First off i want to appologize for not tending my post, i had to do a funeral all day yesterday >< :( :(
But back on topic.
First off i am glad im not the only one to notice this. There are many people on our server forum wiht great ideas/jokes/guides/friendlyness ect. Those are things i rate up for. Of course those we dont agree with sould be rated into oblivion (im jokeing calm down). Seriously, besides the jerk wad trolls who come here to cause trouble, we should be supporting eachother.
Second, im gonna explain the rateing system for those of you who dont seem to understand it completly (from this thread a few of you dont).
Each persons post gets a base rateing. You can check your base rateing by clicking your name (or anyone elses name for that matter). Your base rateing is your accumulated posts and their rateings divided by how many posts you have. My base rateing ATM is 3.09 i think, and i have fluctuated from 3.08-3.09 for about 6 months now. Even a slue of pissed off people dont affect it that much, because i have nearly 2000 posts (and i do **** off the masses sometimes).
Each post will have a single post rateing. For example my OP ATM has a rateing of 4.45. This does not mean my base rateing is 4.45, but that one single post has a rateing of that. That rateing is from 3-4 people rateing that specific post up (maybe 5 max). Since no one can rate a post more then once, a new rater or 2 would need to rate that post as excellent for it to get to 5.0 or even near it. Also someone who felt like rateing that post down, would bring it to about 4.0, and a second person rateing it down would bring it to about 3.7 ect so on and what have yous.
You have the ability to rate as soon as your "Base" karma reaches 3.1. Anything below you can not rate anyone (although the buttons still exist).
If your single post karma is 5.0, but your base karma is 2.9 you cannot rate anyone.
Anyways, hopefully this clears some stuff up, and lionsfan/kramer needs some love too !!!