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Attention Players of Shiva, A Petition to SEFollow

#1 Jul 21 2005 at 12:36 AM Rating: Default
I took the time to do some research, the petition is made out to "Yoichi Wada President and Representative Director SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD." I had to spend a lot of time figuring out who it should go to, needed the address of SE headquarters in Japan, phone numbers etc. This is a real petition with real concerns. If you're one of the people who think were making too big a deal about this, feel free not to sign, but I want this thread made available to the people who do care enough. Numbers make a difference, please take the time to sign, it does not take long at all.
#2 Jul 21 2005 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
Real concerns in a virtual world.

Tissue [Do you need it?]
#3 Jul 21 2005 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
Lol you think a stupid petition is going to get SE to say, oh wait lets make Ranger the most powerful job ingame again. I am just glad I decided to have Blm as my 2nd job to 75, to think I almost picked Ranger, but everyone was leveling ranger.
#4 Jul 21 2005 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
1,261 posts
note: OP has been posted in every single Server forum & the Main FFXI forum >< Mucho Spam-o
#5 Jul 21 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
418 posts
you people ***** that something needs to be done and people need to band together. Someone is at least trying and all you can do is flame. What the ****?!
#6 Jul 21 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
1,261 posts
Petition wrote:
We the players are asking you to give us back the Ranger's ability to deal impressive damage, we are asking you to give us back our ability to have fun in the game we have played so long. If that however does not happen, the people who were willing to sign this petition feel strongly enough that they will deactivate their accounts. Without a reason to play, we won't...


Thats just rediculous. If this guy is just gonna whine on how they "nerfed" RNG (to balance Jobs), then let him and his fellow whiners leave. Sorry, thats just my stance. <_<
He's been getting nothing but negative replies sine he's spammed this. -.-;;
#7 Jul 21 2005 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
418 posts
I'm not saying I agree with that the petition is asking for. But at least he is trying to stand up for something and get something changed. We shouldn't flame this guy just because we don't want to sign it. Give him credit for what he's doing.
#8 Jul 21 2005 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
1,261 posts
well if I flamed him, I'm sorry. I just wanted to point out he has posted this in every single outlet that involves FFXI, which, IMHO is a bit.....overkill thats all ; ; (referring to my 1st post on this thread)

Edited, Thu Jul 21 11:47:30 2005 by doomygir
#9 Jul 21 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Excellent
36 posts
Wrip, I don't think it's....that he's being flamed for standing up for what he thinks... I think it' stupid....his opinion is?

But of course, I don't know, and it doesn't really affect me. ^^
#10 Jul 21 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
Im going to flame him, and then proceed to rate him down in the hopes that everyone else will and this topic will leave our forum.

To the OP:

Shut the **** up!! Your a wining childish cry baby. You havent even allowed yourself (nor other RNG's and NIN's) time to see the true effect the change has had on the game. You (as a RNG), have to actually play your job now, like the rest of us DD. You have to think, and not just mindlessly hit CTRL +1 10 times, then CTRL +2 for SS, then CTRL +3 for sidewinder, then CTRL + 4 for barrage, rinse and repeat. You are now much more balanced as a job class, and might actually have to compete for slots in a party (even though your damage **IF** your not an idiot is virtually unchanged).

The only real downfall to the change is you cant farm as well as you used to be able to (and now more like the rest of us).

So i say to you, and any other RNG, who cant seem to grasp the change, and work with it, to please for everyone sake, LEAVE THE ******* GAME!!! If you hate it that much and are too stupid/self centred/idiotic/midless to adapt to the change, then FFXI would be a better place without you.

I applaud the OP, for attempting to stand up for something he/she beleives in, but to be honest with you, all those people crying and ******** right now, need to take a long hard look at what this change actually does. It helps the game as a whole, and if one group of selfish asswipes cant see the bigger picture, then i feel sorry for them, and think they should quit.

Its extremly funny how so many RNG's i know, say its not a very big deal, and will continue to play it because they love the job. But here on alla, there are so many people whinning and crying, it makes me sick ><

#11 Jul 21 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
I know you probably don't want my honest opinion, but I'm going to give it anyway.

I read the entire petition, but this one paragraph stands out:

If I'm correct in assuming the goals of your company, you would want us to be pleased with the game. When gamers are dissatisfied, they find a new game to play and bring their money elsewhere. No one wants to quit, we the players have so much time invested that it makes quitting painful, but we have no reason to play anymore as it stands. We the players are asking you to give us back the Ranger's ability to deal impressive damage, we are asking you to give us back our ability to have fun in the game we have played so long. If that however does not happen, the people who were willing to sign this petition feel strongly enough that they will deactivate their accounts. Without a reason to play, we won't.

Since my mains are both mages (RDM and BRD), rarely does it cross my mind that every time a ranger plays they NEED to spend a good deal of money. Not only do they need halfway decent equipment to be effective, but they also use expensive foods and arrows/bolt/bullets which definately add up over time.


There are a lot of other GREAT DDs out there. Monks, DRK, DRG can ALL do great DoT rivalling even that of a ranger. Ufortunately, people like me (and I'm sure a lot of you) pass them over for rangers because we see the big damage up front instead of over time. I will admit, when setting up parties, I have been guilty of seeking out rangers simply because I wanted a major damage dealer.

That's why I personally feel that your above statement is so selfish. Yes, you put a lot of time into levelling ranger. But then again, so did every dark knight, monk, dragoon, samurai, thief, warrior, summoner, and black mage out there. Is it fair that they get passed up because a ranger is seeking? Is it fair that the get passed up because--while they may be seeking--there is a Ranger within your level range who isn't in a party yet?

Many events have occured on FFXI that have caused a job to be chosen or not chosen; not all of these have been "nerfs," some were just because it was the new "thing" to do. Before most of us even started, SE tried to nerf the TP on hexastrike so that SAM couldn't do endless skillchains. They did it so well that DRG was almost wiped from existance due to the negative side-effects.

Most summoners have a 65-75 job because that was the only way they could get all of their summons. After all, what good is a summoner to us who only has carby? And after all that hard work and dedication, we took them and stuck them on the back lines as gimped white mages.

Monks do AWESOME damage but because we only see 1 hit at a time, we never even think to equate them as DD. When we put all of their hits and counters

Samurai gets TP so fast that you can often skillchain twice per battle (and as a mage, I know this can add upwards of 33% spell potency!).

What you see as a "nerf" to ranger is actually a boon to these and other jobs. It will force us to rethink our ways and maybe...just maybe, we may start inviting dark knights back into groups. In FACT, maybe the people who were discouraged from playing jobs they always wanted to be--like a Dark Knight--will finally get to do what they want because WE won't be discouraging them anymore. Who knows, we might actually start to see more GREAT dark knights instead of crappy-to-okay DRK.

People assume that having a ranger will automatically give you good damage. It's kind of like the misperception that people have about JP: just because you have a JP in your party...or a JP party...does not mean that it or they will be good. This is dependant solely on the abilities of that or those player(s).

If as a ranger you don't agree with anything I said, maybe you can at least agree on this. A ranger can get repetitive. If you spent all day mashing buttons with low results with any other job, would you even bother? Hell no. I get bored as hell on my bard because all I do is run > sing > run > sing > so on and so on. None of the damage is mine, none of the spells are mine. All I do is buff other people. If all I did was sing > sing > sing I can guarantee I wouldn't play as bard.

Ranger still does great damage, just not as much. So your damage was decreased while you are right up next to a mob. So what? If you can no longer stand right up next to the mob, move around during the battle. Don't be content to choose between sitting on the back lines or losing your damage. Move around. Play smart. But most of all, quit being so selfish. You are only as nerfed as you allow yourself to be.
#12 Jul 21 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Excellent
1,261 posts
Sophus: An honest opinion is better than none at all :)

Huzzah for these guys bringing up legit points that the OP's petition missed.

Because of the "nerf", yes, many parties might skim over the RNGs, but the other DD classes that have been Skimmed over before the update will now have their much needed spotlight. The OP is obviously only considering his job class, and does not take into consideration all the long agonizing LFG signs that WAR, MNK, DRG, and DRK have had to deal with. Deal with it yourself, guy. Your skills as a player should outshine anything, including what job class you picked. If you are good at what you do, then you will be invited to parties more!
#13 Jul 21 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
1,220 posts
SophusTehNewb wrote:
There are a lot of other GREAT DDs out there. Monks, DRK, DRG and BST can ALL do great DoT rivalling even that of a ranger. Ufortunately, people like me (and I'm sure a lot of you) pass them over for rangers because we see the big damage up front instead of over time. I will admit, when setting up parties, I have been guilty of seeking out rangers simply because I wanted a major damage dealer.

Sorry, just had to toss that in there.

Very well, carry on.
#14 Jul 21 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
245 posts
I agree with both sides that opinions count. Here's mine.

As a Black Mage, when I was new, I could cook a pizza while dealing out dmg. It was frankly kinda boring but dramatic at the same time. Not a lot to learn... if mob dies after a while or not as quick it's kind of your fault and usually your MP bar tells you why. Main thing is to be able to run around if you overnuke which is something I used to do a lot of.

Ok. As White mage, I broke into a world of new information. I wanted to do as excellent a job as possible and having the monster come over and whack me time and time again was definitely not getting applause from my fellow party members. I learned to Cure in small amts and to do it over and over. This allowed me to continuously cure while not pulling the mob over for a discussion of how good white meat tastes. By the same token I learned what was inefficient from my party members.

Inefficient is someone like me a BLM nuking away like there is no tmw and having to heal him for a 200 HP hit that would have only been like 80 on a PLD. Or a RDM that is meleeing away with en-Spells and decides to heal MNK that got a little crazy with Raging Fists early in the fight before the tank could seal hate. RDMs are a scary bunch if they don't just Refresh and enfeeb all the time, they are usually the next ones to mess up with overcuring, esp if they are meleeing too.

Most inefficient, and finally this is my point, is the Ranger. Good RNG have a good grasp of melee and ranged attack. Rank 10 Ranger is to die for cuz he has a sense of balance of what is overdoing it in a party. But a bad RNG, who is still probably spending a lot of money btw, well as a WHM I almost would rather not have a RNG just cuz of that; he hits for 100 and another 100 and another 100 and pound pound pound and the mobs going all over the place with the tank looking more like a contraption than a piece of armor. The RNG is just ha ha ha shooting from wherever he is doing the same pounding dmg no matter where the mob goes and I am sitting here wasting my mp twice as fast cuz he has half the armor. Some RNGs think it's ok cuz the mob dies twice as fast... lol, no my friend, no.

Well, nuff said. As a whm, as a good whm, you know what's messing up your party.

ps. if the mob ever leaves the tank, you should imagine green slime coming out of nowhere getting poured on your whole party

Shout heard in Jeuno yesterday, lol:
... and how are the RNGs and NINs doing today?
#15 Jul 21 2005 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
1,261 posts
#16 Jul 21 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
It seems to me SE can't win for lose on this issue. You don't have to look very hard to find many players who felt that RNG were overpowered. Being that I'm not a RNG, I can't say either way. I'm merely pointing out that SE made this change to appease the contingent that thought RNG was to strong, and you can't please everybody.
#17 Jul 21 2005 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
SophusTehNewb wrote:
I know you probably don't want my honest opinion, but I'm going to give it anyway.

I read the entire petition, but this one paragraph stands out:

If I'm correct in assuming the goals of your company, you would want us to be pleased with the game. When gamers are dissatisfied, they find a new game to play and bring their money elsewhere. No one wants to quit, we the players have so much time invested that it makes quitting painful, but we have no reason to play anymore as it stands. We the players are asking you to give us back the Ranger's ability to deal impressive damage, we are asking you to give us back our ability to have fun in the game we have played so long. If that however does not happen, the people who were willing to sign this petition feel strongly enough that they will deactivate their accounts. Without a reason to play, we won't.

Since my mains are both mages (RDM and BRD), rarely does it cross my mind that every time a ranger plays they NEED to spend a good deal of money. Not only do they need halfway decent equipment to be effective, but they also use expensive foods and arrows/bolt/bullets which definately add up over time.


There are a lot of other GREAT DDs out there. Monks, DRK, DRG can ALL do great DoT rivalling even that of a ranger. Ufortunately, people like me (and I'm sure a lot of you) pass them over for rangers because we see the big damage up front instead of over time. I will admit, when setting up parties, I have been guilty of seeking out rangers simply because I wanted a major damage dealer.

That's why I personally feel that your above statement is so selfish. Yes, you put a lot of time into levelling ranger. But then again, so did every dark knight, monk, dragoon, samurai, thief, warrior, summoner, and black mage out there. Is it fair that they get passed up because a ranger is seeking? Is it fair that the get passed up because--while they may be seeking--there is a Ranger within your level range who isn't in a party yet?

Many events have occured on FFXI that have caused a job to be chosen or not chosen; not all of these have been "nerfs," some were just because it was the new "thing" to do. Before most of us even started, SE tried to nerf the TP on hexastrike so that SAM couldn't do endless skillchains. They did it so well that DRG was almost wiped from existance due to the negative side-effects.

Most summoners have a 65-75 job because that was the only way they could get all of their summons. After all, what good is a summoner to us who only has carby? And after all that hard work and dedication, we took them and stuck them on the back lines as gimped white mages.

Monks do AWESOME damage but because we only see 1 hit at a time, we never even think to equate them as DD. When we put all of their hits and counters

Samurai gets TP so fast that you can often skillchain twice per battle (and as a mage, I know this can add upwards of 33% spell potency!).

What you see as a "nerf" to ranger is actually a boon to these and other jobs. It will force us to rethink our ways and maybe...just maybe, we may start inviting dark knights back into groups. In FACT, maybe the people who were discouraged from playing jobs they always wanted to be--like a Dark Knight--will finally get to do what they want because WE won't be discouraging them anymore. Who knows, we might actually start to see more GREAT dark knights instead of crappy-to-okay DRK.

People assume that having a ranger will automatically give you good damage. It's kind of like the misperception that people have about JP: just because you have a JP in your party...or a JP party...does not mean that it or they will be good. This is dependant solely on the abilities of that or those player(s).

If as a ranger you don't agree with anything I said, maybe you can at least agree on this. A ranger can get repetitive. If you spent all day mashing buttons with low results with any other job, would you even bother? Hell no. I get bored as hell on my bard because all I do is run > sing > run > sing > so on and so on. None of the damage is mine, none of the spells are mine. All I do is buff other people. If all I did was sing > sing > sing I can guarantee I wouldn't play as bard.

Ranger still does great damage, just not as much. So your damage was decreased while you are right up next to a mob. So what? If you can no longer stand right up next to the mob, move around during the battle. Don't be content to choose between sitting on the back lines or losing your damage. Move around. Play smart. But most of all, quit being so selfish. You are only as nerfed as you allow yourself to be.

Well put mang.

I agree.. its like people ride on rangers backs to level "This PT is TEH SUCK, No Rangers, Im goin to **********."

Rangers = Refresh,ballad? if you know what i mean.

#18 Jul 21 2005 at 5:56 PM Rating: Good
rate down, this is just a bunch of rangers crying because they got nerfed, u didnt care when the melee got nerfed because rangers dont get multi hit ws and u still had ur barrage, stop crying, ur just gonna have to get used to not being over whemling powerful anymore, welcome to the mortality
#19 Jul 25 2005 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
yeah, im glad i didnt take rng far, it was gonna be a huge waste of time..
im sorry, rng basicly sucks because it was only good as the most powerful job in the game
#20 Jul 25 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
Greetings fellow Shivans. My main is RNG/WAR and I have to say I have no problem at all with the update. Rather, I'm looking forward to the challenge. It's gonna weed out the good from the bad IMO. No longer will rangers be able to spam "/range attack". A player will actually need to have some skill in order to play the job effectivly.

As a RNG/WAR, I have always needed to ride the "hate-line" as a mob will make mince-meat out of me in 2-4 hits. Now maybe we'll see more of a variation in subjobs rather than the all too-common RNG/NIN.

"Thank you for the update, Square-Enix" is what I say.

#21 Jul 25 2005 at 11:41 PM Rating: Good
222 posts
To Snekadid:

/slap Just cause you gave me that run-by slaping the other day.

To be honest, I really like this update. I've always been tooling with the idea of actually leveling a melee job for once. Since my main is Rdm, I pretty much always have something to do and I never really leveled a melee because nothing really(In my mind) came close to it. Now with this patch I wanna level ranger, because now I gotta mix it up with my damage. I'll always be moving, deciding to move up to make the accurate low damage shot, or when **** hits the fan go for the long bomb at max range. So many options to choose from I can't wait to level it now. It's a rdm version (in a small sense) of a melee job, AWESOME!

#22 Jul 26 2005 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
acepod wrote:

Shut the **** up!! Your a wining childish cry baby. You havent even allowed yourself (nor other RNG's and NIN's) time to see the true effect the change has had on the game. You (as a RNG), have to actually play your job now, like the rest of us DD. You have to think, and not just mindlessly hit CTRL +1 10 times, then CTRL +2 for SS, then CTRL +3 for sidewinder, then CTRL + 4 for barrage, rinse and repeat. You are now much more balanced as a job class, and might actually have to compete for slots in a party (even though your damage **IF** your not an idiot is virtually unchanged).

anyone who says RNG took no skill pre-patch is just a whining idiot. the fact of the matter is, RNG took just as much skill as any other melee job to play. they always did more damage because they were designed to. RNG are a pure melee job. we dont have any defense, we dont have any evasion, we dont have all that much HP, we have no soloing ability at all. all we can physically do is shoot arrows at a mob and do lots of damage while paying out our asses to accomplish those totals. you can say all you want that money isnt an issue, but the fact of the matter is you, as a WAR, wont be dropping 100k per level on crap you can never sell back.

it is not any one RNGs fault that you dont get party invites as much. "OH, now RNGs will have to LFG more." boo freaking hoo. that was never a concern for me. i leveled THF to 70, i think i know what it means to sit LFG for hours. i didnt start leveling RNG so i could get to 75 in a day. "NOW RNG will actually have to think instead of just ALT+D ALT+D ALT+D WS." wow, as opposed to other melee who just engage and watch their TP guage fill up? oh i guess WAR provoke and agressor and berserk every now and then. gee, RNG have these neat abilities called sharpshot and barrage, which any good RNG knows they cant just fire off whenever they like without pulling hate off of whatever tank is keeping it. its almost as if, they have to time the use of their abilities in conjunction with what is going on in battle. similar to the way...other jobs use abilities.

the job was balanced before. as many people before have stated "it all evens out in the endgame." damage wise, skill wise, everything all evens out in the endgame. as a friend of mine in my linkshell put it "the only thing RNGs were ever REALLY good for was in exp parties." due to this update, we now have average DD damage (at 3x the cost), we now have zero soloing ability (even less than we had before). Apparently having to adjust to every single step that a mob is "thinking", ok...whatever.

acepod, i dont consider myself to be stupid. i am doing my best to adapt to the changes. but its ignorant people like you that make me want to pull my hair out. you say that RNG should quit whining because we dont even completely know how the update has changed our jobs yet. RNG have a right to whine. we got beaten with the nerf stick because of people like you who complained too much about RNG doing exactly what they were designed to do. if being just a little bit sour about that makes me an idiot, fine. say what you like acepod. *I THINK* you should go inform yourself about just how much the update actually affected us before you go on a diatribe about how we need to stop whining. i wont stomp on your face the day you go out to batallia and miss 4/5 rampages in a row on Too Weak mobs, so dont stomp on mine.
#23 Jul 27 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
I took RNG to 31 so I could use it as a sub for SAM. Yes this update did f*ck over my plans, but oh well. **** happens.

From what I can see, most of the people who are bit[/u]ching about the Rng "Nerf" are the people who played Rng ONLY for the insane dammage and the easy lvling, not because they really liked the job.

If you truely loved RNG pre-update, you should love it even more now since its extra challenging and much more impressive when played correctly. The update added a little thing called depth of play, which lots of people don't like because they have to think about their job now.
"NOW RNG will actually have to think instead of just ALT+D ALT+D ALT+D WS." wow, as opposed to other melee who just engage and watch their TP guage fill up?
Ever heard of a thing called SATA? I'd officially like to welcome you, to a DD job just like every other; where you have to THINK about where you're standing in a party rather than just spam macros and watch the big numbers roll in.

Just my Smiley: twocents but IMO anyone who complains about RNG being un-playable now, are posers and crybabys, and probably shouldn't have been playing RNG in the first place.

If you play a job you truely love, you'll NEVER have to worry about being "nerfed" by SE.
I, for one, am glad SE implemented this patch. It'll weed out the people using RNG as a free ride from those who actually love being a RNG. But then again, thats all just my opinion. ~Aet
Ps: OP, do you mind keeping your spam to Fairy server forum or the main FFXI forum? No need to bring it to our peaceful shiva forum, especially since you have no affiliation with us what-so-ever. Thx.
#24 Jul 27 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Good
978 posts
Even when I'm not in the sweet spot I still outdamage other melees.
#25 Jul 28 2005 at 1:26 AM Rating: Excellent
This petition makes me laugh. What do you think is going to happen?

Dear Rangers,

We at Square-Enix are deeply apologetic for the great "nerfing" we thrust upon you all.

The entire point was to see how easily we could make half of the game population revolt in anger, and how the other half would rejoice in triumphic bliss.

It was a success. However, our fun is over and tomorrow we will institute a new patch to erase the changes we had made.

But look out black mages! Fred down the hall has a new idea, where nerf black magic spells, and give them Carebear powers, only instead of shoving their bellies out and showering the foes with rainbows, they stick out their *** and crap over the enemies. Sure this will change the dynamics of a Magic Burst, but we think it's alot more fun to cover Crabs in dooky. And it'll make ballista helluva lot more interesting.

Your Supreme Lord and God
Square Enix

Seriously, all I see is crybaby rangers pissing and moaning about how SE unjustly STOLE their uber damage. I've seen pictures and parsed results, rangers still can kick some tail. It just involves good gear, food, and brains. Did SE go overboard? Perhaps, but are they gonna reverse it? I seriously doubt it. Everybody saw the nerf coming a mile away, you'd have to be blind not too. I don't feel any pity for any ranger who whines about it. I feel proud of the rangers who took the nerf with a grain of salt, and kept going with it. Those are real rangers, not these damn crybabies.

We all know half or better of these rangers who quit were just on the fast road to 75, and don't give me any of that "there is no fast road". I've been kicked while in a party after seeking for several days without any invites to get a non-seeking ranger. I've seen people start off as a level one, and within a few weeks are already in their fifties. Rangers would get an invite before any of the other DDers, hands down. Even blms lost a spot to a ranger. You could have the most gimped ranger, but nobody cared because it was a RANGER. Sure they got the shaft, but some job, somewhere down the line got that same shaft too. I don't feel sorry for rangers, not even one bit. People played the job and abused it. Now everybody can deal with it.

Even before the patch was brought to our attention, rangers were defined as the "end all, be all" of damage dealing jobs. Now they aint. I've seen what a good ranger can do, and it's still impressive to me. It's been balanced.
#26 Jul 28 2005 at 3:01 AM Rating: Good
117 posts
to the original poster learn to play your ******* job then *****.

Rangers still do impressive damage in XP parties you just cant stand right next to the mob. Ohh and if you want to get technical rng aren't melee and were never meant to be. they are range hence the name ranger. They were never meant to stand right next to the mob while firing.

Where rangers get shafted is on gods/hnms and they were broken on them before. The simple fact that lots of HMN/sky LS used the concept of "Ohh we cant kill this lets throw more rangers at it" should be a big ******* clue that they are broke. Do i think that SE went a little overboard when it comes to gods/hnms yeah probably but the thing is its the same formula as an xp mob just where the xp mobs are 10-15 levels above the gods are 20. Before the patch level meant nothing to a ranger damage wise now it does.
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