Somewhere in this site there is a guide called "So you want a mannequin" with info on the BCNMs. Body, hands and head drop from BCNM 20 and the guide has strategies on how to beat them.
There are BCNM 40 and 30 that drop pieces too, but you can get all items from level 20.
I'll get a link to the guide here when I got more time.
Also mannequin legs and feet drop from all Garrison, level 20, 30, 40, 50 and 75.
Edit: got the info:
Yesterday I did the level 20 leech BCNM. I was RNG/WAR, Gideon was NIN/WAR and Otiac was WHM/BLM. We did it 4 times total and won every time. Reason why we did 4 and not 3 is because when I got my drops we all zoned and they got lost LMAO. Gideon got Mannequing Head and Hands on the first run. I got the hands but we all zoned and they fell on Gid, so they got lost. WE DROPPED A PAIR OF MANNEQUIN HANDS OMG hahahhaha. It was all good fun, I went back to Jeuno and got another orb, no harm done. I laughed too hard though. We used up a total of 15 hi-potions each, an average of 4 per battle. Otiac used hi-ethers, not sure how many.
Something important: the leeches eat your buffs. Well, they are leeches lol thats what they do. :P
For melee no protect, shell or food. They will end up buffing the leeches.
Today we may attempt the crabs, but looks like best jobs for that are MNKs. Maybe we'll do the fish.
Check out the link, it has a lot of info on the BCNMs.
Damn I made long posts. /slap.
Edited, Thu Jul 7 10:46:54 2005 by Camilleclaudel