honestly, i haven't even seen him, though i don't think that's for any reason other than I'm nowhere near his lvl, so he wouldn't be in the areas i frequent.
But i can say that until i actually see for myself whether someone is a jerk or not, then i treat them nice. if He didn't do anythign to you, just leave him alone and move on with your lives... if you want to make him feel outcaste because of somethign that happened between him and other people, then instead of going out of your way to slap, insult, berate, or what-have-you... Just leave him alone...
There's 2 players i can't stand myself, and i simply ignore them... unless we end up in a pty together, in which case i put the enmity aside and do my job without hesitation.
Even on the game, the golden rule still applies. If you want people to be nice to you, then be nice to them first. I had to deal with a few rude people last night, and their excuse for being total numbwits was that their behavior wasn't against TOS... that is a really lame way to look at it. just because you can do somethign doesn't mean you should right?
Just remember, if you tick someone off, word will spread, and soon you'll be hated by all. the best thign to do it just let it go and move on. if what they do is truly horrid, and they KEEP doing it, then it's understandable to badmouth/report them..
Sorry for being longwinded, but this is somethign i feel really strongly about.
/end rant