Well i dont want to sound like im beging so im going word this very carfuly, im a lv 39 mnk (was 40 but died in a bcnm) anyway any players that can help me get Jujitsu Gi, Ogygos's Bracelets, and brown belt (fuma kyhan would be nice but not nessacary) i would appericate it, now i know im sounding like im begging but im trying not to becuase i know people hate that...belive me i get it too..cut me a deal on it, or let us work something...i realy feel i need these help of any form is greately appericated...i know theres alot A**holes on our server but for as many of them im shure theres just as many good helpful people....or give me advice on how i can make the money to get it(camping nms is out of the question) i have no patience and my luck is horable...i mean im like 2/1000 on stinging sophie 0/2 on Valkrum emporer, 0/2 on jack/ 0/5 on lizzie