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Spharai > congrats bobFollow

#77 Mar 12 2007 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
PS. FR ftw, they got all the veterans in it, they got excalibur, shadow mantle, etc.

2 items they got from another LS? /think
#78 Mar 12 2007 at 9:56 PM Rating: Default
o.O from another LS?

Btw f*** off Shuffles, I don't like you.
#79 Mar 12 2007 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
SuckMe wrote:
o.O from another LS?

Btw f*** off Shuffles, I don't like you.

Considering that the two people you are referring to are bought/given away accounts from other LS's that worked to get the Excalibur and Shadow Mantle in question, yes, they're from another LS.
#80 Mar 13 2007 at 5:39 AM Rating: Default
Btw f*** off Shuffles, I don't like you.

Winning response of the thread.
#81REDACTED, Posted: Mar 15 2007 at 4:18 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Thanks for the compliment
#82 Mar 15 2007 at 4:10 PM Rating: Default
How bout, all FR **** just shut the fu-ck up cause y'all a bunch of fu-ckin clown *** punkrock b-z's. I got plenty proof to back it up.
#83 Mar 16 2007 at 11:57 AM Rating: Default
How bout, all FR **** just shut the fu-ck up cause y'all a bunch of fu-ckin clown *** punkrock b-z's. I got plenty proof to back it up.

okay i'm from FR and i've been in it ever since it was just a sky ls. so come up with some dirt on me that's worse than what comes out of your mouth. i'm waiting, shoot.
#84 Mar 16 2007 at 10:20 PM Rating: Default

heres the story:

Clown members in FR = clown corrky

want more ask for it! niggahhhhhhhh i dont play games no more, i play b-z's like you.
#85 Mar 16 2007 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
well actually i was never there that day, nor am i on much anymore because of other issues not regarding ffxi. And i am a respectful player as long as respect is shown to me. So if you're going to stereotype every single member in that linkshell for something a few people did, then by all means go ahead, it just shows what kind of person you are.
#86 Mar 17 2007 at 6:57 AM Rating: Default
ya know i can't believe how quick people are to bash and thrash on someone else, i usually don't come onto forums b/c most of them are a bunch of retarded kids arguing about something undoubtably retarded as well, once again i prove myself correct. Just so everyone is aware, i myself am in FR so go ahead flame away. I was also a member of SF for about 2 years and i must say, it is disgraceful how much it has changed, yea we may have poked fun at people on /l but i think everyone forgets that you to...were at the same point in your hnm career at one point or another, no one just jumps into HNM and is a god.

-Stolen accounts......i almost don't even want to say anything on this b/c its utterly stupid thing to say, pick something else to ***** about to waste everyone's time. this part really got me mad, Kerberoz i'm sorry but your a damn moron, you out of EVERYONE should know that the original Chemistry GAVE ME his account, and you even know that i gave it to a friend to use, so i swear if i see anymore of this "stolen" account" ******** i'm gonna have to personally revamp your thinking.

This thread is a disgrace, not to the FR members, but to the respective linkshells of the members here, namely SF, i am surprised that SF has lowered its standards so much to put up with members such as kerberoz(who i thought was a friend but i guess isn't :/) This is just another thread with people being complete asses, the exact reason why i never check these forums.

and ya know whats worse, taking the time to make those pictures kerb, you gotta get a girl man.

I will not be back here to check this so flame away i don't care, i'm tired of all this ******** honestly, morons that can't get the story right, or just totally saying the crazy wack wrong *** thing, think before you type retards.
#87 Mar 17 2007 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
I just think it's kind of ridiculous that this would come up at all in a topic devoted to congratulating somebody on an achievement. Is it that important to inform others on the server that you can kill Nidhogg better than another linkshell? Are you that self centered, I mean seriously, I'm not trying to take sides because both sides of this argument are simply centered around who's better at killing it. But a game like this isn't worth getting this stressed out over, I understand losing claim or being outclaimed by another linkshell can be annoying, but berating another simply because they supposedly lack skills and an exact strategy in comparison to your own is just lame.
#88 Mar 17 2007 at 11:04 AM Rating: Default
It's funny how people post sh*t thinking i'd give a fu-ck about what you say. don't really care if you think i'm a ****** for arguging with other retards so just stop. I dont care if you think i'm this type of person over a game, **** it's a ****** game clown. I can call you a *** 100times and you'd probably think i hate gays irl too huh? lol

Also dont give me that 'obviously you post because you do care" bullsh*t cause that doesn't work either. I post this sh*t cause i like clowning on FR and making fun of them heh.

Real talk tho, i never use to hate FR until the day they tried stealing that Nidhogg(pic/lj above) ever since then anyone who is in there is a punk clown to me. FR has a really bad rep as a HNM LS just thought i'd let you know that! clowns!

Also fu-ck this, this should be my niggaaaaaaah bobs thread, to bad FR had to come ruin it like everything else. ****!

Edited, Mar 17th 2007 12:09pm by EckoGecko
#89 Mar 17 2007 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
first its waste, second shut up berrima (aka suckme), no one wants to hear from you

actually that's what started it right there. Not only was it rude, but it wasn't even an FR member. Most of the FR members including myself came on after the fact that this happened to defend our members, which you would do the same for your ls i would hope. And as for your opinion, i don't give a rats ***, maybe i would consider it if you actually argued a good point. Yeah i know FR has bad rep, yeah i know some members stole Nid @1% and failed even though i was absent. They were kicked problem solved, now get over it.
#90 Mar 17 2007 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
It's funny how people post sh*t thinking i'd give a fu-ck about what you say. don't really care if you think i'm a ****** for arguging with other retards so just stop. I dont care if you think i'm this type of person over a game, sh*t it's a @#%^in game clown. I can call you a *** 100times and you'd probably think i hate gays irl too huh? lol

Yeah, we all post on this forum and don't give a f*** what anyone else says. You must be quite a gangsta with your niggah talk. reppin hardcore on FFXI?
#91 Mar 17 2007 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
ya know i can't believe how quick people are to bash and thrash on someone else, i usually don't come onto forums b/c most of them are a bunch of retarded kids arguing about something undoubtably retarded as well, once again i prove myself correct. Just so everyone is aware, i myself am in FR so go ahead flame away. I was also a member of SF for about 2 years and i must say, it is disgraceful how much it has changed, yea we may have poked fun at people on /l but i think everyone forgets that you to...were at the same point in your hnm career at one point or another, no one just jumps into HNM and is a god.

You're in FR because we kicked you for being an *******. I repeat, you were kicked from SF. These are the kinds of people FR takes in. We were never in FR's position at any point. Sorry. We've never bought 20+ copies of FFXIApp for our members then used it to fail a Nidhogg with over 18 people. I'd venture a guess that you're the only linkshell to do that.

-Stolen accounts......i almost don't even want to say anything on this b/c its utterly stupid thing to say, pick something else to ***** about to waste everyone's time. this part really got me mad, Kerberoz i'm sorry but your a damn moron, you out of EVERYONE should know that the original Chemistry GAVE ME his account, and you even know that i gave it to a friend to use, so i swear if i see anymore of this "stolen" account" bullsh*t i'm gonna have to personally revamp your thinking.

He gave you the account to use, not to pass around like a cheap ***** to your little friends who already got their main characters banned. He tried to get it back but failed. That's one account. How do you explain Atrox, etc? Your LS will take anyone with a 75 job; it doesn't matter if they got there themselves or bought/stole the 75 account. Every time Berrima /checks someone he's scoping out potential merchandise when that person quits.

This thread is a disgrace, not to the FR members, but to the respective linkshells of the members here, namely SF, i am surprised that SF has lowered its standards so much to put up with members such as kerberoz(who i thought was a friend but i guess isn't :/) This is just another thread with people being complete asses, the exact reason why i never check these forums.

Why would you think I was a friend? Oh no, you mean every single linkshell besides FR is a disgrace? See... no respected linkshell cares about FR bashing because you guys are only half a step above RMT in the grand scheme of things. You of all people should know what SF won't put up with.

and ya know whats worse, taking the time to make those pictures kerb, you gotta get a girl man. I will not be back here to check this so flame away i don't care, i'm tired of all this bullsh*t honestly, morons that can't get the story right, or just totally saying the crazy wack wrong *** thing, think before you type retards.

Oh noes i tooook 5 minutes to write some text in MS paint i must be teh loooser. You've caught be, you masterful botter you.

Are you trying to call me a ******, or get me to stop typing the word "******"? You don't seem to know how to use the english language so it's hard to tell. I know it's your first language, so you have no excuse, dumb f*ck. Why do FR members even post anywhere? They just get gangraped every time. Don't you understand that every legit LS on Ragnarok wants you guys to just... disappear? Are you actually so deluded to think that anyone takes you seriously or respects you?

I just think it's kind of ridiculous that this would come up at all in a topic devoted to congratulating somebody on an achievement. Is it that important to inform others on the server that you can kill Nidhogg better than another linkshell? Are you that self centered, I mean seriously, I'm not trying to take sides because both sides of this argument are simply centered around who's better at killing it. But a game like this isn't worth getting this stressed out over, I understand losing claim or being outclaimed by another linkshell can be annoying, but berating another simply because they supposedly lack skills and an exact strategy in comparison to your own is just lame.

Who the hell are you?
#92 Mar 17 2007 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
i can actually explain the atrox account. one of our members was rl friends with atrox, and when atrox quit he gave him the account, so now he uses both.
#93 Mar 17 2007 at 12:28 PM Rating: Default
Yeah, we all post on this forum and don't give a f*** what anyone else says. You must be quite a gangsta with your niggah talk. reppin hardcore on FFXI?

all the time niggaaaah **** see me bawllllll it up in ballista com'on niggahhhhhhhhh
#94 Mar 17 2007 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
F**king cool points for not taking my sarcasm offensively.

#95 Mar 17 2007 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
265 posts
every legit LS on Ragnarok wants you guys to just... disappear

I dont know about, FR disappearing. We still need them I think. Who would take all the server's trash? Where would the berrima's of the server go? They would have no home :(

On second thought, disappearing would be a good thing. Maybe they'd take the hint and go play WoW or something.

i never use to hate FR until the day they tried stealing that Nidhogg(pic/lj above)

I think everyone has a story like this. But that nidhogg was classic. LOL chainspell >>>FIRE III<<<<! LOL, it still makes me ROFL.
#96 Mar 17 2007 at 3:27 PM Rating: Default
I think everyone has a story like this. But that nidhogg was classic. LOL chainspell >>>FIRE III<<<<! LOL, it still makes me ROFL.

heh, yeah then having them sayin **** like it wasn't intentional. ********** Visc started saying that it was all accidental and **** lol **** that niggahh and the whole FR clowns. FR is just Fu-ckinRetarded.
#97 Mar 17 2007 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
yeah i know some members stole Nid @1% and failed even though i was absent. They were kicked problem solved, now get over it.

They were kicked? Lets check:

Visc still FR member
Maubruz: FR Member who been award Ridill
Yueji/Sardukar: FR member.

It seem to me the 3 members involved in the accident still are members of FR. So I guess Berrima lied to all other linkshell even his own when he post on their forum the members were kicked.
#98 Mar 17 2007 at 7:12 PM Rating: Default
"By: Kerberoz
3633 posts
Score: Decent "

wow dude.... go outside, get some sunshine. this thread WAS about bob.... if you wanna Trash FR, go ahead. No one who matters cares what you say. FR isnt going anywhere, so keep talkin. None of what you people say changes a thing.

and Ecko.... wow man. Wesssstsiiiide!!! net banga fo life! fa sho!!

(im seriously dyin bro. get off the liquor, wigga. Trolling forums ain't for you, son)

..... this is the thread that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends....
#99 Mar 17 2007 at 11:20 PM Rating: Default
and Ecko.... wow man. Wesssstsiiiide!!! net banga fo life! fa sho!!

**** niggahhhh you know how i roll fosho'd. I bang tha netz fo life niggah ****.

Damn, can't even talk all gangster without being called out for it:(. Should i stop tho cause you called me out? hell fu-ck nah niggah fu-ck yo'z couch and FRs trash ******** *** lol.
#100 Mar 18 2007 at 5:11 PM Rating: Default
Ugh west coasties....
#101 Mar 19 2007 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
normally, i would just let things like this go, but kerb, you must be a moron, chem gave me the account and i told him that if he ever watned to come back, he's MORE then welcome to it, but after a year and a half of asking him on AIM if he was coming back when he always said no, lets see, that kinda makes it my account, and let see, would it be better used to someone else that plays blm, or to me to PL myself.....and chem never tried to come back, b/c he knew that all he had to do was ask me and i would of given it back in a heartbeat, and yes i did get kicked, after 2 years, for being as *******, thought people would learn to live with it or maybe like....SAY SOMETHING, kerb you got your stories mixed up b/c i wasn't kicked for being an *******, unlike you. bash bash bash thrash thrash thrash, everyday i thank god i'm not in SF, i'm happier then i've ever been being in FR, let people talk ****, honestly i don't give a crap, b/c no one ever talks nice anymore, its all just trash talk.

Its funny how quickly people forget about the past.
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