Tonight a party consisting of the following:
Agawulf RNG/NIN
Hikigaeru SMN/WHM
Chiyoyo WHM/BLM
Neoloop BLM/WHM
Clavien RNG/NIN
Successfully defeated Promyvion Mea and Promyvion Holla in the same night to acess Tanzania. While the Mea fight went off without a hitch the Holla fight proved difficult. In truth we had to climb the spire twice after being wiped out by the new NM of Holla and his Tinkerer friend who decided to aggro us then eat our WHM. This was followed by a string of false MRs that left our party tired, worn, and questioning fate. Yet we overcame these obsticals and made it to the boss fight. We resisted his trinity attacks and slugged our way through sleep and curse to finally fell him. Upon transprot to Lufaiese Meadows firecrakers were unvieled and a celebration began tempered only by the fact that while we had bested promyvion we had yet to find the stronghold and safety. A long dangerous journey ensued that, with the help of some guides, was successfull and we rested in the last outpost of Tanzania.