Note: While I had hoped this post wouldve done some good and given the EternalKnights LS some sort of wake-up call to what kind of people they are and should stop treating people like **** and acting so perfect. The last discussion I had in the LS showed this to not be the case at all. Things were taken the wrong way, ignored or completely swept under the rug. With the constant reply of "if you cant handle it then leave" or "you dont have a ******* clue" Well you know whats funny? I DO have a clue, more so than any of you (you know who you are) I feel sorry for anyone who ends up in your ls, since they will likely be treated like inferior **** like most of us were. I even "hope beyond all hope" that some current members will finally realize how much yall are a bunch of thick-headed ******** and leave you with nothing but an empty ls, with pearls scattered all over Vana'diel. Yes I know most of you come here and proly jsut karma camp this thread but as long as atleast a few people see it I will be doing some good.
Yes this started with just being my goodbye post, but after you standing fast to your ******** attitude and sweeping things under the rug more I found that my goodbye would not have the proper affect. And so it comes to this. I warn everyone to avoid the EK ls, I know many people in thier "partner" ls's who are not any wiser. You may do what you wish but yall might want to spend a few days in the ls to see how it really is and you might be a bit shocked. And now w/o further delay...the actual post in its entirety
Ok let me start of by saying...well... strike 3 your out. though its more like strike 157 or something by now, let me explain... I came to this ls with the other SlumsOfBabylon people who most of which were originally in Babylon. Well we got invited into the Eternal Knights ls cause Slums was sorta falling apart as it wasnt turning out to be what many hoped it would. So the discussions were made and the agreements set and the move happened. The condition was all Slums member would get into EK and the requirements would be waived this one time until all members have moved over. Well the move happened and it was an exciting day, meeting lots of new people finding out the cool stuff we /would/ be doing. getting ZM stuff done, all the promyvion stuff, AF and then gods and dynamis. I was rather happy, I got an ls with strong players in it when I needed help in things like AF or limit quests. And an ls that would do promyvion that I would get invited to as a nin, which is something Ive really wanted to do but wouldnt an invite unless I was a 30 RNG or SMN, etc. And then of course it had all my friends from SoB in it so life was good. I went about my crafting and such as usual like I do, as most from SoB are aware lol! ;) Then one day something changed...
I sent my reply in for the "dream gear" thread and lo and behold Ryu found out I was a lvl 51 ninja at the time, she was so excited. and I quote
Ryunoire wrote:
I'm sooo glad you are in the LS, I didn't realize you are a NIN!
I need a NIN tank really badly... I will help you with anything you need, please let me know. Also we are doing an LS even of AFs this weekend, I think you should come, we can help you get some of your af pieces.
Please just make sure you have the quests active and we will see you on saturday. /tell me in game or PM me back if you need anything.
So now Im even more excited that the ls really will help me with things I need to get into lvling again. I was also un-anon later that day and I got a very similar response from Dashutou. So again life was good and I had high hopes for this ls.
Now comes strike .7, a few days later there was a call for ZM4 (which I needed) by Ryu, so I said Im up for it as it was apparently an easy fight so I could come as a low lvl. So we get a party going and find we didnt have enough unlit lanterns. Ok so we talked about what were going to do and come up with a plan. Seeing as how it was going to take a little bit (we were going to wait for someone to login to see if they had anorther lanter) so I said Id go afk for some food and come back. The response was "ok" Well I was gone for 20-30 minutes. Came back to find myself alone and out of party still standing in Lower Jeuno. Well I figured the party broke up cause we couldnt get the lanterns and seeing as I got no /tells relating to it I let it go. Then did a /sea all linkshell to see what everyone was up to. Hey look at that, the party I was in was now in Yhaotor Jungle. Ok so they left w/o me, not too surprising given my lvl and all, didnt bother me much cause ZM was not a high priority. But I thought, well maybe they just went on ahead to get another lantern. So I asked in ls if I could still come for the reply, asked reply. I asked about 6 times in LS with no reply from anyone at all. I then sent a tell to Ryunoire TWO times asking the same reply. Well that was special, all that talk about doing all these missions and hleping ls and stuff, AND the PM about how happy she was I was a ninja and that she'd be happy to help with quests and AF and all that... was now seeming to get a bit more vague in the whole "help" thing. Well that wasnt the first time I couldnt go on a mission and like I said, ZM wasnt major priority at the time so I let it go.
Now comes strike 1.6 And that was finding out several SoB members had been kicked from the LS, and for a rather bullsh*t reasons too. ok a BCNM ls? uhhh kinda like your Dynamis or Promyvion LS? gimme a break. But not only did I not see any mention of this by anyone such as "oh hey, a couple of your friends were kicked from this ls 2 days ago, did you hear?" Or nothing on the website either under that wonderful section of "linkshell issues". So that was disheartening and a bit infuriating.. And to find that another friend wasnt even invited to the LS was more irritating. And then hearing that others had already left the ls cause of stupid arguments, people being rude, absurd rules and various other things. So yay, now I dont get to talk to several friends while in the ls. Ok, still some friends left. moving on.
Strike 4.6, AF and LB2. starting last week (11-29-04) I asked in the ls a few times a day each day requesting help on the weekend for my lb2, because I was getting ready to start exping again and wanted to get it out of the way so I dont get discouraged (so I can become a great nin tank for gods etc etc blah blah). Well got a reply here and there saying they would. In the end we proly had enough to do it...IF they actually came and helped... So friday help..saturday came and help so saturday even I went to do my AF in Sea grotto since I had hit 54 on friday. I didnt bother asking for help, it didnt bother me. I could solo ok and dint die, but never got key. Got a medium amount of exp, capped several combat skills and skilled up my sword quite a bit, so it was ok. Sunday came and I asked for LB2 help again. got 2 replies, several were "sorry we are camping XXX right now..." the other was "sorry Lienna we jsut did that yesterday!"... and my second most favorite "you dont need ls for that.. jsut throw a party together and do it" wtf? whats the point of an LS?
So I say, ok fine, if no help with LB2 can anyone come help me get a key cause Im having horrible luck?, again the answer was basically no and I asked a few more times.. Then finally someone said yes, Indred...who ironically was also an SoB member...(thank you very much for the help) he gets out here and we start killing some mobs, no TH but kills were faster. Asking for help again spawned a rather worthless and beaten to-death topic of whether TH affects key drops. Gee how helpful, in the end another person offered his services (but only because he was able to get skillups on his sword or he would not have come) meh, thats not too surprising, but not too willing to help. But about 30 minutes pass, and the person had not changed zones. Err ok? asked a few times with no response, and another 20minutes pass and he finally answers saying he was sorry but had to help someone else... Nice that your helping, but thanks for not letting me know atleast?
Ironically a key dropped about 5 minutes after he came back.. so he wasnt needed anymore. Thanked Indred a few more times, apologized for his death (got him a Raise III with the help of Rabbai, thank you. so no real exp loss but it still sucked in general) and we go and grab the coffer, yay AF boots! About that time ls went to camp something in quicksand caves, I forget what but he asked if he could go so we parted ways and I went back to crafting since no LB for that day. I asked some more times that day for help the coming week with LB2, no one offered any. Ok now that was absurd, moving on...
Strike 23.2 Limit Break 2... on monday I figured, well lets see how well the forums work, so I posted a request for help with LB2.. one reply, Uchipu, thank you for wanting to help sorry you werent online when we went ^^. But that was it! Lets see then on wedensdy, I ask AGAIN for help with LB2 since now Im lvl 54 and close to cap and lots of people online and no NMs up, figured hey now ill get help! So I ask again... no reply at first.. then I get a few, but were they EK members? nope! they were SoB members. Only person that wasnt SoB was an EK person who needed LB2, sadly he didnt come cause no Vazhal crystal. But anyways it was all for me. I put together an alliance of about 8 people including myself. A few others couldnt make it (who were also from SoB cause they were helping someone else, or didnt have pearl equipped that I didnt know about) So we get going, do the mission, piece of cake, didnt take even an hour and a half it seemed. oh and no, SoB were not the only people on the ls. there were atleast T5 people on the ls who were in fact talking so not AFK. Oh and for an amusing note even HELLKID joined my party to help with LB2, someone who harrases the hell out of me on more than one ocassion and whome I had considerable mallace for for quite some time even helped me out. But no, not anyone from this great new ls we were supposed to have jsut joined..
So I ask this, if me being in this LS is a big help and so hard to find ninjas, wanting to help me with AF and quests and all that good stuff how is it so hard to take two hours out of your day to HELP said ninja with quests you were so anctious to do? hmm? is some NM that gives you a neat title more important than the so-called ninja who was really hard to find and a great asset to the ls? No, this is not some ego trip trying to feel important, this is about pointing out the bullsh*t.. which is starting to become quite a large pile...moving on...
Strike 37.8 the unprovoked blamming of an SoB member for the breaking of another persons pearl. Gee, when in doubt blame the new guy eh? wtf was that? Then with the followed freak out with the pearl sacks and so on...moving on...
Strike 96.1 following that uproar came some joking around by a few ls members who most of them are is not important..except for one. shaftstop, His joke was met with the most sickening reply Ive seen in a while, the comment was the result of a statement about shaftstop's subjob being really low. Which is expected to come into the light sometime, tho WHM is really going to be his sub under BRD. But his joke was, its not as bad as makoholics, 73rdm/7blm.. everyone laughed cause it was funny and very true. Then came the PM. Makoholic sent a PM to shaft, and I quote "Know ur place"... ok now what in the @#%^ is that? Shaft then replied saying "oh, sorry you got so offended" then mako said "im not offended" oh ya and I have a @#%^ing deskchair growing out my ***.. non-offended people dont pull some high and mighty, and over-reactive, bullsh*t to another person, especially an ls member. So that was wonderful, Ryu, today the subject came up about respecting each other in the ls, perhaps you should look to your own 'flock' a bit there? I frankly dont give a rats *** who has what rank in the ls, but if people are going to do sh*t like that then I wonder what definition of respect you are using. Since I have NONE for a person like that....ok moving on..
Strike 157.000 And that came today not 10 minutes before my urge to right this (which helped to increase the urge) The discussion came around to how come SoB members were getting kicked a lot and where everyone was. Then it came... another wonderful show of respect. As we were refering to SlumsOfBabylon as SoB its understandable that not everyone knew what we were talking about. However, Merlyn made a nice comment "Sons of ************** myself and a few others corrected, "no, SlumsOfBabylon" and the follow-up was "Oh, I was close". Hmm ok now for my first personal attack in this entire post.. Merlyn, go @#%^ yourself. Thanks. Wow such irony for something like that to occour DURING a discussion started by YOUR LS leader, Ryu, about having respect...real @#%^ing nice.
So in closing as a summary in case some of you lack the attention span to read my whole post , which you should do, since its rather important that someone knows there is a big @#%^ING PROBLEM HERE... but what Im trying to say here is that we were invited into this ls with open arms and great anticipation. To be followed with the kicking of ~1/3 of us, and another 1/3 leaving because of everyones bullsh*t. to leave the last 1/3rd here to be harrassed, abused, ignored and looked down upon from everyone else in the ls, an ls that was so happy to have lots of members so they could be ready for gods and dynamis, other HNM and so on. But simply left most people on thier own and not helping other members get to the status needed to fulfil this dream of becoming a true HNM ls... so Ill finsih this with.
Thank you for inviting us (me) into the ls with lies of wanting to get all these things done and work hard for a strong LS. Bullsh*t about how you really wanted to help me out. Thank you for inviting all of us to start, and kicking us all to end it. Thank you for the abuse and rudeness and *gasp* lack of respect. Thank you for a sh*tty experience in this rather sad ls....I had more respect for hellkid int he babylon days than I do now for some of you... Ryu, I still have respect for you, tho sorry I just hate your ls and your rules and the way things are handled. -Goodbye
-Lienna, the Sly.
55NIN, 30MNK, 28WAR, 23WHM, 17BLM, 11THF, 9SMN, 8RNG, 7SAM, 5BRD, 5RDM, 3BST.
88 Clothcraft, 60 Cooking, 60 Leathercraft, 45 Goldsmithing, 25 Smithing, 18 Alchemy, 8 Woodworking, 8 Fishing, 4 Bonecraft.
So to conclude, all be VERY aware of the ls EternalKnights, you have been warned not to accept a pearl from them. I feel sorry for you if you do.
*edit* well so far its been read atleast twice haha.. making good progress here...
Edited, Sat Dec 11 01:29:36 2004 by Lienna