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Attention Players of Shiva, A Petition to SEFollow

#77 Jul 29 2005 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
i dont care what anyone says, no one level 20 levels ABOVE a mob is going to MISS as much as an RNG does now. and if you cant see that changes like THAT are unfair then you're just as blind as you claim i am.

Well, um, my 70 Bloodpacts missed a friggin' gob in Valkurm a few times, and a few with a rabbit, and not to mention when I tried helping someone with Garlaige Citadel key, missed Flaming Crush about ever 2-3 mobs.. Just how things are. And, yet, like you RNG's have all that ACC bonus stuff, my pants AF give "Enhances Avatar's Accuracy."

So, yes, I know it gets annoying, lol, but just makes you have to be more strategic, no? Just how I see it.

#78 Jul 29 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
Sophus, you sound like a pretty good person/player, but what you are doing in PT is NOT just helping RNG. Why do you see it as that? You are not just helping your melee, you are helping yourself also. The faster your melee kills the mob, the faster you the puller can pull, the more XP you get. I understand what you are saying, but don't make it seem one sided. Thats like me saying I'm strickly helping out my WHM by trying to kill the mob fast. No, I'm helping everyone on the team including myself. We are out there trying to get XP, not take a stroll through the tulips.

Acepod, bring yer noise. Cohle made some really good, points on his post. Much better than I made.

Acepod, I agree with you that RNG should not be able to do that well on IT+++s, but outdamage you? Yes, a RNG was meant for power. Most ppl can match and outdamage a RNG anyway, before patch. If I'm swinging and axe while someone next to me is paying per shot, I'd have to wonder why the hell he wants to pay per shot to do DMG when he can swing and axe like me.

And your 25% to lvl 75 theory is pretty ignorant. You mean to tell me that you don't want to get to lvl 75? That's almost everyone's goal. Why do you make a PT?

I do agree with you about harder to reach max potential, but that max is gone to be honest, though RNG can still do pretty well.

Acepod, if SE nerfed WAR's DMG by..let's say 10%, and made Dual Wield as slow as DWI, and made you have to distance yourself slightly away from the mob so your elbows won't get in the way...restricting your "full potential of DMG", you mean to tell me that YOU wouldn't be pissed? Of course you would.

And Nieko...

My WHM/WAR is still waiting on you....
#79 Jul 29 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Ty bar, I appreciate the compliment.

After all, I'm doing this to help them, not me (not directly, anyway)

That was my quote from earlier. I know that going the extra mile actually helps me indirectly; that's why I do it. I don't have to, it's usually not expected, and most people are surprised by it. The thing is, I choose to do it because it helps the other members which--in turn--helps me. However, the more difficult the player makes this task, the more likely I am to say "***** it" and give up.

As ace hinted earlier, it's blatently obvious when people go the extra mile. For melees: damage given is more, damage taken is less (depending), accuracy is greater, and the mob dies faster. For mages: less mp is used, less downtime is occured, and the mob dies just as fast (if not faster). Whether this means using +1 gear, +1 food, keeping weapons levelled, or just being on top of the game the results say it all.

Some rangers buy sole sushi+1 to show off--but usually it's done to help out the party. After all, why waste so much money when the NQ version has almost the same stats? It's because he/she has the expectation that everyone will bust their *** off and EVERYONE will reap the benefit of massive chains and experience. Sure, it helps them out to because they level faster...but they couldn't get the same results without everyone else pulling his/her weight.

On the flip side, it's a kick in the pants when you use sole sushi +1 or marron glace and others use meat jerky and apple pies (yes, I've seen both happen before :( ).

When I see someone doing something because they want to do it--and not because it's helping the party--it's just as bad as anything else. What's more, it's not even hiding the fact that they don't care about the party; they only care about themselves. It doesn't matter if it's a melee not taking advice or a mage casting bio to level their drk magic when dia has already been cast. It makes the extra effort I put forth less and less worth it.
#80 Jul 29 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
Some rangers buy sole sushi+1 to show off--but usually it's done to help out the party. After all, why waste so much money when the NQ version has almost the same stats? It's because he/she has the expectation that everyone will bust their *** off and EVERYONE will reap the benefit of massive chains and experience. Sure, it helps them out to because they level faster...but they couldn't get the same results without everyone else pulling his/her weight.

Well, the only reason I can warrant using Sole or Squid +1 is that:
a) you made it yourself
b) you are rich
c) you want to show off
d) you happen to have it and think the PT is worth it
e) all of the above

To be honest, I think most choose c). They give like what, 1% more ACC and 1 more DEX? It's really not economical to buy that, unless you have stashes of cash. I want to see what Acepod buys "per PT" since he is supposed spending 120k per PT. I know you can't eat a whole stack of Sole +1s in one sitting, if that's what you REALLY buy. Buying it 3-4 times don't count. I'm talking about your usual XP PT supplies. I can tell you mine off hand.

7 Stacks of Silver Bullets---130k-140k
1 Stack of Shihei-----------7-9k
2 Bison Steaks-------------8k
(anything else, I don't totally consume in one PT, so its not included)

So thats almost at 160k per PT with RNG. I didn't mind at first, because I got my money's worth. But if you are spending that and you are not a RNG or NIN, you must be getting your food out of god's kitchen. Must be good.

I think a good PT BEGINS with a good attitude. You need to be able to play with others and such, because unless we all go BST, we won't make it far. That's the double-edge of FFXI. Skill is next.

And one more thought. I still wonder why ppl say "RNGs take my spot in a PT." RNGs are NOT the problem. It's the lack of mages and tanks. I think SE needs to introduce another tank/type job. It really sucks looking for PT, when you see a bunch of DD and a BLM or two, which happens a lot on this game. Which is also a reason why mages probably don't have to fear a nerf, because the game needs more. I tell you, if there were more mages, you wouldn't hear half as many complaints about ppl LFG. I think thats what SE needs to introduce on the next update. The new jobs that are coming should be mage-type, a tank-type, and a hybrid-type. Please bring teh Time Mages and Geomancers!! Haste III {Do you need it?} That's one mage job that I do want to be.
#81 Jul 29 2005 at 8:21 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
Man, I just read Acepod's post. After reading that, I now know that one thing is true...

"Cocaine is a helluva drug..."
#82 Jul 30 2005 at 3:10 AM Rating: Good
836 posts
Wow, just a thought. If SE introduced Time Mages, what abilities do you think they should have? I think they should have an ability/spell to reset a member's Job Ability timers. It should have a decent recast time like 2 minutes or so, but the mage could haste III himself/herself, cutting the time to like a minute. That would be too cool, plus it would warrant a good reason to have a Time Mage in a PT.
#83 Jul 30 2005 at 6:41 AM Rating: Default
142 posts
Sophus. Look. If is RNG/NIN tried using tools on ITs, do you know what would happen? RESIST. Not only is RNG ninjutsu skill cut in half by sub, they will be using the Ichi line of ninjutsu. What the RNG will be doing THEN is wasting time.

And yet people think its a blm/whm's job to be a support healer. And a Smn/whm can make a good primary healer; not!

Cohle, I understand your frustration. Really I do. However, a leveling of the playing field for damage dealers was 'needed' in order for the 'players' to change their modus operandi. As someone said, everything has an equal and opposite reaction. The only way for people to start seeing the other damage dealers as acceptable was to make it so the differences wasn't so obvious. If you can do the same dmg as a normal DD now then the patch really should not matter. why? because you should still be able to walk the hate line with your tank. You may not be able to outdamage everyone's mother and brother but you still fulfill your function as "Damage Dealer". So, quiet frankly, all this talk of how your 'function' in a pt was destroyed is silliness. Rangers were, are, and always will be damage dealers just like a lot of other jobs. When you 'can't' hold that hate line with the tank then you have room to '*****' in my opinion. The only thing the patch did 'change' was the fact rangers couldn't knock IT+++++++ mobs into next tuesday.

You say it is 'our' fault that we typcaste all the jobs. That is true but it is also false. It is false because you are separating yourself from the playergroup. Even though you are a ranger you are apart of the player base and are just as much responsible for typcasting as any other specific individual. How? well letsee you created a 'stark' contrast between rangers and every other damage dealer. I realize this is by default what a ranger could do but it was what 'created' the situation. Expecting the public to 'ignore' the best damage dealer in the game is silliness. Rangers could have taken it upon themselves to 'influence' pt ldrs to get other jobs. "With great power comes great responsibility". In the end, it is my opinion that you should 'releash' the opportunity for other jobs to be realized as good DD because of this patch. why? because it will lower the deman on arrows and make lvling rng easier on your pocketbook, for one.

There is an upside to every situation. What you need to do is focus on that good side. I really do respect your viewpoint Cohle and I do not mean to demean your opinion at all. Yet I do find it a tad selfish for you to think you had a fundimental right to outdamage all other melee to a 'rediculus' lvl. It is also my opinion that you should lvl another DD job some. Maybe to lvl 40. Maybe then you will see that rangers have no inherent fundimental 'right' to do the kind of dmg they used to do. I understand the frustration of having SE change your job so drastically. Blizzard nerfed Paladins and Warlocks to hell and back so that now Paladins are the equivilant to red mages in FFXI and warlocks are only there for summoning people and soulstoning others. Yet for all of SE's nerf Rangers are 'still' damage dealers. So please understand where I am coming from. Rangers have not been hit with the nerf bat as badly as rangers are claiming.
#84 Jul 30 2005 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
836 posts
And yet people think its a blm/whm's job to be a support healer. And a Smn/whm can make a good primary healer; not!

A SMN CAN be a decent healer in the right PT. That usually happens when you have a shortage of mages, you have to make due. The other night, I couldn't find a PLD or NIN, so I decided to try to get 2 WAR/NINs to bounce hate. This was at lvl 61. You have to make due when there is nothing else available.

The reason why I felt that RNGs DOES deserve to do high DMG is simple. Ever since I started the game, RNGs were the melee that usually had the highest DMG potential, as there is ALWAYS a job that does the most DMG. BLM was the most powerful job though. I didn't want to be a BLM, so I decided to go RNG. I soon realized that RNG isn't the type of job that I could just "go play". I had to constantly buy ammo just to play, which is why I didn't level my RNG so fast as most ppl think. It was a frail job that really couldn't survive without its team. Though it had the defensive abilities of a BLM, it had power to balance it with.

To "level" the playing field is an interesting thought. Again, RNGs DID need a nerf on
IT+++s, but NOT on base DMG and ACC. Is the game fair? Of course not. There's jobs that still need a few things IMO. DRG need access to more STR/ATT type gear. THF needs a special bonus (not Assassin) on SATA, or another type of SA move to still have a viable position in PTs since any melee, except RNG, can /THF past lvl 60 and do there job...sometimes better.

The RNG nerf will change RNGs of course. In about a 2-3 weeks, it won't be such a big deal. But I really feel sorry for those RNGs trying to lvl 1-10. As if it was already hard. Luckily, RNGs can still solo on non-moving targets like worms. I really liked being a RNG. But now I don't know if I want to put so much into the job knowing that it got kicked hard.

Again, what is the point of everyone doing the "same" DMG? Because it's still not true. Make THF's melee attacks the same power of a WAR or MNK. Make DRG's WS the same power as a DRK's. The idea of a "level playing field" does not exist. Jobs are different for a reason. To add variety. People complain about RNG's taking "their" spots in a PT. Ok, a RNG is in a arrowburn PT. They complain about THAT. Again, it isn't RNG's fault. It's the lack of tanks and mages. There DOES need to be another viable option for a tank. Hopefully, with the big update, SE will offer one...or two.

Look at this thought. A PLD is a great tank. Very safe, holds hate the best and has the best natural DEF. PLD is not a very expensive job, but it does what it does the best. NIN, on the other hand, is a bit different. It isn't so safe and NIN's can't hold and get hate back like a PLD can. NIN is VERY expensive, but NIN's also offer perhaps the BEST abilities to get good chains in a PT, since they don't get hit much, down time is almost none. Now, why would someone constantly pay for Ninja tools to tank? Do you think there would be as many NINs if they weren't a polar opposite from PLDs, med DEF--but high chains? Lets just make those two jobs the same in everyway, except the NIN still has to continuously pay for tools to do what PLDs do without them.

Even before I became a RNG. I simply respected them because they were willing to pay for DMG that I could do for "free". I don't know. Maybe if I didn't level the job, I'd agree with you more. But maybe if you leveled the job, you'd agree with me more. RNGs WERE too strong on gods. Its not fair for a RNG to do 100 DMG and a DRK or SAM does 0's and 8's. But come on, on a VT? Barrage is worthless, and WS's miss a bit too much to say you are fighting VTs with +150 TP, +70 RACC, and in "the zone".

People will always complain about a change. Remember when SE made the TNL requirements lower? You had a bunch of high levels pissed off. But to just tell some one "STFU and suck it up" (Acepod), isn't needed. Words like that make even a Dune's dweller without a subjob look bad.

Edited, Sat Jul 30 09:01:40 2005 by BarchielReturns
#85 Jul 30 2005 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
Ceraph, that was me but I believe I said:

Remember...for every action there is an equal and opposite way to fack things up :D

I also said...

BTW, I would just like to add that you're ALL fackin' screwed once they come out with Pirate. Cannons > Pea Shooters


Yer all ska-rewed
#86 Aug 01 2005 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
900 posts
{Ranger} {Death} {Can I have it?}

Sorry all you RNGs, but other than my 29 BST which I solo, I am also leveling my 34 DRK. And it's a real {Bio}tch to get a party especially (pre-update) when there were RNGs seeking.

I, for one, am DAMN glad RNG finally got nerfed. Gives the other melee jobs like WAR, MNK, DRG, SAM, and DRK a much better chance of landing a party spot, instead of being overlooked because a RNG is seeking. Especially since I'm considering taking not only DRK, but WAR and MNK to high levels, I could use as much party experience points I can get.

{Good job!} Square Enix! {You can have this.} {/praise}
#87 Aug 02 2005 at 7:33 AM Rating: Excellent
222 posts
Rangers are still the best DD's out there the nerf didn't completely take them out. As for the other jobs, Blms are now nearly on par with Rangers. Why you may ask, well using Aeroga III on Kirin for 77 points of damage sucks ^^, sure they get the 200-300's and the odd 700(Luck if they didn't use E-seal) but Rangers were and can still beat them. Red mages are still nerfed on enfeebling magic, even with all 7(I believe) total Enfeebling plus items and merits it's still not enough to debuff Gods/HNMs. The patch from what I've seen did have a big impact for some, but honestly for others it wasn't a big deal.

#88 Aug 02 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Excellent
3,011 posts
I love the Ranger "nerf" as you guys are calling it. Why?

Because the good Rangers still do the same damage as they always did. If you're having trouble finding the "sweet spot" on a mob, get the new windower, which has a distance gauged factor in it (download to see what I'm talking about). Find out what the "sweet spot" is, and just stand in it perfectly.

This update to Rangers really just made it to where you had to have skill to be a Ranger, and not just have alot of gil.

I'm very glad with the nerf, and I know soon we'll be seeing alot of Ranger/Blm (bind) in ballista that'll be kicking ***.

So, Bad Rangers are now (Too Weak) while good ones are still (Impossible to Gauge).
#89 Aug 02 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
Acepod, I agree with you that RNG should not be able to do that well on IT+++s, but outdamage you? Yes, a RNG was meant for power. Most ppl can match and outdamage a RNG anyway, before patch. If I'm swinging and axe while someone next to me is paying per shot, I'd have to wonder why the hell he wants to pay per shot to do DMG when he can swing and axe like me.

And your 25% to lvl 75 theory is pretty ignorant. You mean to tell me that you don't want to get to lvl 75? That's almost everyone's goal. Why do you make a PT?

I do agree with you about harder to reach max potential, but that max is gone to be honest, though RNG can still do pretty well.

Acepod, if SE nerfed WAR's DMG by..let's say 10%, and made Dual Wield as slow as DWI, and made you have to distance yourself slightly away from the mob so your elbows won't get in the way...restricting your "full potential of DMG", you mean to tell me that YOU wouldn't be pissed? Of course you woul

Yes Bar i would be a little upset if they changed WAR's damage.
I said numerous times, that i understand that RNG's are upset, just that i see a lot of whining, and very little "Lets work through it" attitude. If my damage was lowered, and i had to stand in a certain place i would either

#1 figure it out and go with it

#2 Say FU SE< and change jobs

or #3 Quit the game forever. I might make a post saying "Well this sucks", and that would be the end of it.

And one more thing, tell the RNG i was partying wiht yesterday that he got nerfed. =Sidewinder for 900 + every time, and always had TP in time, and each shot was doing 120+. I think SE missed him when **NERFING** RNG's

#90 Aug 02 2005 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
:laugh: acepod, i never once insulted you or your ability to do your job. but since you decided to do that to me, i'm going to retaliate.

it WAS possible for other melees to outdamage RNG pre-patch, it actually happened very often at your level and up. but since you can only outdamage the bad ones, i can only come to one conclusion from that. you suck. there are two reasons why an RNG outdamaging you "easilly" is still balanced. the first is he pays out his *** to do that kind of damage. the second is, he was probably just plain better than you. there how does that feel?

here is the point, just because you personally may not understand how BAD the update is does not make you right. honestly, PLAY RNG and quit acting. you dont see everything an RNG does, you dont count all the hits he made, and didnt make. what ACC nerf? ROFL. never have i met such an ignorant fool in this game. it is infinitely frustrating to argue with people who just ASSUME everything is all hunky dory instead of actually checking facts and testing for themselves, as i said in another post on the RNG boards. ANY RNG, even the "good ones" who "dont complain" can tell you that there are PROBLEMS with this patch.

i dont know what magic this super RNG that you've partied with the past few days is employing to do what you say he does, but i find it VERY hard to believe as per my own experiences as an RNG post patch. my last party i played as RNG/WAR in monastic cavern where the mobs are IT+ so i should have good ACC and damage against them under what has been said about the update. and even with full ACC gear and prelude from a bard, inside and outside the sweet spot, i still missed sidewinders more than i have in any situation pre-patch. i would like to know this magical RNGs name so i can find out what he knows that i dont. oh wait, i forgot, i just plain suck. *rolleyes*

i'm done arguing with you acepod. the only thing that surpasses your ignorance is your stupidity.
#91 Aug 02 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
ceraphine. i understand your points but the patch does matter. the main reason; money. RNGs did and still do pay out their *** to do the kinds of damage they did. why now should we pay even more to only do the same amount of damage as another, cheaper DD. RNG has always been designed to do one thing. melee damage, and lots of it. i was wrong, an RNGs entire purpose in a party was not destroyed. their ability to serve that purpose was severely reduced. and i think your method for changing everyones "modus operandi" is very narrow minded. it is not an RNGs job to convince people of other DDs capabilities, it is the responsibility of whoever plays any given job to show how good they are and what they can do for a party. i am also selfish because i didnt spend millions of gil in leveling RNG to only be "on par" with other melee jobs. i dont see why i should have to give up what makes this game fun for me, just so everyone else can find the "greater good." if you all are too stubborn to change your way of thinking, that is your fault, not mine.

yes, there is a stark contrast between RNG and other melee jobs. RNG is like MNK in that they dont do anything besides deal damage to a mob. but RNG seperates itself from other melee jobs in the way we deal the damage we do, and the fact that we spend more than any other job on consumeables just to level. no i do not and never did expect the public to "ignore" rangers, but the idea that they are the "best" is arguable. everyone needs to realize that the price of arrows is NOT going to change very much. the goods used to craft those arrows are in demand for other recipes as well. the price of bullets and arrows is affected much more by the cost of the materials to make it than it is by the demand for the crafted item. THOSE COSTS are not dropping, therefore ammunition will not drop very much.

lastly ceraphine, there is no "good side" to this coin for RNGs. no matter how much you want to call this an "opportunity", it is a nerf. our capabilities have been reduced. i have never said that i have a fundamental right to outdamage other melee. RNG were meant to do damage, and as i said in another post, it is my abilities as a player and a person that get me respect and invites. not how much money i put into a job, though having good gear definetly makes ones job easier. i am standing by my point that this patch was unnecessary. you all knew the capabilities of an RNG pre-patch. if you thought they were broken then, why did you contribute to this "RNG onry" idea? i have partied with all manner of players in every job multiple times, met some really good and some really bad, but overall this game never seemed unbalanced to me. even when i was playing my THF to 70, and was being "ridiculously outdamaged". i never said that RNG had a fundamental right to outdamage other melee, but i dont see why them doing that is inherently "unfair". after all, BLMs do the most damage of anyone in a party, but thats what their job is designed to do.
#92 Aug 02 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
Cohle, rangers are only "meant" to do damage because that's what most parties expect of them. However, through change (using bolts, /ja, different subs, etc), rangers actually have a far greater potential than most are willing to realize. It's the same w/ BLM.

Sure BLM get some powerful nukes so it only makes sense that it's their job to deal damage. But then again, they also get a hefty amount of enfeebling magic (whm gets the shaft on that one) as well as other spells--like tractor--which serve no purpose than to assist other mages. Should a BLM chose to only deal damage, they would lose out on a large amount of their potential.

Again, I'm saying this because I truly believe that this "nerf" changed the way a RNG should be played...and some RNG still can't or won't accept it. If the dynamics of something have changed, the only way to overcome it is to change the way you do things. You'll never accomplish anything by remaining static.

It doesn't seem like you are that type of player, Cohle, but many still think that RNG should only deal damage and complain when they miss or hit for a lower amount than expected. Maybe if they gave up that pure DD mindset it wouldn't be so hard of a hit?
#93 Aug 02 2005 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Why is there no enfeebling magic food, how come melee's get Acc food. I WANT ENFEEBLING MAGIC FOOD!!!. People complain about Acc while mages get shafted on Magic Acc.

Just messing with you all, it's just food for thought.

#94 Aug 03 2005 at 1:52 AM Rating: Good
3,033 posts
Calvern wrote:
Why is there no enfeebling magic food, how come melee's get Acc food. I WANT ENFEEBLING MAGIC FOOD!!!. People complain about Acc while mages get shafted on Magic Acc.

Just messing with you all, it's just food for thought.


Goblin Mushpot- Mind +10, Charisma -5, Resist Poison, Resist Blind

I know you were joking but that might be the best food you could use for White Magic based enfeebles.
#95 Aug 03 2005 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
836 posts
Cohle, rangers are only "meant" to do damage because that's what most parties expect of them. However, through change (using bolts, /ja, different subs, etc), rangers actually have a far greater potential than most are willing to realize. It's the same w/ BLM.

Sophus and your interesting ideas. While nice at thought, when was the last time your PT leader said: "Hey, get that RNG! We need him to enfeeble and sleep mobs for us." A RNG was meant for DMG. If not, SE should give them different abilities. Like EES should instead heal a PT member, right? It was a nerf, no getting around that fact. RNGs that still play the job will just carry on, doing less DMG with a bit less ACC. Just that playing RNG now isn't worth the gil that it was pre-patch. Am I gonna quit RNG? Well, I don't play it in XP PTs anymore, only in god fights. I'm lvling my WAR so I can go RNG/WAR. No sense in subbing NIN if you don't get hate. BTW, my good in game buddy/RL friend did +800 DMG Steel Cyclone on a god. Only thing I saw that did more was the SMN's 2 hour. That did +900 DMG. He was a WAR. So you WAR's better watch out, teh nerf gonna get ya, lol.
#96 Aug 03 2005 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Sorry scar, alot good mind and int do if your enfeebles don't land.

Enfeebling skill = the ability to land a debuff
Mind and Int = How stong the spell is (I.e The mob is paralized.)

#97 Aug 03 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Bar, nope never heard it. But I did hear someone yesterday say "OMG this thief is awesome! He uses acid bolts!"
#98 Aug 04 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Default
sophus i hate to burst your bubble but the things you are talking about an RNG doing just arent practical. apart from shooting an acid bolt every now and then to weaken defense none of the things you've mentioned would actually work, and the one thing that actually does work most RNGs already do.

its like asking an MNK to sub NIN and spam debuffs. it just wont work.

you say that we should do away with this "pure DD" mentality, i cant help but laugh at that comment. honestly, what do you expect an RNG to do? we cant tank, we cant MB, we cant heal. the only thing we can do is shoot arrows and SC. thats always been the case. now there's little to no incentive to play the job because we only cause problems for a party, while at the same time only being "on par" with another more manageable jobs damage. and oh, did i mention, the RNG is paying 2-3x what that normal melee pays? i think i did...
#99 Aug 04 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Cohle, there's no bubble to burst. The difference is that I'm saying what could work and you're saying why it won't work. Shouldn't it be the ranger offering the suggestions and not the other way around? :)

The suggestions that I've made are not like asking a mnk or any other DD to sub nin to enfeeble as you say. By subbing ninja, the ninjitsu level will always be capped at half of your level; this is simply not practical. Also, mnk would lose out on far-more useful abilities since they already use both hands (and feet) for damage. The only benefit it would offer would be utsusemi, but with a good tank this is unnecessary. It would be just the same as asking a RNG to sub RDM for enfeebling won't work.

However, the use of ranger abilities like bolts/shadowbind/etc are not limited to the levle of your subjob since they are main-job attributes. So instead, it's more like asking your RDM to be the main healer instead of acting as support. You'll have to change your gameplay, your gear, your sub, and possibly even your macros. You change to fit the needs of the party.

you say that we should do away with this "pure DD" mentality, i cant help but laugh at that comment. honestly, what do you expect an RNG to do? we cant tank, we cant MB, we cant heal. the only thing we can do is shoot arrows and SC. thats always been the case.

In my experience:
*RNG can (somewhat) tank with ninja sub, which is especially important to temporarily keep hate from the tank (esp for SATA)
*Elemental bolts can still MB, and it is also possible to decrease enfeebling resistance if used during a MB
*Bloody bolts make one less person the mage has to heal

If the above is true, then there is more to your potential than you think...if you're willing to spend the money for it.

Really, I still don't see what you're talking about with damage being "on par." From what I've seen, the rangers (the ones who have adapted) still outdamage most if not all of the party members consistantly. Not only that, but their abilities allow them to open distortion which is the most widely-used SC until level 3 because of the damage it deals. The pure amount of damage a RNG's initial dmg does, the more the mages can MB for as well.

If you want to think that RNG is now useless and you no longer have a reason to play it...fine, that's your choice. I've seen people try new things and many of them seem to be working. Whatever you decide to do from here is your choice though. If you give up on RNG, that's not SE's fault.
#100 Aug 04 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Default
3,139 posts
:laugh: acepod, i never once insulted you or your ability to do your job. but since you decided to do that to me, i'm going to retaliate.

it WAS possible for other melees to outdamage RNG pre-patch, it actually happened very often at your level and up. but since you can only outdamage the bad ones, i can only come to one conclusion from that. you suck. there are two reasons why an RNG outdamaging you "easilly" is still balanced. the first is he pays out his *** to do that kind of damage. the second is, he was probably just plain better than you. there how does that feel?

here is the point, just because you personally may not understand how BAD the update is does not make you right. honestly, PLAY RNG and quit acting. you dont see everything an RNG does, you dont count all the hits he made, and didnt make. what ACC nerf? ROFL. never have i met such an ignorant fool in this game. it is infinitely frustrating to argue with people who just ASSUME everything is all hunky dory instead of actually checking facts and testing for themselves, as i said in another post on the RNG boards. ANY RNG, even the "good ones" who "dont complain" can tell you that there are PROBLEMS with this patch.

i dont know what magic this super RNG that you've partied with the past few days is employing to do what you say he does, but i find it VERY hard to believe as per my own experiences as an RNG post patch. my last party i played as RNG/WAR in monastic cavern where the mobs are IT+ so i should have good ACC and damage against them under what has been said about the update. and even with full ACC gear and prelude from a bard, inside and outside the sweet spot, i still missed sidewinders more than i have in any situation pre-patch. i would like to know this magical RNGs name so i can find out what he knows that i dont. oh wait, i forgot, i just plain suck. *rolleyes*

i'm done arguing with you acepod. the only thing that surpasses your ignorance is your stupidity.

I'm sorry Cohle, but your a whiny little *****. You have been presented with a challenge, and instead of taking on the challenge, you just sit around and whine and ******* cry about your poor Nerf. Get the **** over it!!! It is done, over, there is nothing you can do to change it, so either adapt, or drown like the whining ***** you are portraying yourself to be (this is the way YOU" have made yourself look from YOUR posts!!). When people make good points, you simply call them stupid and ignorant. When people make suggestions you tell them off because there not RNG. I know a lot of RNG's, i have visited the RNG forum numerous times since the update. Your one of the very few RNG i see whining and crying about how it *used to be*. Most RNG are instead finding ways to over come the change, and your just stuck on the good ole days. Your a pessimist i see, and extremly hard headed to boot.

I laugh at you insulting me, because i know im a damn good WAR. I also know that RNG isnt nearly as bad as your makeing out to be. If you dont want to spend the gil, then dont spend it. Play something else, or for crying out loud quit the damn game!! I know RNG is not what it used to be, and so does everyone else, but you seem to be one of the very few still stuck on whining and crying about it.


Even Barchiel (the kind of never ending arguments), knows that he needs to adapt, and move on. Get a clue !

#101 Aug 04 2005 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
Bar, nope never heard it. But I did hear someone yesterday say "OMG this thief is awesome! He uses acid bolts!"

Yes Sophus, Acid Bolts are great. 95% of RNGs that use Crossbows in PTs macro in Acid Bolts for DEF down on mobs. I'm also a THF. I use Acid/Blind bolts when pulling. Out of ten pulls, I hit maybe one if I'm lucky. While fighting, after I get 100 TP, I try to fire of an Acid Bolt for higher SC DMG, like I said, one of of ten if I am lucky. My marksmanship is capped and I have Merits in it...and I still don't hit as THF. A THF can hit with Crossbow "decently" until around lvl 45ish. Then that low grade in Marksmanship kicks in. THF/RNGs will need to use Sharpshot to hit. I know, I played as THF/RNG before I converted to THF/NIN. Again, I'm not saying that anyone is clueless, I'm just saying you get more knowledge from actually "playing" the job instead of looking at your buddy or just reading a forum. I'm also not saying that "don't try to give anyone ideas", I'm just saying that I've tried it...and it don't work, but I do appreciate your willing to try to give a solution.

I agree with Cohle and Ace. With Cohle, yes we RNGs have a reason to be pissed. But like Ace said, we can't just stand around moaning...cuz to be honest, SE ain't changing JACK. If this is what it takes for other jobs to be noticed more...then I guess I really don't mind it as much. All melee need a chance, but RNG isn't what stood in your way from a PT all the time. Lack of mages and tanks is also the problem.

Now after reading that interview, I see that BLMs will get a nerf next. Seems no job is safe, lol. But I wish SE would focus on actually INCREASING job's potential instead of weakening them. I like BLMs, and I don't want them to be weaker, just makes XP PTs longer. Well, I just want them to include more MAGE jobs and another TANK job with the next update. Please have Time Mage. ^^ I SO wanna be one. ^w^

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