pld aren't that good at holding hate until lv37 when they obtain flash
No offense but I beg to differ. Having taken my pld from 17 to 42 in the last 10 days, I can tell ye that if a paladin knows what he is doing and the party co-operates with him, the paladin won't lose hate very often. There will always be times when the paladin can't maintain the hate. Say mob number 5 in the xp chain without a brd or rdm for refresh when he's sitting on a mere 20 mp or so and the Sam and Rng pull off a mad skill chain right at the beginning of the fight, cause they're trying for xp chain # 4 for 200+ xp.
All a paladin needs to do is communicate with the party. I've had to tell a couple of blm to back off the heavy nukes until after 2 'vokes and a heal or two. Had one that refused to back down telling me "My job is to Nuke, Nuke often, Nuke hard, yer job's to tank and not tell me how to do my job." After his 3rd death in 3 fights. He backed off. Mind you my blm is 47, I do know what I'm talking about.
LOL, I even had to fight one Whm in Yuhtunga to quite healing me every time ah got scratched. After talked to him for a few minutes in /tells he realized that I've got mp and cure spells for a reason. We worked a compromise that he could heal me at the start of the fight if I got particularly worked or if I hadn't had a chance to heal and we got aggro. Otherwise he only healed me when my mp dropped by half or I went into the orange.
I've been in quite a few different parties in the last two weeks, leveling my pld for my static party. I'm ashamed to say that I've been praised for actually doing my job. I had a nice whm that I partied with in Yhoator for about 3 or 4 lvls who wanted to static with me, who told me that I was the first paladin who she'd partied with who actually would Provoke and Heal himself.
It's great to be praised, but when ye hear about the Paladins who have the mentality of "Healing is the Whm's job" or "Provoking is the War's job" makes that praise a bit bittersweet.
Edited to replace the Ah for I for ease of understanding.
Edited, Thu Dec 16 14:37:37 2004 by Papawarlock Edited, Thu Dec 16 14:38:28 2004 by Papawarlock