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New theme song for all you cheaters and RMT out thereFollow

#252 Aug 05 2006 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
Takenomnk wrote:
By the looks of it, by the time "the balloon pops" all our mages will have dalmaticas + our BSTS adaman hauberks lol. Zenmetsu wont dissapear anytime soon.

But how many of them will people still want to play alongside with?

What difference will it make when things go south, or if your current characters gets banned? You can have the greatest gear in-game, but if you're an a$$, it won't matter. It's like I said with the polished **** comment. I'd rather play alongside a person who's really cool and has average gear, than a person who has the best gear, but a total d!ck.

Shigaro was once apart of your shell wasn't he? He had a lot of cool gear. But his character ended up banned for using hacks. All that progress and equipment went bye-bye.

Omfg had a lot of cool gear when he played his Dragoon, and his Ninja. But that didn't really change people's opinions about him. He still was kicked from nearly every linkshell he was apart of. He wasn't shown any quarter because of his gear. He couldn't even manage to stay in a social LS too long before being given the boot. Gear is important, but it takes more than that to be successful in this game. You have to be able to work with everyone on some level. Everyone has their enemies, but your shell is alienating itself from nearly the entire community.

By going out of your way to get that gear, you're managing to **** a lot of people off. Which will come back to haunt you in the end.

Karma has a real funny way of playing out, even in-game. By the way, whatever did happen to your original character? Didn't you play as a galka before?

Icegem wrote:
Didnt anyone pick up on the fact that Erkaan is actually refreshing his page every 5 seconds to see if anyones responded? He complains that we have no lives so we can respond to w/e has been posted and yet hes sat there with his finger on the refresh button? Who is the one without a life???

Yeah, but he's definately got you people pegged. No denying that. The grandma line was just golden, lol.

People skills take precedence over gear in this game. It is a community driven game after all. What if it isn't just Nanoface the next time? What if it's Nano, plus 1-2 other linkshells?

Don't you think that if Zenmetsu used a bit more tact in dealing with other people, and keeping their mouth shut on certain subjects, that they wouldn't have to endure so much backlash on the boards? C'mon now. You reap what you sow. Haven't you learned that by now?

Edited, Aug 5th 2006 at 3:44pm EDT by Takumaku
#253 Aug 05 2006 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
Just found out Razzik was banned. Good lord I love it!
#254 Aug 05 2006 at 5:53 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 4:55pm EDT by Icegem
#255 Aug 05 2006 at 7:37 PM Rating: Good
I already went over this. Go back a few pages and read up.
#256 Aug 08 2006 at 8:56 AM Rating: Default
Get a grip you knob-jockey. It's a frickin' game.

1. Go see a Dr. Get your blood pressure checked.
2. Have a coke and a smile.
3. Dare for that, "When will people give a **** about what I say?" moment.
4. Repeat.
#257 Aug 08 2006 at 10:21 AM Rating: Default
2. Keep reminding yourself your winning the flame war even if its 7 people vs you and you cant find anyone to stick up for you. If you keep telling yourself this you will actually start to believe it, even tho it isnt true.

Takumaku wrote:
I was looking forward to hearing from HICSurfer again. Oh well, I guess he didn't have the zest for this.

Takumaku wrote:
And yet you have no retort for anything I posted in response to your ridiculous list. Refer to the italicized portions. Basically you're saying you've got nothing new for me, pity. Once again you're dancing around in circles.

3. Talk sh*t to other people on topics you have absolutley no clue about...If they bring up you dont know anything, tell them a friend told you. (which isnt true cuz u have no friends LAWL)

Takumaku wrote:
Shigaro was once apart of your shell wasn't he? He had a lot of cool gear. But his character ended up banned for using hacks. All that progress and equipment went bye-bye.

Takumaku wrote:
Just found out Razzik was banned. Good lord I love it!

4. Remeber you are God. If someone agrees with you, then everything they said is true. If someone disagrees with you that person is a ******.

Takumaku wrote:
Erkaan wrote:
I don't wanna get started. First off, the Zen people need lives since I refresh the page every 5 seconds and find like a comment from every single one of em replying on this. Cuz that's all they do all day, is bot sh*t and talk trash about everyone on the server. They're like grandmas at a hair salon gossiping about their daytime soaps. @#%^.

Then when they kill sh*t and talk about their HNM prowess, they try to talk like they're the pioneers. When in reality, the only way they've claimed anything is with the super-bots they're given upon joining the LS, and killing with numbers... for like the 4 moths that they've actually been an LS, haha.

Some of their players have skill, which I can respect. But you can't get any respect when you **** off everyone on the server for acting like asses and playing dirty. They weren't even an LS when we were killing the big HNMs and everything. They're some new upstart LS that has taken in the rest of the crap thats LS'less cuz of their bad playing skill and horrible acct/gil buying fixation they have.

What's sad is Zen has somehow pulled some decent players into the shell that can help them kill stuff. Make like AurorasDawn, CocoaBongo, Apathy, etc etc, and just get ur drama in before you all disband, like all the other ****** upstart LSes before you. Then we'll have about 2 months of freedom before Omfg secures a few more new accounts with his saved up allowance and gathers his herd of annoying tards again to ruin the game for another block of time.

QFT, and funny as hell I might add.

This is basically what you and your LS represent, HICSurfer. You can try defending it, but it's just like polishing a ****. You can shine it up all you want, but it's still a piece of crap. It's only a matter of time before Opie and company get the axe.

Takumaku wrote:
Icegem wrote:
Didnt anyone pick up on the fact that Erkaan is actually refreshing his page every 5 seconds to see if anyones responded? He complains that we have no lives so we can respond to w/e has been posted and yet hes sat there with his finger on the refresh button? Who is the one without a life???

Yeah, but he's definately got you people pegged. No denying that. The grandma line was just golden, lol.

People skills take precedence over gear in this game. It is a community driven game after all. What if it isn't just Nanoface the next time? What if it's Nano, plus 1-2 other linkshells?

Don't you think that if Zenmetsu used a bit more tact in dealing with other people, and keeping their mouth shut on certain subjects, that they wouldn't have to endure so much backlash on the boards? C'mon now. You reap what you sow. Haven't you learned that by now?

8. If steps 1-7 fail. Remeber to keep posting and crying for as long as it takes until everyone gets tired of posting and you ultimatley win by default

6 pages and still going. BTW i didnt even know this thread was still going lol. Keep complaining to yourself Taku. Doesnt look like more than 1-2 people in zen are actually listening. And of those that are i dont think ur convincing them to leave zen
#258 Aug 08 2006 at 10:27 AM Rating: Default
oh yah and btw... Takumaku calling us asshats, when its quite obvious hes one himself lol. I dont see any HNM LS fighting over who gets to have you in their LS. Not even zen would accept you, and apparently we take all the asshats of the server.
#259 Aug 08 2006 at 8:53 PM Rating: Good
HankMcCoy wrote:
Get a grip you knob-jockey. It's a frickin' game.

1. Go see a Dr. Get your blood pressure checked.
2. Have a coke and a smile.
3. Dare for that, "When will people give a sh*t about what I say?" moment.
4. Repeat.

It's funny how people post crap like this, when they cared enough to post in this thread in the first place. Take your own advice. Nice job bumping it back up for someone who doesn't care.

HICSurfer wrote:
6 pages and still going. BTW i didnt even know this thread was still going lol. Keep complaining to yourself Taku. Doesnt look like more than 1-2 people in zen are actually listening. And of those that are i dont think ur convincing them to leave zen

3. Talk sh*t to other people on topics you have absolutley no clue about...If they bring up you dont know anything, tell them a friend told you. (which isnt true cuz u have no friends LAWL)

1-2? Are you sure about that? Didn't you just say it was 7? All these Zenmetsu folks against me, and they're still getting owned. There's a good amount of people that share my disdain for your shell. But they can see I don't really need any help in arguing with you. And besides, it didn't exactly take much to get the attention of your leader.

As for not having a clue, well...

I've already proven that I probably know more about your leader and some of his associates, than you originally did. I've known some of these people longer than you've been playing. Everything I've stated about your leader is FACT. But then again, you never bothered to read the entire thread. As for the rest of your LS...well, they know better than to get involved, or anymore involved in this thread. I don't think you need any help in looking more ignorant than you already are.

HICSurfer wrote:
oh yah and btw... Takumaku calling us asshats, when its quite obvious hes one himself lol.

Moreover, you failed to address anything I posted in regards to your list. You failed to offer any type of counterpoint to anything that you quoted me on in my earlier post. You're going out of your way to dodge all my questions directed at Zenmetsu members. You're just recycling your previous posts in response to mine, in some pathetic attempt to flame me. The best you can come up with is "LAWLZ, YOU IS AN ASSHAT TAKU".

HICSurfer wrote:
I dont see any HNM LS fighting over who gets to have you in their LS.

Never said anything about HNMLS's propositioning me. Just stated I could apply for any of them with little worry. But I'm very satisfied with the one I'm in now.

HICSurfer wrote:
Not even zen would accept you, and apparently we take all the asshats of the server.

A linkshell of asshats, calling me an asshat? This is ironic, no? I've been getting a lot of tells in-game, and none of them make any mention of me being an asshat. The only ones calling me an asshat for flaming Zenmetsu is...Zenmetsu. Should I even be offended? Honored maybe? lol

Edited, Aug 9th 2006 at 12:01am EDT by Takumaku
#260 Aug 09 2006 at 1:42 AM Rating: Default
1,029 posts
Bottom line is Vanh gives the best head ever.
#261 Aug 09 2006 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
No really. I don't care. You seem to be some sort of self-indulgent dumb-****.

Stop wasting your own, and other peoples, time with distraction from a game that was once worth playing. Slide your tampon back in and move on.

#262 Aug 09 2006 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
HankMcCoy wrote:
No really. I don't care. You seem to be some sort of self-indulgent dumb-@#%^.

Stop wasting your own, and other peoples, time with distraction from a game that was once worth playing. Slide your tampon back in and move on.

If you don't care, then why bother even posting in this thread? It makes no sense. If I came across a thread I didn't care for, I wouldn't even spend time posting in it, or reading it for that matter.

If you're so worried about time management, then aren't you being counterproductive? If you don't care, then do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut and go on about your business. Come back and try posting something relevant when you're finished talking out of your ***.

*Disclaimer to everyone else*

EDIT: I have no wish whatsoever of liberating any of Zenmetsu's current members from Omfg's bullsh!t. Most of them are corrupt, selfish, sophomoric individuals that deserve to be with their own kind. Some of them just use their LS as a means to an end. All of this is totally obvious. Let's see how many of them will come back to this thread to spin their never-ending circular arguments. It's not hard to cheese these fools off. After all, the truth hurts, and it's only instinctual to hit back.


Omfg said so himself that he thinks of things like MPK to be childish and silly, yet does it anyway. A self-admitting hypocrite.

They're just as much a festering boil on the ***-end of the HNM scene as any end-game cheat, or gilseller. Any honorable player won't have a thing to do with them. Many of them are on the verge of meeting the business end of the ban hammer anyway.

Skilled players(maybe), sh*tty people(definitely)

Anyone wanna take bets on which one is next?

Edited, Aug 9th 2006 at 11:51pm EDT by Takumaku
#263 Aug 11 2006 at 8:48 PM Rating: Good
Takumaku wrote:
They're just as much a festering boil on the ***-end of the HNM scene as any end-game cheat, or gilseller. Any honorable player won't have a thing to do with them. Many of them are on the verge of meeting the business end of the ban hammer anyway.

Skilled players(maybe), sh*tty people(definitely)

Anyone wanna take bets on which one is next?

Dang, I post this and two days later nobody has yet to take another shot? Oh well, see y'all in Shiva.


Or is it?
#264 Aug 12 2006 at 8:08 PM Rating: Default
Thats because its been six pages of pure nonsense, the other ls members cant be bothered with you and your repetitive crap, so before this goes full circle again and we all are ****** players and you know everyone so well, blah blah blah lets just end it now.

Thankyou for your interest in Zenmetsu and its members.

#265 Aug 12 2006 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
Icegem wrote:
Thats because its been six pages of pure nonsense, the other ls members cant be bothered with you and your repetitive crap, so before this goes full circle again and we all are ****** players and you know everyone so well, blah blah blah lets just end it now.

Thankyou for your interest in Zenmetsu and its members.


I never said anything about you being a ****** player, I said you were ****** people.


6 pages and you still have problems in paying attention.

Edited, Aug 13th 2006 at 1:02am EDT by Takumaku
#266 Aug 13 2006 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
You are almost like Ladyofhonor now... When you cant really reply to a post you look for the slightest little detail and then flame the other person... Cuz i dont see you replying to her post at all. Loh style ftw
#267 Aug 13 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
There's nothing really to respond to. You guys don't pay attention, and constantly argue in circles. Can't help it if LoH and I both see how stupid you are.
#268 Aug 13 2006 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
It's not just us.
#269 Aug 13 2006 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
Oh yeah, that's true.

Ask yourself this Takeno,

If you were to quit Zenmetsu tomorrow, do you think another HNMLS would be willing to take you in? Same goes for guys like Vanhelios, Zale, and the rest of Zen's trouble makers. I'm not even gonna touch on Omfg. Unless he keeps his own LS, he doesn't have a chance in hell in joining another.
#270 Aug 13 2006 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
Why would I want to do anything in game dealing with HNMs if I ever leave Zenmetsu? I've killed most of the mobs I always wanted to kill, I've gotten everything I need for my MNK and BLM doesnt get jack sh*t so i dont have to worry about that. Im sorry but I wouldnt even bother actually, going back to sky = No thanks.

EDIT: Yet again I dont see you replying to a post, only part of a post.

Edited, Aug 13th 2006 at 8:40pm EDT by TakenoMNK
#271 Aug 13 2006 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
You're evading the question just like the other zen-tards in this thread.

If you did decide to bother with finding a new HNMLS, do you think anyone would take you?

Edited, Aug 13th 2006 at 8:49pm EDT by Takumaku
#272 Aug 13 2006 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
Nope, probably no one would for a while at least.

Just a simple a explanation since you cant infer it from what I said on my last post.

Edited, Aug 13th 2006 at 9:56pm EDT by TakenoMNK
#273 Aug 13 2006 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
That's all I wanted to know
#274 Aug 13 2006 at 10:12 PM Rating: Default
1,029 posts
Taku you seemingly fail to realize everyone in Zen doesnt give a **** about the rest of the HNM community. So asking if they think they would get let in any other ls is kind of a stupid question seeing as they dont nor ever will care.
#275 Aug 13 2006 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
I don't think it is. Most players will change shells after a while. Not giving a sh*t now is what comes back to haunt people later. Zenmetsu isn't some godly LS that nobody wants to leave(unless they have no other choice). People migrate now and then to join with friends in another shell, or just for a change of pace. Happens all the time.

But some of these guys now carry a heavy stigma. Which will make it difficult if they decide to move on to another big name shell. Their only options are to quit or create a new character if they get to that point. This mostly applies to their core members. Some of the lesser known ones won't have that much of a problem. Given that they don't make a testacle, I mean spectacle of themselves like their teammates.

Edited, Aug 14th 2006 at 12:18am EDT by Takumaku
#276 Aug 14 2006 at 12:12 AM Rating: Default
1,029 posts
Then Taku thats their problem to deal with. Not yours or ************ Let them play how they want and deal with whatever comes after.

Edited, Aug 14th 2006 at 1:13am EDT by dizzlestick
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