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wow...rant...this guy...ughFollow

#27 Jun 26 2005 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
wow wtf did he say? may as well have typed without spaces.


if you can read that then /clap
#28 Jun 26 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts
Wall of text'd
#29 Jun 26 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Excellent
33 posts
OK I'm here to give the otherside of the story since everyone one seems like they want to hang me even though they don't know what happened .

Me and a LS member "Protoman" were needing to complete Promy - Mea and heard that Bobwtfps and some people were needing it to so we made one party of a Whm/Blm , Warr/Nin , Warr/Nin , Nin/Warr , Rng/Nin , Rng/Nin . At first I thought this wasn't going to work for the sake of me being the only Whm but me and LS friend really need Quest and were waiting forever for party and I just completed Promy - Dem with Whm/Blm Blm/Whm , 2 Rng/Nin , Nin/Warr , Warr/Nin like it was a cake walk so I thought this would be easier and would be no prob.

Well when we got together I told everyone I need to Tele-Holla to get me stuff from storage from San D'oria and would meet there, after I made it to Promy - Mea Bobwtfps already had killed himself which I thought nothing of it and raised him.

Well on the way to the first MR everyone was running all over the place and didn't know where to go I told them to follow the rangers instead of the NIN who wasn't stopping for nobody. Well we made it to the first MR and they didn't wait for me to catch up and heal they started to fight without me which kind of pissed me off but we made it.

Now on the 3rd Floor someone got Aggro and I told everyone to pull back from other Mobs which they didn't then Wrip told me to heal him and that if I didn't I would Die then he got one of his LS members to tell me that as a Whm I need to heal and blah blah like he was there watching me, now that kind of pissed me off to but when we got to the 4 th Floor I asked everyone 3 times if I should use my Reraise scroll here or save and no one answered me but Protoman who told me to use it just in case.

The 4th floor went ok but we had 2 die which then I raised and then we made a break for the Castle. When we were inside we all healed which then I told them to wait for me to say go cause I didn't want them to start without me again.

So now we were all ready them I told them go and everything was goin good and no one was losing life till the NM started Casting his Aoe and everyone was getting Screwed I started healing one of the tanks but everone had the low life but the NM kept casting Aoe Attack and then we were really hurt they told me to cast 2 hr which then computer lagged and them 2 peopled died from another Aoe which then 2 hr kicked in then I got hate from NM which then I died then so did everyone else.

So now I really pissed cuz I couldn't keep up with all the Aoe 's and everyone was blaming me like I was the one who told the NM to do it or something it not that I wasn't healing I was but I couldn't heal everyone at once I wrote to LS member saying we should of got rid of Wrip cause he was crying the most and got a back up healer but it went on Party chat which he heard me and said we should of got another healer which really had me pissed cuz he was crying and I didn't have me Reraise anymore.

Now I'm not goin to go and say it was anyones fault cuz the whole thing was rough but we made it there no prob minus some bumps in the road but we made it but since we all died for NM it was my fault all of it, I know I shouldn't of left them there like that but I didn't have my reraise and I was tired of Wrip's crying and pissed off at the whole thing, this isn't how I am and I know other people that know me know it but it was a bad day , and a bad run.

I know it happens to everyone and I know everyone has days like that when things blow up on them and they have no control. But I think its stupid to blame someone for 1 bad day when they don't know them and tell other people to Blist them for it. I am sorry that Wrip thinks it was all my fault but I know it wasn't cuz Protoman was complaining about everyone else rushing and playing stupid and if you don't believe me ask him yourself, I have lots of people like the way I play and tell me I do awesome but Promys are different then parties and the way things turn out aren't always one person fault.

I'm writing this to let however still cares my side of the story and to not believe everything you read about people cuz I'm not that bad of person or player its just sh*t happens sometimes like it or not. So instead of saying anything nasty about Wrip or anyone else I just want to say I'm sorry for leaving like that, but if you want to Blist me ok whatever just don't be a baby and try to get other people to hate me cuz of it they weren't there what happened was with us so next time try to talk to the person instead of Crying to LS members or Posting sh*t about them on here cuz in RL I can move on and get on with my life instead of making a stink about it to other people I don't know..

Thank you for you time and if you have anything to say go ahead it doesn't matter to me I have my friends and enemies just don't let Wrip make the Decision for you.

#30 Jun 27 2005 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
Again, just cuz this person is in your LS don't make him/her a "saint".

Barch, i didnt say it made him a saint, i am simply vouching for the many times i have seen/heard of his ability to be a good player.

I can understand why you stick up for someone i your LS though, kinda like family, but still. If someone was a complete and utter ******** to you, I DO think that you'd post something like that here also. Wrip didn't even mention what LS the guy was in, so this wasn't a shot at your LS...just the jackass who didn't want to do their job.

I stick up for anyone i feel deserves it (and have done so for you too barch for some reason lol). I know for a fact that supreme is a good guy. I am not condoning his actions, nor am i condoning Wrip's choice to post it here.

If someone was a complete and utter ******** to you, I DO think that you'd post something like that here also.

No i wouldnt, and no i dont. Had a lvl 62 WAR the other night, joined our party, we get to Onzozo, and 3 fights in he says he has to go for dinner. I /blisted this guy, and was furious about that crap. I dont post these things here, and if i did i would have left his name out. Why? Because like i said everyone has bad days/nights/situations. And in this situation, it sounds like it was very hostile from the start, and only got worse. Im not saying anyone did the right or wrong thing, simply that tarnishing someone's name for 1 situation that was heated to begin with, is uncalled for IMHO.

For one ace, I didn't mean it to be negative towards your linkshell. He let us all die. Then homepointed instead of re-raising. Then sent me a tell saying "find a raise now n00b" that behavior is uncalled for. He will stay on my /blist. I don't think he reflects you or your linkshell. Hell i didn't even check his linkshell.

Again i wasnt there, and i am not condoning anyones actions. Just saying that the way the aftermath was handled might be a bit overboard.

lol Barchiel you have no room to talk, all you do is spam these boards anyways.

yah he is a good RL friend and yes I KNOW him, whats your point? i've seen him play i've been in parties with him he knows what he's doing, just because some prick posted against my friend that probally is n00b doesn't know his job maybe? Or was talkin all kindas crap to him? he didn't post about that did he? he also didn't post that it was laggy did he? sad thing is I was watching this promy mission at Supremes house so next time get your facts straight before you open you fat mouths about a good friend and good player. got it n00bs?

All I know is supreme is a good player knows his job and knows wtf he's doing, ever think he mighta been a @#%^ because they were being asses to him? btw shut your mouth barchiel you are just as n00b as they are for this post and all your other rants~ so keep it to your self next time.

/sigh this is not helpful in any way.

#31 Jun 27 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
525 posts
Well stated, supreme. The other side of the story really does show how people's choice of words affect your view on the story.

As for maztica, you should save us the trouble and stop posting on these forums. You provide nothing but childish rants full of OMFG I KNOW HIM IRL, BEST BUDDIES, YOU R A PRICKK!!! OMFG!.

#32 Jun 27 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
LOL, Maztica decided to come on game to threaten me LOL. Dude, that was so funny. I couldn't tell if you were joking or serious. Give me your name next time also. He said:

Maztica: "Hey I'll pwn you newbs with any 3 jobs, bring it. Oh btw I'm bigger than you so I'll beat you lol"

I kid you not, LOL. He said more than that, but that's what stuck out. Did you graduate high school? The way you speak, I can't tell if you did or if you're still playing with Lincoln Logs.
He's so badass that he /blisted me so I couldn't reply. How ppl like that make it to high lvls, I do not know.

Step away from the keyboard and get a life, Maztica, AKA, Maxipad, BKA, Asstica. I feel a new song coming on...

#33 Jun 27 2005 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
mazticas just a load that should have been swallowed.
#34 Jun 27 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Default
Lmao Bar your a joke you make up so much stuff, you act like your in 3rd grade it's sad~ get a life

Did you also forget to mention you wanted my address and my name and ect... so you could come to my house and beat me up? Yah thats what it was, why don't you mention that on here??

All you can do is talk your **** and you won't ever do anything about it. So all you are is a joke to me and anybody else that realizes it. so go bother some 12yr olds and stick with your own age group!

Edited, Mon Jun 27 18:50:32 2005 by MaZTiCA
#35 Jun 27 2005 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
LOL Maztica is like that bar i remember waaaaaay back the asshat pulled a huge link in garlige citadel and when we tried to help him he blammed the entire link on me then threatened me for like 20 mins after. He needs to grow up i've seen his pic he looks like a scrawny wino :). Nothing to worry about lmao.
#36 Jun 27 2005 at 9:20 PM Rating: Default
Shinkyu i've never partied with you so i have no idea what your talking about, you all act like childish fools, its sad just grow up kiddies.
#37 Jun 27 2005 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Return of the internet tough guy! lol. Comon u remember one of your thousands of hissy fits you've thrown and blammed it all on other people. Comon seriously Grow up and stop threateniing people, you've been doing it since day one. I don't really care if u don't remember, I do, and haven't liked you since. you were the first person ever on my blist so be proud :).
#38 Jun 27 2005 at 10:48 PM Rating: Default
836 posts
LOL, /blist Maztica? Nah, I need a good laugh, lol. I saw his pic too. He looks like junkie on crystal, lol. Yo Maz, WUZ UP BOYYEE. LOL. I feel sorry for those with no sex life. But Maz needs a life to have a sex life.

All you can do is talk your sh*t and you won't ever do anything about it. So all you are is a joke to me and anybody else that realizes it. so go bother some 12yr olds and stick with your own age group!

But Maztica, I thought you were 12. I bet puberty is a *****, lol. Don't worry Maz, its all smooth sailing when you are 13. LOL, dumbass punk, get a life you waste of sperm.
#39 Jun 29 2005 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
525 posts
Well i'm here to defend Supremebeing, I know supreme in RL and in game he is a damn good healer and is damn good at his jobs, you cry because you have nothing better to do then rant and rave against a good player? your a joke man get a life!
I know for a fact he knows wtf he's doing, we went threw dem like a cake walk he never let anybody die nobody even came close to dieing on our ENM or Mission fight, so you should rethink your post and stop crying.
You can go ahead and blist him I hope he never has to party with you again, it would be in his best intrest. Well i'm outta here! Have fun crying k thx bye.

lol Barchiel you have no room to talk, all you do is spam these boards anyways.

yah he is a good RL friend and yes I KNOW him, whats your point? i've seen him play i've been in parties with him he knows what he's doing, just because some prick posted against my friend that probally is n00b doesn't know his job maybe? Or was talkin all kindas crap to him? he didn't post about that did he? he also didn't post that it was laggy did he? sad thing is I was watching this promy mission at Supremes house so next time get your facts straight before you open you fat mouths about a good friend and good player. got it n00bs?

All I know is supreme is a good player knows his job and knows wtf he's doing, ever think he mighta been a @#%^ because they were being asses to him? btw shut your mouth barchiel you are just as n00b as they are for this post and all your other rants~ so keep it to your self next time.

Lmao Bar your a joke you make up so much stuff, you act like your in 3rd grade it's sad~ get a life

Did you also forget to mention you wanted my address and my name and ect... so you could come to my house and beat me up? Yah thats what it was, why don't you mention that on here??

All you can do is talk your sh*t and you won't ever do anything about it. So all you are is a joke to me and anybody else that realizes it. so go bother some 12yr olds and stick with your own age group!

Shinkyu i've never partied with you so i have no idea what your talking about, you all act like childish fools, its sad just grow up kiddies.

Are you bi-polar?
#40 Jun 29 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default
836 posts
Actually I saw Maztica the other day. I was PTing in Cape Terigan as my 59 THF. He comes by, laughs and calls me "n00b THF", lol. Yeah, I guess my THF is n00b, to say I have Dancing Edge a level early already due to Merits in Dagger Skill. He stayed there pointing and laughing for about 7 minutes, then I leveled lol. He got pissed and said, "childish, that's sad" and left. What an *******. I heard that he likes it in da butt.
#41 Jun 29 2005 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
1,261 posts
/em turns the tables and humps Barchiel

*waits for the confusra to wear off bystanders*


k. {/wave}
*Casts bardrama on Thread*
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