After the lst World Emigration I noticed a Price rise,
Prices are always rising.
this can only lead to highest prices in the lowest priced server.
But wouldn't all prices on all worlds rise? I don't think a stack of Fire Crystals is gonna immediately jump to 10k each here on Shiva.
The cause of the prices the Imagrints.
Our server isn't getting any immigrants. Emmigrants. That means people are leaving OUR server(Shiva) for another (in this case Midgar-whatever).
They want to make more gill by selling the prices they had in there old server wish leads to higher prices every were!
Right......which isn't our server. Since our server has among one of the most stable economies, and lowest prices of all other servers, that means the people emmigrating from our server would actually LOWER the cost of items on ANOTHER server.
Its not the ppl leaving the server it the ppl coming in to it!
Again, nobody is coming to Shiva. People are leaving.
Before you make another post on this topic, learn some econonics, some grammar, and probably figure out what the difference between Immigrant and Emmigrant is. Our server is going to experience an Emmigration, people will be leaving us for Midgar-whatever. Midgar-whatever will be experiencing an Immigration, which means they will be recieving others.
Edited, Mon Jun 13 09:09:56 2005 by Pokiehl