My Fenrir and I are only lvl 42 SMN but I don't see why you'd say that Dispelaga (spelling?) is valid for a SMN. I mean if anything you're a buff guru and a main/sub healer. The RDM or BRD should be dispeling and by the time you notice you have to dispel, or even pull out fenrir to dispel, the effect is probably already gone and you have to wait 1 minute to recast it. So PLEASE don't say you need Fenrir for this... /comfort
P.S. On a side note, not even knowing the majority, I organized a Fenrir with (forgive me if I get the levels wrong was a while back) WHM72 SMN75 SMN75 NIN72 WHM60<(me) BRD72(I think) and no one asked for any money. Mind you it took a little while to set up but I did do it all in one day. I didn't know any of them really well (except for one of the SMNs and the NIN) but I just asked and got it first try too! :P Anyways, try not to pay for help, cause despite Fenrir being really cool to have, you shouldn't pay for something that other people are doing for there own benefit too.
I mean, you can take 10k cash reward, or the really cool fenrir items that you can get as a reward too. It's not just beneficial to you, you know. Anyways Goodluck and I hope whoever does help you in the end, doesn't ask for the gil because we're all in this together!!
Ok I'm done.