserves respect no matter who they are on the inside or what choices they make.

I'm not gay, I'm female, I live with my boyfriend, etc... However, I do have gay friends. Most of which I had NO IDEA they were gay until the topic somehow came up in conversation.

The gay people that you see on the media and in parades and stuff. Okay, I'll agree, they're a bit... odd. But I'm a bit odd myself to other people so it doesn't really matter. I think, personally, they should be proving to the world that they are like anyone else, just with different preferences (or not mentioning it at all) then running around shoving it in everyone's faces... but you know what. They're proud of who they are, thats cool. And I have no problems with their lifestyle.

I just really don't think sexuality is something that should be made common knowledge outside of conversation. I don't run around saying "Hi, my name is Coji, I'll be in your party today, I'm white, I have green eyes, I like cartoons, my favorite animal is cats and I'm straight." Nothing wrong with any of it, it's just a bit odd to bring it up right there.

I'm kinda straying away from the topic. The original post, thumbs up. ^^d I hope you continue to lead a happy life.
If you are looking for me, I don't really use messengers anymore.
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Quit FFXI. Formerly: Siren Server :: Coji
#96 Oct 15 2005 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
836 posts
Sorry, Barch, had to rate down that particular post

Haha, you rated me down because I agreed and defended you?? Now THAT'S "gay".

I'm tellin' Mr. Garrison.

#97 Oct 15 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
Well, as to the "choice" issue.

There's two ways to construe the phrase "he chooses to be gay."

The first is an indication of a manner of doing things. "He chooses to lead a homosexual lifestyle." Yes, you do -choose- to do so... you -could- go out and live a "straight" life, just like I -could- go out and attempt to have sexual relations with a man. But we don't, it's just not how either of us prefer to live. So, in that manner, yes, it is a choice.

The other way is the implication that they choose to be gay, ie: they woke up and decided one day to be homosexual. I'm not gay myself, so I don't know for sure, but I believe that, yes, they are born this way. This is a bit gross, but guys... if you're straight and you, say, open up a Playboy, certain parts of your body will... err... expand. You can't control it, it's an innate, instinctual reaction. The same for a homosexual man looking at a really hot guy - the same will happen. So it can be deduced that it really -is- biological, despite the unusual example. (Sorry.)

Just some thinking points.

#98 Oct 15 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Excellent
42 posts
If I may interject a little, I believe the OP was objecting to the prevalence of language based on denigrating homosexuals.

I refer you to this article:, and this quote from it:
"In compiling the Dictionary of American Slang in the 1970s, Flexher (1975) became aware that "most American slang is created and used by males. Many types of slang words . . . refer primarily to male endeavor and interest (p. xii)." de Klerk (1990) concurs with this belief and attributes the greater use of slang among males to the inherent "daring" component of slang use, as well as to the greater self-confidence experienced by males. Similarly, the high value placed on obscene language found in male peer groups (Romaine, 1994) may lead to the greater prevalence of slang use among males."

...and this: "One analysis of the English language found 220 expressions for a sexually promiscuous woman compared to merely 22 idioms to describe the male counterpart (Stanley, 1977). "

I've been aware of this linguistic imbalance for the last 20 years, (yah, I'm old, lol), and I have noticed an interesting trend in the FFXI community, ie. that homosexual-based derogatory terms are now used almost as often as female-based terms. My personal belief is that as women in this online community and younger generation are more respected, the language has begun to shift to basing derogatory terms on homosexuals, particularly male homosexuals.

Are women now less of a threat? Seen less as "other"? Less objectified? ...Less of a source of fear than male homosexuals?

I have my own opinions, and no wish to start another discussion down the track of what is and is not acceptable cultural and sexual behavior and choices. However, the language you use *does* impact the people who hear it, especially if they are not close friends or family with whom you have developed an "insider's" language. Hearing it over and over again, it slowly wears away at you and your self-confidence.

Would it be that hard to balance it out, to find or create new terms to express yourself? For every (Bio)tch, use a (******* Sword)? Avoid homosexual and race/culture-based terms entirely as they are simply have too much emotional impact in current times?

I challenge you do to exactly this ^^.

#99 Oct 15 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
emotional times...emotional times...
ppl really need to get over themselves by now. i mean honestly, of course theres still racism, sexism, idealisms, oppression, etc any other sin or hardship. but if you really think you have felt, experienced, seen something that hasnt happened before you really need to wake up.
as hard as you think your lives are its nothing compared to what real persecution others have had to deal with before you. the world today is so buttered up and self conscious they are afraid to be themselves, even if it offends other ppl. please dont flatter yourself, when i say "thats gay" im not thinking about you or any of your gay buddies, its just how i choose to express myself.
you have one good point in that the terms will never dissapate. why try so hard to seem oppressed or insulted? are you really that bored in your adult life? even not considering this game there are dozens of things that can be said in the course of a day that i can take offense to if need be it. i really find my self too busy to be caught up in some garbage to really give it a second look no matter how offensive it MAY seem. now dont get it twisted, if someone insults your personally thats a whole new story, but do you really need to make a stink about some things other ppl say that dont concern you? maybe...but still, if you are so patient and understanding as you make yourselves out to be...keep walking. let them savor the wrath of their own ignorance (so you make it out to be).

act as smart as you all try to sound...b/c frankly i find all your high horse attitudes more offensive and ignorant than the ppl just trying to express themselves in whatever ignorant way they choose

btw barch ... nice comeback

Edited, Sat Oct 15 21:22:43 2005 by Klawisgay
#100 Oct 15 2005 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
ya know back in the old days oppression meant people would actually cause you physical harm for your beliefs. now people get all up in arms over a couple words that some person says. this doesnt really have much to do with the OP but its just some trend ive been noticing in america as of late. we seem to be getting more and more sensitive to language and i cant understand why..... you could just ignore anything anyone says (especially if its not directed at you) but a lot of people dont seem to want to do that. theyd rather stand up and start a protest or something rather than let the small **** go..... interesting times we live in.
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