DeadlyVipersSquad is sponsoring the following event. If everyone in the following Nationalitis lvled a job from 1-10 in an opposing city's home area your nation could take it over. I noticed from my own lvling that it is very easy to get the Windurst conquest bar to jump a little from my own lvling from 1-10 in West Ronfaure. So despite what some may think it would be very easy. We just need 'everyone' involved. The benefit of doing this is that you are able to do an outpost supply quest to that region and then you will be able to outpost warp to that outpost no matter who controls the region in the future!. So here is the plan of attack.
Next Week the following nationalities will 'invade' the following areas and lvl a job from 1-10+ in those areas.
|San D'Oria| -> |North & South Gustaberg|
|Bastok| -> |East & West Sarutabaruta|
|Windurst| -> |East & West Ronfaure|
Judging on how much participation this event gets and thereby successful we are we can do this again the following week and rotate the zones that nations will invade. I have no idea about Expiditionary Forces but if someone else does know something please feel free to share that info with us. It would help respective nations establish control of those regions. I ask that everyone find the time to participate in this event; as everyone will have a fantastic opportunity and the satisfaction of knowing that you changed the face of the game for a week. If you have any questions feel free to ask them.