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Attention Players of Shiva, A Petition to SEFollow

#52 Jul 28 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Default
sophustehnewb wrote:
It's frustrating, yes. I already said that I don't agree with some of these changes because RNG and NIN have to pay an immense amount of money to achieve the same or similar results as other jobs. But the fact is that it happened and there isn't a damn thing that you can do about it. What's more, it happened to RANGER, not to COHLE. This WASN'T a nerf Cohle patch.

I'm not saying to "deal with it" because I'm tired of rangers ********* Your job is different now and you haven't adjusted yet...but you will. Just like SAM, MNK and DRG, this patch will eventually be a distant memory.

First of all, that was uncalled for. Your fight is with the patch, and maybe even with SE. You obviously want people to respect your opinion. Give the same respect to others.

Complaining about the issue is not productive. It's not getting you anywhere. Quite frankly, it's selfish.

You said that you liked the damage and respectability you got pre-patch and it was OUR fault for not recognizing the abilities of other jobs. Well now the playing field is a tad more leveled. From now on it's going to be your abilities that get you that respectability and not simply your job attributes. I think that's what scares you.

Other rangers are trying to make the most out of it and you are coming on here to attack people for posting their opinions as both rangers and non-rangers. Guess what Cohle, there ARE other jobs out there besides ranger. Our subscriptions cost just as much as yours, and we have our opinions as well. While we may not know what it's like to play ranger, we sure as hell know what it's like to be in a group. We can see when a person is excelling or not pulling their own weight. We can see both the strengths and weaknesses of every single person we party with.

One last thing. While you here attacking us about the patch, those other "nerfed" and overlooked jobs are out there shining. Are you going to attack people on a message board who can't change the patch, or are you going to go out there and bust your *** and make certain that RNG doesn't become the next Dark Knight?

p.s.--no offense to damn wind fans :p

Edited, Thu Jul 28 12:45:18 2005 by SophusTehNewb

sophus do you want to know what pissed me off about your post?

you can disagree with my opinion all you like. you can question the facts and reasoning behind it, you can argue with me. what pisses me off is you and others like you take a logical argument written in a respectful way without personally attacking anyone and pass it off as "whining." DO NOT undermine my intelligence and disregard my argument just because you dont feel like listening to someones complaints. no one MADE you read this thread.

if its selfish to post an opinion on a public message board fine. i am going to be selfish. i thought this place was for discussion anyways. not one sided arguments where one party is declared the "whiner". i havent gone around spamming the board with this, i've kept it confined to this one thread where discussion on this matter that i've been arguing on is happening. again, if you dont feel like arguing leave the thread.

it was my abilities that got me respect and recognition in the first place. just because ranger could outdamage other jobs easier doesnt mean that i could simply sit there in a party and do absolutely nothing and put up good numbers. ****** rangers did not last very long in parties pre-patch, they still wont last long post patch. nowhere has this patch "scared" me. however it has been very frustrating to have ones damage and purpose in a party basically be stripped away from you.

sophus i did not attack anyone in my posts with the exception of you. i made generalized statements about the community as a whole which could be considered less than nice, but i did not explicitly tell anyone "get a life" or "stop whining" like you all have done to me in this thread, or like many have done to the OP.

you're right sophus, there ARE other jobs out there. however, the playing field is not more level. it is ridiculously skewed against ranger now. it was perfectly level before, but you all couldnt get past the idea of "RNG ONRY". i was guilty of it too. but i dont see that as any reason to gimp a job class.

oh and for the record, i have already bought new equipment and begun to make adjustments to accomodate this stupid unjust patch in spite of the trash talk and stuff that is being brought by other people. when i am playing, i am doing exactly what it is you all are telling me to do. so i kindly ask you to shut up about that. when i am on here, on a message board, a forum for public opinion, then i am going to argue. because i dont feel that this is right.
#53 Jul 28 2005 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts

A RNG CANNOT be depended on to sleep a link with a fricken bolt. Sometimes it will hit, do DMG, but don't sleep. Do you REALLY want to depend on that?

How about when the mages have already used their sleep spells and the timer has not yet gone down?

Stun???? Yes, there are Stun Bullets, but do you know how long it takes to shot a gun? Unless your RNG has ESP, they will NOT be Stunning a Gob's bomb toss. Again, you can't count on that.

Read above. Who says that just because they choose to melee they can't help out the mages?

Elemental DMG? Well, some RNGs use Holy Bolts, many cuz its cheap and does pretty good DMG with added effect. RNGs DO use Acid bolts, when they use Crossbows to increase the DMG output for themselves and the rest of the PT.

Good, that's what I like to hear :). But not all RNG do, just some.

Heal themselves with Bloody Bolts? How about ALL melee that can use a Crossbow just heal themselves with Bloody Bolts. The day that a RNG or any DD can successful keep themselves alive in a PT with that method, is perhaps they end of needing a healer. Bloody Bolts *might* give you about 20-40 HP. A mob does like, 100-120 DMG hitting a RNG. Do you want your RNG to have to heal his damn after taking DMG like that?

I can see where you're going with this, but when you have nin often does a RNG get hit before the tank regains hate? And considering that shadows shed hate now, won't that amount decrease even futher? Isn't it conceivable that that amount can be healed on their own thus saving mp for the mage?

How about if you, a RDM, get hate. You just up Phalanx, Stoneskin, Blink and tank for the rest of the fight. Isn't that more efficient?

I have done that before, and it's very efficient. When needed to, I can change my position in a party within seconds. It's called being dynamic.

However, considering that I cannot do enough damage/healing to permanently pull hate off of melees, doing so is not always the best option.

When I use Silver Bullets, no, I'm not enfeebling jack. I'm concentrating on killing the mob, not doing your job. If I'm using arrows, yes, I will use Demons to lower mobs ATT and Kaburas to silence.

So when you are in attack mode you attack? Doesn't RNG have the option to do more than attack? Just like ninja, they can be more effective by using the tools available to them. However, it DOES cost more to them. It can also be a lot of work/macroing

So, Sophus, since you are asking all this of a RNG, maybe RNG's isn't such an easy job to level afterall.

No, that's what I'm suggesting that a RNG *COULD* do, not what they actually do. If more of them did that it would actually make the job exceptionally difficult (and costly)
#54 Jul 28 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
I agree with you Cohle. People blame RNGs for "taking their spot in a PT". It was NEVER anyone's spot. The damn spot is free. If the leader don't want you, ***** at him. No one mentions the mana-burn PTs, or all MNK PTs, or the DRG duo PTs.

The fact is, people will always ***** about something. Should a SMN ***** at a BLM or another mage job for "taking" his/her spot in a PT? Maybe BLMs need a nerf to "level the playing field" for SMNs. There are two kinds of DMG Dealers. The DoTs and spike dealers. BLMs and RNGs did high DMG...well, DRK too. WAR, MNK, DRG had good DoT. Hell, endgame, a NIN can out damage a RNG, so can everyone else. MNKs can out damage them around the 60's. DRGs and THFs were two of the best jobs around 30's-40's. DRK's obliterate **** at 66.

My main gripe is losing your purpose in a PT, and STILL having to pay for it.
#55 Jul 28 2005 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
BarchielReturns wrote:
I agree with you Cohle. People blame RNGs for "taking their spot in a PT". It was NEVER anyone's spot. The damn spot is free. If the leader don't want you, ***** at him. No one mentions the mana-burn PTs, or all MNK PTs, or the DRG duo PTs.

The fact is, people will always ***** about something. Should a SMN ***** at a BLM or another mage job for "taking" his/her spot in a PT? Maybe BLMs need a nerf to "level the playing field" for SMNs. There are two kinds of DMG Dealers. The DoTs and spike dealers. BLMs and RNGs did high DMG...well, DRK too. WAR, MNK, DRG had good DoT. Hell, endgame, a NIN can out damage a RNG, so can everyone else. MNKs can out damage them around the 60's. DRGs and THFs were two of the best jobs around 30's-40's. DRK's obliterate **** at 66.

My main gripe is losing your purpose in a PT, and STILL having to pay for it.


i could deal with not doing the same damage on IT+++ mobs, but the rest of this update made no sense whatsoever.
#56 Jul 28 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Cohle, I apologize if my posts appeared to be an attack towards you. It was not meant that way. I believe that is the problem, however.

When a ranger sees the effects of this patch they consider it a nerf. When a non-ranger sees this patch, they see it as levelling the field. As such, when many rangers posted after the patch the non-rangers saw it as whining. When the non-rangers posted after the patch, they saw it as an attack. In reality, it is two sides of the same coin. What we have said was never an attack on you, nor on the ranger class.

As I previously stated, I am not a ranger nor do I think like one. However, I am a mage. I am YOUR mage, and I demand efficiency. Just as you are entitiled to your opinion, I am entitled to mine. What I have said was never a demand, simply a suggestion: if you can't change the way something is, work around it. If you are truly doing that then I applaud you. But in the end, you will never know the true outcome of this patch for weeks or even months down the line.

I do not care if you "whine" or put up constructive criticsm or anything you wish. It is an open board. All I care is that you do your job and always keep an open mind, even from people you perceive to be attacking you.
#57 Jul 28 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
A RNG CANNOT be depended on to sleep a link with a fricken bolt. Sometimes it will hit, do DMG, but don't sleep. Do you REALLY want to depend on that?

How about when the mages have already used their sleep spells and the timer has not yet gone down?

Dude, do you REALLY expect a RNG to CONSISTENTLY be able to sleep something IT? What the hell kinda PTs do you make?


Quote:Stun???? Yes, there are Stun Bullets, but do you know how long it takes to shot a gun? Unless your RNG has ESP, they will NOT be Stunning a Gob's bomb toss. Again, you can't count on that.

Read above. Who says that just because they choose to melee they can't help out the mages?

Sophus, you obviously didn't read what I said. So I will bold it for you. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TAKES TO SHOOT A GUN? UNLESS YOUR RNG HAS ESP, HE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO STUN A BOMB TOSS. How the hell is a RNG going to do his/her AND your job? Read, boy.


Quote:Elemental DMG? Well, some RNGs use Holy Bolts, many cuz its cheap and does pretty good DMG with added effect. RNGs DO use Acid bolts, when they use Crossbows to increase the DMG output for themselves and the rest of the PT.

Good, that's what I like to hear :). But not all RNG do, just some.

80% of all RNGs that use Xbow WILL use Acid Bolts first. They DO want to hit as hard as possible.


Quote:Heal themselves with Bloody Bolts? How about ALL melee that can use a Crossbow just heal themselves with Bloody Bolts. The day that a RNG or any DD can successful keep themselves alive in a PT with that method, is perhaps they end of needing a healer. Bloody Bolts *might* give you about 20-40 HP. A mob does like, 100-120 DMG hitting a RNG. Do you want your RNG to have to heal his damn after taking DMG like that?

I can see where you're going with this, but when you have nin often does a RNG get hit before the tank regains hate? And considering that shadows shed hate now, won't that amount decrease even futher? Isn't it conceivable that that amount can be healed on their own thus saving mp for the mage?

The shadows ALONE saved you MP. Usually when a RNG gets hate, it's after a WS or SC. Thus, the mob is nearly dead. Why the hell would the RNG be CONCENTRATING on trying to get 30 HP back, generating more hate even though not doing much DMG, eventually losing about 500 HP? When he/she can focus on killing the damn thing, let a mage Cure II him/her or Regen II. Again, learn.


Quote:How about if you, a RDM, get hate. You just up Phalanx, Stoneskin, Blink and tank for the rest of the fight. Isn't that more efficient?

I have done that before, and it's very efficient. When needed to, I can change my position in a party within seconds. It's called being dynamic.

However, considering that I cannot do enough damage/healing to permanently pull hate off of melees, doing so is not always the best option.

Well, I guess you aren't, what it's called, being dynamic then.


Quote:When I use Silver Bullets, no, I'm not enfeebling jack. I'm concentrating on killing the mob, not doing your job. If I'm using arrows, yes, I will use Demons to lower mobs ATT and Kaburas to silence.

So when you are in attack mode you attack? Doesn't RNG have the option to do more than attack? Just like ninja, they can be more effective by using the tools available to them. However, it DOES cost more to them. It can also be a lot of work/macroing

Sophus. Look. If is RNG/NIN tried using tools on ITs, do you know what would happen? RESIST. Not only is RNG ninjutsu skill cut in half by sub, they will be using the Ichi line of ninjutsu. What the RNG will be doing THEN is wasting time.


Quote:So, Sophus, since you are asking all this of a RNG, maybe RNG's isn't such an easy job to level afterall.

No, that's what I'm suggesting that a RNG *COULD* do, not what they actually do. If more of them did that it would actually make the job exceptionally difficult (and costly)

What I'm telling you is what you *THINK* a RNG *COULD* do, really isn't effective. What level is your RNG? It's funny that you have all these ideas, but haven't played the job to see how it actually goes. That's like me telling you how to do your job.

I wish RNG *COULD* do all that stuff. Constant enfeebles, self healing, saving mages MP... Sophus, you'd be out of a job and melees would complain even more.

Sophus, you have a case of *all up in da kool-aid and don't even know the flavor syndrome*

Your ideas are good, I admit, but it just don't work like that. Why not ask a DRK to do the same thing? They can use Acids and Bloods. They can Stun the best. Or ask a WAR or THF.
#58 Jul 28 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Dude, do you REALLY expect a RNG to CONSISTENTLY be able to sleep something IT? What the hell kinda PTs do you make?

Sophus, you obviously didn't read what I said.

Well, I guess you aren't, what it's called, being dynamic then.

Sophus, you have a case of *all up in da kool-aid and don't even know the flavor syndrome*

Bar, I'm disappointed. I thought you were above countering arguments with personal attacks. I understand that the topic frustrates you, but there is no reason to turn a good debate into a "well your mom does crack!" ***********

First off, I'm giving suggestions, not saying what a rng SHOULD do. I remember when the bradygames guide came out and everyone said "You shouldn't sub nin because your tools will be half your level. Nope nope, it'll never work. Bradygames says so." Yet a few people went against the grain...spent some money...and viola! What is arguably the most widely-used sub in the game?

The following is my honest opinion Bar. I'm telling you this up front so you do not think that this is an attack against you, Cohle, or anyone else:

The biggest problem with ANY job is tunnel vision. We get so swept up in what we SHOULD do and what we THINK we should do that we forget what we CAN do. Rangers only want to do damage. Black mages only want to do damage. DRK only wants to do damage. Well what happened to all those other nice skills and tools that you have access to? Did you ever think that by going a bit out of the norm you could actually be helping OTHERS do damage or even save HP or MP? And even though it's not your damage guess what, the mob still dies faster!

OMG! WTF! Faster exp? Say it ain't so!

But do you know why no one wants to do this? Because you don't get the cheers and applause when it says "Mob is Paralyzed." No one gives a rat's *** if it says "Mob misses X." It's always me me me. We forget the stupid phrase that there's no "I" in team. So what if you can't stun a bomb. Can you stun AM? Because if you don't happen to have a DRK or BLM--or if your BLM is busy with something else--why the hell can't you do it? Stop thinking that it's someone else's job and step up to the plate to do it yourself. If you find that you don't even need that other job then get them the hell out of your party so they stop leeching your experience!

What I'm telling you is what you *THINK* a RNG *COULD* do, really isn't effective. What level is your RNG? It's funny that you have all these ideas, but haven't played the job to see how it actually goes. That's like me telling you how to do your job.

Bar, I would be more than happy for you to tell me how to do my job. You know why? Because I want to get better. I NEED to get better. The better I am, the better I can do. The better I can do, the more efficient I am. If you see someone doing something that they could be doing better for goodness sake tell them...but be nice and do it in /tell. This isn't limited to mages, and rangers are not exempt.
#59 Jul 28 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
Not that this matters to anyone or not, but I say let the people make there own opinions about the changes. See what happens. don't jump the gun and whine about a change you don't like.
#60 Jul 28 2005 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
Yes, Sophus. And I'M telling you that your suggestions DON'T WORK SO WELL.
I didn't turn this into a *********** and if your mom does crack that's her business.

You know that everyone knows that Bradygames FFXI guide is ****. It gives vague info about the jobs and their purposes.

The reason WHY ppl sub NIN is NOT to SPAM the Ichi line of Ninjutsu just to get it resisted. They did it for Utsusemi and Dual Wield. Just like how mages don't sub BLM for half-assed nukes. They do it for the MP, Warp etc.

I respect your ideas, but you carried it a bit far when it would have been better for you to simply be silent if its an area you aren't too sure of. You have some interesting ideas, sounds good on paper, but in game it doesn't work. Are you still reading the Brady books for info?

The biggest problem with ANY job is tunnel vision. We get so swept up in what we SHOULD do and what we THINK we should do that we forget what we CAN do. Rangers only want to do damage. Black mages only want to do damage. DRK only wants to do damage. Well what happened to all those other nice skills and tools that you have access to? Did you ever think that by going a bit out of the norm you could actually be helping OTHERS do damage or even save HP or MP?

First of all, don't say "we". Speak for yourself. There a lot of Absorbing DRKs, Frosting BLMs, and Acid spamming RNGs out there.

Second, YES. A lot of ppl DO care how much DMG they can do while letting the tank hold hate. DMG = dead mob. The longer you "play" with the mob, means more of a chance to waste MP, longer chains, and eventually...less XP. Why ppl liked BLM and RNG? Reliable DMG. Why DRK? Because when the DRK closes the SC, and BLM MB's, the mob is dead.

You keep saying how ppl should try to help others do damage:

Acid Bolts from RNGs help
Absorb VIT, AGI, INT, MND from DRKs help

How to help save HP?

Blind, Absorb STR, Stun, Sleep...all kinds of things.

Sophus, ppl already do these things. What are you looking for? You keep mentioning Tools. I keep telling you that there is a very low chance of someone
/NIN to get a Tool's Ninjutsu to land. And plus it's Ichi, Ichi takes a long time to cast. But instead, you keep going around the answer and bringing the questioni back up.

You disappointed? Don't be. You're not my enemy, you don't know me well enough for that. I'm just trying to give you some insight on what's really going on.

But do you know why no one wants to do this? Because you don't get the cheers and applause when it says "Mob is Paralyzed." No one gives a rat's *** if it says "Mob misses X." It's always me me me. We forget the stupid phrase that there's no "I" in team. So what if you can't stun a bomb. Can you stun AM? Because if you don't happen to have a DRK or BLM--or if your BLM is busy with something else--why the hell can't you do it? Stop thinking that it's someone else's job and step up to the plate to do it yourself. If you find that you don't even need that other job then get them the hell out of your party so they stop leeching your experience!

Sophus, it looks like you are saying "me, me, me" right now. You want someone to kiss your *** just because you Refreshed them, or Paralyzed a mob? It's a part of your job. Maybe you should tell your tank "good job" on Provoking, or hell, tell the THF "good job" on stealing a Gold Beastcoin.

Though you may not know it, ppl DO appreciate those things. But its a part of the job, you don't need a hand clap for that. I tell ppl "good job" all the time on things, especially after a heated battle. YOU seem to be the main person putting the "I" back in "team".

And if there is no DRK or BLM on the team, then the team will just get some DMG just like normal. It's not that big of a deal. Its not like its a god fight or something. Where are you getting your ideas from? I guess I'll give you a /clap for waking up today, or for posting on this forum. Does that make you feel better? Seriously bro, don't let the asshats and n00bs get you confused.
#61 Jul 28 2005 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Yes, Sophus. And I'M telling you that your suggestions DON'T WORK SO WELL.

Again, not to sound rude...but have you tried? Not simply tried once or twice, but worked it into your method to see how it goes? Please don't say that something works if you haven't tried

You know that everyone knows that Bradygames FFXI guide is ****. It gives vague info about the jobs and their purposes.

The reason WHY ppl sub NIN is NOT to SPAM the Ichi line of Ninjutsu just to get it resisted. They did it for Utsusemi and Dual Wield. Just like how mages don't sub BLM for half-assed nukes. They do it for the MP, Warp etc.

First of all, it's not completely crap. When it posted facts, those facts were both interesting and helpful. It's when it posted opinions that it started going astray. Again, when I said "Yet a few people went against the grain...spent some money...and viola! What is arguably the most widely-used sub in the game?" I wasn't talking about enfeebling or elemental ninjitsu. It was the utsusemi/tonko/etc (spells not reliant on mob resistance) as well as the stat bonuses that made it the #1 sub.

Think back to board and game discussions in regards to tank. First it was "no nin or nin sub ever," then "pld or blink tank?" to "Nin tank > PLD," and now recently "Nin tank still good after patch?" The only time when they mentioned enfeebling/elemental ninjitsu was in reference to holding hate.

And on a side note, when I sub BLM for RDM it is for those "half assed nukes" like -ga, drain, aspir, and +INT as well as the MP/Conserve MP Bonuses. But then again I also have other subs leveled should the occasion arise where I would need them. It's called versatility.

I respect your ideas, but you carried it a bit far when it would have been better for you to simply be silent if its an area you aren't too sure of. You have some interesting ideas, sounds good on paper, but in game it doesn't work. Are you still reading the Brady books for info?

This is an extremely naive statement. So am I correct in saying that you believe the only way to know what a job is capable of is to play that job? Because if I follow that logic no one should make or join any parties with jobs they don't personally have at that level. After all, you can't tell what a job can do by playing with them and seeing for obviously have to be that job.

Also, you can't say that something doesn't work unless you honestly tried. I showed a RDM the other day how to kill something that was pretty damn close to her level. She died before I showed her, and almost died again the next time (but didn't). Third time she came out with 90%HP and 80%MP. But if she had sat back and said "well what you are saying sounds good in theory, but it can never work" she would have died the second time and possibly given up completely.

Lastly, please stop it with the personal attacks (brady games comment). You and I share a trait when we prefer to interject sarcasm and irony, but that has a time and a place. A debate where you want to be taken seriously is neither the time, nor the place.

Sophus, ppl already do these things. What are you looking for? You keep mentioning Tools. I keep telling you that there is a very low chance of someone
/NIN to get a Tool's Ninjutsu to land. And plus it's Ichi, Ichi takes a long time to cast. But instead, you keep going around the answer and bringing the questioni back up.

The term "tools" does not necessarily mean "Ninja Tools." Tools can be spells, weapons, items, equipment...knowledge. Anything that can help you do your job better is a tool. I believe that's where the miscommunication was.

You disappointed? Don't be. You're not my enemy, you don't know me well enough for that. I'm just trying to give you some insight on what's really going on.

Going on according to who? The way you say it, it sounds like you know what you're talking about and I don't. Forget the fact that we play the same game, play with the same members, and fight the same monsters. If a large majority of people have a different view of what's "really going on" then perhaps what you believe to be "really going on" isn't the whole story.

Sophus, it looks like you are saying "me, me, me" right now. You want someone to kiss your *** just because you Refreshed them, or Paralyzed a mob? It's a part of your job. Maybe you should tell your tank "good job" on Provoking, or hell, tell the THF "good job" on stealing a Gold Beastcoin.

Again, please read my previous posts. I have never asked for, nor do I expect recognition. I knew this before I got into the job. I chose RDM and BRD because I like to support. It was my choice so I have to accept all the positives and negatives that go with it. You like RNG for your own reasons. That means you also have to accept all the positives and negatives that come with it. If you don't like the negatives, you can always try to change them. If you can't change them...try something new.

I think you put it best when you said:
Though you may not know it, ppl DO appreciate those things. But its a part of the job, you don't need a hand clap for that.

I appreciate the damage that rangers do. So what if you don't do as much? So what if you have to move back? So what if you miss? You do what you do because you love the job, NOT because you want the recognition.

edit: Oh yeah, I do tell my tanks/thieves/etc thank you if they do their job well. It's not something I have to do, but I know I personally would like to see it. Doing so has made me a lot of good, personal friends.

Edited, Thu Jul 28 21:12:20 2005 by SophusTehNewb
#62 Jul 29 2005 at 1:15 AM Rating: Good
836 posts
Now I really don't know what you are trying to say.

Yes, I do believe that you'd know more about a job by playing it. It helps you get "working" knowledge of it, not just what you've read on a forum or a book about it.
Knowing actually mechanics helps.

Again, not to sound rude...but have you tried? Not simply tried once or twice, but worked it into your method to see how it goes? Please don't say that something works if you haven't tried

Yes, I have.
I used Stun Bullets before. Trying to Stun a mob with a gun is almost impossible. You DO know how long it takes to shoot a gun right?

I tried healing myself with Blood Bolts in PT. As RNG it's pretty stupid; if it's near death, I should try to kill it so I can go pull again, it not...I'm still building hate after getting hit, so I'll get about 400-500 DMG trying to get 120 HP from Blood Bolts forcing a mage to have to heal me anyway. As THF, if I'm hit, Regen will do well since THF's get very little hate...not to mention THF's Marksmanship grade is low even with Merits in it.

By subbing /NIN alone will help mages with MP. If a mage is too stingy to Cure someone...your PT has a problem.

I appreciate the damage that rangers do. So what if you don't do as much? So what if you have to move back? So what if you miss? You do what you do because you love the job, NOT because you want the recognition.

edit: Oh yeah, I do tell my tanks/thieves/etc thank you if they do their job well. It's not something I have to do, but I know I personally would like to see it. Doing so has made me a lot of good, personal friends.

Listen Sophus. I picked RNG because of DMG. Period. I don't like paying +100k per party, nor do I like being dressed up like a boy-scout, but the DMG was worth it. You are throughly confused. The most important thing isn't having a hard-on for your job, it's the FUNCTION of your job. RNGs almost lost the function of its job, high DMG. Do not tell me this "love your job" crap. I think AF got to your head. I'm leveling my THF also. I like THF, it has many functions. If I lose those functions, the job is almost pointless; a hollow shell. Do you see now? If all jobs had no functions, hell, I'd probably be a NIN because they have cool looking AF. But in thinking of the functions (WHAT MAKES YOUR JOB WHAT IT IS), that is the most important thing to consider.

Job Functions (IMO)

PLD= Heavy Tank, save mages some MP considering your ability to heal and DEF
NIN= Med Tank, save mages a lot of MP considering your ability to rarely get hit
WAR= Med Tank or DD. Flexible job that can do both well
DRK= Utility DD, king SC closer, Stunner. What more can I say? 1337 DMGZ...
THF= Safe puller because of highest EVA, high SC closer, transfer hate to tank
MNK= Pure DD, kill...
RNG= Pure DD, good SCer, puller, easy ability to turn mobs (before patch)
DRG= Flexible DD. Can sub mage to help cure with breaths, or WAR for DMG,
good SATA buddy with ability to Jump hate off
SAM= SC pros. With Third Eye, they are decent Trick buddies. Good DMG and they
have second best Archery skills. Did I mention they get TP fast?
BLM= King of DMGZ. Most reliable DMG, can backup cure if needed, and lower
mobs VIT, AGI etc with spells. DDs start the fight, BLMs end the fight...
WHM= The doctor. Cure, Raise, Protect etc. Remove status ailments and can also
enfeeble the mob.
RDM= Very flexible role until around lvl 41 when they become Lords of MP. Enfeeble
lords. Back up cures, nukes and light DD also. Great job and comes with
pimp hat.
BRD= Makes PT feel like a million bucks. Makes PT fight like it's 2 lvls above what
it really is. Enfeebles, debuffs, backup cures also comes with the package.
SMN= Powerful summons, back up cures and summon nukes. A very
underestimated job by most.
BST= The anti-social job. Though you don't want to **** them off since they can
take out your PT with a pet. Ultimate soloers, no one does it better.

That's my opinion, Sophus. I'm no expert, and I don't claim to be. But I have been on other sides of the fence, everyone wants to be useful. SE didn't help other jobs, they just kicked one in the balls. But that's the easiest thing for them to do, isn't it? People say that "SE CAN'T just make other jobs better, it would mess things up with mobs and such." Well, they are good at making jobs suckier. THAT doesn't mess things up with XP PTs and mobs?

Edited, Fri Jul 29 02:20:14 2005 by BarchielReturns
#63 Jul 29 2005 at 1:20 AM Rating: Good
96 posts
hmm. this sounds alot like a thread where RNGs go boo-hoo and DRGs and MNKs say welcome to our world...
#64 Jul 29 2005 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
Bar, here is as simple as I can possibly make it:

(WHAT MAKES YOUR JOB WHAT IT IS), that is the most important thing to consider

The most important thing isn't having a hard-on for your job, it's the FUNCTION of your job.

Job Functions (IMO).....RNG= Pure DD, good SCer, puller, easy ability to turn mobs (before patch)

A PLD doesn't have the same dynamics as a war, a blm doesn't have the same dynamics as a rdm. And in this case, a pre-patch ranger doesn't have the same dynamics of a post-patch ranger.

So if the most important thing to consider is the function and role of your job...and the function has changed...either adapt to the new dynamics, switch jobs, or quit. The longer you loom about what you lost, you will never find what you've gained.

And for future reference, attacking people does not solve a problem. Attacking a problem solves a problem. So when someone tells you that there is more to the game than X, you are not doing yourself favors by saying:

Do not tell me this "love your job" crap. I think AF got to your head

Your problem is not with me, nor was it ever with me. It's with the patch and your ability or inability to adapt. Who knows, maybe my dynamics will need to change as a result as well? Maybe everyone's will? But how will I ever know if rangers continue to use the same old playbook? Those dynamics won't work anymore, and unless I see someone doing something new I'm never going to know how to adapt.

Most of all, I'd be more willing to compromise and help out a ranger who kept an open mind than one who enters the party knowing everything.
#65 Jul 29 2005 at 3:42 AM Rating: Good
836 posts
See, that's it. My problem isn't with the patch, its with you. I hate ppl who's name start with "S".

hmm. this sounds alot like a thread where RNGs go boo-hoo and DRGs and MNKs say welcome to our world...

Hahaha, thread where RNGs go boo-hoo? Go look at the DRG forum, almost all threads are like that. MNKs and DRGs are different. MNKs are pure DDs and DRGs seem a bit more flexible, but ppl on this game don't want flexibility. They want to kill stuff fast, like Sophus said. No matter what, ppl will always complain about something. I saw a DRG complain that a new torque was for DRG AND THF...he wanted it to be DRG only. [ But to be honest, it sure would be nice if DRG could wear a Haub. Funny they can't but a NIN can. ]
I saw one guy complain that SE was having maintenance again soon, would he rather the game just ***** up all together?


Most of all, I'd be more willing to compromise and help out a ranger who kept an open mind than one who enters the party knowing everything.

So I guess that makes you a RDM that knows everything, right? Since you are the one to help him/her. I didn't know that you were so wise, Sophus. Will ppl change, sure they will. But like I said, let ppl ***** for now, hell, RNGs deserve it. Even RNG gear has gone so **** now, you see the price of Hawkers? RNG WILL be a different job for the new generation. Now ammo just needs to drop in price.

A PLD doesn't have the same dynamics as a war, a blm doesn't have the same dynamics as a rdm. And in this case, a pre-patch ranger doesn't have the same dynamics of a post-patch ranger.

So if the most important thing to consider is the function and role of your job...and the function has changed...either adapt to the new dynamics, switch jobs, or quit. The longer you loom about what you lost, you will never find what you've gained.

Sophus, in every post you say the same thing. But your dynamics speach is new, what do you mean by it.

Another thing that is funny, the same ppl that call RNGs whiny are the same ppl that when making a PT, they used to go:

/sea all RNG

Now, if BRD gets some kind of nerf, which they will never since the game needs more mages anyway...ppl will say the same thing to a BRD, but double. "Oh, can't sing your way to 75 anymore? Deal with it cry baby." Also, the exact same ppl that went:

/sea all BRD

The jobs were popular for a reason, ppl invited them. Now they turn their backs and laugh. THAT is what's really funny.

Edited, Fri Jul 29 04:48:40 2005 by BarchielReturns
#66 Jul 29 2005 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Bar, I may not be able to agree with your snide personal attacks or your know-it-all attitude, but at least we agree that eventually this will fade away. The sooner people accept it and move on, the quicker that will happen.

And btw, ty for referring to me as my real name (Jesus) child.

edit: BTW, we did some coffer key runs the other day for people in my linkshell. Then last night, we did some Tribunus runs to get Tungis. RNG damage...never an issue.

Edited, Fri Jul 29 09:30:45 2005 by SophusTehNewb
#67 Jul 29 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
To those that think that "my" RNG is weak. Meet me in Ballista.

{Last Resort}{Soul Eater}{Slugshot} {Do j00 n33d it?} LOLZZ@@!!

Woot, I PWN'zorz joo! {Astral Flow} + {Howling Moon} = {Do JOO need it?} /humpage

Muahahaha :D

Much <3


Edited, Fri Jul 29 09:50:04 2005 by Nieko
#68 Jul 29 2005 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
Another thing that is funny, the same ppl that call RNGs whiny are the same ppl that when making a PT, they used to go:

/sea all RNG

Now, if BRD gets some kind of nerf, which they will never since the game needs more mages anyway...ppl will say the same thing to a BRD, but double. "Oh, can't sing your way to 75 anymore? Deal with it cry baby." Also, the exact same ppl that went:

/sea all BRD

*raises hand* Guilty! But, never invited more than one RNG to a party. What did I do? /sea all WAR/MNK/DRG/SAM Why? Because I love those jobs. Oth, for those who don't know, he IS my RL uncle, is a DRG, and whenever I leveled near his level, /sea all oth. Or I'd tell him to get online.

Not because he's my uncle, but because his job, along with the rest of them, DRK included, were always overlooked.

As far as BRD's, though, I always did /sea all RDM first. I know a lot of RDM's, lol, if none were seeking, then I did a BRD search.

Point is, now that RNG's aren't so 'uber', a lot are complaining, whining, ....petetioning, because they can't stand being a shadow of their former selves and glory. This is what the rest of us DD's have to put up with. Yes, I even made parties, too, and played as the effin' WHM until 70, so I know what job distress is, lol.

Anyway... This is how things are now. Like others said, accept it and go with, or whine and complain, and maybe this petition will take effect..

But, in my honest opinion, I wouldn't waste my breath on it to SE, look at how much we still get gil-sellers affecting our camps and all, lol. Though, what they did with R/E things was a nice touch, I have to admit. :D


P.S.: I don't mean this post as a cut on anyone or anything, just stating an opinion yet again, lol. If it offends you, then sorry. Not much I can do otherwise if it does, lol.
#69 Jul 29 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
anyone who says RNG took no skill pre-patch is just a whining idiot. the fact of the matter is, RNG took just as much skill as any other melee job to play. they always did more damage because they were designed to. RNG are a pure melee job. we dont have any defense, we dont have any evasion, we dont have all that much HP, we have no soloing ability at all. all we can physically do is shoot arrows at a mob and do lots of damage while paying out our asses to accomplish those totals. you can say all you want that money isnt an issue, but the fact of the matter is you, as a WAR, wont be dropping 100k per level on crap you can never sell back.

Just an FYI, i spend well over 100K a lvl on stuff i cant sell back. Food, ammo (OMG A WAR THAT USES AMMO), medicines, sneak/invis ect. Im sure you spend gil on those things as well, but i bet my gear costs 2-3x's as much as yours did. Not to start a pissing match, but I, as a WAR, do a whole lot more then i think you realize in an exp party. And you being so smart (as you say), should embrace this change, and enjoy the fact that it isnt nearly as mindless now.


it is not any one RNGs fault that you dont get party invites as much. "OH, now RNGs will have to LFG more." boo freaking hoo. that was never a concern for me. i leveled THF to 70, i think i know what it means to sit LFG for hours. i didnt start leveling RNG so i could get to 75 in a day. "NOW RNG will actually have to think instead of just ALT+D ALT+D ALT+D WS." wow, as opposed to other melee who just engage and watch their TP guage fill up? oh i guess WAR provoke and agressor and berserk every now and then. gee, RNG have these neat abilities called sharpshot and barrage, which any good RNG knows they cant just fire off whenever they like without pulling hate off of whatever tank is keeping it. its almost as if, they have to time the use of their abilities in conjunction with what is going on in battle. similar to the way...other jobs use abilities.

I dont think anyone ever blmaed RNG's for getting invites faster then other DD's. But im positive they blmaed SE for making the game unbalanced, ad SE addressed it. I never once complained about RNG's and the amount of damage they did. Why? Because 50-60% of the time i was out damaging them. But OMFGZORZ NO WAR CAN OUT DAMAGE RNGZORZZZZ11!@@ 1@ 2
Yes, we can, and the reason we can, is because there were so many RNG's riding a free ride. Crappy equipment, crappy technique, crappy attitudes. Those are the RNG's whinning and crying about the change, because they can no longer ride the free train to 75. You may not have that mind set or attitude about it, and i applaud you for that. But those that did, im glad they **CHANGED** the RNG job, so everyone can see them, and be sure to avoid them.


the job was balanced before. as many people before have stated "it all evens out in the endgame." damage wise, skill wise, everything all evens out in the endgame. as a friend of mine in my linkshell put it "the only thing RNGs were ever REALLY good for was in exp parties." due to this update, we now have average DD damage (at 3x the cost), we now have zero soloing ability (even less than we had before). Apparently having to adjust to every single step that a mob is "thinking", ok...whatever.

The job WAS NOT BALANCED. I am getting sick of people saying this, and convincing themselves of this. If you truely beleive that RNG was a balanced part of this game pre patch, then you are blinded by your own ambitions. What amazes me, is RNG can still do just as much damage now as they could before, the only difference is they need to be educated and willing to move. They need to know and follow the hate line, or die. And they arent the ONLY DD job that can now fight gods/hnms. That means this "balancing out in the end" that you speak of, will actually be balanced. Amazing how so many RNG's are blinded to this. Amazing how so many RNG's are so selfish, that they dont want other DD's to fight gods. They dont want other DD's to be viable options in exp partys ><



acepod, i dont consider myself to be stupid. i am doing my best to adapt to the changes. but its ignorant people like you that make me want to pull my hair out. you say that RNG should quit whining because we dont even completely know how the update has changed our jobs yet. RNG have a right to whine. we got beaten with the nerf stick because of people like you who complained too much about RNG doing exactly what they were designed to do. if being just a little bit sour about that makes me an idiot, fine. say what you like acepod. *I THINK* you should go inform yourself about just how much the update actually affected us before you go on a diatribe about how we need to stop whining. i wont stomp on your face the day you go out to batallia and miss 4/5 rampages in a row on Too Weak mobs, so dont stomp on mine.

#1 i didnt say you were stupid. But from your isessent whining, i am begining to think otherwise.

#2 I didnt complain about RNG's EVER. See my points above.

#3 I read these forums ALOT. I know several RNG's, who have taken the "Lets make the best of it" approach. They have tested, and tried out the way their job works now, and tell me it is just a little bit more difficult to play, but the results are virtually the same. A loss of DMG on mobs 15 lvls above them IS THE RIGHT WAY TO CALCULATE DAMAGE!! I use ranged attacks a lot, and i am also affected by this change. It isnt just RNG's, it is every job who wants to use a ranged attack. Soloing mobs is harder for me now also. I cant just stand their and shoot sleep and bloody bolts at mobs, and solo EM and T mobs like i used to be able to. But im not sitting here and whining about it, i am adapting to it. You (and other RNG's ) should either adapt and move on, or change jobs, or quit the game. YEs you have the right to whine if you like, just as much as i have the right to tell you to STFU. I am informed, and made my post based on that info.

the fast leveling was never what made RNG fun for me. but doing massive amounts of damage while looking really damned impressive at the same time *IS* what i found fun, and i believe that that is how a very large percentage of the people who are complaining about this update feel.

You may not have been lvling RNG for a fast ticket to 75, but A LOT of other were. SE noticed this, and took action. Se noticed arrowburn parties and took action. SE noticed people kicking perfectly good melee jobs for RNG's and took action. I very much doubt it had anything to do with people complaining about RNG's, and a lot more to do wiht data they compiled. Be mad at SE, not the rest of the people who beleive the change made things a bit more fair.

you are right, spells are a loss. but that is something you will get much more use out of than one shot. you use a scroll once, and no matter how expensive it is you never have to buy it again. rangers on the other hand, have to buy stuff over and over and over again in order to just keep leveling. all told i have spent probably around 1.5M on just ammunition in leveling RNG to 61. aside from a few big money scrolls, that is far more per level than your average mage job. also you made the analogy that a BLM will never cast thunder II once he gets thunder III. ever hear of level cap areas? that is not very *much* use out of the scroll after he's gotten thunder III, but thats still more of his moneys worth than the RNG will get from the ammunition he has spent.

RNG's use ranged attack to hit the mobs. This has never changed, and you decided that was ok when you started lvling the job. Dont whine to us about the cost, you choose to have that cost, not us. And so many RNG's say you can do the same amoutn of damage/cost ratio. So i dont see where your argument works. In this respect nothing has changed.

but at least this person is trying to take it beyond that. at least this guy is doing something beyond venting somewhere that will never reach someone at SEs eyes. and then you all flame him for it...he is passionate about something, i applaud his effort, even if it is fruitless.

I applaud anyone who stands up for something they beleive in. But whining about it is a different story. There is always more then one way to do things, and IMGO the OP was whining. I even said in my post i applaud him/her for standing up for something they beleive in, but that it sounds a lot more like whining to me.

the main reason why RNG exp'd so much faster than other jobs wasnt because of their damage output, it was the sheer volume of invites from the "OMG AN RNG WITHOUT A GROUP *INVITES*"

I agree with you on this. Like i said i outdamaged 50-60% of all the RNG's i have partied with in the last 6 months. Its a shame people felt like RNG was so superior to other jobs, but it seems SE felt the same, and fixed it. Again its not my fault they did that, nor any other DD's fault. They felt it was unbalanced, and balanced it. At this point in the game, RNG is my favorite DD to party with. Sidewinder + Rampage is a seriously devestating SC. I love RNG's, and i will continue to party with them. I will also take not eof those RNG's, who can still do a lot of damage, and dont whine about it. I will also take note of those who cant seem to figure out how to work with the change, and who whine about it.

i dont see how RNG was broken in the first place, and i'm not going to because i dont agree with you or your viewpoint at all.

Obviously, you have made up your mind, and no one can change it. As i said, any RNG that thinks their job was balanced prior to the change is blinded by their own ambitions. It was unbalaced, by the fact that you still did 120-250 DMG on mobs 15-20 lvls above you. It was also unbalanced by the fact that you rarely missed, and when you took hate, you had virtually no consiquences to over stepping the hate line.

jesus christ i am sick and @#%^ing tired of people telling me to shut up and "deal with it."

it is a NERF. its frustrating, its a pain in the ***. i havent played much at all in the past couple of weeks because of it. when i DO play i DO do my best to "deal with it.". when i am on these forums, which they are a public forum a place for people to speak their minds, i am going to *****.

either get the @#%^ over it, or shut the @#%^ up, sophus.

You keep repeating yourself. You have the right to *****, just as much as we have the right to tell you to STFU. Feel free to keep ********* and i will feel free to keep telling you to stop whining. Remeber the BRD nerf? lol i bet you dont.

#70 Jul 29 2005 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
836 posts
Bar, I may not be able to agree with your snide personal attacks or your know-it-all attitude, but at least we agree that eventually this will fade away. The sooner people accept it and move on, the quicker that will happen.

And btw, ty for referring to me as my real name (Jesus) child.

edit: BTW, we did some coffer key runs the other day for people in my linkshell. Then last night, we did some Tribunus runs to get Tungis. RNG damage...never an issue.

Sophus, I'm not a know it all. I still get lost in La Thiene Plateau. YOU are the one acting like the savior/know it all that much help teach everyone how to play their jobs. It's you that keeps saying "I don't mind helping a RNG learn this-that..." I'm saying, let ppl ***** for now to get it out of their system. No one wants your pity.

Snide personal attacks are fun, btw. Especially against someone who won't play back. I'm not as rude as you think I am, I'm a pretty kind person. But RNG is one of my jobs, and is my highest job. I think I know a lot more about it that you, someone who seems knowledgeable, but experiences the job from the outside.

Woot, I PWN'zorz joo! {Astral Flow} + {Howling Moon} = {Do JOO need it?} /humpage

Muahahaha :D

Much <3


Don't make me get my DRG/SMN. I hope you like "3-way^^"
Me + Wyvern + Carbie = 1337 FUGGIN DMGZ. {D0 J00 n33d !t?} LOLERZ@@ZZ!!

Or should I tell my NPC buddy about this?? I taught him how to /hump.

#71 Jul 29 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
I had lots of stuff i wanted to say to Barch here, but hes arguing with sophus, and i dont want to get into it.

I do wanna say i might have been a bit harsh towards the whining RNG's, but a man can take only so much whining before he retaliates with a STOP ******* WHINING comment ><

#72 Jul 29 2005 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
YOU are the one acting like the savior/know it all that much help teach everyone how to play their jobs. It's you that keeps saying "I don't mind helping a RNG learn this-that..." I'm saying, let ppl ***** for now to get it out of their system. No one wants your pity.

Ways I "help" rangers as a...

*Dia for more damage
*Choke for more damage
*Gravity to lower a mob's evasion
*Frost to lower a mob's agility
*Haste to speed up physical attacks and ranged attacks
*Haste to decrease spell casting time
*Dispel to remove those nasty +def or +eva abilities on mobs
*Other enfeebling magic (slow/para/blind/silence/etc) to weaken the mob against the ranger and other melee
*Spells such as paralyna or silena (when /whm) to remove devastating enfeebling magic

*Madrigal for increased accuracy
*Prelude for increased ranged accuracy
*Mambo for increased evasion
*Etudes for increased agility or dexterity
*March for increased attack rate
*March for decreased spell casting time
*Finale to remove those nasty +def or +eva attacks
*Threnodies to make weaponskills do more damage
*(Though I don't have it yet) Mazurka to increase movement speed for pulls

These methods of help require no teaching, no lessons, and no sermons. They don't even require having played the job personally. Regardless, they do help the jobs. I believe that my definition of help and yours are different.

You may say that I should be doing all of these anyway, and I would agree. However, most parties expect only that the mages have ballad and the melees have madrigal/minuet if I'm a bard...or that the mob is enfeebled and the mages have refresh if I'm a RDM. For me, that isn't enough.

The difference between a good party and a great party is the quality of the players both individually and as a team. It may be enough for a mage to paralyna a tank after they have been paralyzed--but have you ever seen them do it AS the tank is being paralzyed. Wow! Have you ever been silena'd immediately after silence instead of saying <| Silena |> and waiting minute or two afterwards? I bet having availability to those shadows immediately was a nice thing.

Your mage doesn't have to be that astute, but doing so made the entire party better (and your life easier).

I go all out for those who act as a team and keep open minds. I make certain that they get hasted and that the mob doesn't drop enfeebles for more than a few seconds. They are obviously trying to make the party better, so it's only right that I try to make THEM better. It doesn't mean I'm giving them advice or telling them what to do. It means that I'm making them stronger and/or the monster weaker so they are doing the absolute best they can.

When I mention it being harder to help someone at times, it's when that person isn't pulling his or her weight. If a thief never ws until they had 300% TP because they wanted their damage to be as high as possible...there was a problem. If the ranger solo'd half of their skillchains because they didn't want to wait 10 seconds for the SAM, THF, or WAR to get TP...there was a problem. If the BRD didn't want to cast ballad except at the end of battles and spent the rest of the time meleeing...there was a problem. If the puller runs off while spells were being casted on them...there was a problem.

I try to work around those problems as much as I can. But there does come a point where I say "***** it, they don't seem to care about this so why should I?" After all, I'm doing this to help them, not me (not directly, anyway). Why should I bother helping them if they obviously don't want my help? Sure, it pains me to see a ranger miss a ws. But if they missed it because they moved, ran off, or did it before any enfeebling/enhancing magic could be casted then I have no remorse.

I think that's why you see me talk about "helping" people--or giving suggestions--and you assume that I my actually physically move them or tell them to do things instead of casting the appropriate spells at the appropriate times. Both are examples of helping, but the way you see it must make me seem like some know-it-all know-nothing that shouldn't keep talking. Because of that, you saw what I said as advice from a non-ranger and automatically it meant nothing because I don't play the job so I couldn't possibly understand it. The only way you may have listened to me is if I was a 75 RNG...and even then you may be timid and skeptical. To me, that sounds more to me like hurt pride than rational response.

Everyone is your enemy, no one understands you, everyone is mocking you or out to get you.

The fact is that I'm NOT looking at it from the ranger's perspective, I'm looking at it from the rdm/brd perspective. It's my job to judge the flow of battle and change variables as needed. We have to know where we are, what we want, and how to get there. Why else do you think many rdm/brd are the ones who start the parties?

While helping MAY mean giving suggestions or casting spells, it ALWAYS means knowing what my party is capable of and acting accordingly. I can't act unless I have a handle on what's going on. It doesn't take playing each individual job to do that, just one.

So to bar, cohle, and any other rangers out there who may be reading this and possibly gotten offended, please note:

This was not a player nerf, it was a job nerf. People posting suggestions on these boards aren't doing so because they think you are weak. They're doing it because for years everyone else (including you rangers) have been nice enough to give them tips and suggestions to make their jobs better. In return for your kindness, they are repaying the favor. They are not doing it to be mean or cruel or say that they are now better than you. They are doing it because you are probably going to end up in their party and they want you to have the same efficiency that you demand of them.

You may see yourself as vulnerable right now and if that's the case, I can see why you are defensive. It feels like all eyes are on you but let me assure you...they're not. You are still rangers and will continue to have the same spots in parties unless and until enough of you make the position undesirable for groups. That doesn't mean that everything will remain the same; your class was changed and EVERYONE has to act accordingly. The effects of this patch will not be fully realized for months down the line.

Attacking people because they say that your job dynamics were changed will not fix the fact that your job dynamics were changed. ***** and complain all you want because it is well within your right...but do know that others aren't required to accept self-pity. Realize that neither are you confined to a certain dynamic or even a certain job. Also note that your opinion isn't the only one with bearing. What others have to say matters also--especially if they are not rangers. They see things from a different perspective than your own. Maybe something they have to say can make your job easier or better? There is always room for improvement.

Most of all, remember that it's the player that makes the character and not the other way around. You are only as "gimped" as you allowed yourself to be.

oh and ace: feel free to get into it. I live for this kind of stuff :D

Edited, Fri Jul 29 12:22:16 2005 by SophusTehNewb

Edited, Fri Jul 29 13:18:04 2005 by SophusTehNewb
#73 Jul 29 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
acepod wrote:

Just an FYI, i spend well over 100K a lvl on stuff i cant sell back. Food, ammo (OMG A WAR THAT USES AMMO), medicines, sneak/invis ect. Im sure you spend gil on those things as well, but i bet my gear costs 2-3x's as much as yours did. Not to start a pissing match, but I, as a WAR, do a whole lot more then i think you realize in an exp party. And you being so smart (as you say), should embrace this change, and enjoy the fact that it isnt nearly as mindless now.

I dont think anyone ever blmaed RNG's for getting invites faster then other DD's. But im positive they blmaed SE for making the game unbalanced, ad SE addressed it. I never once complained about RNG's and the amount of damage they did. Why? Because 50-60% of the time i was out damaging them. But OMFGZORZ NO WAR CAN OUT DAMAGE RNGZORZZZZ11!@@ 1@ 2
Yes, we can, and the reason we can, is because there were so many RNG's riding a free ride. Crappy equipment, crappy technique, crappy attitudes. Those are the RNG's whinning and crying about the change, because they can no longer ride the free train to 75. You may not have that mind set or attitude about it, and i applaud you for that. But those that did, im glad they **CHANGED** the RNG job, so everyone can see them, and be sure to avoid them.

The job WAS NOT BALANCED. I am getting sick of people saying this, and convincing themselves of this. If you truely beleive that RNG was a balanced part of this game pre patch, then you are blinded by your own ambitions. What amazes me, is RNG can still do just as much damage now as they could before, the only difference is they need to be educated and willing to move. They need to know and follow the hate line, or die. And they arent the ONLY DD job that can now fight gods/hnms. That means this "balancing out in the end" that you speak of, will actually be balanced. Amazing how so many RNG's are blinded to this. Amazing how so many RNG's are so selfish, that they dont want other DD's to fight gods. They dont want other DD's to be viable options in exp partys ><

#1 i didnt say you were stupid. But from your isessent whining, i am begining to think otherwise.

#2 I didnt complain about RNG's EVER. See my points above.

#3 I read these forums ALOT. I know several RNG's, who have taken the "Lets make the best of it" approach. They have tested, and tried out the way their job works now, and tell me it is just a little bit more difficult to play, but the results are virtually the same. A loss of DMG on mobs 15 lvls above them IS THE RIGHT WAY TO CALCULATE DAMAGE!! I use ranged attacks a lot, and i am also affected by this change. It isnt just RNG's, it is every job who wants to use a ranged attack. Soloing mobs is harder for me now also. I cant just stand their and shoot sleep and bloody bolts at mobs, and solo EM and T mobs like i used to be able to. But im not sitting here and whining about it, i am adapting to it. You (and other RNG's ) should either adapt and move on, or change jobs, or quit the game. YEs you have the right to whine if you like, just as much as i have the right to tell you to STFU. I am informed, and made my post based on that info.

You may not have been lvling RNG for a fast ticket to 75, but A LOT of other were. SE noticed this, and took action. Se noticed arrowburn parties and took action. SE noticed people kicking perfectly good melee jobs for RNG's and took action. I very much doubt it had anything to do with people complaining about RNG's, and a lot more to do wiht data they compiled. Be mad at SE, not the rest of the people who beleive the change made things a bit more fair.

RNG's use ranged attack to hit the mobs. This has never changed, and you decided that was ok when you started lvling the job. Dont whine to us about the cost, you choose to have that cost, not us. And so many RNG's say you can do the same amoutn of damage/cost ratio. So i dont see where your argument works. In this respect nothing has changed.

I applaud anyone who stands up for something they beleive in. But whining about it is a different story. There is always more then one way to do things, and IMGO the OP was whining. I even said in my post i applaud him/her for standing up for something they beleive in, but that it sounds a lot more like whining to me.

I agree with you on this. Like i said i outdamaged 50-60% of all the RNG's i have partied with in the last 6 months. Its a shame people felt like RNG was so superior to other jobs, but it seems SE felt the same, and fixed it. Again its not my fault they did that, nor any other DD's fault. They felt it was unbalanced, and balanced it. At this point in the game, RNG is my favorite DD to party with. Sidewinder + Rampage is a seriously devestating SC. I love RNG's, and i will continue to party with them. I will also take not eof those RNG's, who can still do a lot of damage, and dont whine about it. I will also take note of those who cant seem to figure out how to work with the change, and who whine about it.

Obviously, you have made up your mind, and no one can change it. As i said, any RNG that thinks their job was balanced prior to the change is blinded by their own ambitions. It was unbalaced, by the fact that you still did 120-250 DMG on mobs 15-20 lvls above you. It was also unbalanced by the fact that you rarely missed, and when you took hate, you had virtually no consiquences to over stepping the hate line.

You keep repeating yourself. You have the right to *****, just as much as we have the right to tell you to STFU. Feel free to keep ********* and i will feel free to keep telling you to stop whining. Remeber the BRD nerf? lol i bet you dont.

you spend well over 100k per level? HA. you must get really really really really ****** parties then. as THF i spent 60k a level, and most of that was a single stack of sole sushi. and yes, i spammed bolts and yes i pulled and subbed NIN so i had to buy shihei. yes, your gear probably was more expensive. BUT, you can sell it back if you needed to. so dont tell me there is no issue with money. i could understand any job spending about that before the exp patch, but and as i stated in one of my posts, i dont mind having to "think" in order to do the same amount of damage. but SE has nerfed the damage and the acc of rangers with this update. no matter which way you cut it, its not going to be the same as it was pre-patch.

you dont think anyone ever blamed RNGs for getting fast invites? then what the **** is all this backlash against RNGs "OH now you guys will actually have to LFG SOME." you say that the reason WAR can outdamage RNG is because there were so many bad RNGs? so you can only outdamage bad RNGs? i dont understand. also if you never complained about the damage that RNG did because you were outdamaging them, one would think you'd be smart enough to see that the job WAS balanced. as i've also stated in my posts, i can deal with not doing the same damage to IT+++ mobs. i AGREE with that change. but to have your ACC and damage gimped on EVERY mob is retarded. i dont care what anyone says, no one level 20 levels ABOVE a mob is going to MISS as much as an RNG does now. and if you cant see that changes like THAT are unfair then you're just as blind as you claim i am.

no acepod. your superficial knowledge of the patch and the RNG job wont do in this argument. an RNG cannot do as much damage as they were before. if you factor in misses, the amount of time wasted in moving and not shooting, the fact that barrage is all but useless, the fact that we no longer get melee swings in at do not do the same damage as we were before. we can still do OK damage, but at 2-3x the cost.

1. again, i am sick and ******* tired of people like you taking a logical argument as "whining." either you're too ******* stupid to recognize a debate when you see it, or you're just that stubborn.

2. ok...your point?

3. no acepod you are not informed. you cant solo EM and Ts, oh gee. this update makes sense now *rolleyes*. you are right the update does affect everyone, but just as the TP nerf hit DRGs the hardest, this update has hit RNGs the hardest. so dont sit there and try to say "oh we all feel the effects of this and have to adapt." because you dont. you cant solo EM and T, boo hoo. we cant effectively do anything anymore. partying with an RNG has become problematic, we do only decent damage, marginally better than an average player on another job.

did you ever stop to think that maybe a few of the people, i would say more than 75% of them, changed to RNG at one point or another because they liked the job and wanted to play it? i'm sure the "Fast track to 75" idea made it more attractive to them, but i am sure that a lot of the people playing it enjoyed it because of the job. you say this whole "RNG ONRY" idea was the problem (i agree with you), so why gimp RNG when other jobs CAN and DID outdamage them before the patch when the only thing that NEEDED changing was a WAY OF THINKING? honestly, how can you be so dense? do away with arrowburns. i dont care. dont take away a jobs entire purpose and ability.

yes acepod, i did choose my job. and i didnt mind paying the money i did for the damage i did and the fun that i had playing my job. but you cant tell me that cost isnt an issue when comparing one jobs damage dealing ability to anothers. the cost to damage ratio has changed a lot, because our damage is now a lot less than it used to be.

so if you agree with me why are you arguing with me? there was an imbalance against IT+++ mobs, i will concede that. but pre-patch, when a WAR and an RNG fought together on a mob that was just IT++ or less, things were balanced just fine, as an example.

in closing, i'll just say this. we'll see how devastating your Sidewinder > Rampage SC is when half of the sidewinders from that "good RNG" miss, all because of a stupid update.
#74 Jul 29 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Cohle, I can't deny that some people do feel vindicated because of this patch. However, those feelings are somewhat misguided and do not represent the majority of us. Otherwise you would have seen a major backlash of ninja tanks (especially by PLD). Many rangers were simply more verbal about it.

Yes, we agree that some (but not all) of the adjustments needed to be made...but that doesn't make us anti-ranger. Neither does agreeing with the need for a change constitute a backlash against the job.
#75 Jul 29 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
you spend well over 100k per level? HA. you must get really really really really sh*tty parties then.

Your very defensive, yet i havent attacked you at all. Sole sushi +1 =120K + (this is the food i almost always use). Just an example.

you dont think anyone ever blamed RNGs for getting fast invites? then what the @#%^ is all this backlash against RNGs "OH now you guys will actually have to LFG SOME."

ITs not the RNG fault they got parties faster. It is people who agree with that patch, saying those things. I almost never LFG, i usually make my own party. But it will be something new for RNG to LFG for long periods of time, and some people (i dont really care) think it will be good for RNG's to have to do this.

you say that the reason WAR can outdamage RNG is because there were so many bad RNGs? so you can only outdamage bad RNGs?

Pre patch, at my lvl yes. A well equiped RNG useing the proper ammo, could outdamage me easily. But they were so few and far beetween, that it was sickening. When one RNG can do 1000-1200 a sidewinder, and another maxs out at 600, i know something is wrong.

Post patch, those RNG's i was outdamaging before the patch, i will eat for breakfast. But good RNG (such as the one i partied with the other night), will still be able to do very good damage.

also if you never complained about the damage that RNG did because you were outdamaging them, one would think you'd be smart enough to see that the job WAS balanced

No the job was not balanced. Like i said a well equipped RNG useing the proper ammo, could easily outdamage me. Not only that, but they could fight mobs 20 lvls above them, and still do the same damage. Thats just not right (i know you agree, but your picking apart what i said, and this has a place).

but to have your ACC and damage gimped on EVERY mob is retarded. i dont care what anyone says, no one level 20 levels ABOVE a mob is going to MISS as much as an RNG does now. and if you cant see that changes like THAT are unfair then you're just as blind as you claim i am.

I never said i agreed with every aspect of the update. I dont think RNG's should have such ACC problems on low lvl mobs, just because they are close. And you keep talking about these ACC problems, but the RNG/WAR i partied with the other night, didnt miss one sidewinder. He also didnt miss many regular hit either. Where is this ACC nerf? I dont remeber reading in the update details either. I think you may need to re evaluate where your standing (this is a friendly suggestion, and not ann attack incase you a reading into it incorrectly). But i cant change the update, and neither can you. So back to my original point, what good is it to whine and complain about it? (please also note that i never said you specifically where whining about it. When i say RNG's are whining, i was speaking of what i have seen from RNG's in general. My insessent whining comment was literally directed at all the RNG whining, and was in response to your general comment)).

2. ok...your point?

Did you not read? please reference my previous post, and try to understand it. I am positivge it was very clear.

3. no acepod you are not informed. you cant solo EM and Ts, oh gee. this update makes sense now *rolleyes*. you are right the update does affect everyone, but just as the TP nerf hit DRGs the hardest, this update has hit RNGs the hardest. so dont sit there and try to say "oh we all feel the effects of this and have to adapt." because you dont. you cant solo EM and T, boo hoo. we cant effectively do anything anymore. partying with an RNG has become problematic, we do only decent damage, marginally better than an average player on another job.

This statement is officially classified as whining. Until now, you were pretty mature (though some very poor attempts to criticize, and belittle people were made), but if this isnt whining, i dont know what is. Yes i dont feel the effects as much as a RNG (duh your job is to shoot things), but others do feel the effects. Just because you have it worse, dont discount the rest of the people who are effected. Hell i got hit with this change, and the utsusemi change. It makes a huge difference, but again im not whining about it.

did you ever stop to think that maybe a few of the people, i would say more than 75% of them, changed to RNG at one point or another because they liked the job and wanted to play it? i'm sure the "Fast track to 75" idea made it more attractive to them, but i am sure that a lot of the people playing it enjoyed it because of the job.

You yourself admit, that about 25% of the people playing RNG were doing it just to get to 75 as fast as possible. Im not sure if this is a rebuttle, or you reinforceing what i said???

you say this whole "RNG ONRY" idea was the problem (i agree with you), so why gimp RNG when other jobs CAN and DID outdamage them before the patch when the only thing that NEEDED changing was a WAY OF THINKING? honestly, how can you be so dense? do away with arrowburns. i dont care. dont take away a jobs entire purpose and ability

I think your blowing this way out of proportion dude. No one took away your jobs entire purpose and ability. It is just harder to reach your maximum potential. If your soo upset about it (every post you become more and more angry), then why continue to play RNG? I mean from your own words, you have no purpose or ability.

yes acepod, i did choose my job. and i didnt mind paying the money i did for the damage i did and the fun that i had playing my job. but you cant tell me that cost isnt an issue when comparing one jobs damage dealing ability to anothers. the cost to damage ratio has changed a lot, because our damage is now a lot less than it used to be

Then you need to evaluate your situation, and make a choice. Are you willing to pay the gil it costs, to continue to lvl rng? If you are willing to pay the gil, then keep going if not, then stop. Are you willing to be a job class, that a bit more even on then playing field as other jobs? If yes, then continue RNG, if no, then change jobs/quit. Are you willing to put in the effort to make sure your standing in the right plce for max damage? If yes then do so, if no , then change jobs or quit. You see what im getting at here? Your allowed to be upset, your allowed to be angry, but whining about it is useless ( by whining i am refering to all RNG again). It isnt going to change anything, and will only upset yourseves more (again all RNG).

o if you agree with me why are you arguing with me?

I agree with some of what you have said, and disagree with others. Didnt you yourself just call me too stupid to realize this is a debate? Please heed your own words.

in closing, i'll just say this. we'll see how devastating your Sidewinder > Rampage SC is when half of the sidewinders from that "good RNG" miss, all because of a stupid update.

Mountain out of a mole hill buddy, mountain out of a mole hill.

If you miss half your sidewinders, you suck, and it has nothing to do with the update.

#76 Jul 29 2005 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
BarchielReturns wrote:

Don't make me get my DRG/SMN. I hope you like "3-way^^"
Me + Wyvern + Carbie = 1337 FUGGIN DMGZ. {D0 J00 n33d !t?} LOLERZ@@ZZ!!

Or should I tell my NPC buddy about this?? I taught him how to /hump.

Woot! Sounds fun to me. Too bad you can only have one pet at a time, eh? Muahaha {Burn} {You can have this.} :D I still gotz teh ub3r 1337 Fenrir. :D :P

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