Well it's been a while since I've played but I want to get back on. (been 5 months since I have played)
Imho the best players I have ever played with or that have helped me are:
The greatest one imho
Kohlmann: When he was a Drk in the beginning and now from what I understand that he's a blm. When we first started playing the game over a year ago because it was always a race to level our players the fastest. And also he made the game fun because he was the biggest A$$hole about everything.
Silverblaze: The best in game friend I have ever had, we played a lot in the beginning together, but then we grew apart but we always still talked about what we acomplished and what we found.
Tropicsloth: I remember him because we would always /slap each other around and we would do it for about 10 to 20 minutes nonstop.
Neostrin: Really didn't play with him but he is a RL friend that helped me with missions and quests.
Baer: When he was still playing with Kohlmann and myself, From what I remember he was one of the best Pld's back in the day (ok so it was only about 12 months ago but still, come on;) )
Well these 5 are the most memorable and probably some of the Best and most knoweldgable players in the game.
Kudos for the one who started the original post.