When I lost a claim to a bot at lizzy YET AGAIN (degacant), I called a GM and simply demanded why they won't do crap. He actually told me.
It's because they can't.
The plain and simple truth of the matter is that there is no proof against Botters or Gilsellers that they do the things people accuse them of, and there is no way to obtain this proof.
Basically, Botters and Gilsellers will only get banned if they pretty much say in /say that they bot/sell gil. Some people think this means that SE is probably in the gilseller's pocket, but look at it from a legal stand point.
The only way SE could ever get incriminating evidence on a gilseller is if they SAID they sell gil, or if SE fake buys gil from one of the websites. If they do that though, the website they buy it from can find billions of loop holes in SE's rule strutcture. For example, they weren't selling the gil, they were selling the Delivery Service for gil and you could have gotten the gil for free by just asking them. They could change their ToS on their website to fit this accordingly, as their is fine print that says it is able to be changed anytime without notification. So basically, the gilsellers have an immesurable system of loop holes they can use against SE.
As for botters...
You cannot prove by game play only if someone is a bot. They can pull a billion loopholes out of nowhere, just like the gilsellers. For instance, they were concentrating so much that they didn't say anything when they voked and killed the mob, making them look AFK. Also, due to Privacy Codes, SE cannot legally scan your computer for the files that would be capable of running a bot.
So basically, botting and gilselling are illegal, but SE cannot enforce the rules in any way. So what does this mean for the players?
Vigilante Justice.
If you've been pissed off by a gilseller or botter, stop hoping SE will come and save the day, because they won't. You have to fight back. Bring friends to the camp, do whatever.
If you're curious as to how to get back at gilsellers, I'm not going to just TELL you what to do. Some things I will say:
1.) If a mob attacks you and you shadowbind or bind it near another player, it will attack them even if they haven't done anything to them. You better watch out for that...
2.) If you just happen to get a huge train of top tier Orcs in Davoi at Poisonhand camp and you can't seem to get rid of them, try Deodorize + Hide...
3.) Pefect Dodge + Warp can get you out of rather nasty situations, leaving whatever you had on you still in the area.
I'm not saying to necessarily DO these things to the botter or gilsellers, just stating that these things can happen "accidentally" often. Remember, we have loop holes too...
So basically, if you're upset about gilsellers and bots, do something about it. Because SE literally CAN'T do anything about it.
Edited, Mon Jul 18 11:24:26 2005 by Shaolinz
Edited, Mon Jul 18 11:21:58 2005 by Shaolinz