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Retardiculous lives up to her name...Follow

#1 Jul 27 2006 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
I was kicked from a dunes pt for not carrying def gear... as a mage.

The other rdm in the pt Diaga'ed a few goblins. After the rdm died, it went after me. Needless to say, I couldn't tank 2 IT goblins as a rdm. Instead of getting mad at the rdm for casting Diaga, Retardiculous decides its good to yell at me for not carrying def gear so I "would have been able to take more then2 hits >.>"

Was I supposed to buy def gear so I could survive an extra second in an indiotic ambush? My equipment is focused on a +MND set and a +INT set. Since I don't melee as a rdm, I figured I won't have to buy equipment that won't benefit me as a mage.

This is my second time lvling rdm and I never had this problem before. Am I doing something wrong here?
#2 Jul 27 2006 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
I dont see anything wrong with the kind of gear you're using. Don't fret about it. You're not suppose to survive when 2 IT gobs attack you at that low level. Having def gear in that situation doesnt matter coz most probably you'd still end up dead.

Maybe Retardiculous is role-playing her name
#3 Jul 27 2006 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
#4 Jul 27 2006 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
271 posts
This gives me an idea of what to put in my bazaar message:

"Don't yell at me or I'll tell Alla on you!!"

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you 100%. Retardiculous must have a quota of dumb crap to say/argue about per month to keep the name valid.
#5 Jul 27 2006 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
I think rather than telling Alla on someone he/she is actually trying to find out if they have the correct gear for the job. Some rdm's at that lvl do melee and then they continue meleeing until they eventually get pointed and laughed at or until they become Paltek and only ever rdm/drk. Depending on your char you should go for int+ and mnd+ and stick to maging.
#6 Jul 27 2006 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
Your gear was fine and since you seem to know what you're doing (and have both INT and MND sets already), I would venture a guess that your equip was probably better than 85% of players at that level. You shouldn't be expected to account for every single contingency, and to be honest, death is part of life in the Dunes. You just have to deal with it, hit your home point (which should be set at one of the 2 outposts or Selbina, and get back up and get your exp back.

Honestly, I get more upset at the jerks who refuse to set their homepoint than the plyers who have bad gear or aren't using food. And remember, just because your gear isn't "uber" doesn't mean it's bad.
#8 Jul 27 2006 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
557 posts
Awabi wrote:
I was kicked from a dunes pt for not carrying def gear... as a mage.

The other rdm in the pt Diaga'ed a few goblins. After the rdm died, it went after me. Needless to say, I couldn't tank 2 IT goblins as a rdm. Instead of getting mad at the rdm for casting Diaga, Retardiculous decides its good to yell at me for not carrying def gear so I "would have been able to take more then2 hits >.>"

Was I supposed to buy def gear so I could survive an extra second in an indiotic ambush? My equipment is focused on a +MND set and a +INT set. Since I don't melee as a rdm, I figured I won't have to buy equipment that won't benefit me as a mage.

This is my second time lvling rdm and I never had this problem before. Am I doing something wrong here?

"Valkurm dooms" ya gotta love it!

I save my /blist strictly for people like that! *wink*

#9 Jul 27 2006 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
557 posts
Awabi wrote:
I was kicked from a dunes pt for not carrying def gear... as a mage.

The other rdm in the pt Diaga'ed a few goblins. After the rdm died, it went after me. Needless to say, I couldn't tank 2 IT goblins as a rdm. Instead of getting mad at the rdm for casting Diaga, Retardiculous decides its good to yell at me for not carrying def gear so I "would have been able to take more then2 hits >.>"

Was I supposed to buy def gear so I could survive an extra second in an indiotic ambush? My equipment is focused on a +MND set and a +INT set. Since I don't melee as a rdm, I figured I won't have to buy equipment that won't benefit me as a mage.

This is my second time lvling rdm and I never had this problem before. Am I doing something wrong here?

"Valkurm dooms" ya gotta love it! There's not a darn thing wrong with the gear you had on.

Know what? He would have joined my exclusive "club" - i.e., I save my /blist strictly for people like Retardiculous! *wink*

#10 Jul 27 2006 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,416 posts
I was kicked from a dunes pt

...says it all.
#11 Jul 27 2006 at 11:06 AM Rating: Default
1,255 posts
I know retardiculous, and while I don't know what happened, I wonder if maybe she didn't kick you for some other reason? It seems highly illogical to kick any whm in dunes simply because they don't have DEF gear. There are many reasons to kick a player; that isn't normally one of them. Heck, many mages go through dunes with no gear at all.

It would seem more likely that there was a difference of opinion (read: fight) between you two, which led to you being kicked from that party. That could not only explain why someone would want to kick a whm in the dunes, but why the argument has also been brought to the allakhazahm forum. Maybe I'm wrong, but that makes more sense than "You died because you don't have DEF gear. /kick"
#12 Jul 27 2006 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
OP was a RDM, not a WHM
#13 Jul 27 2006 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
271 posts
True, but not the point Sophus was trying to make.
#14 Jul 27 2006 at 12:18 PM Rating: Default
1,255 posts
OP was a RDM, not a WHM

You are correct, I apologize.

Still, a RDM can outdamage many jobs at that level. In addition, they can heal (in the dunes, they can easily take the place of a main healer), and if even one enfeeble sticks the monsters become significantly easier. Kicking a member simply because they didn't have DEF gear doesn't make sense. It sounds like something else happened between the point of death and being kicked. Why else would it be showing up here?
#15 Jul 28 2006 at 6:53 PM Rating: Default
dude, i wouldnt worry about her, the chick isnt very smart anyway, i know personally, lol, she does say some stupid stuff without thinking, anyway, its kinda hard to get mad at a person who's name is retardiculous.

lol, in my LS everytime someone does something stupid, we say...

" o ****, pulled a ******, cuz we think about the stupid things she says, o well"
#16 Jul 29 2006 at 1:33 AM Rating: Default
2,727 posts
i've had multiple bad run ins with this person as well. for some reason i recall saying that she lived up to her name during a garrison. i forget why, but i remember saying it. and another time in yhoater she just wouldnt stop complaining, as if ending each insult with "=P" makes it any better

i'm surprised i'm not the only one that found out XD
#17 Jul 29 2006 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
Why not take these issues up with her personally instead of bringing it to a message board that she doesn't use? It's one thing to dislike someone, it's another to talk behind their back.
#18 Jul 29 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
647 posts
Why not take these issues up with her personally instead of bringing it to a message board that she doesn't use? It's one thing to dislike someone, it's another to talk behind their back.

#19 Jul 29 2006 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
It's probably because they don't want anyone else to experience the displeasure of pt'ing with Retardiculous.

#20 Jul 29 2006 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
I know Ret and she's always been a good a person, pted with her Brd and not once did she complain or even say much.
#21 Jul 29 2006 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
there was this one time with this awful pld we had, and i tried some constructive critisim, try to help the guy out, and she just ******* exploded, and she was with her bard. she said i was being mean or something, i though the chick was so retarded for real i just tried to just zone out whatever she said. the pld soon took her side and got all pissed and ****, then she said if i didnt leave the party then she would leave. well she left and we got another bard.

but i still feel bad for talking **** about some idiot over the internet, lol, hopefully the ff god will forgive me, lol
#22 Jul 29 2006 at 7:23 PM Rating: Default
I met a Ninja like that one time.
#23 Jul 31 2006 at 1:46 AM Rating: Default
Oh wow Starilae comes out of his ******* hole. Now i can tell him to GTFO
#24 Jul 31 2006 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
245 posts
Sophus, maybe you are right when you say that some other matter might have contributed more to this incident described my the OP than his gear. Maybe.

But I don't think I have to remind you of the fact that there are many people out there that just have to unleash their anger after a death? They normally pick out the one with a lower rank, or the one without a subjob, or the quiet one, or the one whose first language obviously isn't English, and peddle up all kinds of reasons why he or she blows and what they should have done.

Hehe, you know, there was a whole change of attitude towards me when I went from a rank 10 lvl 75 blm and a couple of semi-high melee jobs to a lvl 10 taru thf. Respect (read: people communicating with me as equals and people being open for your suggestions) plummeted significantly and all of a sudden people tell you the weirdest do's and don't in a party. It's funny to see that superiority feelings brings out the worst in many people.

If you recignize that behavior, then you probably also know that many of those people refuse to admit they were talking gibberish one minute earlier. They rather engange in some endless discussion, log off or kick a person from the party than saying "Sorry, I was overreacting".

Really, even if the rdm's gear wasn't the issue here, then why bringing it up? Even the best def. gear a rdm can get will increase his or her life expectancy against two IT's with...10 seconds tops? To me Retardiculous' behavior fits the profile I described above to a tee.

Edited, Jul 31st 2006 at 6:31am EDT by Wiseblood
#25 Jul 31 2006 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Possibly, and I'm not discounting that. However, the OP was apparently made (based on the title and some of the OP content) to call out a person who never even uses this board, and garner support against her. It's not so much that I disagree that this account could have happened, only with the manner in which it was "brought to our attention." In my opinion, there is really no reason for petty squabbles from EXP parties to end up being posted on allakhazam.

What this sounds like (to me) is that the OP got into a fight with Retardiculous, was kicked from her (party leaders have a right to do that, by the way), was shot-down in his fight with her, and now wants posthumous justification that he/she was actually in the right. Really, it should have ended once he was done talking to her. Instead, the altercation was brought here.

When we do something wrong, however, what do most of us do when telling our story to others? We justify our actions, often skewing the account so that we put ourselves in the best light. If you'll notice in this quote, you don't hear any details about what he did in the fight, only broad generaliites about others, and assertions that he was in the right.

The other rdm in the pt Diaga'ed a few goblins. After the rdm died, it went after me. Needless to say, I couldn't tank 2 IT goblins as a rdm....My equipment is focused on a +MND set and a +INT set. Since I don't melee as a rdm, I figured I won't have to buy equipment that won't benefit me as a mage

First, it doesn't matter what type of gear you have; if you are not a good player, you are not a good player. As gil and account buyers often prove, you can have the best gear and still not be a good player. That's not to say this person isn't a good player or bought gil/an account. However we don't hear anything about what he actually did. Without this other side, we are left to take him at his word.

There are a million things he/she could have done to ensure that the party didn't die. Did he do any of them? He could have taken the aggro from one gob and ran it to zone (or asked the RDM who dia'd the monster to do so) so that the party only had to deal with 1 goblin. He could have kept both mobs enfeebled so that they were easier to deal with. He could have joined in the melee to kill one of the goblins faster. We won't know if he did any of this, because that information was left out of the OP. Instead, we have only to believe that he was in the right because he brought two sets of armor; the party died because of the actions of others.

Or maybe Retardiculous was right, and he was actually responsible for their deaths? The other RDM may have pulled the add, but it's still very possibly they could have survived it--especially if this had happened before. Any party worth their weight--even in the dunes--should be able to handle an add/link with no/few deaths. Why couldn't they do it this time? Maybe the OP spent all his time overcuring so that the goblins went after him when it could have gone after a tank? Maybe he didn't manage his MP, and ran out? Maybe the rest of the party was trying to manage hate, and his/her actions were making that impossible? Maybe he kept curing himself (instead of letting someone else do it) so that he kept hate? Maybe someone was trying to zone the mob without the party getting aggro, and he healed that person, thus causing hate to be transferred onto him and the party. But since the OP never said anything to let us know, we are forced to accept that he was in the right.

Again, I'm not trying to say anything against this player. It sounds like he came somewhat prepared by having more than one type of gear. However, gear doesn't make the man; you have to know how to use it. What I am trying to say is that sometimes you have to solve your problems for yourself--not bring them to an online message board. As a RDM myself, I would offer that the best thing he could do is try to learn from this experience instead of trying to prove that he was right. Death happens, especially in the dunes. Adds happen, especially in the dunes. It would be best, as a RDM, to learn how to deal with these situations early. If he does, maybe next time the entire party will survive?

On a sidenote, congrats to the guy/gal who rated everyone down that didn't automatically bash Retardiculous. Your e-peen skill has grown by 0.1 pts! Glad you're more than willing to bash people for not automatically nailing people to the cross.

edit: btw, I rated everyone back up :D

Edited, Jul 31st 2006 at 11:46am EDT by SophusTehNewb
#26 Jul 31 2006 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts
because sophus, this is the shiva allakhazam board. all we do is drama and gossip, or ask for a world pass
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