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Anyone from DonkeyPunch LS read this!Follow

#1 Sep 12 2006 at 2:04 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Dec 9th 2009 8:42pm by illivatur
#2 Sep 12 2006 at 3:07 AM Rating: Good
OMG I want your GMs, they actually sound helpful. I am on Caitsith server and our GMs do nothing. This is a typical conversation:

<GM> Hello Mavillain, I understand you wish to report a player for using a third party program?

<Me> Yes, Bigegg uses a packet sniffer of sorts.

<GM> Just tell me the details, I don't need accusations.

<Me> Ok, well I was standing next to him and he suddenly ran forward and across the screen directly into the NM that pops in the area and claimed.

<GM> Doesn't seem like anything wrong with that.

<Me> The NM wasn't in sight range >.>

<GM> I will investigate this matter. Anything else I can help you with?

<Me> How about you try talking to him, or ask why he is here 24/7 for the last 2 weeks? Or yet another brilliant idea, watch the next spawn.

<GM> Unfortunatly I am a weak-dk that cannot do my job properly and I will need hard evidence such as him shouting "I use third party software" in Lower Jeuno. Beyond that, Duck Hunt is waiting and I can no longer assist you with a bot that we have recieved 50+ calls about. Have a great day! XD

Edited for spelling!

Edited, Sep 12th 2006 at 4:15am EDT by Madvillany
#3 Sep 12 2006 at 10:05 AM Rating: Default
803 posts
How is DonkeyPunch against the rules? In wich far away country would that name be offensive?

About the NM, yeah it sucks if people mess it up.
#4 Sep 12 2006 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
Coming from someone who camped that nm for about a month. Get over it, you don't own the nm, you don't own the ph, anyone can feel free to kill/attack the ph whenever they damn well feel like it. Blame se for having such stupid spawn conditions.

I'm going to head to him now and kill the ph just for the fun of it.
#5 Sep 12 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Dec 9th 2009 8:43pm by illivatur
#6 Sep 12 2006 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
557 posts
You tell me how this isn't offensive.

Personally, no I dont find that offensive. but thats just me. If i did find it offensive, i just wouldnt 'deal' with them. If you were on the receiving end of a DP and it scarred you for life, I can see that, but otherwise... come on...

With that out of the way, according to a GM (apparently) its illegal to camp an NM with the sole purpose of harrasing another player. But what can i say, you mess up a players enjoyment of the game, they will do it to you. I think both parties went too far with this matter.

(unforetuneately, this makes anyone competing against GS for claims with a vendetta violating the TOS...../sigh)

Oh, and to DP, why not name the LS 'DonkeyKongPunch'... i think thats much better. :)
#7 Sep 12 2006 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone that names their character, ls, or chocobo a offensive or rude name is just a little immature child anyways. Like the 7 year old that laughs when you say the word butt.

They really arent worth troubling yourself over, since they get most their laughs in life when their friends fart.
#8 Sep 12 2006 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
803 posts
illivatur wrote:
You tell me how this isn't offensive.

I don't find it offensive at all. K, it's nasty but not offensive as LS-name.

Besides that, not all players are perv enough to immediately connect that name to the sexual act..

Oh yeah, did you know that the NPC called Reet in Badsok means *** in Dutch? there are several other NPC's too that have "offensive" names in other languages ^^

#9 Sep 12 2006 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
265 posts
Im suprised that LS name isnt banned yet.. lol it makes me ROFL everytime i hear it..its a pretty funny name..sorta an inside name.. i just think of a few movies when i see that name. Its all in good fun. This game aint a retirement community, and heaven forbid someone mention a sex act on a video game and internet. Havent you heard...
Click me

Now on point, im pretty sure monopolizing isnt bannable, ie case and point.. /sea all the gilsellers on this server. Delaying the spawn of a NM is by holding the PH, i had that conversation with GMs alot.From what i was told on one case, there has to be intent to delay it, like attacking and staying engage but turned away, for 5-10 minutes+ GMs seemed to tell me they think this is bannable. But if they are skilling up or doing something really slow like DoT.. its not really.. but ionno..

If it was against the Rules to ban people for "Monopolizing" a camp, hell i would be banned from this game along time ago. And so would many others. HNMLS's would be banned for camping the same HNMs. But its @#%^ed up if its reverse PHs.. i mean, if its a random n00b running through that is like "ZOMG a tree!! KEEL!!" you cut them slack and tell them dont because NM pops here.. they o.0 and say sorry.. but if hes there for a week straight killing PHs so it dont pop well ionno.

Another question that needs to be asked, do these people know how NM works? maybe he thinks hes trying to POP the NM.. im sure thats what he told GM.. in that case your fluxxed.. But doubt it, most people that camp a NM know how they work..and you can tell those that dont..

Anyways, calling GM is only thing you can do.. there sh*tty players, but its not an uncommon trick, at least it wasnt RMT doing it too you, cause i have had that before. When its RMT, GMs wont even answer your call.. :P

Edited, Sep 12th 2006 at 2:53pm EDT by Pace

Edited, Sep 12th 2006 at 2:54pm EDT by Pace
#10 Sep 12 2006 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
gm won't do **** about it
all they have to say is

"oh i'm sorry sir i was trying to pop the nm didn't know how it worked"
"sorry sir i'm trying to get rid of the competion by making it spawn at a time that works better for me" etc etc..
therse 100 things they could say to it where a gm wouldn't do a single thing to them
#11 Sep 12 2006 at 4:14 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Dec 9th 2009 8:43pm by illivatur
#12 Sep 12 2006 at 4:16 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Dec 9th 2009 8:44pm by illivatur
#13 Sep 12 2006 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
Yea I went there Last night to kill it. For Tod so i could camp it later. But at teh same time I did have a little anger in me one person in the LS so he ruins the fun for everyone else? Thats not right sounds like a emo kid who hates the world imo. Now I finished off the PH i dident attack then leave so I did nothing wrong. But after I did kill it this guy flips out on me, laughing histericly amound other things calling us children and blabla he also cursed at me but unlike him ill shurg that off and wont call my mom i mean the GM.
I just /blist add and there ya go no more to deal with. Just clearing some things up if ya have any questions /tell Dyer ingame ill answer them.

Ps. When someone ruins your Dynamis over smething stupid ppl will get pissed. Doing Dynamis without a LS really sucks.

#14 Sep 12 2006 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
"DonkeyPunch" isnt offensive unless used in a context where it is sexual, otherwise its not.
#15 Sep 12 2006 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
wow... go get a life, and an astral ring. stop being gimp
#16 Sep 12 2006 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
killed it again to help ya out!
#17 Sep 12 2006 at 7:51 PM Rating: Default
It's amusing that you place a complaint about breaking a rule in the ToS as you have your nice little windower hanging out for all to see. People in glass houses...

You're also complaining because they are still killing the PH. YOU CALLED A GM AND GOT THEIR LINKSHELL BROKEN BECAUSE YOU GOT MAD. I would do the same exact thing if you got my linkshell broken. You got mad at one player and took it out on his entire linkshell. Yeah, have fun getting that NM now.

Edited, Sep 12th 2006 at 9:00pm EDT by Brill
#18 Sep 12 2006 at 8:09 PM Rating: Good
3,564 posts
I find this thread to be entertaining! I think it wins a few internets!

But honestly, what'd you expect to happen after you got someone's LS broken over something stupid (especially when you didn't actually find the name immediately offensive)? I'm sure you didn't think we'd cower in fear from your great GM-calling powers, right... right?
FFXI (Retired)
Naiya | Mithra | Windurst | Rank 10 | 1st Lieutenant | Ragnarok
WAR: 75 MNK: 75 SAM: 66
RotZ: O | CoP: O | ToAU: O | Apoch Nigh: O

Naiyah | B.Elf | 85 Rogue | Stormscale
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#19 Sep 12 2006 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
"DonkeyPunch" isnt offensive unless used in a context where it is sexual, otherwise its not.

Yeah right, this makes sense!

I don't really care about the name either way, but an argument like this is ridiculous.

When FF XI was released in the US there was a topic on GameFAQs with a guy complaining about being forced to change his name because a GM deemed it offensive. The guy was called Uddersjuice. If that's considered offensive you can be sure that DonkeyPunch is way higher in the list of offensive terms.

Anyway there's really nothing you can do if someone decides they want to have Rose Garden's ToD and decides to kill the placeholder. Its like in Gustaberg when you're killing placeholders to make Lizzy spawn, you can't just tell the guys standing there, refreshing Wide Scan, to just go away.
#20 Sep 12 2006 at 10:25 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Dec 9th 2009 8:45pm by illivatur
#21 Sep 12 2006 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
I hope you know it was reformed within an hour. So much that did.
#22 Sep 13 2006 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
illivatur wrote:
I don't f'ing care. It's a game. Have fun, good bye, I'mma go camp something else. ;)

What a ******* two sided *** bag you are. If that realy was your mind set you would have brushed everything off in the first place and not had an LS broken in the middle of a dynamis. Imagine how hard it must have been to finish that. You are the lowest of the low. People like you should be shot in the face with a canon. You got all emo because someone made you mad and you ruined not something for 1 person but potentialy 30+. I hope you never get a claim again and people just follow you ******* everything you do up. You think everyone else is childish and whatever other **** you poured out your mouth but look at how far you took everything. **** you **** face.

xbobx wrote:
They really arent worth troubling yourself over, since they get most their laughs in life when their friends fart.

Haha, Farts. Haha, ****.
#23 Sep 13 2006 at 10:28 AM Rating: Default
"You guys seem to think I give a rats @$$ about you."

You make a brand new thread about them crying your lil eyes out trying to turn forum against them. You call a gm on them. Then you post saying that? Lmao way to contridict yourself bud. Keep up the good comedy
#24 Sep 13 2006 at 10:41 AM Rating: Default
84 posts
This is funny as hell, but i still think the funnest thread was that one loser ******** about the girl that didnt want to go out with him on here.
#25 Sep 13 2006 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
And people say the problem with WoW is all the immature players.

#26 Sep 13 2006 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
352 posts
Don't forget Gonnorhea :P

His name got changed around November 03
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