I want to take time to thank those who helped me get to where I am today. I know I still have a ways to go before reaching my goal. Earlier in the wee hours of morning I logged on and headed to Rulude Gardens my goal was to beat Maat and move on. Well I got there finished getting the supplies I needed and said a pray cause this was getting to be a bit expensive and it was really starting to eat into my gil supply. I traded my whm test to Maat and was transported to the circle. I then traded and went in the fight everything was going pretty good but still stressful since my hp got into the red and for a sec I thought I was going to be able to cure myself. Well... potions after potions I kept at it, then I finally got extremly low on mp and started to think God not again -_- then fianally it was done he gave up and I breathed a sigh of relief lol. I was so happy that was outta the way after 5 previous attempts. But I couldnt have done it without the help and support of my friends and my ls Nanoface you guys are too awsome for words to take you time and help and encourage me ^^
Thank you
Edited, Sat May 28 07:06:08 2005 by Glitterngld