I can go as any of the 4 jobs if you want. Yes, the Fei Yin quest is the one I need which entails fighting the Archlich Taber'quon who will have 6-8 minions of some sort. The title of the mission is called Darkness Rising but from Sandy it is called Ruins of Fei Yin but my title says it is called The Final Seal. ???. I am available for the next couple of days but not on Monday Night. ^^
As prep, all that want the quest should make sure they have the following key item:
Seal of Fei Yin
It also wouldn't hurt to have the map of Fei Yin, (quested) and a map of Beaucedine Glacier. (bought) The Vahzl Gate Crystal also makes travel easier since we won't have to walk from sandy if all have the crystal.
Finally, to start the quest you have to trade the seal to the Burning Circle and to fight the boss you get limited to level 50. This is stuff that I have printed here so I thought I would add it since I usu make the mistake of joining the wrong mission. I have needed to complete this mission since my BLM was level 50 which was about 150 levels ago.