Hi. I'm a 54 Redmage (you can see my info on this website), and my current linkshell has all but dissolved for various reasons. I'm starting to look for a LS with serious players, that are interested in doing events/hunts and things of this nature. So far I've found 2 promising ones (EXTREME and Callof Destiny) that seem to be exactly the sort of think I'm looking for. However I'm too low level to get into those LS's so I'm wondering if there are some other 'shells out there who could use a good Rdm.
I'm not into roleplaying or themed linkshells. I'm much more into having players around who are working toward individual and joint goals. I do not powerlevel or accept powereleveleing so please don't contact me if your linkshell does alot of this sort of thing.
I'm more than willing to help a good LS in any way I can. I've been places like Den of Rancor with alliances of mostly level 75 and found that my refresh works just as well for them as it does for people my own level.
Any interested LS leaders please post below. Thanks for your time.