I gave up PLD, stuff is on AH now, so I've got time to think and plan while I get the 400k gil to start a new job with. What should I pick, though? I like getting in pts quick, I like being part of the action. PLD is out because while it does get most of the action, the invite rates are absolute crap. I'd rather be WHM/THF. I'll ake whatever job I switch to to 55, since I can't get LB2 at all.
Suggestions? Comments? Flames, even?
Ok, i have a few problems here, and i hope i dont come off as mean, but im going to put it to you bluntly.
#1 PLD's have one of the best invite rates in the game. There are 3 tanks possibilities at your lvl.
A. PLD: Takes the least amount of DMG (when hit of course) and can heal themselves. Have a bag full of hate grabbing tools, and is a great tanking job.
B. NIN: Rarely gets hit which means not much healing is needed. If the NIN is VERY GOOD, he/she can keep hate, and deal some decent DMG. I find VERY GOOD NIN's to be extremly hard to find.
C. WAR: WAR's have several sub job choices for tanking. WAR/NIN is the most viable tanking job, but has some drawbacks. First off, only haveing utsusemi: Ichi, makes the shadows go fast. Second, with /NIN, WAR's take a lot more DMG then PLD when they do get hit. 2 WAR/NIN is an ideal setup, but finding 2 of them is tough usually. /MNK is a decent sub for tanking, and has a lot of hate grabbing tools. But they take more DMG then PLD also, and so need a heavier healing section.
#2 One of the reasons you might be having a hard time gtting invites, is your misunderstanding of the game. It was just a week or 2 ago, when i invited you to join the party i was forming (i think a day or 2 before we did 5-1, but i cant really remeber). I sent you my normal party invite tell that goes something like: Excuse me, experience points party do you need it? 5/6 will be partying in King Ranparres Tomb. (may or may not have included location we were headed to).
Your reply to me was: "If you have a THF ill come, if not then no". I literally laughed my *** off at that. First off, we didnt have a THF, because we didnt need a THf. Second of all, this was a stellar party setup. We did exceptionally well exp wise. Third, what makes you think you need a THF for the party to work? I dont understand why you would limit yourself to party's containing THF's only? Dont get me wrong THF's are good additions to some parties, but not every party needs a THF. As a WAR/NIN, i can almost always pull hate if you need some support/time for casting/waiting on voke timer ECT. Learn to adapt to different situations. PLD has so many hate grabbing tools refusing to party without a THF is ubsurd.
#3 choosing a job for the invite rate is the wrong reason. I understand wanting fast invites (and im still confused how they are slow for you since im ALWAYS needing a tank when making pick up parties), but basing the job you choose on that is a bad idea. Also you need to know what your getting yourself into. RNG is expensive, BLM is boreing (this is my opinion, no offense to the BLM's), and RDM gets the refresh ***** treatment. They all get invites fast, but if your not willing to take the good with the bad, your gonna hate lvling one of those jobs.
My suggestions.
#1 make your own LB2 party. Start early in the evening, and you will get enough people to do it.
#2 take your PLD gear out of the AH, and make your own party.
#3 Stop the mentality that others have it better. The truth is, you have one of the most sought after jobs, and other jobs that get fast invites may not be any better then your current job.
#4 spend a few days in the shoes of any one of the standard melee. I have seeked parties for days at a time with no luck, simply because timeing, and availablity of parties. And i dont think i have it nearly as bad as some DRK's and DRG's i heard of.