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Spharai > congrats bobFollow

#52 Mar 10 2007 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Ok, I personally try to avoid these LS drama threads, but this is getting silly.

First off, this thread was about Bobdeezz getting spharai (already gave him my congrats), and it would have stayed that way if not for two loudmouths who decided to drag Berrima and FR into it. Thanks a lot for ruining a perfectly good thread, shuffles and suckme.

As for the "lolFR" nonsense...we wiped to our first Nidhogg. Big deal. ******* gave us more trouble than we expected. So what? Most of the NA HNMLS on the server can still wipe to him on a given day, if he decides to get nasty. Next time you feel like heckling FR over this one occurrence, do us all a favor and remember the old agade about people in glass houses.

For the record: 1)Yes, he didn't quite make it to SSJ, but he went pretty mad in the last few minutes. 2)Mages didn't trigger the flail. One of our DDs did it when it became evident we were going to wipe...he decided to pay back all the nice people who sat right next to us in the pit to heckle.

And one more thing...
The problem is none of your members actually played on their accounts from 1-75 and therefore don't know how to play their jobs.

I dare you to try and prove that I bought my account. I personally don't know why such a pompous *** like you even cares what FR does. You seem to think we're so beneath you...why bother to post about us at all?

#53 Mar 10 2007 at 2:47 PM Rating: Default
god, can any of you read, all i did was tell suckme (berrima alias i believe) to shutup when he came on this thread to insult bob.

Please, before you post, actually read it.
#54 Mar 10 2007 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
For the last time, suckme =/= berrima.

Even when pretending to talk normally (which is rare), he has certain giveaways in his speech pattern. Suckme is not using any of these.

Honestly, people who actually talk to him on a daily basis have a better idea than you if it's him or not.
#55 Mar 10 2007 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
Not like it's hard to just type differently.

not really hard now is it

cna tpyee mssed up to

how about some ******* cursing?!?!?!?!

mybe a litle insults lolz you succccckkk loooooool

¿O quizá en una diversa lengua?

Oooooooooooo, is it the same person? I dunno!
#56 Mar 10 2007 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Akai, please don't speak on what doesn't concern you. A variety of people in this post, including Berrima HIMSELF, have stated that suckme is not him.

Of course, most of us don't need Berr to confirm this. Anyone who knows him well knows his patterns...i.e. certain things he ALWAYS or NEVER types.

Getting the idea?

Edit: typo

Edited, Mar 10th 2007 8:52pm by LuciusFoxterra
#57 Mar 10 2007 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
2)Mages didn't trigger the flail. One of our DDs did it when it became evident we were going to wipe...he decided to pay back all the nice people who sat right next to us in the pit to heckle.

LoL. See, here's the thing. We actually level the characters we play with, so we don't really care about 240 exp loss. However, seeing you flail is a good couple week's worth of lulz. Just the fact that you admit to purposely "mpk"ing shows how little respect your linkshell has for anyone legit.
#58 Mar 10 2007 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
And every one of those people who "confirmed" it is from the same lolLS \o/. People make a little comment towards any one of you, and you all go off. Yet trying to blame shuff for the cause of it all. Yeah I'm tired and this prolly won't make much sense. BUT I LEAVE YOU WITH THIS

Picture and name is pretty self explanatory. But if you don't know, this is a NM Torama, level 975. It feeds off Drama. And he told me he's quite impressed with FR \o/

Getting the idea?

Edit: Watch the tail. He flails.

Edited, Mar 10th 2007 6:25pm by AkaitheElvaan
#59 Mar 10 2007 at 6:34 PM Rating: Default
A variety of people in this post, including Berrima HIMSELF, have stated that suckme is not him.

Can you please show me where berrima himself said it was not him.

In fact, Suckme admitted by accident it was berrima.


Berrima, you are so multi-dimensional. so complex.

my post.

Suckme's response.

Isn't that fun ^^ ? That's why everyone loves me.

hmm, it looks like he kind of confirmed it there by accident, then I assume he had all his ls buddies to log on and tell everyone how stupid berrima really is, and that he isn't capable of stringing together a sentence. Therefore Suckme cant be berrima, because suckme seems literate.

And I guess Berrima obviously isn't

I don't know whats worse, just not coming clean, or using the proof that he is too stupid to communicate properly as said proof.

But, anyways, I apologize for my part in derailing Bobs post, but fact is, noone with any real self respect regularly posts or reads here, hence why I do, since i have no self respect. Now self contempt i do have, but self respect no. Just wanted to tell suckme/berrima whatever not to insult bob. But I guess suckme/berrima does't see it as an accomplishment anyways since a relic weapon is just 36 easy monthly payments to him.

Edited, Mar 10th 2007 9:44pm by xbobx
#60 Mar 10 2007 at 9:48 PM Rating: Default
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#61 Mar 11 2007 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
265 posts

Lol drama torama...

Edited, Mar 11th 2007 3:32am by Pace
#62 Mar 11 2007 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
And ON claimed him at 19% and it took them just as long to kill nidhogg from that percentage as it took us to get him down to the 15% before we wiped. I don't appreciate ON gloating and thanking FR for the martial body when they claimed at 19%

We claimed it when it regened back upto 100% and it only took us just over 20mins to kill it kthxbai

Also we aren't ObscuraNox anymore that broke, We are now NovOrsa...

Also Gratz Bob on your Spharai

Edited, Mar 11th 2007 8:28am by RangerKaylis
#63 Mar 11 2007 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#64 Mar 11 2007 at 5:15 AM Rating: Default
They don't do enough damage to pull hate.

Wraithblade pulled a 1.9k Burst II on Nid and he died instantly

Wiped to a nidhogg that hardly used wings? No it used more than one wing every 5 min andthere's no safe place to hide from wing damage when weakened, so naturally more and more people died and raised with nowhere to hide just to eat a wing after 3 min. Nobody could unweaken and we had 2 tanks down.Bob even told Berr that he had never seen nid use so many wings in a single fight. When ON fought him it used A LOT LESS wings.

And how do you fail to kill a mob at 1% anyway? That's like a tier 3 nuke. Just the fact that you couldn't take 1% of the mob's HP at will is worse than the fact that you tried to steal it.

THAT nid was SSJ. Under SSJ mobs have insane MDB, those nukes were probably doing single digits or 0.

what... a 9-hour Jorm is no where near the difficulty of Vrtra

3.5 hours, we fought him twice but we wiped the first time, we only had 4 SMN DDs and we weren't too sure about the strategy. Gee I remember SpikeFLail holding Hydra for 18+ hours trying to figure out how to kill it. Also Jormy flailed us but we kept going.
#65 Mar 11 2007 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Can you please show me where berrima himself said it was not him.

Maybe you should take your own advice and real the WHOLE thread. If you had, you would have noticed the post by chupakabaa, who is the real Berrima:

ok if anyone knows me they know first of thats not my forum name this is the real berrima i just registered with this account long time ago. any forum i have ever posted is always register with SayinJin and 2nd who ever x-box is dont @#%^ing go around accsuing me when im not even suck me.

I have a few guesses as to who suckme is, but I'm not going to drag anyone else's name into this without being absolutely sure. Maybe you should try that sometime.

LoL. See, here's the thing. We actually level the characters we play with, so we don't really care about 240 exp loss. However, seeing you flail is a good couple week's worth of lulz. Just the fact that you admit to purposely "mpk"ing shows how little respect your linkshell has for anyone legit.

I'm still waiting on you to prove I bought my account...until you do, kindly shut your mouth about people not leveling their characters.

Edit: typo

Edited, Mar 11th 2007 9:51am by LuciusFoxterra
#66 Mar 11 2007 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
And every one of those people who "confirmed" it is from the same lolLS \o/.

Oh, so Stellar is a member of FR? News to me.

Honestly, get lost Akai, this doesn't concern you.
#67 Mar 11 2007 at 6:32 AM Rating: Default
Apple Caramel Cheesecake is really yummy.
#68 Mar 11 2007 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
724 posts
OMG... Shuffle.. Gimme some of that cheesecake D:... 2nd, nice try seraphus.. you can stop saying suckme is me.. I don't use any other account on any of the forums.. all the people know me i only use narunaru or narusegwa on forums cuz its my 1st account/char's name lol... I dont care who Suckme is.. i have pretty good idea..the old post of him about healy and FR and Dynamis with Frankthetank i still have it saved somewhere.. 3rd.. Berr can do whatever he want.. I Don't GIVE A ****.. okay.. he can go to hell.. as for he dont bot or buy gil? I know the truth.. I wont say it.. cuz as far as im concerned, I dont care... its his choice to do whatever he want..

And Bobd, grats on the Relic :D.. you need take me to the MNK pty in KRT sometime._.
#69 Mar 11 2007 at 10:25 AM Rating: Default
as for he dont bot or buy gil? I know the truth..

And we know the truth about you as well. Remember Weeping Willow/Lumber Jack? You showed me all your tricks. Don;t be a hypocrite. And during KS99 when you were kiting. We know you got a 3 day ban the other week, cut the crap and play fair. You had Mooki fooled about the 3rd party tools but not the rest of us.
#70 Mar 11 2007 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
TheHolyDragoonSeraphus wrote:

Wiped to a nidhogg that hardly used wings? No it used more than one wing every 5 min andthere's no safe place to hide from wing damage when weakened, so naturally more and more people died and raised with nowhere to hide just to eat a wing after 3 min. Nobody could unweaken and we had 2 tanks down.Bob even told Berr that he had never seen nid use so many wings in a single fight. When ON fought him it used A LOT LESS wings.

Again, Nidhogg is a complete joke, even if he is "spamming" wings like he said (which by the way, for you, he wasn't). As I've said, we've dealt with 45+ Wing spamming Nidhoggs before and we handled it just fine with a single alliance of people present, we didn't need a literal army of people to throw at it.

All I keep hearing are excuses. I'm not here to heckle you like others are, I'm just pointing out that noone really cares what your so-called "reasons" are for wiping. Fact of the matter is, you wiped because you couldn't handle it, and it's not because the mob was difficult. Learn from it, and move on.

As for the SSJ screenshot of hitting someone non-critical for 764, let me ask you a question. What job was that person being hit? Actually, scratch that, I've seen even a PLD get hit that hard if Nidhogg happened to use Horrid Roar just beforehand, wiping food + defender + protect and he is in 2hr mode.

You know Nidhogg's 2hr mode right? Ever notice when someone is fighting him, occasionally he'll put his wings up and leave them up? It's not really Mighty Strikes, but more of a massive Attack/Def/MDB/MAB boost for him.

It's got nothing to do with SSJ mode or anything, he just does that much damage when his wings are up, and his Hurricane Wing damage during that time increases too.

THAT nid was SSJ. Under SSJ mobs have insane MDB, those nukes were probably doing single digits or 0.

That Nidhogg wasn't that long under SSJ, maybe 5-8 minutes tops. SSJ mode isn't instantaneous, it takes some time to build up after the 1 hour grace period. Within 10-12 minutes after SSJ mode, Nidhogg is still very killable with a decent volley of nukes. After that point however, he'll become insanely resistant to nukes/deal more damage of course, but that's not really a very good excuse in this case.

Gee I remember SpikeFLail holding Hydra for 18+ hours trying to figure out how to kill it.

See there's a massive difference between those two, although I'm not making fun of anyone who takes any amount of time to kill something, you killed it, that's certainly a notch under the belt.

It wasn't 18 hours, it was 10. And I'd daresay what we did was be one of the first LS's to figure out how that mob worked, something that I'm 100% confident you aren't even remotely capable of doing, so don't even go there. Considering that we were also the first LS on this server to take down both Cerberus and Khimaira as soon as they popped the first time, you're pretty much off your rocker.

Edited, Mar 11th 2007 2:48pm by Asherek
#71 Mar 11 2007 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
Wiped to a nidhogg that hardly used wings? No it used more than one wing every 5 min andthere's no safe place to hide from wing damage when weakened, so naturally more and more people died and raised with nowhere to hide just to eat a wing after 3 min. Nobody could unweaken and we had 2 tanks down.

It's game mechanics (sound familiar? =p) dude, wings are part of that. If you're going to complain about people being weak/dead there's always the possibility of them running back through boyahda, so like hmm they aren't weak when they get back? Possibly could help.

Siya of Ragnarok, not akai

Edited, Mar 11th 2007 12:40pm by AkaitheElvaan
#72 Mar 11 2007 at 12:48 PM Rating: Default
I know it's a game mechanic. But we noticed when you guys fought him he used a lot less wings. I feel we had too many DD feeding him TP because the rate of his TP moves was a lot more steady when you guys fought it.

And Siya you have to admit, mobs turning yellow is a game mechanic when you claim 2 mobs on the same character. I pulled that gigas while you guys were killing Pallas, it was totally legit. It's alot worse at Thief Knife. Go there if you REALLY want to get irritated.
#73 Mar 11 2007 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
You claimed it AFTER we killed Pallas. You let it link us first to cause us trouble, as soon as we went to kill it you claimed it. We had 4-5 people, it's not like I was claiming it solo.
As for wings, if you melee have 100 TP heres and idea TURN AROUND. If you have TP there's no need to collect more. "We had more melee so it winged more" is a retarded excuse, kick some melee if they are feeding it too much TP don't just complain.

Edited, Mar 11th 2007 2:11pm by AkaitheElvaan
#74 Mar 11 2007 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
265 posts
Seraphus just stop. Your obviously ill-informed and exercising poor logic to develop your arguments. I had no idea that you were this dense. Just stop. If i was a leader or sack of FR I would tell you to stop. You simply proving only that you have absolutely no grasp with this game. You are further perpetuating the prejudices against finalrealm. You have provided no valid evidence for your claims, none of which has stood up to rebuttal. Just stop. Your in an argument you cant win.

Edited, Mar 11th 2007 10:43pm by Pace
#75REDACTED, Posted: Mar 12 2007 at 1:34 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) STFU Shuffles, trying to blame me for all the mess you made huh. I was only expressing my opinion about the relic. You were the one that started this LS drama thing.
#76 Mar 12 2007 at 8:50 AM Rating: Default
sorry but i didnt start any LS thing. It was that other guy, you know, the one in blue.

and only one taker on the cheesecake. wtf, whats wrong with you people, cheesecake owns.

STFU Shuffles, trying to blame me for all the mess you made huh. I was only expressing my opinion about the relic. You were the one that started this LS drama thing.

This thread was congrats to bob, and you say i made a mess, wtf. You dont come on a thread to congrat someone to just insult the item he got.

At least say congrats, then your opinion that maybe destroyers is better.

you started the mess like always.

Edited, Mar 12th 2007 12:53pm by xbobx
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