The following confirms the character known as sepukku as being a complete *** and/or a 13 year special ed kid who thinks he is high and mighty and has no friends at school. This is what happened.
So me and taruk (a nice whm taru ^^) decide to make a party and go to quicksand caves to level off beetles and the spiders there. Well it takes about 40 minutes to get the party together and we only have 5 people and we need one more. So we are searching and taruk sees that there is a lvl 46 rdm in windurst. His name is "Sepukku" i said oh great the guy from the posts i will give him a shot though because i am that kind of guy. Well the first thing he does is ask who is in the party. Taruk tells him and he must have done a /sea all of each member because he didn't like our samurai's sub and said he wouldn't join because of it. WELL i said **** sepukku then he can go do his thing and i will find someone else cause i don't feel like being a jerk to this samurai who traveled all the way from san'doria to the crawler's nest just to find out we are going to quicksand caves. Well i start looking for another person and find another samurai in bastok. I start talking to him and ask him to join when sepukku sends taruk a tell and says that he will come and party (-_-;) Well i think about how much the samuraui could help us and i think about how much refresh can help us and so i politely say sorry to the samurai and give sepukku a chance. So we all finally decide to go to quicksand caves and it turns out the samurai and the thief don't have tele altep. So we say its ok and they make their way to bastok and taruk tele's me and the paladin because sepukku is still taking the airship to jeuno. Well it takes another 20 minutes to get everyone to altepa because the thief and the samurai had to go through korroloka tunnel and make their way to the caves. So we fight about 2 things and the fights were taking way too long compared to the EXP we were getting. Finally on the 3rd fight taruk happened to be afk or something on accident and he didn't cure for the last leg of the fight. The paladin proceeds to die because there were no cures and a sickle slash kills pretty fast. Then it proceeds to kill the samurai because the thief had been switching SATA"s back and fourth. The spider has a slither of health left and the rest of us zone. So we are standing out there (MIND YOU THIS PARTY TOOK ABOUT A LITTLE OVER AN HOUR TO PUT TOGETHER AND TRAVEL TO OUR HUNTING GROUNDS) and sepukku says "Taruk you are a moron why didn't you cure?" I say it was a complete accident and that it won't happen again and taruk says it was too and apologizes. Sepukku then proceeds to call us noobs and that he could get way better XP somewhere else. He then disbands says a few choice words to taruk our whm and warps back to his Home point. This is all while we are stuck here and our paladin and samurai are dead inside. If this does not classify sepukku as a complete ******* i don't know what does. We decided to get everyone raised and tele dem and went to the crawler's nest. We got a bard to replace sepukku (Chaithai ^^) and got way better exp.
Thats what i have to say and let this be a warning