Icerider wrote:
LOL the crayon(crayola) needs a life if some1 does a /random u shouldn't curse em out. Btich u need a life go back to your parents and let whoop yo *** for being a *****(i don't get along with my family wah/cry) ***** stfu LOL
"You ain't got nothing on me."
This post was near the bottom of these forums. This is soooo yesterdays news. But I'm honoured that <bumped> me. {/bow}
I'll tell you what I told Hulck aka GalkanGeneral or whatever his other name is (that's not me being a *****, I forget his other nickname) You people are the ones that keep tabloid magazines in business. If you don't like what you hear, blist me. If you don't like what I say, don't listen. I'm sorry if I was brought up to speak my mind, to have an opinion, and in doing so I'm being classified as a *****. If that's what society is naming it, then yeah I'm a ***** and proud of it.
I'm an unlit match. Flick me around, and I light up. Play with fire, you will get burned.
My only reason I've ever posted on the boards was to give cooking information and explain the effects of some foods. Ever since "Most Well Known Person" post a friend ingame messaged me saying "Hey you're #3" and I was like "Huh?!" Then they told me about Shiva forums. I didn't even know that this existed.
Alot of either really really bored as hell lowlifes that live with there parents in there redneck little trailors drinking cheap beer and have lonely nights, OR a lot of jealous people decided to flame me for this. "Oh Crayola is not blah blah blah she is definately blah blah blah"
If you ever even read the posts that I get flamed about, it's because of stupid arguements that get esculated, or circumstances where I believe that I should say something in my defense. Then you have the odd group of little boys and girls that decide to flame on that because they're bored, it makes them seem cool, etc etc.
So let me get it clear, and make it simple for those that lack intelligence: I don't need to get over myself (like the subject says) How about YOU get over me.