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Guys Using Female CharactersFollow

#1 Aug 31 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
I am trying to get some opinions here on guys using girl characters. When I started the game I figured that 75% off the people playing were male, so I did not want to have a character like everyone else, so I decided to use a female character. I have taken so much crap for doing this that I have started over with a guy character. If its not guys hitting on me, its people saying that I am gay for using a female character. I have alot of time invested in this character, only 42 days of playtime. I look at it this way, anyone guy who has played FF10-2 has used a girl character. I am just curious how you guys feel about this topic, and if you are against it, why are you against it?


#2 Aug 31 2004 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
324 posts
I personally see no problem with males playing female characters. It is a "roleplaying" game after all. Also I would rather look at a female character on my screen instead of a male one (Although I am a hume male -_-). I would just ignore those people who insult you for playing a female character, they are just homophobic.
#3 Aug 31 2004 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
168 posts
I personally have nothing against males playing females, or females playing males (the latter doesn't seem to come into question as much). I know some people would automattically assume any guy playing as a girl (mithra in particular) would be gay, but I don't. I might wonder a bit (since most guys I know would be appaled at even the thought of choosing something that lowered their masculinity), but no more than that.
#4 Aug 31 2004 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
think about this...

What type of ppl really care or question the A/S/L of another player? IMO, its the ppl who cant interact socially with the opposite sex in RL...I play the game to play the game, not to get lucky and find the "hot chick" who is into video games as well, and wont frown about me being a FFXI dork...IRL, females love me because I dont give a **** what they think of my hobbies, and dont pretend to be too cool to play a kick *** game like FFXI...I cant help but /sigh whenever someone Im playing with in game, after 30 minutes of just being nice, throws out the inevitable..."so...just out of curiousity, are you M or F?"

The answer is..."Im mithra a$$hole, look at my tail"

Also, I chose my character for 2 reasons...

1. I knew I was gona take on a thf/nin job and researched the best race for it IMO

2. like a poster above said, I would rather look at a hot chick on my screen then a hulking male...I play waaaay too much to compromise my sexuality :P

but now that I have tried all the races via mules, I kinda like Taru the best...they are fun to watch wobble around ^^
#5 Aug 31 2004 at 7:39 PM Rating: Default

I don't care very much if it's a guy or a girl behind a character. I don't have anything to do with that player in real life, all I interact with is the player on the screen. Therefore, if you're a female character, you're female and a male character, you're male.

It's not a big deal *what* is behind the character, just how the person plays the game.

It's actually a personal pet peeve of mine (one of many it seems) that a lot of people insist on calling Mithra by the masculine if they have male players behind them or the Mithra themselves insist on being referred to as "he's". It's a role-playing game.

If you really don't want to be referred to in the feminine then pick a male character. The excuse that "Mithra have the stats I want" doesn't cut it in my books. Humes have average stats for all jobs and can play thief/ranger/etc very effectively as well.
#6 Aug 31 2004 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
Gotta give a (/shout) out for Taru's and their wobble!!!

here's a question.... when you guys (i'm a guy, so i can relate) find out a player in your party is a chic, does that intrigue you? do you feel the need to "be nice" to them and put them on your friend list? i won't lie.... i find it interesting, the concept of a female sitting behind a computer doing the same thing that I'M doing. i occasionally ask someone that "by the way, are you male or female?" question. i will never ask it based on the character they use though. you can notice it (for the most part) in how they interact. please don't be OFFENDED by that question, since females do behave differently. so again, the initial question...

Guys, are you intrigued by the thought of a female playing this game? Cuz we all know... there's alot of stereotypical "dorky, fat, lazy" guys playing this game. all pasty skin, never see the sun except for school/work..... so why can't that "hot mithra" be a girl in the same shoes? food for thought....
#7 Aug 31 2004 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
haha yea i've been in about 4 of these threads on other forums and I see it pointless to even start to make fun of someone playing a female character that's a guy in real life. As most of you know I have much room to talk on this subject lol, I am the leader of an all mithra LS, and I think my LS is a big reason why everyone assumes all mithra are male lol... but don't worry there are actual female mithra's out there, and no the kittykatgang isn't a bunch of fat old men,(quote from a taru Sepukku) there are some females in it. Sepukku would say otherwise... but no one should take that immature brat seriously. whew well i've said enough ^^
#8 Sep 01 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
The excuse that "Mithra have the stats I want" doesn't cut it in my books.
- Meara


/em rips a handful of pages out of Meara's worthless book, and heads toward the Campfire Thread.

#9 Sep 02 2004 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
Y'know, this is the closest i can get to knowing what it's like to be a chick...with out cross-dressing and turning into a pervert, So i say, Just let me have my thing man..... Its not hurting anyone.

Shiva Server
#10 Sep 03 2004 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
I dont see the problem with guys using female characters and i think the reason, "i want mithra's stats" is perfectly good reason.
after all, we play the game to have fun and frankly, sum jobs are best as mithras!

and if u play the game to find a real relationship, then thats ok, but most of us dont.


The excuse that "Mithra have the stats I want" doesn't cut it in my books.

y not, who the hell cares if ur character is masculine or feminine?

p.s. i play a male elvaan
#11 Sep 04 2004 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
No way, females on the internet? They only exist in JPEG format.
#12 Sep 04 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
my problem with this is guys who play females and ACT like one. its quit unnerving knowing that the mithra you thougth was a girl in RL is actually a guy. i know a few guys who play females and i have no problems cause i know their gender. im generally nicer to females than males(like most guys). thats just my opinion anyway. you wanna play a female? fine. just dont act like one.
#13 Sep 05 2004 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
Mithra + Thief = The best possible base thief. I would convert my Elvaan Male to a Mithra if I could, but I'm not about to lose all the time I put into it to start over (my original character was a warrior, then I changed to whm, then to thief, blah blah).

Dexterity is everything, but if you look at my gear, I have found a way to compensate :P

So obviously, I don't give a crap who is behind the character, play what you want to play, and leave the drama / politics out of it.
#14 Sep 06 2004 at 3:56 AM Rating: Decent
163 posts
I played a female elvaan by choice cause I find them cute. I’ve not gotten any negative remarks abt being a guy playing a female char though I do get asked am I a guy or gal when PTing with people outside my LS.

Come to think of it… I’ve never gotten any perks like free taxi either…so sad :p.
#15 Sep 06 2004 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
my problem with this is guys who play females and ACT like one. its quit unnerving knowing that the mithra you thougth was a girl in RL is actually a guy. i know a few guys who play females and i have no problems cause i know their gender. im generally nicer to females than males(like most guys). thats just my opinion anyway. you wanna play a female? fine. just dont act like one.

Act like one? this is a roleplaying game. If a guy plays a female character and has the character act like a girl that doesn't make him a gay or anything but a good role player. Think about this, the fictional books you have read where there were female characters, yet the author was male? or vice versa? Does that idea bother you? If you as a player have a problem with that then that is 'you're' problem and not theirs. Frankly I wish there was more actual roleplaying in FFXI but there isn't.
#16 Sep 06 2004 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
Ceraphine /clap ^^ well said. There are a few roleplaying linkshells out there, but I don't know there names lol. I agree it would be cooler if more poeple roleplayed in FFXI, but there's not really much you can do. /sigh
#17 Sep 06 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
I actually got asked this today, leveling up my RNG. "Are you a guy or a girl?"

And I was sort of at a loss. Like, my gut reaction was to ask, "Why do you care?" I don't typically go out of my way to mention that I'm a woman IRL. I have a female character, and I don't actively hide the fact that I'm female in real life, but I also don't necessarily want my RL gender to have any effect on my game-play.

The only problem I have with the gender-benders are the men who pretend to be women online and basically ruin it for those of us who are women. Few things irk me as much as being in a party with someone I can just tell is not a woman, but who proceeds to be lewd and sexual as their female character. It drives me up the wall - because then it seems somehow acceptable and validated.

"Well, So-and-so doesn't care if I /em pokes his {Staff} at your {hole}. Why do you care? Snobby b*tch."
#18 Sep 06 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
I don't think it really matters, I have never been called gay for picking a female character, some people laugh, but I don't really care. I picked Mithra because of the stats, and I liked the race concept. I don't say I'm a girl, if someone asks I'll tell them the truth. Some people have thought I'm a girl, maybe its because I get into my character a little, but I dunno. The point is this is a roleplaying game for christ's sake. I would even like to get married, but pretty much anyone would get too weirded out because I'm not a girl IRL.
#19 Sep 07 2004 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, what does this make ME? i'm 60 Elvaan Male WHM. i like to run around wearing NOTHING but my AF beanie cap and my AF bell bottom looking pants. that's it, nothing else. looks like i'm a Chip-n-Dales dude, streaking around town with my tight t-shirt on. :D however, i DON'T go up and hump people using emotes. i just think it looks funny. what does this have to do with male/female roleplaying? nothing. i just think it looks funny when i do it. and especially when i sub THF for (flee). hahaha bellbottomed WHM sprinting around town with a red/white beanie cap. =)
#20 Sep 07 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
I don't see the problem with guys playing female cha, this is a role playing game after all. It would be the same as me playing a Male Character me being a Women, one thing i've noticed since joining KKG they seeme to think there house cats... Which is all fine if you want to play your Hume / Cat Hybrid as house cat.

The Reason i choose Mithra, is basicly Because i'm cat lover i have 4 cats that are my very own i'll probley grow into one of those old lady's with 90593 cats around the house. Because i love them all.

=) but's let's look at another topic, girls and Wargames? As some of you CS = Counter-strike fanatic knows one of the best CS Clan is infact all Female irl, which proves that there are indeed female gamers. Even if you don't like to think so, It's also a fact that Female gamers usally do better then males depending on the type of game etc.

I for one got into FF XI because my brother started in the beta it looked fun, Before FF XI i was playing EverQuest and Ragnarok Online. Both Well known Online games i would presume. I'm also a fan of Super Nitendo Rpg's that i play on My laptop. While fishing etc.

Anyway back to topic, as i see it your not gay if you play a Female character, personally i think most of the people who play Female Characters are more likely Perverts. Well most of them anyway, Rpg'ing is fine just don't over compensate .. i do it all the time and it ends up making me sound like male .... playing War games with your brother can do that to a you.

I still play the more Female gendred games like The Sims Online, etc I don't understand this whole let's race to lvl 75 and we'll be uber attuide thought, i guess it's just male testeron speaking like all those drk that end up sounding like 12 year olds.

Well this is my opinon anyway.

Note: This Reply is 99.9 % sure to contain severe Grammar and Spelling errors. As I'm Dysletic {I'm Sorry!} {I'm sleepy!}

#21 Sep 07 2004 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
I've read so many topics on this and it's a shame. The fact of the matter is, play what you want to play. I personally play a Mithra, because I like everything about the race. I think they look cool and have great stats. Gender had no bearing on my decision. I'm "straight as an arrow" and it doesn't bother me, and it shouldn't bother anyone else that I'm a guy playing a female character. It has nothing to do with perversity, sexuality, or anything else.

What others think of me is moot. If they took the time to get to know me, they'd see I'm a nice, helpfull, generous person. But if they're too immature to accept what I play, then I don't want to know them anyway. It's a waste of my time.

What it comes down to is, the people that freak out and call you gay or whatever else are just immature snot-nosed little brats, and you don't need their company anyway.

To those of you who think clearly and maturely, hoorah! To the rest of you, **** off.
#22 Sep 07 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
I personally don't understand the problem with this, I think it is stupid that people care what race/gender you are in the game... ITS A GAME. I don't care what race you are, male or female, its how you play, if you act like a jerk I'm going to blist you, if you can play, and have a good attitude, I'll possibly add you to my friends list, or at least the list of people I try to pt with multiple times. The thing I hate, is people that sit there and hit on those that play as a female, I had a mule that was a Mithra, I deleted it because I was sick of getting hit on by 12 to 14 year old boys, if you want to find a girlfriend, go out and socialize, meet someone that you can see with your own eyes. Not someone that could very well be a male, as I am. Okay, that is my 83 cents. Thank you, and good day.
#23 Sep 12 2004 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
50 posts
Join the Terranova fan club!

*Waves Banner*

<3 Terranova :)
#24 Sep 12 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
hey im not a pervert terra :P i just like cats i cant help it lol.
#25 Sep 12 2004 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
227 posts
Note: This Reply is 99.9 % sure to contain severe Grammar and Spelling errors. As I'm Dysletic {I'm Sorry!}
{I'm sleepy!}


Now to reply to the thread,im a guy and i dont care if your a guy or a girl behind my lovely mithra. I saw a mithra in bastok who acts like a prostitute so i guess this one is a guy..but that is the exception, generally you have to ask to be really sure who youre talkin to. I think playin a girl(which i played some on other games) take the to the surface a part of you that most guy dont let out even if they're not gay.

to answer Grimshady yes im intrigued when i know its a girl, not the ^she must be fat bullsh!t^,im intrigued cuz most of the girl i know have all the same interest which is dance in the bars, its good to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
#26 Sep 14 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
I really don't mind the cross-gender characters. The main thing about it that I dislike is the people that go overboard with the whole thing, along with the catcalls (pun only partially intended) that go along with it. Back when JiltedSyndicate was still around, we had a running list (and joke) of people who harassed female characters. One of the highlights of that was one of our members made a mithra just to entrap the notorious offenders. We all got a chuckle when he announced that he'd just rained on someone's parade for 'cybering with another guy. ^^

As for dealing with male/female player/character combinations, I have a bit of a system for that. I know several players on Shiva that go to my college, and a few of them play female characters. Since in our ls, it's known that I can call up the person in question and ask them questions or if they can log in, I simply call the player 'him' and the character 'her' as a way to differentiate who I'm talking about.

I.E. 'He's on his way' = player in the process of logging in
versus 'She's on her way' = character in the process of doing something and will be there shortly
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