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Solstice botsFollow

#27 Oct 10 2006 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
293 posts
Awoir wrote:
...intending to bot, in whatever context...

The dictionary defines whatever as "no matter what", isn't out of context one way it may be? It obviously is because of Daamian saying those posts are taken out of context.

Ah, but "such pictures" would have to refer to pictures that carry as heavy a weight as the ones posted on solstice private forums.

Then after you've been proven wrong you have to resort to assigning seperate stipulations to your arguement so you can get the outcome you desire. Here I thought you were a man of your word Tineey.

Wow dude, theres a difference between posting messages in their entirety, and someone cropping a screenshot down to 3 words in order to make look like something was said. That has nothing to do with context because it bares no significance. Here, let me do it to you.

Awoir wrote:
been proven wrong

Yes, you have been. Good day sir.
#28 Oct 10 2006 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
479 posts
Wow dude, theres a difference between posting messages in their entirety, and someone cropping a screenshot down to 3 words in order to make look like something was said.

Yes, there is a big difference, however Tineeys original post said "whatever" and a cropped picture is included in whatever. Congratulations on the "omg no u" arguement.
#29 Oct 10 2006 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
68 posts
Rated down ; ; not my fault you can't play fair...

But seriously, someone says <insertLShere> bots! wow thats a surprise...nowadays I don't know many ls that don't or haven't been accused of botting. Isn't this witch hunt getting old, haven't any of you seen The Crucible? Did the sh*t ever end up good? nope.... Ya know what would be interesting? try proving a ls doesn't bot, we all know most ls bot now its not even that special anymore. Now a ls that DOESN'T bot, thats a story worth posting about.

PS... If your ls happens to bot, keep that **** a secret on the low low, its not something to be that proud of. If you bot, thats your damn business. If you don't bot grats, you're a standup guy and good player, but be prepared to lose claim alot, since your competition does...

Edited, Oct 10th 2006 at 12:03pm PDT by Eskiman
#30 Oct 10 2006 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
Wow, you're that desperate/bored that you want to resort to a semantics argument?

Awoir wrote:
The dictionary defines whatever as "no matter what", isn't out of context one way it may be? It obviously is because of Daamian saying those posts are taken out of context.

Man, if you're going to pick apart a post, why not take the first part of the sentence he said:

"If such pictures were ever posted"<--

Obviously, the "such pictures" refers to the type of pictures that are displayed in the OP, which are uneditted screenshots of entire forum posts within a private forum.

Cropping a screenshot to three words from an entire screenshot that actually shows the word /sarcasm in the same line of text != "such pictures".

Seriously, we could go all day back and forth on stupid things like this, but all that goes to prove is that:

a.) You're arguing with paper thin defensive tactics (if you're even trying to defend yourselves, which you probably aren't)

b.) Utilizing amazing Bush administration deflection tactics to take the heat away from yourselves (But wait a second, none of you give a crap about this right? Which begs the question why any of you are even posting here, when in reality you'd just be ignoring it if it really didn't matter to you).

Then after you've been proven wrong you have to resort to assigning seperate stipulations to your arguement so you can get the outcome you desire. Here I thought you were a man of your word Tineey.

Exactly how was he "proven wrong"? I have yet to see anything concrete, but rather some badly editted screenshots that don't really show anything in the first place. Way to take more things out of context, seems like that's what the norm is nowadays.

Unless of course, this is what you call humour, in which case you fail as a comedian.
#31 Oct 10 2006 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Nah, Kerberoz didn't win anything yet. lol

I don't think everyone in Solstice thinks you bot, I personally think some in SF bot, but that's just me. Do I know if they do? No, I just think they do. If you want to defend them knowing full well they don't bot, that's on you, just odd to get so upset over it, I'd just laugh it off if them botting was that crazy of an idea. My accusing those people of botting is the the same as Kerberoz thinking we'd sell a Novia Earring for "sackholder" money when we have an lsbank, as if he knew how our ls worked or something. That earring didn't even sell btw, so good job on that. For more details check that wonderful screenshot of my forum post. Speaking of which, just saying it again. All we did was speculate the use of bots, I think it's just people see the word "bot" and have a hissy fit. There are people for and against it, of course, but nowhere in the forums does it say, "OK, let's bot the hell out of every camp we go to, NOW!"

Secondly, that AV was never locked to begin with. Locked = No magic and no 2 hours. It was spamming Aero spells all the way down to 79%, but comet/meteor did us in. Good job on that, again.

And with the gaiters/cerb hide...that was our fault for even trusting you guys. When forming an alliance/team, there is always the chance of getting screwed over, but you do it anyways in hopes that both parties can benefit. I remember that fateful day with SF leaving Tiamat to go camp Aspi. We pushed it down on our own, though, maybe it was for the best that you left. Appears to me since SF wasn't up for drops, they felt no need to continue teaming up, how typical. I can only imagine what would have happened at that Aspi that FR nearly SSJ'd. I'm sure it'd be something like "OK, we got gaiters and cerb hide, I think we're up for dalm too if it drops." It was a relief for me when they pushed it down.
#32 Oct 10 2006 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
H'okey, was expecting this and the inevitable derails. So let's go, shall we?

UltimaxofRagnarok wrote:
I don't think everyone in Solstice thinks you bot, I personally think some in SF bot, but that's just me. Do I know if they do? No, I just think they do. If you want to defend them knowing full well they don't bot, that's on you, just odd to get so upset over it, I'd just laugh it off if them botting was that crazy of an idea.

There's a huge difference here. You have no credible proof whatsoever. On the other hand, in this very thread there's screenshots admitting that you did and continue to bot. I mean, seriously, it wasn't even us that started this; as far as I know, this OP sockpuppet isn't even in SF (which might not be true, but this IS the Internet, who knows). It's not like SF went on a holy crusade the instant that the screenshots surfaced. Frankly, I find this whole situation incredibly ironic and amusing more than anything.

Speaking of which, it was your OWN disgruntled members/ex-members that sent everyone else the screenshots. So really, we're not here to defend ourselves. But as Bedrock has stated on Makore's LJ, this really begs the question as to why YOU'RE here defending yourselves.

My accusing those people of botting is the the same as Kerberoz thinking we'd sell a Novia Earring for "sackholder" money when we have an lsbank, as if he knew how our ls worked or something. That earring didn't even sell btw, so good job on that. For more details check that wonderful screenshot of my forum post.

Well, frankly, I didn't want to discuss something like this, because frankly I don't care what your LS does with your own drops. I really don't. Let's stay away from this since it seriously has nothing to do with anything anyways.

All we did was speculate the use of bots, I think it's just people see the word "bot" and have a hissy fit. There are people for and against it, of course, but nowhere in the forums does it say, "OK, let's bot the hell out of every camp we go to, NOW!"

Except that you have members admitting that you botted quite frequently (Kaali even admits he botted every Fafnir) and continue to do so?

Again, I'm not naive enough to think that there aren't any botters in a particular LS. I'm more than willing to kick them if you can prove to me, like in those screenshots of your LS, that someone is botting.

Secondly, that AV was never locked to begin with. Locked = No magic and no 2 hours. It was spamming Aero spells all the way down to 79%, but comet/meteor did us in. Good job on that, again.

Again, I don't give a damn about your AV, seriously.

And with the gaiters/cerb hide...that was our fault for even trusting you guys. When forming an alliance/team, there is always the chance of getting screwed over, but you do it anyways in hopes that both parties can benefit. I remember that fateful day with SF leaving Tiamat to go camp Aspi. We pushed it down on our own, though, maybe it was for the best that you left. Appears to me since SF wasn't up for drops, they felt no need to continue teaming up, how typical. I can only imagine what would have happened at that Aspi that FR nearly SSJ'd. I'm sure it'd be something like "OK, we got gaiters and cerb hide, I think we're up for dalm too if it drops." It was a relief for me when they pushed it down.

Unnecessary derail and more deflection tactics, it's what I expected anyways.

Fateful day? Shall I recap what really happened?

After 2 failed attempts at Tiamat, people were obviously a tad disgruntled. I'm sure there were errors made on both "sides" here, but it really didn't help seeing stupid things like a Solstice Carbuncle hitting Tiamat and waking it back up right after it was slept, etc.

3 people out of the 15 or so people decided to leave to sit at Aspi because they were tired of dealing with Tiamat for the day. Not once did we ever say we were leaving Tiamat officially to a sackholder of Solstice. Find me some evidence of this, because we asked for it and it was never given.

Then, we simply get a "no hard feelings guys" and you guys disbanded the alliance and proceeded to claim Tiamat on your own, leaving us there asking "OK, what the hell?". Afterwards, completely non-productive conversations with your sacks resulted in us pretty much deciding that there wasn't going to be anything resolved from this point on.

So really, considering the fact that you broke the alliance with us, what makes you think we really owe you anything, hmm?

Feel free to make up more stories though.
#33 Oct 10 2006 at 12:36 PM Rating: Default
cry me a river! people bot, it sucks, but nothing we can do about except wait till SE takes action

crying about it resolves nothing, just instigates more fights and leaves people more upset- or you could try to convince me by saying PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW
#34 Oct 10 2006 at 12:37 PM Rating: Default
Zidana ftw! xD
#35 Oct 10 2006 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
44 posts
But then LS that have multiple botters like Spikeflail probably wouldn't agree to this because it cuts their chances at fighting a king.

I don't think everyone in Solstice thinks you bot, I personally think some in SF bot, but that's just me. Do I know if they do? No, I just think they do. If you want to defend them knowing full well they don't bot, that's on you, just odd to get so upset over it, I'd just laugh it off if them botting was that crazy of an idea.

Yea, we don't get upset with what you think, but statements like the first one where you just state us botting as fact, is what we do not like.
#36 Oct 10 2006 at 11:21 PM Rating: Good
293 posts
UltimaxofRagnarok wrote:
And with the gaiters/cerb hide...that was our fault for even trusting you guys. When forming an alliance/team, there is always the chance of getting screwed over, but you do it anyways in hopes that both parties can benefit. I remember that fateful day with SF leaving Tiamat to go camp Aspi. We pushed it down on our own, though, maybe it was for the best that you left. Appears to me since SF wasn't up for drops, they felt no need to continue teaming up, how typical. I can only imagine what would have happened at that Aspi that FR nearly SSJ'd. I'm sure it'd be something like "OK, we got gaiters and cerb hide, I think we're up for dalm too if it drops." It was a relief for me when they pushed it down.

Daamian already said what happened, but allow me to give you the blunt version. Hes a sackholder, and contrary to your linkshell, ours conduct themselves with a certain amount of class to maintain inter-linkshell relations. But hey, Im not a sack, I dont have to do that:

-We wiped to Tiamat because your summoners repeatedly woke him up with Carbuncle Melee.
-You reraised, and took it upon yourself to cockblock another linkshell gathering for their attempt by immediately reclaiming and trying again. You then killed it by yourself in typical slowstice fashion.

Alliance: Disbanded. Agreements: Broken. Mutual respect anyone may have had for Solstice: Gone.

Game Over.
#37 Oct 11 2006 at 7:45 AM Rating: Default
And more proof to my claim that the addition of hnmls's are and will ruin this game for the majority of players.

they are the worst thing to happen to this game, even more so then gil sellers.

So sad, all this bs for worthless items.

FFXI - level up, get items, fight big things, get more items, fight bigger things, get more items, yay got everything, lvl up, repeat.

Would be nice to see alot of you actually rejoin the ffxi society and hang out with friends. Seems like many of you take hnmls over friendship. makes me cry a bit inside.

Ok, off to get a cafe mocha.
#38 Oct 11 2006 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
xbobx wrote:
And more proof to my claim that the addition of hnmls's are and will ruin this game for the majority of players.

they are the worst thing to happen to this game, even more so then gil sellers.

So sad, all this bs for worthless items.

And here you are, contributing absolutely nothing to a conversation that doesn't involve you at all.

What is it with you anti-HNM LS people who take every opportunity to try and bash HNM LS's?

Let me ask you a question: if you think this is all about "worthless items", how is this affecting the "majority of players" who don't have any interest in that? HNM and non-HNM activities are pretty seperate, so why does this even affect you, if you what you say is true? After all, they're worthless items, thus meaning you don't really want/care about them, so how does this concern you at all?

My apologies that somehow camping HNM and beating them -> getting items for members of my LS = belief that I'm somehow ruining this game for players who aren't even interested in this element of the game in the first place.

FFXI - level up, get items, fight big things, get more items, fight bigger things, get more items, yay got everything, lvl up, repeat.

As opposed to what? You're saying that we should all just stop doing anything in this game and just chat? Why even play FFXI then; might as well just load up an IRC client and chat with your LS mates.

Would be nice to see alot of you actually rejoin the ffxi society and hang out with friends. Seems like many of you take hnmls over friendship. makes me cry a bit inside.

And you're saying that there's no friendships within an HNM LS? My LS is my FFXI family to me. I don't have any other LS. I hang out with them, joke and chat with them over Ventrilo, exp with them, camp HNM with them, beat tougher endgame encounters with them, etc. etc.

So who are you to say that there is no friendship involved? Hell, if it weren't for friendship within the LS, most of us would have probably quit the game by this point in time.

As well, there are people I regularly chat and talk to in other HNM LS, so what? The only people really making a big deal about this are people who don't understand the situation in the first place.

#39 Oct 11 2006 at 9:39 AM Rating: Default
Let me simplify it.

How many of you had friends that you leveled up together, farmed together, abunch of you did mission and quests together, until one joined a hnmls and now they never on the chat ls anymore, you never hear from them except for the /wave while walking by.

If thats your idea of a community game, then by all means.

But hnmls are now making bots a secret manditory thing, they exclude people who don't have the time to commit to a hnmls because of having alot to do irl, they alienate people from other hnmls, they even kick people for helping other hnmls members (friends) get stuff.

And you wonder why theres hnmls bashing.

Being on since NA launch, this game has changed so much, and for the worst because of these people, the spirit of the game has gone to hell, and very few people still play the game as a mmorpg and not a small unit of 40 people.

Its pathetic watching people in a party have to leave suddenly because a hnmls member got a tod for a hnm, so out of the blue they have to go, and is that fair to the other 5 members of the party, um no. This happens alot.

So does that affect people that arent into the hnmls scene, ah yes.

Yes I hate hnmls, yes i think anyone that finds fun in sitting in a spot for 3 hours waiting for a nm to pop just to lose it to a bot has something wrong with their head. I wonder about the value people put on their time, yes its not my business but thats my opinion.

What if I want to get a bunch of friends to kill a god to get a certain item, and in that bunch of friends theres 4 different hnmls groups, and if members found out they were doing that they would probably have a **** fit, maybe even kicked. All because they want to help a friend out.

Does that seem ok to you?

Justifying botting is one of the dumbest things i have seen in these forums, and anyone that bots, I hope, finds themselves perma banned. And anyone that knows and helps them bot should see the same fate.
#40 Oct 11 2006 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
Good job derailing this thread into something completely different, but whatever. It's obvious that HNM LS's have come and killed your cat or something, seeing the kind of response I expected from you.

xbobx wrote:
How many of you had friends that you leveled up together, farmed together, abunch of you did mission and quests together, until one joined a hnmls and now they never on the chat ls anymore, you never hear from them except for the /wave while walking by.

Hello, that's how any community works. People move on and make new friends. That's their choice. This is also how ANY MMORPG works. There are always going to be casual players and hardcore players. To bash people who enjoy playing more hardcore than others,'s just as stupid as hardcore people bashing "casual" players. You're no better for doing that.

Where a person wants to go and spend their time has nothing to do with this artificial dichotomy of "HNM-LS" and "non-HNM-LS". Maybe should seperate it more into "hardcore" and "casual" LS's, really, as that division is starting to blur more and more as of recent anyways. There's plenty of "casual" LS's who kill popped NM's/Gods and there plenty of "hardcore" LS's that have regressed into doing casual activities.

But hnmls are now making bots a secret manditory thing, they exclude people who don't have the time to commit to a hnmls because of having alot to do irl, they alienate people from other hnmls, they even kick people for helping other hnmls members (friends) get stuff.

Hold on a second, you're jumping to your own conclusions. There is going to be cheating in online games and this is mutually exclusive to HNM LS, there are "casual players" who also cheat. That doesn't mean that suddenly all HNM LS's promote and openly encourage this sort of activity, sorry.

Your gripes you are describing exist in any game, complaining that somehow it's ruining this game is moronic. People choose to do what they do, noone is holding a gun to your head and telling you to remain in an LS where you're not having fun. Noone is stopping you from leaving a "**** regime" and joining a casual LS if endgame doesn't suit you.

The reason most good HNM LS have certain rules in place is simply to avoid conflict of interest. Helping friends out is one thing, but there has to be some lines drawn somewhere in order to reduce arguments as much as possible. Perhaps if you actually tried and ran a successful HNM LS you'd actually understand what I'm talking about, but it irritates me to see people spout off about this when they don't know what they're talking about.

And you wonder why theres hnmls bashing.

And you wonder why there's so much Allakhazam bashing, it's because of mentalities like your own.

Being on since NA launch, this game has changed so much, and for the worst because of these people, the spirit of the game has gone to hell, and very few people still play the game as a mmorpg and not a small unit of 40 people.

Blame the game then. This game doesn't support more than 64 people on a LS at a time, most events can't hold many people (except for Dynamis). Honestly, you really have more than 64 people that you REGULARLY talk to and do activities with? Seems farfetched to me anyways. This game doesn't support "massive community" like you're suggesting, but for that matter neither does any other one out there.

You're the one going on about "friendships" in this game, what's wrong with an LS of tightly-knit people doing what they enjoy in this game?

Its pathetic watching people in a party have to leave suddenly because a hnmls member got a tod for a hnm, so out of the blue they have to go, and is that fair to the other 5 members of the party, um no. This happens alot.

So does that affect people that arent into the hnmls scene, ah yes.

Way to give a pretty inconsequential example. People can easily be replaced in an exp PT. Is that really the extent of your gripes on how HNM LS affect everyone else? H'oooookey.

Most good HNM LS will tell their members to not try and exp/etc. when they know ahead of time there is going to be an LS event. So what? It's their choice when they joined the LS in the first place.

The problem you're describing is due to the way this game is setup. Things like Tiamat/etc. don't sit around waiting for people to slowly gather. Blame the way the game is made then.

Yes I hate hnmls, yes i think anyone that finds fun in sitting in a spot for 3 hours waiting for a nm to pop just to lose it to a bot has something wrong with their head. I wonder about the value people put on their time, yes its not my business but thats my opinion.

Well, I can throw the reverse back out at you. I wonder what value people (like you) find in logging into the game day in and day out and perform the same monotonous tasks of levelling a character to 75, farm for gil for new equipment for that 75 and then farm for equipment for a new job and then level that job upto 75 as well, rinse and repeat.

HNM LS doesn't automatically mean that you can't exp/do assault/mission/quest/etc., we get plenty of that done in addition to other endgame activities.

What if I want to get a bunch of friends to kill a god to get a certain item, and in that bunch of friends theres 4 different hnmls groups, and if members found out they were doing that they would probably have a sh*t fit, maybe even kicked. All because they want to help a friend out.

How do you even think HNM LS's first started? A group of friends who wanted to kill stuff together. That's how TSHoT first formed. >.>

What you are describing probably isn't a problem for many HNM LS's, but you have to understand the conflict of interest that pops up, hence why the "sh*t fit" in the first place.

Anyways, there's no point in trying and explaining to you, because you're obviously hellbent set on your ways and thoughts. Nothing I say will convince you otherwise anyways.

Justifying botting is one of the dumbest things i have seen in these forums, and anyone that bots, I hope, finds themselves perma banned. And anyone that knows and helps them bot should see the same fate.

And where exactly did I do this? In fact, the point of this thread was to point that justifying botting was INCORRECT I thought, hmm?

Your post is so full of non-sequitars it's not even funny. One minute you're talking about how "HNM-LS is the downfall of FFXI" and then the next second you're talking about how "botting is bad". Stick to one topic please.
#41 Oct 11 2006 at 10:25 AM Rating: Default
People can easily be replaced in an exp PT

You havent lvled a low job lately have you?

Ok, I will ask one question, if your answer is no, it proves hnmls are a problem.

Will your hnmls accept someone that has limited time to play, that logs on and depending how his day may have gone may want to lvl or farm for a bit and not camp a nm because just not in the mood for the crap, just wants to chill. He maybe only one for an hour or two, but sometimes he has the time and can help the hnmls. He doesnt want to feel obligated all the time to stop what he is doing to do things for the hnmls because of said limited time, he may never be able to do anything he wants to do. Sometimes he just doesnt log on because hte knows theres a event and he doesnt have the time for it that night, but cant lvl or an hour or craft because he would get kicked.

But when he does join the event, hes there on time, hes loyal, hes not greedy etc.

I will bet 90% of the hnmls will not accept that type of person, and if they do they will kick him the first time he logs on and doesnt run to an event asap.

And by doing so the hnmls's are dictating who has the right to take party in end game activities, otherwise this person cannot enjoy all parts of the game.

The fact that you dont see anything wrong with friends moving on and forgotting about all the friends that got him to where he is, says something about your morality.

I was part of a chat ls way back, soon alot of the members were high lvl so they made another ls and made it a hnmls and all the high lvls jumped on that one, and forgot all about the people that worked hard to get them there so to speak and the chat ls ended up dieing and people had to go other places. To me thats just disgusting. Thats not moving on.

The bot thing was not aimed at you, was at the thread itself and all the people defending it.

its good that your hnmls allows you to chat, alot dont, they use the excuse this is a hnmls, not a chat ls, if you want a chat ls then get one, but then they say you must have the hnmls equipped all the time. Does that make any sense. Basically they are telling you now that you are on a hnmls you are not allowed to log on the game, and chat with your friends. Its all business.

#42 Oct 11 2006 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
Here it is, i usually dont post on forums, in fact this is my first, but i gotta say, you all need a dose of RL. Are your lives so deprived of drama that you need to flame on the boards just to feel important? i'd suggest, learn what its like to pay your own bills, mabe support a family, then appreaciate a game for the fun that it should be instead of dreading logging on because of all the jackasses with nothin better to do but ruin what should be a good time.
#43 Oct 11 2006 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
he bots
she bots
they bot
everyone bots!

Basically what it boils down to. There is at the very LEAST one person in each major HNMls that bots.Proof is hard to get in screenshots, so mostly its people pointing fingers at one another. If one ls out claims another, its now because one bot out pulled another, not a player out pulling another player.

I personally do not agree with bots. I think it does give an unfair advantage to someone, but, if there is one person in every ls botting, then the advantage becomes fair again.

You can say, "we do not allow botters into our ls, and if I find one, I will kick them from the ls!" But you will be surprised at how many ls's turn a blind eye to the botters in their ls. You tend to get frustrated, cause you see one ls claim, after claim, after claim, and you know you did everything right, had people in all the right spots, and you see this one ls each time do suspious things that make you go "hmmm". But like I said, it is very hard to prove it in screenshots.Trust me, I tried. I have seen people from almost every ls bot in one way or another. I have seen someone run across my screen from wwwwaaayyyy over there, to right where the mob was going to pop, and voked it mid pop. Yes, this was before they fixed the claiming issue, but still, it has been around for a very long time. Japanese bot, Europeans bot, North Americans bot,they are just everywhere sadly.

Yes, I do think that it was very unwise to post in a PRIVATE forum debating if an ls should bot or not, and having members offer to send bots to one another, there is always a risk of trolls trolling around to take screenshots. Especially bitter scorned ex-members. Because of said ex-member, now one ls has been sorta exposed. Im sure if someone was pissed at SF, TheCalm, PoS, TheCrew, Peacemakers, any other HNMls on the server, that person would find proof of some sort of botters in their ls.

All I ask is please do not harrass EVERY member in Solstice. That goes for all HNMls's. Even though there are bots, there are still people that do not beleive in botting, and do not do so.You may say, "well if they dont beleive in it,they should leave that ls". That doesn't work. If you want to do certain things, get certain items, you need an HNMls. And like I said before, there is a bot in every one of them. Also like I said, I can not prove this, BUT, also, they can not prove they don't have one.

Just try to enjoy the game the best you can. There is no unfair advantage anymore concerning HNMs. There IS one bot in every ls. If you choose to see it or not, that depends on you.

Like I said, I do not beleive in botting, I think its cheating, but I can't do anything about it. Only sure way to get rid of botters is to have about 5 GMs at every HNM camp to catch them each time...

#44 Oct 11 2006 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
165 posts
Daamian already said what happened, but allow me to give you the blunt version. Hes a sackholder, and contrary to your linkshell, ours conduct themselves with a certain amount of class to maintain inter-linkshell relations. But hey, Im not a sack, I dont have to do that:

-We wiped to Tiamat because your summoners repeatedly woke him up with Carbuncle Melee.
-You reraised, and took it upon yourself to cockblock another linkshell gathering for their attempt by immediately reclaiming and trying again. You then killed it by yourself in typical slowstice fashion.

Alliance: Disbanded. Agreements: Broken. Mutual respect anyone may have had for Solstice: Gone.

Game Over.

I'm done talking about the botting **** but since the Tiamat issue needs resolve, I think your opinions are pretty unfair.

-Did you forget about the first attempt that we were doing fine until a SF BLM dissolved the alliance at 1%?
-On the second attempt the SMN who woke up Tiamat was a mistake no doubt, but why were we at the point of having to sleep Tiamat? Because there was no communication, tanks were sucking (myself especially), stuns were misplaced and elegy was off. It's a number of problems of something that wasn't fought properly being blamed on a smn who's carbuncle was probably only attacking Tiamat because of a lack of hate control and he was attacked..
-Graeson's a great friend of mine and not trying to get him involved, but after the second wipe he sent me a tell saying no one wants to fight it again. I understood and said np and we formed our own alliance.. Definitely weren't in a hurry and I can't remember anyone else attempting to claim. Though even if there were, i've seen many linkshells reraise as quickly as possible at a number of HNM's to get another shot. I'll have to remember for future referance that's considered **** blocking...

If all you were looking to do was make cheap shots at my linkshell then sorry for wasting your time with this response. I apologize if our Tiamat technique is not up to your standards.
#45 Oct 11 2006 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
Xbob is just a typical allanoob, ignore him. Is he even on Ragnarok?
#46 Oct 11 2006 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
293 posts
sStellar wrote:
Daamian already said what happened, but allow me to give you the blunt version. Hes a sackholder, and contrary to your linkshell, ours conduct themselves with a certain amount of class to maintain inter-linkshell relations. But hey, Im not a sack, I dont have to do that:

-We wiped to Tiamat because your summoners repeatedly woke him up with Carbuncle Melee.
-You reraised, and took it upon yourself to cockblock another linkshell gathering for their attempt by immediately reclaiming and trying again. You then killed it by yourself in typical slowstice fashion.

Alliance: Disbanded. Agreements: Broken. Mutual respect anyone may have had for Solstice: Gone.

Game Over.

I'm done talking about the botting sh*t but since the Tiamat issue needs resolve, I think your opinions are pretty unfair.

-Did you forget about the first attempt that we were doing fine until a SF BLM dissolved the alliance at 1%?
-On the second attempt the SMN who woke up Tiamat was a mistake no doubt, but why were we at the point of having to sleep Tiamat? Because there was no communication, tanks were sucking (myself especially), stuns were misplaced and elegy was off. It's a number of problems of something that wasn't fought properly being blamed on a smn who's carbuncle was probably only attacking Tiamat because of a lack of hate control and he was attacked..
-Graeson's a great friend of mine and not trying to get him involved, but after the second wipe he sent me a tell saying no one wants to fight it again. I understood and said np and we formed our own alliance.. Definitely weren't in a hurry and I can't remember anyone else attempting to claim. Though even if there were, i've seen many linkshells reraise as quickly as possible at a number of HNM's to get another shot. I'll have to remember for future referance that's considered **** blocking...

If all you were looking to do was make cheap shots at my linkshell then sorry for wasting your time with this response. I apologize if our Tiamat technique is not up to your standards.

The alliance wasn't disolved, a party was dropped to get in sleepers as per orders. Yes, the communication sucked and thats a big reason it failed. I personally dont care about this incident/your tactics at all. It was brought up by your linkshell. As far as I was concerned, it was a dead issue.

The past is the past, thats what happened, and it ended up breaking the alliance between the two. You're the ones who obviously feel like we still owe you something despite all this, because it was "your mistake for trusting us"? Yeah, ok.
#47 Oct 11 2006 at 7:34 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
Ultimax wrote:
And with the gaiters/cerb hide...that was our fault for even trusting you guys. When forming an alliance/team, there is always the chance of getting screwed over, but you do it anyways in hopes that both parties can benefit. I remember that fateful day with SF leaving Tiamat to go camp Aspi. We pushed it down on our own, though, maybe it was for the best that you left. Appears to me since SF wasn't up for drops, they felt no need to continue teaming up, how typical. I can only imagine what would have happened at that Aspi that FR nearly SSJ'd. I'm sure it'd be something like "OK, we got gaiters and cerb hide, I think we're up for dalm too if it drops." It was a relief for me when they pushed it down.

Whoa here, hold up. I'll go on to explain this as it has been explained before under Stellar's quote....

Stellar wrote:
I'm done talking about the botting sh*t but since the Tiamat issue needs resolve, I think your opinions are pretty unfair.

-Did you forget about the first attempt that we were doing fine until a SF BLM dissolved the alliance at 1%?
-On the second attempt the SMN who woke up Tiamat was a mistake no doubt, but why were we at the point of having to sleep Tiamat? Because there was no communication, tanks were sucking (myself especially), stuns were misplaced and elegy was off. It's a number of problems of something that wasn't fought properly being blamed on a smn who's carbuncle was probably only attacking Tiamat because of a lack of hate control and he was attacked..
-Graeson's a great friend of mine and not trying to get him involved, but after the second wipe he sent me a tell saying no one wants to fight it again. I understood and said np and we formed our own alliance.. Definitely weren't in a hurry and I can't remember anyone else attempting to claim. Though even if there were, i've seen many linkshells reraise as quickly as possible at a number of HNM's to get another shot. I'll have to remember for future referance that's considered **** blocking...

Close, but not close enough. To clear up the things you covered first: yes a BLM kicked out one party to get the BLM pt in to Sleep, no he didn't dissolve the entire ally. Yes communication failed, my members only wanted to listen to me and your members only wanted to listen to you - loyalty.

This Graeson stuff is comedic though, for one it's the first time I've heard of it ever. For two, why listen to a normal member who has no diplomatic weight over a fight like that? And to not even notify the others of your plans... seems fishy to me, seems like a scapegoat.

This is how my members remember it: After the whole miscommunication/wipe thing we reraised and moved off, we sent three members to go Adaman to scout because they requested it; while the other 14+ stayed to assist. Moments later Sirlink said "Sorry, no hard feelings" and kicked out the SF members from the alliance and pulled.

That's that.

I honestly don't care who did what and I'm willing to even the blame out which you seem to be, but the fact is we don't owe you Gaiter's for it. Because you went on to say "sorry, no hard feelings" and disbanded without talking to our side first... remember how later that day I was on the Tshot mule and told you that we're not interested in teaming up any more? You didn't ask a reason, you probably didn't have to ask because you knew why.

We don't owe you a Cerberus hide either, we teamed up early (EU/JP prime) to get a Cerberus, killed, randomed for the hide and meat and loser got claws. If that wasn't equal at the time I don't know what is. A random is a random, not a full fledge contract to get both parties equal loot.

If you can't agree to disagree then at least agree to stop passing around the stupid sauce?
#48 Oct 11 2006 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
455 posts
Oi oi I may not play anymore but I agree with Wicc... Can't stop people who don't admit to what they're doing.. Try and enjoy the game and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Fair or unfair, there's little much you can do about it, ne?

Anyway, I think I left the LS just before they s tarted getting into HNM stuff, so I dunno what I missed, but the people in that LS when I joined seemed the honest type, I wouldn't have figured any of them to bot, so if they were joking around? I'd believe they were. They joked around about darn near everything when I was there, why not about botting too?

Just my two gil.
#49 Oct 12 2006 at 10:30 AM Rating: Default
352 posts
I must say, this is the most entertaining thread I've seen on lolAlla in awhile.
#50 Oct 19 2006 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Dear Lenwei,

Never before have I seen a post as retarded as yours.


Edited, Oct 19th 2006 at 3:18pm PDT by MephRagnarok
#51 Oct 20 2006 at 7:56 AM Rating: Default
80 posts

My god, I LOVE Solstice <33333333

You guys make the Allaforums worth visiting.

God speed to the lot of you cheaters and keep on entertaining us with your moronity :)
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