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Very DepressedFollow

#1 Nov 09 2008 at 2:01 AM Rating: Decent
I quit this game years ago but it always lingers in my heart. It was easier quitting smoking than quitting this game.

I miss those people that always put me in a good mood; Remided me of how good life was.

SE may have developed the biggest time sink ever, but that time sink forced people to bring out the best in themselves, or they just wouldnt be able to survive on the game.

Right now, im depressed.

Ever since i stopped playing FFXI, I kinda lost interest in other games.... Nothing was as good as FFXI.

years later, I would be at work visualizing the perfect set up, gear and advanced macro's,and then later realizing i will never be able to fully understand, and know that joy.

Right now, life- life has just been the biggest *** hole lately. I started to study various religions to combat this depression that always trying to get a grasp on my mind, i fight it so hard, and smile through everything, "Dont lose your cool, dont think negative, life is hard for everyone."

The only thing holding back a massive breakdown is and imaginary paper thin wall holding the depression back on the other side.(To top it off, my GF recently started using sex as a weapon, i **** her off im not gettin any)
Got me feeling pretty ****** to say the least.

Shiva, i just want you to know my friends, my thoughts are on you. Nothin but love for you guys, and you guys are super lucky your still playin the game you love.
#2 Nov 09 2008 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
3,285 posts
Star I know what you are going through but mine is trying to quit. Hang in there and tough it out or just come back :) You know we would welcome you back with open arms.

#3 Nov 09 2008 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
it was incredibly hard for me to quit. I would always come back after a little while. So, I gave all my non R/EX stuff away( I mean, very very expensive stuff like my kraken club to a noob in bastok, lol).

What Really kept me from going back was Phoinex though. Watching her play everyday kept on reminding me why i quit and why i shouldnt play anymore.

But anyways, thanks Shu, your a real pal.
#4 Nov 09 2008 at 4:59 PM Rating: Good
3,285 posts
np, Im trying to quit so hard myself but cant. No matter how hard I try. Pho has my number if u ever want to chat.
#5 Nov 10 2008 at 11:38 AM Rating: Excellent
201 posts
1st rule of FFXI ... No Quitting FFXI

2nd rule of FFXI ... No Quitting FFXI
#6 Jan 08 2009 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
I feel ya. . .and wish you the best. Was gone myself for a few years and just now returned. It's better than I remembered, all the new updates and additions have only made a great game/MMo even better. My only advice is to come back "Home" and get to playing. :)

Edited, Jan 8th 2009 1:38pm by Kyzmet

Edited, Apr 27th 2009 11:08pm by Kyzmet
#7 Jan 09 2009 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
Quiting doesnt rly come with deciding to quit i think.
Myself lost my interests in the game slowly more and more.
Stuff looked pointless to do at first and this became worser every week, started with partying and as last even missions were pointless for me lol.
Was not proud anymore on "special" items i obtained, was not in the mood anymore to do long time events cause everything outside the game was and felled more important.
Also the decreasing friends on friendlist (all oldies quited) sucked.

You know, RL is more important but lost my eye on that thx to i became addicted to this game for almost 4 years but at the time i got my own house 4 months ago the whole process of quiting started.

In the original post the topic starter said it was easyer to quit smoking that quiting this game, this is because you probably felled the need more to quit smoking than quiting this game.
For me it was the opposite, quited the game for now but still smoking lol ><
Then the big question, do i miss playing the game?

Not rly lol
Wasnt doing anything ingame lately exept for waddling around and defend tarutaru >.> , was online just to be online...

I know ill return someday, maybe next month, maybe the month after but from the last 8 weeks i only played 2 days, so not much a difference from any other game.
If the day come i return for real i will never (well, will try that) become addicted to it again.

Anyways, when i started to reply in this topic i just wanted to say:

If you still feel the need to play this game you shouldnt quit cause like with every single addiction, if your not 100% sure you will have a hard time to get rid of any addiction.
If you really must quit even tho your not 100% sure you want it, find another time consuming hobby or start working more.
If that doesnt work either, stop working :P
You lose your internet connection sooner or later then lol

Edited, Jan 9th 2009 11:41am by StormIvan

Edited, Jan 9th 2009 11:46am by StormIvan
#8 Jan 09 2009 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
557 posts
Anyways, when i started to reply in this topic i just wanted to say:

If you still feel the need to play this game you shouldnt quit cause like with every single addiction, if your not 100% sure you will have a hard time to get rid of any addiction.
If you really must quit even tho your not 100% sure you want it, find another time consuming hobby or start working more.
If that doesnt work either, stop working :P
You lose your internet connection sooner or later then lol

Edited, Jan 9th 2009 11:41am by StormIvan

Edited, Jan 9th 2009 11:46am by StormIvan
Final Fantasy XI
Server: Shiva

Like you Stormi; Playing for over 4 years, I also *quit* the game; for much of the same reasons that you stated above. However; I like to think that what we feel about FFXI is more than just being "addicted".

I believe there is a bond that goes beyond that:

We form real friendships here
It's a community
It's a place that we can call home away from home.
Some people form relationships and get married;
Some married, engaged or otherwise; play together in our world here
We mature (like it or not)in many ways; and no matter how old we are! :P
We learn alot about real life from this virtual world; how to be a team; play fair, learn how to win and lose - life lessons that are valuable!

That is what I found here. Those things are wonderful and leave me with a good feeling always.

The early times ingame; the newness of leveling; traveling to Mhaura and the ship to Selbina; learning about my character/abilities; traveling to uncharted territory; the feeling the first time I stared at the Shadow Lord; can never be replaced or felt again in the same way (and god knows I've tried)!

BUT; I wouldn't trade those memories for anything!

For me; taking myself away to concentrate more on my real life and relationships; meant weaning myself away from the game over the period of one year. The temptation to become totally engrossed again with the participation and time commitment led me to change servers.

Having done that; I know now that I made a wise decision. Nothing would/could ever replace the times and experiences and friendships I enjoyed on Shiva. Ever. While I have virtually all but quit the game; I still have my account so I can "live" again in Van a Diel when I choose to visit!

And who knows; one day soon I may travel back to my "birthplace" where it all started!


#9 Jan 09 2009 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
3,285 posts
femwhispers wrote:
Anyways, when i started to reply in this topic i just wanted to say:

If you still feel the need to play this game you shouldnt quit cause like with every single addiction, if your not 100% sure you will have a hard time to get rid of any addiction.
If you really must quit even tho your not 100% sure you want it, find another time consuming hobby or start working more.
If that doesnt work either, stop working :P
You lose your internet connection sooner or later then lol

Edited, Jan 9th 2009 11:41am by StormIvan

Edited, Jan 9th 2009 11:46am by StormIvan
Final Fantasy XI
Server: Shiva

Like you Stormi; Playing for over 4 years, I also *quit* the game; for much of the same reasons that you stated above. However; I like to think that what we feel about FFXI is more than just being "addicted".

I believe there is a bond that goes beyond that:

We form real friendships here
It's a community
It's a place that we can call home away from home.
Some people form relationships and get married;
Some married, engaged or otherwise; play together in our world here
We mature (like it or not)in many ways; and no matter how old we are! :P
We learn alot about real life from this virtual world; how to be a team; play fair, learn how to win and lose - life lessons that are valuable!

This is basically the reason I cant quit even when I was dead set on giving it up. Ive made it to the delete account button a few time just to think about all my friends that I am about to give up and probably not really get to talk to again.

I personally dont see myself quitting. As much as I would like to I just cant.
#10 Jan 10 2009 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
766 posts
The One and Only Shusio wrote:

We form real friendships here
It's a community
It's a place that we can call home away from home.
Some people form relationships and get married;
Some married, engaged or otherwise; play together in our world here
We mature (like it or not)in many ways; and no matter how old we are! :P
We learn alot about real life from this virtual world; how to be a team; play fair, learn how to win and lose - life lessons that are valuable!

Inasmuch as this is true about FFXI, and I really enjoy my linkshell for the reasons listed, it feels so much better to get this kind of community in real life. That being said, I still enjoy my online community in FFXI, but if something came up where I had to drop it all, I could do it without a problem because I have the same kind of community in real life. Of course, that gets in the way of linkshell events during most of the week, but that is just fine with them and with me, and that is the way it ought to be.
#11 Jan 11 2009 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
well said > > > OmniChange

Edited, Jan 11th 2009 11:27am by Kyzmet
#12 Jan 12 2009 at 1:14 AM Rating: Good
1> I quit myself for 1 year
2> I missed my friends, i missed my family.
3> The memories haunt me.
4> Fun, saddness, pain, annoyance.
5> I get back online.
6> the friends are there but they are not.
7> I miss them.
8> They miss me?? where are they??
9> frustation.
10> loneliness.
11> I miss my online friends deeply.
12> I love you shiva, i hate you shiva, i love you shiva.
#13 Jan 15 2009 at 2:38 PM Rating: Excellent
I have quit 6 times now, but over the last 3 months when I quit this last time, I did something I had never done before...I cancelled my content ID's.

I also had alot of fun with everyone on here, but if I was just looking for a place to chat I would use my phone, or an IM.

I am waiting till SE's nest MMORPG comes out, which they will finally unveil this June.

Have tried other MMORPG's in the past an non compared to FFXI, but I am guessing/hoping that SE's new game will be just as fun.
#14 Feb 05 2009 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
i know how you feel sweetheart. i just came back yesterday after a year or so and i feel better already. come back and make some new friends. it worked for me. ill help cheer you up, my toons name is Myself. hope to see you soon. btw hi evverybody, onionpimp is back say hi in game missed yall.
#15 Feb 05 2009 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
Hey I quit 2 times, both in anger or depression. It was life that got me down the 1st time, and anger was eating me the second time.

But like some others have said, I miss the people. Getting on teamspeak and talking with my buddies. Watching little taru bastards do funny little ******* things (gotta love em). Getting an NM after hours of camping and getting the drop (2 peacock charm drops 2 days in a row off argus WHAT A RUSH). Making friends in countries around the world. I enjoy this game more than any other, and I have been playing games for 23 yrs (since my 1st Attari 2600). I once stay up 3 days straight playing FFVII and got a nasty headache, but it was worth the pain. I worked at a Game Crazy for 2 years and love games. This one has my most fond memories.

Come on back, just play a little to have some fun. I'll be back on in a couple months hopefully. And if we see each other /wave =^.^=

Phioness aka The ******* Thief

#16 Feb 12 2009 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
Well, if not you Star... this convinces me. I'm coming back.
#17 Feb 12 2009 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
3,285 posts
LooTnPlundeR wrote:
Hey I quit 2 times, both in anger or depression. It was life that got me down the 1st time, and anger was eating me the second time.

But like some others have said, I miss the people. Getting on teamspeak and talking with my buddies. Watching little taru bastards do funny little ******* things (gotta love em). Getting an NM after hours of camping and getting the drop (2 peacock charm drops 2 days in a row off argus WHAT A RUSH). Making friends in countries around the world. I enjoy this game more than any other, and I have been playing games for 23 yrs (since my 1st Attari 2600). I once stay up 3 days straight playing FFVII and got a nasty headache, but it was worth the pain. I worked at a Game Crazy for 2 years and love games. This one has my most fond memories.

Come on back, just play a little to have some fun. I'll be back on in a couple months hopefully. And if we see each other /wave =^.^=

Phioness aka The ******* Thief

Ill believe it when I see it :P
#18 Feb 15 2009 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
361 posts
Yeah, it's a hard game to walk away from.
Look at me, haven't played for almost 2 months, and still perusing the forums >.>
#19 Mar 01 2009 at 3:17 PM Rating: Default
STAR!! dont get all soft on me now man, the worlds best thief cant be seen this way.... lol

ok, honestly, i have been thinkin of commin back after my 3 year break too bro. Miss everyone... yes, even pavio... *shivers*.... Havent come back yet though, dont think i will have the time atm needed to do much, im a bit busy with rl atm. I think thats the key star, to just stay busy man, idc what you have to do to keep your hands moving, or your mind racing but do it, that is if you dont want to come back lol.

other than that... pm me man, it would do me a world of good to shoot the ***** with you again :D
#20 Mar 02 2009 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
3,285 posts
I dont think pavio plays anymore.
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