Doomy, learn from our mistakes for 5-2.
Castle Zvhal can be an ugly place. Make sure that everyone has a way to sneak and invis themselves and a way to get back. When we got to the BCNM the first time, it was 4-5 mages seaking/invising/re-sneaking/re-invising 16 people all the way through. It took FOREVER.
The second time only the people who could sneak/invis went. It took less than 30 mins. Oils, powders, spells...whatever. If everyone takes care of themselves, the trip will be very fast. Otherwise you'll be there until 3am :/
Oh btw, Kamina needed 5-1 (maybe) and 5-2. Maybe you can ask if they want to go?
edit: btw, demons = sight, eyes = sight + sound so you don't need to use both the entire way.
Edited, Fri Aug 5 11:55:12 2005 by SophusTehNewb