I disagree, SirEagleStrike.
Now, me and you have come to very reasonable terms on FFXI, and hell, you are one damn good THF. You have my respect and friendship because of that, but I disagree with you in some aspects. Take these with a grain of salt.
You're wrong about some people, although seeming like bad guys, not being bad guys. I will not name names, I'm not here to beat on any one person. But one very famous LS leader, and I'm sure you know of who I speak, I have come to....seen in action. I don't care what kind of person he/she is in real life or in your LS, but he/she lost my utter respect for.
He/she, when things go wrong, yells at everyone else about it. One of my very good friends, a THF, just like you, and a damned good puller and a VERY good HNM LS member now with TH3 and insane skills, was pulling in his/her dynamis. When things went wrong because of a ***** up, the LS leader blamed my bud. And then, he/she proceeded to scream at the LS using several curse words about how it was "our ****ing fault".
I do not know if this HNM LS leader is a good person, I do not know how he/she runs the LS. I do know, however, that this HNM LS leader has let the game get to them. Not once, ONCE, did he/she accept responsibility for a ***** up, despite his/her bad directions, bad pulls, or simple mistakes. It was always someone else. Not to mention the insane rules and attitude he/she takes. "I'm better then you." Don't tell me I've mistaken this, I have SEEN this person, WORKED with them, and have come to KNOW them for this. There is no excuse, I don't care how damned famous you are, for thinking you are better, and for not accepting your mistakes.
Vancroft, on the other hand, I can respect. I come not to praise him, but to praise his work ethic, because I have known him for nearly a half year, if not more. I come not to praise his LS, but his selflessness: Not once has he ever talked down, not once has he ever done anything wrong to a member, not once has he blamed others for his mistakes. Kudos for Neorei, Januz, and Makoholic for me seeing them in the same context.
LoH, the fact is, certian HNM LS leaders HAVE let the game get to their heads. I do not care how many items they give away, how many AFs or ZM's they help with, it's personality towards ALL good people that matters....not just those in your LS. I respect the people mentioned above for this, and while they have had...difficulties with others in the past, they do not hold it deep, and would gladly make it up.
I'd prefer an HNM LS with someone who gives respect to all rather then to those who just "deserve" it.
-------------------------End rant------------
On the other hand, my predicament is different. The current LS I'm in atm is full of people I like, somewhat like what jklotros idealized. (Great post BTW) Good people, good friends, we help each other, but I'm at end game, and quite frankly, I too want to kill gods. The LS I'm in hunts HNMs from time to time *very rarely* and I really don't want to leave, because if I join an HNM LS I most likely won't be allowed in my current LS anymore (due to strict HNM LS rules). So for now, I've been working to try and make our LS into more HNM god oriented...I really want to fight them. =/ But I'm afraid that, like other LS', it will come down to the destruction of what this game -should- be about: Friendship and having fun. I'm worried that I may become that way too. But the moment that I look down upon others I want someone to slap me and remind me of the way that kinsmanship made this game good. Sometimes, some HNM LS' leaders are great men and women who turn this way and just forget, or just don't care anymore. I do think that with the right people, they can remember what it was like, but chances are, in the end, they will only be sucked farther in with the mindset.
In the end, it comes down to this:
Do you value helping people because they will then help you, or so they will be happy?
Do you value finding god items for fun and prosperity, or just so you can look really cool?
Do you value the respect of your peers, or simply the loyalty and their following of the rules?
And most of all....
Do you value what this game was meant to be?
FFXI isn't a job: People think that in the end, whoever has the most when he dies wins. No....its whoever had the most OF a life when he dies wins. So remember that, HNM LS leaders, that when you are getting pissed because you didn't get the pull, or because Kirin didn't drop that shiney osode, that it was journey, not the destination, that made the difference.
Respectfully yours,
Fxeni. Taru BLM, lvl 75, Shiva.