Monk has it pretty rough as well, although for the most part I do believe paladin is the hardest. Unless, you're a tarutaru monk, like me. Aside from sleeping for TP, boosting, the entire fight with Maat is supposed to be around 30seconds for monks. That's 30 seconds of of pure adrenaline, and no matter how well you set your macros, something is forgotten or goes wrong anyway. Supposedly a good Chi Blast and two ws's should win the day, and almost did when I fought him my first time at 66, but I died during the "Pokiehl readies Raging Fists..." part. Considering I only hit the old geezer a few times, and each hit was pitiful, I got him down to 50% health with just a Chi Blast and Raging Fists. And he's supposed to call the fight at 25%, if only!!