In reading the posts, it is very clear that everyone has their own view on "religion", "life after death", etc. Something my father says to me every now and then is, "Blair, it doesn't matter what you believe. The only thing that matters is what is true." This is correct, but raises a question. What is true?
Truth is relevant to your perception of reality. 'Nuff said.
Coming from a christian background, I can understand why so many of them appear to 'shove their beliefs' down other people's throats. They sincerely believe that mankind is doomed to hell and are trying their best to get the gospel out there. I respect them for caring enough to tell someone about sin and hell.
My mother was Catholic (Episcolpalian now) and my father's Independant Baptist. Honestly people wonder why I'm screwed in the head.
There is a difference between theological debate and "shoving one's beliefs down another man's throat."
Discussing why you believe the bible to be true IMO is debate. Screaming and raving while foaming at the mouth telling me I'm burning in hell is "Shoving yer beliefs down my throat."
P.S. If the christians are right, then its safe to say the majority of us posters are f**ked, myself included. ; ;
Well as Bar so succinctly put it we're all burning in hell because we play videogames. So I'll see y'all down South soon and um Bar y'ain't sharing my bunk with me so move yer ***** *** over into the corner and STFU!