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Hokuten Knights looking for all kinds of membersFollow

#1 Jan 19 2007 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent

We have based HK on a chat/helping linkshell. We do constant Salvage runs, CoP, ToAU missions, Escorts, merit parties, all the things the HNM LS'S don't have so much of. If you are looking for a new linkshell or one in which you can get some stuff done, we would love to have you.

In game you can contact Dargonesti or Genos, and we would be more then happy to answer your questions. You can also feel free to sign up on our forums on the website listed above.

Currently as it stands we run Salvage on the weekends, assaults during the week. This weekend we have a Salvage run @ 12:00 PST PM EST, and OHat run on Sunday.

The Hokuten Knights will be using a hidden points system based on the events you attend when we do kill our HNMs outside the regular missions and help we do. These points will be used to bid on the armor that drops if more then one member needs the part.

See you in game!
#2 Jan 19 2007 at 12:23 PM Rating: Default
16 posts
hidden points system

So hidden that friends get 200 points be4 the tipical player who assists to every event?

lalala, <take care>
#3 Jan 19 2007 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you for the negativity of bringing down another LS. I'm sorry that's how your LS treats things, but HK is not like that. We've been here since NA release. The points are hidden from non sack holders so that they can not know how many other points another player has when bidding for items from Salvage, and any other kind of events we do. All sack holders have access to the points, and can keep track, because every event is listed by date, points per event, and members who were there. Nice try tho :) Hope this clears up a little bit of what our points system is. Those who show up to every event deffinately get rewarded. As it stands, our non sack holders currently have more points then most of the sacks, goes to show who shows up for what.

Edited, Jan 19th 2007 4:07pm by Mikeosis
#4 Jan 19 2007 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
989 posts
So hidden that friends get 200 points be4 the tipical player who assists to every event?

lalala, <take care>

I do believe our members are competent enough that they would notice a certain group of people getting the drops. Linkshells that play favorites, don't get to keep the core members that make everything possible.
#5 Jan 19 2007 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
I'm confused by your description.

This some kind of HNMLS?
#6 Jan 19 2007 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
I'm confused by your description.

This some kind of HNMLS?

This is not an HNM LS. We are a mission based LS, looking for members who like to help other members. We have and do camp minor HNM, such as ie, Joyeuse, we are not limited to just missions and quests/help, but at the same time we will not be taking ToD on every HNM to camp it every day, that's not our goal.
#7 Jan 19 2007 at 1:34 PM Rating: Default
The points are hidden from non sack holders so that they can not know how many other points another player has when bidding for items from Salvage, and any other kind of events we do.

That is utterly stupid. Why keep point tallies away from non-sackholders? I'd want no part of a LS like that, clearly deciding when and where to give preference to one member over another.

You're LS will fail.
#8 Jan 19 2007 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
That is utterly stupid. Why keep point tallies away from non-sackholders? I'd want no part of a LS like that, clearly deciding when and where to give preference to one member over another.

You're LS will fail

I'm not so sure why everyone is so judgemental, just as Genos has said, members would notice if their is preferance to another player. This was a recruitment post, not one to bash another LS. If you aren't looking for a new LS, why post.

There is no "deciding when and where to give preference to one member over another". Sack holders run the events and keep track. The reason other members do not see each others points is so you can't say go to 4 events in a row in which each time say you have 50 points, and every other member has 10, so you bid 11 on each run knowing you will get the item over them. Where as if the player that has 50 points, bids 7 points, and the 10 point player bids 8, they have the chance to win that item and will need to attend more events for another.

Each member will know their own points, and it will make it a bit more of a challenge and fun :). Hey, it's not like we're an HNM LS going for uber drops, this is for fun. When we go camp an NM for a friend/ls mate, they get the item, it's dependant on the situation.

Maybe this LS isn't for you, that's cool, we enjoy doing what we do, helping others is a lot of fun. Our LS members trust one another and if their was an issue, it would have already been addressed in house by another member. Since we started offering points for events, we frequently have more members showing up. :)

Edited, Jan 19th 2007 4:49pm by Mikeosis
#9 Jan 19 2007 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
989 posts
You're LS will fail.

Well I guess they will all fail eventually, being as we started at NA release and have continued to this day, I think we're doing just fine.
#10 Jan 19 2007 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
there is alot of crap in this game, and alot of stealing, so you can probably how people can be negative.

I guess what they are saying, is why hide the points? Is there a reason for doing this, because i guess their notion is, if you are hiding it then there must be something to hide.

I can understand in teh sense that it maybe discouraging for some members to know they will not get anything for a very long time and they may stop helping and stop coming.

Thats where they are coming from i think.
#11 Jan 19 2007 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
I wanna join D:, I'll hit you up or one of the sack holders tommorow for a pearl.

Granted I can't do much now obviously, but I like having something to do outside of xping(and people to talk to, heh I've been running around with no LS since I came back to the game 3 weeks ago)
#12 Jan 19 2007 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
989 posts
xbobx wrote:
there is alot of crap in this game, and alot of stealing, so you can probably how people can be negative.

I guess what they are saying, is why hide the points? Is there a reason for doing this, because i guess their notion is, if you are hiding it then there must be something to hide.

I can understand in teh sense that it maybe discouraging for some members to know they will not get anything for a very long time and they may stop helping and stop coming.

Thats where they are coming from i think.

Maybe this will help clear up why the points are hidden.

The way we bid items is that when an item drops, the players that want it send a bid in /t of how many points of theirs they want to spend on it to whoever is deemed organizer for that event. After each player sends in bids, the people who can actually use the item now (or very soon) are noted. Out of those people, whoever bid the highest number of points get that item, and the same number of points is deducted from their total. The winning bid amount is announced, along with who bid it.

The points are hidden so that a person can not bid the absolute minimum to get the item. Say you have 50 points, and can use the item, and there is only one other person who can use the item, and they have 20 points. You bid 21 points and are guaranteed the item, since the other person can only bid 20. This helps so that newer players can bid and win some auctions sooner rather than later. If the experienced player really wants the item, they will bid a higher number, allowing the newer members to not have to accumulate as many points. Also, if they really don't want the item, they can bid a minimal amount they believe it is worth to them, and may still win.

I hope that clears things up a bit for you.

I wanna join D:, I'll hit you up or one of the sack holders tommorow for a pearl.

Granted I can't do much now obviously, but I like having something to do outside of xping(and people to talk to, heh I've been running around with no LS since I came back to the game 3 weeks ago)

No prob, just let us know :)

We have a few ppl lvling some new jobs at about the 45ish range, and may catch up with you soon. :)
#13 Jan 20 2007 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
Well I guess they will all fail eventually, being as we started at NA release and have continued to this day, I think we're doing just fine.

Very nice ^^

So where is the link to the original website/forums? The one you have linked to is newly created and contains members who don't play anymore, either by choice or by being banned.
#14 Jan 20 2007 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default
I will join if you make me a sackholder. Hidden point system for non-sackholder = lick my ***.
#15 Jan 20 2007 at 5:57 AM Rating: Decent
989 posts
The original boards were located at, after they became infested with gilselling ads, I coded my own forums, and hosted them on my home computer. After I upgraded my comp, I didn't want to host it on my new computer, and so we registered a domain name and got actualy webhosting space, and created the new site.

You would be surprised by who gets banned and keeps playing =P
#16 Jan 20 2007 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Well, sorry if my comment was a bit rude or something, but it's the truth.

Hiding the points just make the whole LS idea untrusty, im not saying you're thieves or some crap like that but well, if things are clear like water there's no worry 'bout who lots more, if u have more points you lot for that, simple and clear.

The hidden points system fails from the start as some1 stated be4, but that's just for me, maybe you see it like other way.

<Take care>

(BTW, this is an outside comment from this thread, but Shuffles owns with his BST, just a side note :p)

/wave Shuffles from faulky.
#17 Jan 20 2007 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
Why thankyou.
#18 Jan 20 2007 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Well, I think you guys are missing the whole points picture.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but your members know how much points they have, and know how much each events points are? So it would be very easy for each member to keep track of their own points. I guess what this linkshell is saying is worry about your own points, and if you really want that Joyeus or something like that, you will bid as many points you have as what you consider it worth. Sounds like it would prevent a lot of fighting between members (i.e. I don't necessarily want that, but I don't want XXX to have it for so few points, so I'm going to bid 35, since I know he only has 34). Sounds kind of like a silent aucton.

I'm sure it will work for some, and for those that it doesn't work for, they won't be there long. Good luck to you.
#19 Jan 20 2007 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I think you guys are missing the whole points picture.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but your members know how much points they have, and know how much each events points are? So it would be very easy for each member to keep track of their own points. I guess what this linkshell is saying is worry about your own points, and if you really want that Joyeus or something like that, you will bid as many points you have as what you consider it worth. Sounds like it would prevent a lot of fighting between members (i.e. I don't necessarily want that, but I don't want XXX to have it for so few points, so I'm going to bid 35, since I know he only has 34). Sounds kind of like a silent aucton.

I'm sure it will work for some, and for those that it doesn't work for, they won't be there long. Good luck to you.

It pretty much exactly is a silent auction. All Players send their bid to the runner of that event when an item they wish to have is dropped.

At least some people can understand what is going on. Yes, members know what events give how many points, and they all can know their own points just from asking. We are all a close bunch, and we can trust each other. It's funny that some people can't handle that, but the fact is, we're not an HNM LS that most if not all of you posting negatively are used to. If it's not for you don't bring down another LS. If you have trust issues, you've been with the wrong LS for too long. For those who are positive and interested, give us a try.

And yes, the site is newly designed about 2 months ago.. the members on there play the game right now. As it stands we only have 15 members signed up so.. lol @ that comment.

Edited, Jan 20th 2007 11:45pm by Mikeosis
#20 Jan 20 2007 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
580 posts
I think i understand by what you mean by hidden points.

Like Kamkam mentioned, you know your OWN pts, but everyone else's pts are hidden. So, say you got 65pts, and something drops that you want. You bid your 65 pts, if it's worth that much to you, and you wait for other bids. If someone happens to have 70 pts and out bids you, it's fair.

Atleast this LS tells you how things work. Sure, coming in as a new member you won't have many pts, if any. But like the members mentioned not EVERYONE shows up, or holds items in such high regard. If you show up, you build pts.

It's an open invitation..Atleast you don't have to put in your damn resume and sit around and wait to be "hired", like some of these other crooked LS's. An LS like this may change my views on getting into the "Endgame" scene when i'm ready.

#21 Jan 20 2007 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
I think i understand by what you mean by hidden points.

Like Kamkam mentioned, you know your OWN pts, but everyone else's pts are hidden. So, say you got 65pts, and something drops that you want. You bid your 65 pts, if it's worth that much to you, and you wait for other bids. If someone happens to have 70 pts and out bids you, it's fair.

Atleast this LS tells you how things work. Sure, coming in as a new member you won't have many pts, if any. But like the members mentioned not EVERYONE shows up, or holds items in such high regard. If you show up, you build pts.

It's an open invitation..Atleast you don't have to put in your damn resume and sit around and wait to be "hired", like some of these other crooked LS's. An LS like this may change my views on getting into the "Endgame" scene when i'm ready.

Yes, thank you.. this is exactly what I was talking about. As it stands now we had only started the points system in the last week.. the events reward 1-2 points based on the content and time they take. So far, the leading member only has 6 points, so :).

I appreciate some positive feedback on the subject, if you have played WoW, you would understand this system a bit more as well.
#22 Jan 23 2007 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
I'm glad to see HK starting up again. You can trust Genos and Dargonesti, HK has been around since early 2003 at least. its probably been around longer than most current HNMLS. They're credible people in my opinion.
#23 Jan 23 2007 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
989 posts
Thanks for the vote of confidence Seraphus :)
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