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Melantes you whimpering baby (18+ age rating lol)Follow

#1 Oct 08 2004 at 11:51 PM Rating: Default
Today i wes selling teleports because i needed some extra cash. as i was porting a fare Melantes came over. i knew he had seen me as his head turned to look at me (id been targeted) anyways as i was zoning he /slap motioned me. i came back to jueno and talked to my friend there. she sells teleports too. she said that he had ben harassing her to teleport him as ffast as she could. she almost said no because he was so rude.

so lemme get this straight. you /slap motion me when you think you can get away with it. then you harass other people. then you run away trying to hide like a rat? what are you? 6?

I send you a message telling you to grow up and you send me swear word. yeah real mature.

welcome to your blist you said to me. guess what. like i give a damn if im on your blist.

For those of you that dont know. Melantes was conned out of 20k. ever since then he's acted like a sex-starved convict taking his aggression onto others. i called him "a fool" and he now hates me. i could have used a worser word but i decided to comfort him by using "fool". he took it as a decleration of war. the muppet. for example. take the sensence below. now this is an insult worthy of Melantes.

You lost 20k so what. It doesnt mean you can be a rude barstard. your basically being as bad as the person that robbed you. So you were conned out of 20k. spent 500gil on your mission to slap me then run away like a little baby... okay. i see what kind of person you are. your just a little boy in his bedroom with no pets, no parents, no family. and you have a huge collection of ch*x-w*th-d*x under your bed. your confused about your direction in life and take it out on others.... either that or you really gotta get laid. and soon!!

now. if you compare my words above to the word "fool". you will see that the word "fool" was not even an insult compared to that.

Sorry if i offended anyone cept Melantes. But he had to be told. Ive seen you countless times around the world. do i slap you or insult you? no i dont. do you slap and insult me? yes you do. get a life. Now shut the hell up and move on you moronic baby.

#2 Oct 09 2004 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
227 posts
Euhh...what? Melantes acting like a kid... never heard of that before :)

Edited, Sat Oct 9 01:42:33 2004 by skullreker
#3 Oct 09 2004 at 9:18 AM Rating: Default
Im honestly think Melantes is slowly approaching the point of being hated as much as me...
#4 Oct 09 2004 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
One question, is your making this thread any more mature than Melantes? The better person would have just said, okay, whatever and blisted them or something, but instead, you come onto the forums and post this in order to spread the word about it. It is just as childish as what he is doing. Possibly even more because more people are going to see this thread than the people that are going to see him /slap you. These types of forums are just ways for people like you to lift themselves up and look like the better perosn by 'warning' everyone else. Really, you are
whimpering baby
as you so elequently put it. If someone ticks me off in game, I confront them about it, and if they can't be mature about it, I blist them, I don't make a post and just ruin their name.
#5REDACTED, Posted: Oct 09 2004 at 4:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Get a life, seriously.
#6 Oct 09 2004 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
Xellith is more immature than Melantes because he posted this?

Hontoo rate me down... I don't know Melantes as well as a Melantes does (hopefully) but he used to be in a linkshell I was in. Melantes is not an ******* or a scammer. Yet he does like to 'hate' a lot. By 'a lot', I mean Melantes 'chooses' (even if it's an unconscious choice; must accept responsibility) to take everything negatively and react in kind to it. Naturally with this attitude on life you can tend to blow things out of proportion. The irony is that the more Melantes hates, the more people grow to dislike him. The more people grow to dislike him; the more Melantes hates. It's a vicious circle.

As far as creating a thread about Melantes. There is 'another' reason to opening a thread besides self gratification. The other reason is so simple you probably discount it but no matter. That reason is to 'punish' the opposing party. I agree that it serves no purpose to 'punish' Melantes because it just feeds into the cycle of hating. Yet saying Xellith is worest than Melantes for trying to 'punish' Melantes for said actions is erroneous IMHO.

In contrast, the solution I see is to simply ignore people's negative responses. We all make a choice (whether conscious or unconscious) on how we react to other people's actions or reactions. I don't mean to say 'forgive, and forget' but rather 'control yourself'. This game is what you put into it. If you are negative about everything then the game will be negative about everything. In contrast, if you 'try' to be positive and optimistic then the game will be more positive.

Melantes wouldn't hate you if he didn't precieve you as hating him. So my point is simple.

Don't be Hating! ^^
#7 Oct 09 2004 at 6:07 PM Rating: Default
Get a life, seriously.

I honestly can't believe you took the time to write this, it's sad dude.

Wait, let me get this straight...

Melantes looks down upon others who make ONE thread about someone they dont like, where as Melantes himself makes one every other day about people.

now THAT is a foolish immature hypocrit
#8 Oct 10 2004 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
20k is chump change
#9 Oct 10 2004 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
864 posts
he isn't even pissed about 20k. Melantes knows its chump change. Its the people who ******* nag him all the time when he is camping NM's and things. You go check the Price History on the Emp Pin in jeuno and see who's name comes up more than twice. Thats melantes. He is a good camper and other people just get pissed at him for that and get angry cause they aren't as good. Then they go spread rumors about how he is such an *** and what not when it was them who were the *** in the first place. They ask him to team up with them and when he says no they go cry to their linkshells and make the matter worse. I have known melantes practically since we both started. Both lvl 15's no sub. The truth of the matter is u just have to get to know him. He might hate every now and then but he doesn't really mean it most of the time. You just gotta give him a chance.

Lurking since '04


#10 Oct 10 2004 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
im a whimpering baby? gimme a break. sure i came down to his level. wanna know why? because its all he understands. i tried to reason with him. he just sent me some profanities then blisted me. If i post here i know he gets it. basically like chatting in LS chat. (public)

He insulted me before and now i just wanna annoy him because i know i can. i dnot really care anymore. not about him anyways. Cant believe i took the time to write this? i cant believe you actually did what you did and then ran away so you didnt have to face me. that was funny as hell.

Basically im not upset with Melantes. i just like giving him sh*t. its funny to see what he will say or do next. i guess i just love his famous one liners.

Im not here to punish Melantes. more just give him hell for being abusive to everyone out there. i tried to be nice but noooo. He tries to be a bully and stuff. i dont let nobody push me around or think they got the better of me. Melantes is just a small fish in a big pond. He neds to realise the world dont revolve around him and that good things and bad things will happen and he has to take them in his stride and move on and learn from his mistakes. instead he is a "hater".

I can sink to this level because i know i am always gonna be better than Melantes. If he appologised to me then yeah i could say sorry back. I can admit when im wrong and can call a truce when i have to.

But this punk thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. This just isnt the case (Note: i dont give a /toss about being mature or the better man. I just wanna see fools learn there lesson and/or move on).

I dont hate Melantes as much as this post makes you thnk. I wouldnt care if i ever saw him again or not. I just say all this stuff to annoy Melantes because its fun because i know that he sligtest thing will peev him off. I dont set out to annoy him or anything. i only post stuff like this if he starts something with me. (revenge is not a nice thing but its sweet and i love it)

Im normally a mellow person. i just like seeing this fool make an even bigger fool of himself. its amusing.

Nobody foced anyone to read this. you read the topic then decided to read it. dont gimme any sh*t about me posting his for everyone to read. im not a coward. i can say what i want without hiding or running away.
#11 Oct 11 2004 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent


While Melantes may be hot tempered at times he is basically a nice fellow and I am glad to have him in my linkshell.

There really is no reason to try to drag his name through the mud. It's quite low of you to do so and so I'm going to ask that you stop.

If you dislike him /blacklist him and advise your friends to do so as well. There is no need to try to get everyone to do same. It's not going to happen.
#12 Oct 11 2004 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
It's threads like this that make you afraid to party with certain people. About a month ago I was hunting Jack and Melantes offered to party with me once I got the pop because he had TH2 and I only had TH1. I didn't do it cuz I was scared from what people had said here.

Then a few weeks ago I was in Qufim and our party needed a replacement DD. The next thing I know, our leader invited Melantes and I was a little hesitant once again after reading these boards. He came in and did a kick a$$ job as a NIN and we had no problems whatsoever. The best part though was what came next. When I had to disband he took the time to /tell me that I did a good job as a puller and that I was a good THF. When someone pays you a compliment that 9 out of 10 people you pick up party with won't, that makes them a little higher on my list than most people. But these boards/personal hate lists almost made me miss out on a good party experience with Melantes. Just my 2 gil.
#13 Oct 11 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
Melantes is my friend...then again I'm kind of a d*ck

But seriously, kids.
On our server, I constantly notice and am saddened by the fact that many people seem unable to give a sh*t about the fact that this is a game about people interacting with other real people. They sit in linkshells and only speak up when they need to know something, or when someone in the LS is organizing an event for something that they haven't done yet. This frustrates me because I am a person who enjoys building friendships with those in my LSs. But I digress.

Melantes is on my friend list and I'm on his. I've known him since like level 20. Occasionally I'll just get a random tell from him and we'll start talking. I don't know about you, but even I don't usually send random tells to members of my friend list just to say what's up. I did get mad at him once, but it was over something retarded and I was mad for about 20 seconds.

I'd appreciate it if you'd stop flaming my friend because he was a little grouchy on what was probably a bad day. You show me a person that hasn't been a ******** on a bad day, and I'll show you my Strider Boots while fiddling with the clasp on my Cassie Earring as I fish with my Lu Shang rod.

p.s. What does "/slap motion" do? /slap has no visible motion. :P

Edited, Mon Oct 11 11:58:02 2004 by Jehvren
#14 Oct 11 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
582 posts
I think people just remember Melantes, cuz it's an easy name to remember.

I actually encountered him twice in my FFXI. First one was in the Dunes the first round for me I was a subjobless newbie. Basically the PT I was in with him got me killed. I disbanded cuz I got killed (yea, I was a Noob once) and also cuz I had to log off in about an hour (whms can't leave PTs easily as melees). I think I got him a little upset, but I don't blame him...I acted inappropriately due to my Noobishness at the time. Sure it was my first encounter with a mad person that sent me nasty tells, and sure, I was a bit surprised but hey, it still happens at my current lvl :P (It's all part of the training!)

Second time was in Yhoator Jungle (I can't spell without auto-translator, so excuse me on that). I was in a double WHM party, and when I came on as a second WHM in his PT, I was greeted with a "We don't need another stinkin' WHM! We're getting P-lvled" So I thought, "Whoa, this guy remembers me from the Dunes, and he's STILL angry at me?" Not wanting any confrontation, I offer to leave, but my WHM friend says I should stay. So I stay, do my thing, and he actually sent me a /tell to apologize for the rude comment.

...I haven't seen him or been in a PT since with him... So it could be that if one reacts to his comments, it just gets worse. I think some ppl think that it's OK to get a bit aggressive, masked by the animated characters and hidden behind the internet. But afterall, I'd like to think that we are all rational, socially adjusted ppl behind it and that we would eventually realize to take note of how one's actions can make the other feel, and perhaps, take a little more consideration when reacting/acting to certain situations... All I wish is for that more people, including Xellith and Melantes can see this as well :) be more considerate to eachother.

However, I do agree with Xellith how harassing WHMs (who don't have much means of income cuz we can't kill much, and if one can't craft, Outerland Teleports are a pretty good source of income..)just because Melantes had a bad day can be a non-issue. That's just not right...

Just a thought from this little taru.

Edited, Mon Oct 11 13:39:32 2004 by uchipu
#15 Oct 11 2004 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
Its to bad when that hot temper gets lots of random people killed by trains...
#16 Oct 12 2004 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
Wow... all this just 'cause of someone dropping a few [/slap]s?

i agree with both sides, even though i've never met Melantes. sound liek Melants has a notoriously bad reaction to things, but that's okay, he's allowed to do that. but getting annoye dto teh point of making a thread on here abotu it... that's a bit much... save it for the REALLY offensive ones, liek the guys who /check you twice, /stare, then send you a /tell that reads: "[Hume] [Hand] [job] [can i have it?] 50 gil!" I won't name names, 'cause i already asked a GM to look into the matter. but that sort of thing is what should be mentioned here, not who slapped who... >_<;;

Remember folks, it's a game... let's get out there and try to make it enjoyable for everyone, yeah?
#17 Oct 12 2004 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
if you read other posts you'd know its more than just a slap. he hates me from when i said he was a "fool" for giving someone 20k and they stole it. i wouldnt have minded him slapping me as long as he did it like a man. instead of waiting so he could slap then then literally grab a teleport to get away from the situation. now thats just stupid. im not trying to drag his name in the dirt. to me its already there.

Im not afraid to face him. in fact i tried. all i got was abuse.

ill say 2 more things on the matter then im letting it drop.

Melantes = give someone 20k = a fool
Melantes = slap people then run away = wimp
#18 Oct 12 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
This game is/will be the downfall of you all
#19 Oct 12 2004 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Seriously you all need to stop and realize that this is a game that we're all playing here. Yes, it's sad that there are some ppl that choose to act like rude little children and try to ruin it for the rest of us, but honsestly if you can't learn to deal w/ those ppl and move on, then perhaps you should check into playing a single person RPG. Now I'm not saying that being rude or scamming someone else is acceptable in any means, but I think it's far better in the long-run to just make a personal note of the person's name and behavior and make the choice not to deal w/ that particular person in the future. Nothing gets accomplished by coming on here and flaming each other over trivial things. Perhaps this might be part of the reason that SE imposed an age restriction on this game thinking that just maybe ppl would be able to act like adults and treat each other w/ respect. After all, we are all here to achieve the same purpose... to have fun and play a game w/ other ppl.

#20 Oct 12 2004 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
525 posts
This isn't a game, This is life.. In fact just the other day my professor started shouting "2,000 gil for Test answers, /tell Professor".

On a side-note, take these topics to your linkshell, I met melantes once, didn't bother me and talked to me a bit about emperor spawning forever. I have no beef, but from what I've seen on these forums I'd say he likes to talk before he thinks..

Anyways.. Calling someone a fool because they got scammed and then expecting a reply along the lines of "Oh my god your so right, please demoralize me more by pointing out the fact I mistook another's trust to be sincere", is foolish in itself.

Anyways, stop bickering and help me level Mah Dragoon. :)
#21 Oct 15 2004 at 7:04 PM Rating: Default
Lay the **** off Melantes.

That guy is awesome.

And almost as funny as me.
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