Rule #2: WHM is the most easily replaced job 41+. RDM+BRD {Can I have it?}
Personally I'd beg to differ on replacement of a whm post 41. Unless it's a manaburn party, no whm? {Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass}. Especially post 56. Raise II {Can I add you to my friend list?} Raise I? Only if I have to.
Blm is 64 Pld is 52. Rdm or Brd yes. Rdm + Brd = no whm. Not on my life. Then again, I've got a static with pld that involves Pld Mnk Whm Blm Rdm and whatever we pull in. Pld = Me Whm = My IRL wife Mnk = My best friend Blm = My wife's best friend and the Mnk's IRL wife Rdm = LS member.
So I'm a bit biased. Also in my opinion and experience, no matter how good the party is, ***** happens; unexpected pop leading to linkage, sneak wears off with no safety spot in sight, mob turns into Uber mob, etc.... Post 56 Do you want 90% of the 10% xp loss or would you rather have the 25% of the 10% xp loss?