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Interview with SE some good info.Follow

#1 Aug 03 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
418 posts

At Square's recent Square Enix Party 2005 event in Tokyo this past weekend, 1UP had the pleasure of sitting down with Final Fantasy XI producer Hiromichi Tanaka to ask him about the popular MMO's most recent patch update, as well as the game's future on Xbox 360. While Tanaka and his team worked the crowd with team-based competitions for members of the audience, they also had a working Xbox 360 on display, running Final Fantasy XI. There wasn't much happening on the widescreen TV showcasing the 360 version, but the textures were exceptionally detailed, and the characters benefited from a richer color palette (as opposed to the occasionally washed-out look on the PC and PS2 versions) and enhanced lighting effects, which resulted in high-contrast shadows for a more solid look than ever before. We have a handful of new 360 screenshots for you to examine for yourself, but before you do, take a look at what Tanaka-san had to say about FFXI's current state of affairs.
1UP: So how's the feedback been from the recent patch?

Hiromichi Tanaka: The new "Fellowship" quest has been really popular.

1UP: Why create an NPC ally for players to party with?

HT: We got the idea from the other NPC escort quests [Editor's note: Like the Crawler's Nest escort quest with Olavia] but this time we're giving a little more freedom, allowing you to choose where to go with your NPC.

1UP: Are there any plans to expand this feature? Currently NPCs can only be of the Warrior job class and can only accompany players for 45 minutes.

HT: At the moment we're looking at what effect having extra NPCs on the screen will have and we're testing this feature and do intend to extend the amount of time you can play with NPCs.

1UP: Is this feature a way to help players who don't often get party invites? Generally speaking, Samurai, Monks, and Dragoons generally have trouble getting invites while jobs like Red Mages, White Mages and Rangers have no trouble.

HT: (laughs) No no, that's not why we're doing it. It's really for people to play together. We're making an effort to help those jobs who have trouble getting invites.

1UP: In a recent Famitsu there was a poll of what new jobs FFXI players would like to see. Are you looking to that poll to help decide whether you'll include a new job class like Blue Mage?

HT: We're looking to that poll as we move forward with developing new content. Although I can't say anything more about that right now!

1UP: When you do introduce a new job, will you limit the players who can become that new job? If level 1 players can all access the new job, you know there will be 500,000 Blue Mages running around the world.

HT: It hasn't been decided yet, but it will probably be like the extra jobs that can be accessed after level 30.

1UP: Are you planning any major updates for Chains of Promathia?

HT: Story wise the updates are finished, but of course we'll continue to update other aspects of the game like the battle system, for example.

1UP: You guys did a good job in combating the Gil sellers from places like Ordelle's Cave, where they'd monopolize creatures like Stroper Chyme for their Archer's Rings. And now those rings have been moved to burning circle (BCNM) battles, requiring players to spend Beastmen Seals to compete for them. While you've adjusted the ways in which you can get various items in the game (Emperor's Hairpin, Leaping Boots, Peacock Charm) are there any plans to help make the distribution of even more rare items more accessible to players of all levels?

HT: Up until now we've always been trying to come up with ways to prevent cheating. But this recent problem was just very public. We will introduce new ways to get rare items so everybody can have a chance. We're actually including this into our next patch update which is due in the next few days.

1UP: The spell Raise 3 was only available in BCNM matches for a decent period, recently, and typically sold for over one million Gil, but thanks to the recent patch it's now 15,000 gil. How much thought goes into these kinds of adjustments? Because there's always going to be that pissed off player who saved that million gil for Raise 3, only to have it drop to 15,000 gil the next day.

HT: Balancing the economy is so hard you know. It's hard to manage these things and not end up upsetting some players. All I can say about that example is that I'm sorry about it!

1UP: There's been a big change to the damage Rangers do, as well as their required positioning [Editor's note: Rangers are now required to attack from ranged distance, go figure]. Do you think Rangers in general were too powerful? By scaling back the power of Rangers, does that make the other melee classes more viable?

HT: The reason why we adjusted the Rangers was to help draw out the natural playing ability of players. Previously they were strong in almost every aspect of the game. Now they're going to have to choose the instance when to get involved. You could say Rangers are going to have to be more strategy focused than before. This all will make the other classes more appealing.

1UP: Are you looking to do something similar with Black Mages? A recent trend has been these "Manaburning" parties where five Black Mages (and a tank to hold hate) all cast Blizzaga 3 and kick (arguably) too much ***, too fast. Black Mages can hit level 75 in no time using this strategy.

HT: The Black Mages have been way too strong and ever since we released the game, and we've been trying to make them weaker. But as you know, players always find creative ways to get around this (laughs). But as for what we're going to do in the future, we're planning to continue to look to those Black Mages and continue to adjust them

1UP: Are there any plans to make the other melee classes more appealing? Scaling back Rangers is one way. But Dragoons, Samurais, Monks and Thieves can always be found seeking parties for hours with little success.

HT: Of course. Not only are we looking at what jobs are too strong, but we're working on what jobs need adjusting and maybe a little more strength.

1UP: Can you tell us what the least popular class is?

HT: Haha, it's probably Dragoons. At first there was a lot of them but the Japanese players tend to stay away from them. And interestingly enough, Rangers didn't used to be popular at all. I guess it's all about learning how to use different jobs and there are some situations where Dragoons are very strong.

1UP: With the recent change, Ninjas were worried they would lose their relevance, do to the enmity loss with each Utsusemi shadow lost. So far it hasn't been nearly the issue many Ninjas feared it would be, but were the changes made to make Thiefs more valuable in parties, or to shift favor over to the Paladins?

HT: Most of the changes were made to balance out the game and give it more strategy. With Ninjas you could just get "hit" until your party killed your enemy. So now we're trying to make the combat more interesting, not just with Thieves and Ninjas, but with other jobs. These tweaks are about making the combat more interesting.

1UP: It seemed as if this had to do with making Paladins more useful in endgame battles where Ninjas typically dominate, thanks to HNMs (hyper notorious monsters) who can one-shot even the strongest Paladin.

HT: I can't say anything about Paladins in particular, but yes, we're always looking to make jobs more balanced and interesting for players so one isn't better than the other.

1UP: How's work going on the Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy XI?

HT: We're almost finished with the optimization of the game on the system. It's close to being done!

1UP: It's been reported that the draw distance on the Xbox 360 will be twice as long as the PC version. Will this give Xbox 360 players an added advantage because they can see enemies from a longer distance, helping 360 owners to camp rare monsters more efficiently?

HT: Actually, the draw distance will mostly affect the overall scenery of the game. The distance between the players and enemies will be the same as the Windows and PS2 version.

1UP: Was putting FFXI on Xbox 360 a way to sustain the game because Sony yanked hard-drive support for the PS2 (Thanks, Sony!)? Nowadays if you want to pick up FFXI and start playing, the PC version is the only option at the moment.

HT: It's not so much the survival of FFXI as is it giving players an option to play the game on next-generation hardware. Of course the added bonus for those players is to play the game in high-definition on widescreen HD televisions.

1UP: Will the 360 version support voice-chat? We sure hope not.

HT: No, it won't. The reason being is that we track player abuse through the chat logs, and if we removed the necessity of the chat log, it would be impossible to take action against abusive players.

1UP: When will the 360 version ship, and will the content basically be like the upcoming Final Fantasy XI: The Vana'diel Collection DVD coming out soon for PC (read: FFXI, Rise of the Zilart, and Chains of Promathia all on one disc)?

HT: We'll ship the game for Xbox 360 this year, and since the game is launching in the U.S. first, the beta period should start sooner for you guys (than the Japanese), possibly in September.

1UP: When the Xbox 360 version hits, will a patch be made available for PC players with high-end graphics cards to get similar high-fidelity graphics out of the game? The 360 version's character models look really nice, with deep shadows and rich colors.

HT: Yes, that will be possible, but the kind of video card you're talking about is extremely expensive!

1UP: It's OK. We're filthy rich! The new summer quest (the Sunbreeze Festival) has this really cool swimwear for the clamming activity (on Purgonorgo Isle) that looks really great on female characters, but like a lot of overly-girly clothing in FFXI, it just doesn't look very good on male characters. Was this deliberate?

HT: You think they look pretty ugly, is that what you're saying? (laughs) I'll mention that to the designers for you.

1UP: It only looks retarded on guys, and in a related fashion question, why don't Vana'diels grooms get any wedding gear equivalent, like a tuxedo, to match the brides white wedding gowns?

HT: Kind of like reverse sexism, right? Hmm, why is that? I guess for weddings in general, it's all about the bride. They're supposed to be the most beautiful thing. For the men, you could always buy some really nice armor for the ceremony. Let me consider putting in a tuxedo for the grooms.

1UP: As of late, FFXI has been suffering from numerous DDoS attacks, which, among other things, cripples the search functionality, makes the Auction House unusable, and on rare occasions makes it impossible to log in. How close are you to finding the people responsible for this?

HT: The FBI is helping us find them, but it's been very difficult. But as you know, these attacks are coming from around the globe, so it's extremely hard to track these people down. The way the attacks are hitting us is always changing.

1UP: Square Enix recently registered a trademark for "Treasures of Aht Urhgan". Is that a hint of an upcoming expansion pack?

HT: I can tell you that we're working on the new content right now, but as for the title of the next expansion, please just wait a little bit longer.

1UP: Thank you.

#2 Aug 03 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
i wanna be in the beta ; ;

Huzzah for insight!
#3 Aug 03 2005 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
900 posts
{Blue Mage}, {Berserker}, {Dancer}, {Mime}, {Time Mage} Square Enix, {Can I have it?}.

I think Beastmaster/Blue Mage would be a totally awesome job combo.

/em uses {Sic} while using a pet Dhalmel in Eastern Altepa Desert.

The Desert Dhalmel uses Healing Breeze.
Siviard recovers 250 hp!
Siviard learns "Healing Breeze"!

I can see it now. LOL

I wonder if Blue Mages would be able to learn "Jet Stream" LOL. I'd be spamming that as soon as I got 100% TP. LOL. If so, I wonder what the animation would look like.

SE will probably impose level restrictions on Blue Mages, like for example, you can't learn "Jet Stream" from bats until you're Lv. 15, or you can't learn "Metallic Body" from crabs in Valkurm Dunes until Lv. 17 or 18. Still, it would be a blast watching Blue Mages using these abilities in parties. Would make it pretty interesting.
#4 Aug 08 2005 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
rate up! because I found this information most interesting. It is very interesting to hear about what SE actually plans. Thank you for pointing this article out ^^
#5 Aug 08 2005 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
245 posts
Good info, very interesting read.
#6 Aug 08 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
{Blue Mage}, {Berserker}, {Dancer}, {Mime}, {Time Mage}

I can see Blue and Time mage, but not Berserker. They would have to give Berserker the DEF of a BLM and a bit more power than a WAR or DRK. But to be honest, WAR and DRK already fit that role.

  • Berserk
  • Mighty Strikes

  • DRK
  • Last Resort
  • Soul Eater

  • Mime would be COOL. But I don't know how it'd be in Ballista. Dancer would have to be different from Bard. Can you imagine a Galka in Dancer AF? ^^ lol. Time Mage, oh hellz yeah. I so want them to add this.

    Time mage
  • Slowga III
  • Hastega III
  • Memory Lapse 10 Minute JA(restart JA timer for PT member)
  • [li] Gravitional Meltdown 2 hour(Hastega IV the PT for 30secs and Slow IV the mob...aka, BULLET TIME!!)

    Plus Time mage can have Job Traits like Auto Haste at lvl 10, Resist Slow and such. They can have sundials and pocketwatches that go into the ammo or ranged slot that gives Time stats and such. SE, GIVE US TIME MAGE!!!
    #7 Aug 08 2005 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
    1,255 posts
    Gravitional Meltdown 2 hour(Hastega IV the PT for 30secs and Slow IV the mob...aka, BULLET TIME!!)

    So ummm...what happens if a mnk uses hundred fists during this time? I'd pay to see that :)
    #8 Aug 08 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good
    610 posts
    1UP: Are you looking to do something similar with Black Mages? A recent trend has been these "Manaburning" parties where five Black Mages (and a tank to hold hate) all cast Blizzaga 3 and kick (arguably) too much ***, too fast. Black Mages can hit level 75 in no time using this strategy.

    HT: The Black Mages have been way too strong and ever since we released the game, and we've been trying to make them weaker. But as you know, players always find creative ways to get around this (laughs). But as for what we're going to do in the future, we're planning to continue to look to those Black Mages and continue to adjust them

    Ah find this bit from SE to be highly amusing. They have been trying to make us weaker??????

    Yeah okay tell me another one. With the addition of the Igqira Weskit (MAB +5), Uggalepih Pendant (Hidden effect of MAB+8) and the as of yet unobtainable Novio Earring (MAB+7) yeah, ok, ah'm getting weaker as a 75 blm.
    #9 Aug 08 2005 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
    567 posts
    They have been trying to make us weaker??????

    Translation error... I think he meant weakened. Next update: new Job Trait for Black Mages! Enmity +20!
    #10 Aug 08 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
    rate up good post
    #11 Aug 08 2005 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
    836 posts
    No, I think they are just gonna weaken BLM's nuke power so that the Magic Att. Bonus gear will be needed more. Kinda like what they did to RNGs, making them want to sub WAR to do better DMG.
    #12 Aug 08 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
    610 posts
    No, I think they are just gonna weaken BLM's nuke power so that the Magic Att. Bonus gear will be needed more. Kinda like what they did to RNGs, making them want to sub WAR to do better DMG.

    Heh well see here's a bit of the deal Bar. Unlike Melee jobs, all magic has a "soft cap" on damage. Blizzard IV is going to do the same damage to a lvl 5 rabbit and a lvl 75 weapon, barring mob resists. Melee on the other hand might do 500 d to a lvl 5 rabbit and 90 to a lvl 75 weapon.

    MAB, Int, staves and MB are the only ways for us to "increase" our damage. Should they lower the magic cap damage, to help eliminate "Manaburn" parties can monks be far behind the blm? After all, a bones party at 75 can hit 10K exp/hr.
    #13 Aug 08 2005 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
    836 posts
    Heh well see here's a bit of the deal Bar. Unlike Melee jobs, all magic has a "soft cap" on damage. Blizzard IV is going to do the same damage to a lvl 5 rabbit and a lvl 75 weapon, barring mob resists. Melee on the other hand might do 500 d to a lvl 5 rabbit and 90 to a lvl 75 weapon.

    MAB, Int, staves and MB are the only ways for us to "increase" our damage. Should they lower the magic cap damage, to help eliminate "Manaburn" parties can monks be far behind the blm? After all, a bones party at 75 can hit 10K exp/hr.

    Hehehe, yeah, but how much DMG is that Blizzard IV doing to the 75 weapon? I don't want BLM's to get nerfed. Hell, I'm the posterboy for wanting SE to strengthen other jobs. I'm actually /shocked that SE considered nerfing a mage job. I always thought they'd leave them alone, seeing the lack of mages on the game. But with SE, the "wheel of nerf" seems to continue it's spin.

    I think that RNG's should have gotten a nerf on IT+++ mobs (like now), and a melee zone nerf. NOT a "sweet spot" deal. Let DMG and ACC be normal anywhere AWAY from melee zone.

    As for BLMs, they DO do a lot of DMG, but they are friggin' BLMs, that's what they supposed to do. If they weaken it like they did RNG, then a RDM can probably replace BLMs in PTs more. I do not think that SE is that dumb, well, I hope not. So i can't imagine what they would do to the job. If they are gonna make BLMs weaker, they better give them some new JA's at least.

    As for MNKs, I never complained about them getting 10k an hour at a 75, hehehe, I thought about going MNK one day. I mean, at 75, things are a bit weaker to you, so you can kill much faster and safer. MNKs have a hard enough time getting a PT, they better not nerf them.

    If SE keeps this up, they will end up ruining their own game. I think Asheron's Call did something like that. Nerfing jobs every month lol. I think that BLM's should keep the power that they have. Actually, I wouldn't mind if they got a bit more. I love to see big MBs. I have no hate for any job, because first and foremost, we are all players. Our job is second. One day you might be DRK, the next RDM. Wish no one harm because it might be harming yourself.

    So SE, don't nerf us again and GIVE US TIME MAGE!!!!
    #14 Aug 08 2005 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
    610 posts
    Next time ah'm in sky ah'll write down some comparisons. Generally ah think my Bliz IV does 1-1.2k damage unbursted on a weapon. Thundaga III mb is avg 1400 or so on weapons and close to 1700 on statues. On bones my Thundaga III does mid to high 1200 unbursted and that's in MB party.

    People complain oft about MB parties, but do ye realize how rare they really are? Try getting 5 blm and a brd seeking at the same time at 75. I've done mb with 3blm 2rdm and brd, 4blm rdm and brd. Strangest set up ah had was war/nin bst/war 2 rdm and 2 blm. 'Bout 6k/hr. Ah've had maybe a dozen or so "manaburn" parties. Ah've had quite a few wannaburn pt. 2blm rdm brd nin and war. Not bad xp, but at the level we're at Bar, if ah get 4k - 5k/hr ah'm in hog heaven. 3k/hr seems almost the norm. Can't seem to get into any of the roaming 10k/hr pt or a bones pt either. Damned overpowered monks and their brd roflmao! NERF THE MONKS!!!!! j/k :-)
    #15 Aug 08 2005 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
    836 posts
    Wow, I didn't know BLMs were THAT powerful. Over 1k DMG unbursted? Wow. Hell, maybe you guys DO need a nerf, lol.

    Yeah, everyone seems to complain on this game.
    MNK's complain about not getting PTs, while they knuckle-up in bone PTs.
    DRG's complain about RNG's taking their spots, while they solo or duo.
    PLD's complain that NIN's take their spot, while their's like only 2 tank jobs.
    DRK's complain about low invites, while they take THF's role. (lvl 66 up)

    I'm just tired of SE's answer to "fair game" involves a constant nerf. People say things are unbalanced. Well, a THF don't supposed to do the same melee DMG as a WAR, nor does a RDM supposed to have the nuke power of a BLM. I think jobs are balanced in their own right. It's ppl constantly complaining, when they can do something to better themselves and their current job to make some type of difference. Making a BLM nuke like a RDM is not balance.

    Edited, Mon Aug 8 23:21:01 2005 by BarchielReturns
    #16 Aug 08 2005 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
    3,033 posts
    Papawarlock wrote:
    People complain oft about MB parties, but do ye realize how rare they really are? Try getting 5 blm and a brd seeking at the same time at 75. I've done mb with 3blm 2rdm and brd, 4blm rdm and brd. Strangest set up ah had was war/nin bst/war 2 rdm and 2 blm. 'Bout 6k/hr. Ah've had maybe a dozen or so "manaburn" parties. Ah've had quite a few wannaburn pt. 2blm rdm brd nin and war. Not bad xp, but at the level we're at Bar, if ah get 4k - 5k/hr ah'm in hog heaven. 3k/hr seems almost the norm. Can't seem to get into any of the roaming 10k/hr pt or a bones pt either. Damned overpowered monks and their brd roflmao! NERF THE MONKS!!!!! j/k :-)

    I made a party with this setup-


    Skill chain was Swift Blade> Shark Bite and the thief Trick Attacked Shark Bite onto me. Since I was throwing down Swift Blades for 400-600 on Decorative Weapons, the Skillchain and subsequent double Thundaga III MBs finished off the mobs. I dinged a merit on the 4th mob we fought in our first chain, and dinged another while still under the effects of my 3rd piece of food. So I guestimate we were averaging 8-8.5k an hr which could have been more if there had been more mobs.

    In case you're wondering how that is possible with a PLD, I can explain. I was eating Sole Sushi and was tanking with Berserk on whenever it was up. Also, I was wearing Byrnie and Dusk Trousers which add a good amount of Defense and HP as well as 3 STR and +34 attack. Sure, I was getting hit harder than the 25-35 dmg I would have taken in full defensive setup and a Taco, but hitting the mobs for 80-165 a swing meant that my BLMs could open up on the mobs and not be too concerned about taking hate unless they did something extraordinary. especially with a THF sticking hate on my back every minute. Also I'm working on my 4th upgrade to critical hits, so those occur much more often. ^^

    I hate tanking IT statues just because I have to eat defensive food and do little to no damage like I did for most of my PLD career, but if I've got some great DD in my party, I'll suffer for the better exp per kill we can get off those.

    As far as King Ransperre's Tomb, I can keep hate unless the MNKs open with Asuran Fists, which is whenever they have TP. I've been in a party with 3 MNK, RDM, and BRD and we've gotten up to chain #16. One of the MNKs was MNK/SAM and was JP. I want to make a party someday with this setup- MNK x 4, PLD/WHM, and BRD/WHM. I could be wailing on the mobs and throwing Curagas like they were free, since my staff is capped and I'm at close to full MP every 100% TP on bones. The MND bonus I get from WHM sub makes my Spirit Takers even more effective, as in 700+ dmg effective. BRD could concentrate on pulling and sleeping adds since I'd have the curing under control.

    There's lots of ways to kill mobs fast and get those 6-10k/hr parties. If I was getting 3k/hr, I'd be crying. I feel your pain.
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