Ingame name is Chinella, Hume female.
Its not just lack of invites...there was one night I got almost a half dozen. But every time, I got to camp, and they'd disband. Or only 2-3 would, and we'd disband 45 minutes later cause of no replacements. Or I'd be too poor to buy sneak oils and WHM in Kuftal wouldn't escort me. Or there was already a PLD in the pt and pt leader was a n00b. Its either no invites over an excessive amount of time, or invites that I wish I never got in the first place. No class is fun just sitting around, esp if you don't have the gil to craft while you wait, and all the good farming/mining/harvestign spots are continually camped.
Edit: I should point out too that my playtime isn't exactly the best either, due to work and college. End up playing mostly in JP primetime, which REALLY screws me over with invites. They don't want PLD/WAR, they want NIN/WAR. :P
Edited, Wed Mar 30 14:36:59 2005 by NomadicDragon