Would anyone 70+ be willing/able to lend me a hand with the NM fight?
I already have the offering, I just need some muscle for the fight. >)
Decent gil reward per member/group for success, plus any extra drops would be auctioned and split up as a bonus.
If this is too unreasonable, please let me know. I would shout in Jeuno for help but I'm not sure what would be considered fair. (I only have about 600k total to throw at this right now.)
I'm a lvl59 summoner and I feel kinda left out without them... Plus I'd like to try my hand at soloing bombs in ifrit's cauldron, since despite my efforts, I can't seem to ding 60. ><
I expect it to be a death run for myself but my 2hour should at least put a dent in Mr. Pawberry's armor. ^^;
Please let me know and thanks for your time. ~Aet
Edit: I'm sorry, I just realized there was a post about the same thing a bit down. Please forgive the repetition.
Edited, Sat Aug 6 03:01:45 2005 by jklotros