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#202 Aug 01 2006 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
not saying it wasnt an accomplishment. But... I dont see how an accomplishment in a game matters when your gonna quit within the next year or so when you find something better to do, and that dring you gonna forget about =/
#203 Aug 01 2006 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
Tropicsloth wrote:
I know very well Ignis bots 100%, i've rarely seen them lose claim when they camped, if they did it was rare.

I guess were (meaning zen) is lucky this LS will only camp if its in JP prime time. Your 100% right they will lose maybe 1/10 pulls they show up for. But according to LoH unless we have video of them sitting in their underwear botting they dont bot. Then again hes proved 100x over hes probably the most arrogant person on the boards. I wouldnt put it past Nela that he bots. I saw fafnir pop and within 1 second 7 people from HORNET provoked it. Not a single darter. Call it sh*t luck but thats pretty good if 7 people can target past all the darters and 120 people in zone and all voke at the exact same time. Pretty skilled if u ask me (or maybe they bot to).

Edited, Aug 1st 2006 at 12:56pm EDT by HICSurfer
#204 Aug 01 2006 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
I have to commend Omfg for at least being honest. Most others in his LS try to put up some form of effort defending the use of bots, but he straight out lets everyone know why you all bot, you're greedy and want the items. You all would be botting if you had no reason to believe anyone else ever used any form of bot or POShack. I'd just like to know what some members of your LS think of that.

Oh yeah and Vanh, response to some of the other NA shells outpulling you: Read Omfg's post. Bot doesn't work everytime.

And I didn't say Carrilo claimed darters last night, I said he claimed Fafhogg from across the room and 3 darters in between himself and Fafhogg.

After showing up to Behemoth and watching a 3 person crew get claim almost every day, yeah I'm pretty sure those JP's bot. But they still don't get all the claims and you all get more claims than they do. As well, two botting LS's mean the more legit crews get @#%^ed over even more.

Edited, Aug 1st 2006 at 1:30pm EDT by SirEaglestrike
#205 Aug 01 2006 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
I'm going to post my honest opinion here and try to keep as much bias as possible out of it.

Those three HNM have been botted about as long as they have been around on just about every server. If you talk to people from other servers you will almost always hear a very similar story to the one about Shiva. In all honesty, there has never been a time on Shiva where every ls has had a relatively equal pull percentage on these things. TTD and Nela dominated at the start, then Extreme, now Zen/Infinite/Ignis.

I agree that it sucks that some of the best items in the game are obtained in this manner, but realistically (and you have to agree with me here) there is a VERY miniscule chance that you will manage to grab something like a Dalmatica/Koenig Cuirass/Defending Ring without the use of third party programs to claim the NM's. People who "have not botted" (Although in my personal opinion I believe all of the major HNMls have at least a couple of people using programs) are just insanely lucky. Most people aren't satisfied with the fact that they have a very low chance of getting these items even with extremely dedicated camping and thus turn to botting in order to give themselves an advantage. Yes, this is greedy, yes this is selfish, but for many people who feel obtaining their prized item is one of the ultimate goals in the game this is realistically their best option.

In all honesty there will always be people trying to do whatever it takes to give themselves the best chance to claim these things. It sucks, but I honestly believe no matter what they will always be people with that do whatever it takes attitude who will find a way to give themselves a claiming advantage at these camps.
#206 Aug 01 2006 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
There was a good chunk of time between Extreme and Zen/Infinate/Ignis, since Extreme ended at the claim delay patch (and a number of their bottings since then if they still do it they wipe and others get anyway lol) and Zen was only the last couple months.

You will hear about a number of servers that are ridden with bots, I've seen it. But there are a few posts of other servers going "it's pretty tame here". For the most part I considered Shiva tame, then Zen came to stir things up.
#207 Aug 01 2006 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
LadyOfHonor wrote:
well, two botting LS's mean the more legit crews get @#%^ed over even more.

well i can see LoH is actively hitting his refresh button today, as usual. I had to LOL at this LEGIT LS ****. I couldnt even name one legit LS. Not Nano, not xtreme, not ignis, not infinite, not CoD. So who do we ***** over? I beieve xinith put it best. If everyone bots (like they do) its almost the same as if noone botted. There is a good mixture beteween the pulls, u are just never there to see it. Oh and if u think this server is so messed up and everyone else is tame. Go request a WP and just leave, trust me noone will miss u here on Shiva. U may think that everyone hates Zen but i can guarantee u, just as many people hate you as hate zen.
#208 Aug 01 2006 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
LoH... extreme didnt stop botting bud, the arshii and jonesz era died due to turnandburn aka (TAB) being nerfed with that patch. Mrargus days never ended, as I said half there LS uses it, you honestly wanna know who bots and who doesnt, show up to a camp, and screenshot the log every time a NM pops match the names on em up, sometimes there be a few cast that are legit, but for the most part there bots. (Mage's) you wont see the job ability's due to they dont always go off due to claim delay. Im sure you will find a few of your friends names on there also.

On a side note, you took what I said completly out of context/understood it wrong. I said we bot cause its fun to fight the stuff, its not about the items, its about the challenge and having fun with the few RL friends i have in zenmetsu. I could give a **** about items, as half my shell could. Dont believe it look at our points page on the website, and you will notice half the members, havnt lotted one thing. I have passed 4 dalmaticas now, and I'm almost 100% sure i coulda had the first if I said i wanted it. While on the other hand, you left a LS over a ridill.... (Greed) not trying to flame you but watch who you called "greedy" when you yourself are semi-greedy/have had greedy actions. Also for the greed thing, we have given a **** load of items to the NA community including 3-4 blackbelts multiple ehands/zfeet/nheads/zmitts.
#209 Aug 01 2006 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Yeah but even YC has outclaimed Extreme a few times at Fafhogg. And this was in the first few weeks of camping kings so I doubt anyone would've gone out to find a bot so soon. I don't believe everyone bots quite as extensively as you say, but I will believe there could very well be botters in each LS. Doesn't mean those get the pulls all the time though. In fact one reason I didn't look into joining CoD was because I've heard a ton of **** about some of their members doing these things, didn't want to affiliate myself with it.

And I didn't leave over the Ridill, I had fully planned to pass it to two other LS mates, even though both had been in the LS for less time. The guy who got it had JUST joined the LS and I was getting over the fact that lots went how they did when Kimo said he'd rather have his buddy get Ridill than me cause they're friends. Like you said you like to kill **** with your friends, well Kimo showed obvious bias to me and that's when I went off. I've passed plenty of items, including most recently pld af2 hands. It wasn't about greed, it was about unfairness, sorry if I'm too much of an idealist (I do think that bit is obvious in all of our forum wars =P)

And Gaybear, I never said every other server was tame. There are servers much worse than ours (Hades) and some that sound a lot better. Doesn't mean I'm going to throw away all my work on my char for it though. However, if there was a server migration I would consider it more now than I would've before because of how things are going these days.
#210 Aug 01 2006 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
both of our M bodys were legit claims lol
#211 Aug 01 2006 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
yes loh.. cuz we are the only ones who bot...

Taku... what is the argument.. you are a spectator... Funny all you can really do is attempt to go on the offensive. Isn't it past your bedtime?

ya'll need LIVES!

I found this post very amusing. You comment on how people here need lives. Yet I'm willing to bet that I could log on at any given moment and find you in-game. You spend far more time on this game than many others. You live and breath FFXI. Try to stay away from throwing stones in glass houses.

HICSurfer wrote:
I fail to see how your benefiting the server, so far nothing you have said/done has changed anything. Weve had other people like you named Paltek and they just ended up quitting the game after a while.

Oh, I believe I have. I don't think anyone with a shred of self-respect would link up with the likes of Omfg or Vanhelios. The only ones who support their cause are other like-minded individuals who are Zenmetsu members. I still have yet to see anyone from a rival shell come to their defense in this thread. The only folks speaking on the behalf of Zenmetsu are Zenmetsu members. Also, remember I said the "better" people of this server. You and your associates here don't fall into that category. So it'd be rather difficult to see it from your perspective.

Also, if I ever do quit this game, it'll be on my terms only. There's not one knucklehead in this entire game that has the power to convince me to leave. Due to real-life obligations I can't play as much as I used to, but I still make time now and then.

HICSurfer wrote:
U may think that everyone hates Zen but i can guarantee u, just as many people hate you as hate zen.

Sounds like a bullsh*t attempt at flaming. I don't know the whole story behind LoH, nor do I care to hear it. But almost every end-game person I've spoken with has had nothing good to say about your linkshell. And even if every other HNMLS does bot, at least they're not d!cks about it. I think that's where Zenmetsu is falling short, and why they're hated. Because they plain suck as people.

Edited, Aug 1st 2006 at 10:29pm EDT by Takumaku
#212 Aug 02 2006 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
<3 2 weeks off of work. Who is worse, the guy who plays the game or the one who talks about stuff he will never be a part of on forums. Again you fail to legitimately reply to a post. Word of advice taku, be quiet when the big kids are talking because you are far too uninformed in the matter of HNM/Botting/FFXI. Kill Kirin yet? i hear he's hard..
#213 Aug 02 2006 at 6:17 AM Rating: Decent
Dude obviousley vanh, takumaku camps HNM all the time, I mean what HNM LS wouldnt want such a great player like takumaku in their LS. Ill bet right now they are all arguing over who gets to deny him first.

Takumaku wrote:
Sounds like a bullsh*t attempt at flaming. I don't know the whole story behind LoH, nor do I care to hear it. But almost every end-game person I've spoken with has had nothing good to say about your linkshell. And even if every other HNMLS does bot, at least they're not d!cks about it. I think that's where Zenmetsu is falling short, and why they're hated. Because they plain suck as people.

Yes and your a shining example of what we all should be when we grow up, im suprised they dont put statues of u inside a church. And look again, I DONT KNOW THE WHOLE STORY BEHIND LOH, but ur still gonna talk sh*t about yet again something you dont know. Why dont u go reread anythread on allakhazam or KI, they all turn into LoH Flame fests at one point or another, including this one.

Hey everyone, next time you see takumaku die, do /point and /laugh. That will get you a good 15 pages of crying out of him on a forum. Then we can all have something to read, and by all i mean people on other servers coming into flame him. Lemme see if i can dig that old thread up.

Edit: Well that was pretty easy to find.
Warning, New levels of stupidity can be found in this thread under the name Takumaku, if you do not with to lose 10 points of IQ, do not read this thread. If you wish to see multiple pages of Takumaku getting flamed by people outside of Shiva. Enjoy

Edited, Aug 2nd 2006 at 11:06am EDT by HICSurfer
#214 Aug 02 2006 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
Takumaku.... I didnt want to go to this but I guess its time.

You are the biggest hypocrite in here. Remember when you signed up to Rustymetal's forums in thebisckmarkbitchlist or some **** like that? yeah you little ***, you signed up for a botting, hacking, flaming forum. You saw all the videos of speed hacking, POSing among others. And what was your response? You liked it *****, you even wanted to get them, but since you dont have them you come here and talk **** about the people that do have them. Little ************ ******, stop being a hypocrite like Sanumanu (which got banned for POSing assaults) or Kummy(which did the same thing).

Just stop making yourself look even more stupid by posting about something you dont know like... umm/... yeah the HNM scene. Cuz kirin isnt HNM scene.
#215 Aug 02 2006 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
Dude Takeno, Kirin is well beyond Takumaku's realm of HNM. Go read the thread i posted. OBVIOUSLEY ullikummi is the most zomgwtfbbq L337 HNM in FFXI. I mean dude that thing only pops like 4x a day.

I found a video of Takumaku playing Unreal Tournament. I could only imagine how he acted the day he died to Ulli and got /laughed at

Edited, Aug 2nd 2006 at 11:31am EDT by HICSurfer
#216 Aug 02 2006 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 4:47pm EDT by Icegem
#217 Aug 02 2006 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts! GD it, I like cheese. Get over it. Cheese is good for you!
#218 Aug 02 2006 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
Sophus<3 how are you hun? not seen you for awhile =)
#219 Aug 02 2006 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
I'm pissed! Five pages just to tell me that I can't have any cheese. I hate you, Shiva!

....wait, this thread isn't about my like for cheese? So what the hell is it about? *lost*
#220 Aug 02 2006 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
The Shiva forum soap opera. You can not read it for a couple weeks and come back and see you have not missed much.

and to think I have always told my wife I won't wtach soap opera's with her
#221 Aug 02 2006 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 4:48pm EDT by Icegem
#222 Aug 02 2006 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
Icegem wrote:
Its basically a he said she said kinda thing with Takumaku knowing more than anyone and saying more than everyone.

So what your saying is... Takumaku is the new Loh?
#223 Aug 02 2006 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
He's striving to be LoH, but no one can beat LoH, that's one of the impossible things in life.
#224 Aug 02 2006 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
I'd relate you to someone Kramer, but I just can't recall any names of people who troll FFXI forums after they quit and give away their character.
#225 Aug 02 2006 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
So relate him to Kramer so we can move past that and find out why y'all hate cheese so much.
#226 Aug 02 2006 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
SirEaglestrike wrote:
I'd relate you to someone Kramer, but I just can't recall any names of people who troll FFXI forums after they quit and give away their character.

I actually do still play. My wife and I both play on a different server. She said she would only play if we both started from scratch together.

I troll at work while getting paid, you troll from your parents basement. Do you see any difference?

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