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Selling Damp Hakutaku eyes!Follow

#1 Aug 25 2006 at 9:56 AM Rating: Default
If u need some Damp hakutaku eyes cheap (50-60 less than bazaar price) /tell me or just check my bazaar in rolanberry! Mew

Edited, Aug 31st 2006 at 5:19pm EDT by Deedlithcat
#2 Aug 29 2006 at 3:13 AM Rating: Good
mithra with 2 tails /laugh.

This guy is amazing. He left our chat ls after 1 year or so so he could go saying everyone he was a chick and now goes dressed up in opaline and with comments like meaw meaw kitty ^º.º^. and saying everyone that he is a girl. I know its out of topic but , i would like to ask, why do ppl go gay in the game?

This guy is disgusting. rate me down , idc.

Edited, Aug 29th 2006 at 4:19am EDT by Estrellita
#3 Aug 30 2006 at 11:12 PM Rating: Default
452 posts
Estrel...whatever your name is...

Deedlith is a female, you moron. We are married in-game. You sound a little jealous, most likely because she's a much better player than you. Rate me any way you'd like, doesn't really matter to me - I'm sticking up for her.

If you have a problem with Deedlith, you have a problem with me. Most people who know me also know I don't lie about things. Trust me, she's a girl (cute too!)

#4 Aug 31 2006 at 3:02 AM Rating: Good
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol .

dude, before u meet him he was in my ls for like 1 or 2 years. believe me , i swear it HE IS A MALE dude. Hes previous char was "Aule" and he was an elvaan NIN. I repeat, he left ls so he could go female and suck some *****.

And just btw , that "he plays better then u" was offtopic lol. In fact he sucks has bst , at least in the 40's i duo'ed with him and he really sucked.

But anyways , i dont care now how he plays , im just disgusted with ppl like this , the ffxi transexuals...

Edited, Aug 31st 2006 at 4:06am EDT by Estrellita
#5 Aug 31 2006 at 3:06 PM Rating: Default
452 posts
"im just disgusted with ppl like this"

Yeah, that pretty much says it.
#6 Aug 31 2006 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
Meow?? ^^

Edited, Aug 31st 2006 at 5:21pm EDT by Deedlithcat
#7 Aug 31 2006 at 3:25 PM Rating: Default
452 posts
/wave Deedlith

Don't let this idiot bother you, anyone who really knows you knows your a smexy lady irl^^
#8 Aug 31 2006 at 3:29 PM Rating: Default
Meow Meow??

Poor thing... meow!!!

/kissga Mirror

Edited, Aug 31st 2006 at 5:20pm EDT by Deedlithcat
#9 Aug 31 2006 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
Deed what is the point of this post. Grow up.
#10 Aug 31 2006 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
btw i can play how many hours per day i want, whats your problem? i can play at work, why shouldnt i play then? What its sad is that this virtual transexual tells everyone hes a girl and meowww and kittys everyone , he even sends fake pics of a girl, god knows who she is , probly his sister , etc.. etc.. etc.. when he actually is a boy. grow up dude, and yep , actually you were right in one thingy, i do this cause im bored while seeking and just check u in jeuno and see

meawwww meawww please invite this kitty ^^
<3 you "X" , love you forever

X is a boy's nick.

And the fact he goes gay in the game dosent really matters, what it matters he actually left our ls with events going just to go mithra and suck *****.

btw i dont either buy gil or use third pt, dont go defensive with lies cause now ppl that thought u were a girl now know you are a boy lol and probly are thinking the ******* u are for those lies.

edit: he edited hes post , it was full of junk XD

Edited, Aug 31st 2006 at 5:34pm EDT by Estrellita
#11 Aug 31 2006 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
452 posts
"btw i can play how many hours per day i want, whats your problem? What its sad is that this virtual transexual tells everyone hes a girl and meowww and kittys everyone , he even sends fake pics of a girl, god knows who she is , probly his sister , etc.. etc.. etc.. when he actually is a boy. grow up dude, and yep , actually you were right in one thingy, i do this cause im bored while seeking and just check u in jeuno and see"

If you look under the definition for emo in the dictionary, it just says "see this paragraph."

"meawwww meawww please invite this kitty ^^
<3 you "X" , love you forever

X is a boy's nick."

I'm trying to understand this bit...its rather incoherent. I find the mew-ing thing to be funny, not quite sure what your getting at.

"And the fact he goes gay in the game dosent really matters, what it matters he actually left our ls with events going just to go mithra and suck *****."

Great job letting people post profanity Alla - btw, if sex isn't an issue, why are you bringing it up?

"btw i dont either buy gil or use third pt, dont go defensive with lies cause now ppl that thought u were a girl now know you are a boy lol and probly are thinking the ******* u are for those lies."


"edit: he edited hes post , it was full of junk XD"

Lmao, did a mod actually write this? I'd like to see the content that was too offensive for the thread!

/wave Coldharted -- The initial post was about selling bazaar items, if you look up. This whole thing was started by whoever this Estrellita person is. I'm coming to Deedlith's defense, I'm not going to sit here nad take unfounded, immature attacks like this. This is very similar to what happened to Illuvatar on here; A perfectly good person getting their reputation trashed by some 12 year old smoking weed somewhere.

If mods are alive on this board, please have a brain and delete this whole thread.

/edited per Cold's point on ige...I threw tht in there out of anger, my bad.

Edited, Aug 31st 2006 at 6:19pm EDT by MetalMirror
#12 Aug 31 2006 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
Double Post and alla messed it up ><

Edited, Aug 31st 2006 at 5:49pm EDT by ColdHarted
#13 Aug 31 2006 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
Mirror Allakhazam isnt owned by gilsellers. It's father site owns cannotlinkto also. And if you think better in pictures

Father site
/ \
ige Alla

See? No correlation between alla and ige. They are owned by the same company.
#14 Aug 31 2006 at 5:01 PM Rating: Default
awww! i dont know who are you! and i dont care! im not gonna enter in your childish game.
So, please if u want hakutaku eyes, contact me in the game, or visit my bazaar!
AND I LOVE MEOWLING, any problem with this?? heh!

/kissga Mirror
#15 Sep 01 2006 at 3:37 AM Rating: Default
like i said, disgusting. maybe with so many lies u think you are a girl, look between your legs you gaylord, gl with your boyfriends, im out.
#16 Sep 01 2006 at 3:06 PM Rating: Default
Ok. I really have no idea what is going on or who is right and who is wrong since there is no solid proof to back up either statement.

HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that no one here is in the wrong. Let me tell you who is.

Estrellita, this topic was made with nothing to do with you, a LS, or what gender Deedlith is. However, you though that it was appropriate, mature, and logical to come into a topic dedicated to the subject of the selling of Damp Eyes and change it into a troll-fest of how Deedlith is really a man.

Here's what I think about it...NO ONE CARES! Estrellita, you are the only one who seems to care about the matter. If he's a guy irl, so what? How is that hurting the gameplay? So what if he left your LS? I leave LS I don't like. Maybe Deedlith just didn't wanna be in that LS anymore.

So how about you tell me why it is so important that you preach to the world atop your soap box about how Deedlith is a man or whatever. Why is it so important, and why did you have to troll in a topic dedicated to Damp Eyes in order to state this claim?

Again, I don't know what the truth about Deedlith's gender is, but I really don't care since I don't know him/her. All I know is, Estrellita, is that you have a serious problem that you need to work out yourself. So don't involve the rest of the community as if you expect everyone to hop on the bandwagon. I've seen Deedlith before and he/she has been on that character for a very VERY long time, so obviously what happened between you two happened EONS ago! GET OVER IT!!!

Logandraconia has spoken!

Edit - After reading, I saw something that caught my eye thats a bit more off topic.

This is very similar to what happened to Illuvatar on here; A perfectly good person getting their reputation trashed by some 12 year old smoking weed somewhere.

I find it odd that Illy's rep was tainted on this forum. I don't know Illy personally anymore. I knew her back in my first months of playing this game years ago, but when I knew her, she was a really nice person. I'm curious to find out what rumor went around that hurt her reputation.

Edited, Sep 1st 2006 at 4:12pm EDT by LordKagato
#17 Sep 02 2006 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
452 posts
Lord, I'm not going to bring the details up out of respect for illuvator. I'll just say there was a thread that was started on here, and it was actually even lower than this one.

One person certainly cares about whether deed is female or not. Um, me, I married her in-game :p But that's more of a trust thing - she told me she's female, and after knowing each other for so long, I am pretty sure she is who she says she is.

And yes, there is no way to prove it either way unless you know the person I guess its moot. My standpoint is this: I will believe her, unless she tells me otherwise. I owe her that much.

#18 Sep 07 2006 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent

Thanks to your attacks, (amoung other things), Deedlith is now leaving the game.

I hope it gives you some kind of sick pleasure. Deedlith was easily one of the most pleasant and helpful people on our server and now she's, (yes, she's), gone.

I don't even have to comment on your posts, as most people should have the same opinion of you by just reading them. If you are such a manly-man, (or woman), post your in-game name so we may know to watch out for you in the future.

Edit: your profile says your in-game name is Sniperwolfx, so that takes care of that.

Edited, Sep 7th 2006 at 9:43pm EDT by Ninten
#19 Sep 08 2006 at 9:09 AM Rating: Default
honestly , im glad he's leaving the game, and its not cause of this post, if he really didnt knew who i am he wouldnt leave the game cause of this thread. I really dont care what you think, i know an entire ls that knows this player is full of shi7, and screwed a lot of ppl cause of hes gayness.

Yea, my in-game is sniperwolfx, if u dont believe me or believe this dumbass i dont care, i dont even want to hear your name.
#20 Sep 08 2006 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
Ninten wrote:
Thanks to your attacks, (amoung other things), Deedlith is now leaving the game.

Eh, isn't leaving the game due to some random person flaming on some random forum a tad excessive?
#21 Sep 08 2006 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
Hey Daamian, this is Ninten from DBS. I know there is more involved here than just a few posts. That's why I said "amoung other things".

The main reason why I posted was to tell people what a great person Deedlith is. It truly is a major loss for Ragnarok that Deed decided to leave.

Estrellita still has not said anything to back up his/her words. As far as I'm aware, he/she got pissed off about something long ago and just can't let it go. Please, say something constructive if you are going to post. There is a reason I only have 29 posts after two years of being registered here.
#22 Sep 09 2006 at 4:16 AM Rating: Default
It's pretty much imposible to prove, the only prove that i'm trying to recover was a picture of him that was posted in our forums from our previous ls but the guy that was paying the domain left the game some months ago and now the domain is over. this is my last post, hope he is really quiting, cause he can be "the most pleasent and helpfull" player in the server but some months ago he was the most thief and rude player in the server. when u see him again ask him about hes previous char "Aule" , he was an elvaan nin. Probly some spanish ls still remember him.
#23 Sep 09 2006 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Thanks to your attacks, (amoung other things), Deedlith is now leaving the game.


I like how Mirror is so convinced, I bet you gave Deedlith a lot of gil too? Congrats, she emote kissed you, and it only cost you a week of farming. Powned D;

Edited, Sep 9th 2006 at 2:37pm EDT by MephRagnarok
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