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The fight against RMT!Follow

#1 Jul 11 2006 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
26 posts
It's a well known fact that the playerbase despises the plague known as RMT on our servers, ruining the game that is already infested with problems that SE themselves seem unwilling to cure.

If you are anything like me, you're sick and tired of seeing the same crap go day in day out unpunished. The same RMT that were MPKing me at Cassie over a year ago are now standing at Ullikummi botting in sky. I called GMs on them day in, day out then, and I've begun the cycle all over again now. However, now, my calls look a little different.

I've been actively doing what I could to learn more about what we as normal players can do to aid GMs in their investigations, and how we can make the most impact using the few channels available to be heard on this situation.

A few days ago, RMT on Ragnarok claimed Behemoth, as usual, and I submitted a GM call shortly after. A conversation with the GM ensued, and after hearing the same old schpeel I've heard a hundred times over, I asked if there was anyone with greater power I could speak to directly about the matter. The GM stated that I could speak to a Senior GM if I wished, and then was referred. She stated it could take up to 24 hours to get back to me.

A whopping 45 hours later, I finally get my reply.

The conversation was lengthly, and interrupted by the popping of Behemoth, which, how ironically, was won by gil sellers. To summerize the important parts, this is what it consisted of...

I asked about what other GMs had informed me about - that normal GMs can't do anything about "suspected" RMT unless they send you an unsolicted tell offering to sell you gil in exchange for real life money. I expected the usual "Yes, we cannot do anything unless blah blah" response, but instead received, "I'm sorry, giving you a direct answer to that question would be entrapping myself and SE." Several questions about what they could or could not do in specific situations regarding RMT received the same response, aka, "I can't tell you, I wish I could, but I can't."

Yet, the GM did stress that it is important to send calls about any suspicious behavior we may encounter, and when placing calls, you remember to include these factors to make the most out of their investigation:

1. Player names involved.
2. Zone in which you observed the player.
3. Approximate time the incident occured (the more specific, the better).

Calls like "OMG GET RID OF RMT" (exact quote from Mr. Senior GM, roflcakes) won't help GMs do anything, but wastes your time and theirs, time they could be spending investigating the members had you given them the proper information.

I also inquired what other channels available to players would be best suited for being heard on this subject. The GM said, and I quote, "To be honest, I would use the Feedback emails. It is the best way to really share your voice. These emails are read every day and sent to the proper departments. It is how the game is changed. I wish I had better information for you, my friend, and the GMs do understand why the communities are upset. We are gamers too, and know what it's like."

IF YOU WANT TO GET RID OF RMT, MAKE SURE YOU ARE HEARD IN THE BEST WAY AVAILABLE. USE THIS FEEDBACK FUNCTION. GO TO PLAYONLINE AND TAKE THE FIVE MINUTES NECESSARY IN ORDER TO SEND THEM A COMMENT. It may not seem like much, but each of our voices are 1 piece in a ten thousand piece puzzle. Alone, we aren't much, and can be ignored, but when you see the bigger picture, it makes a much larger impact you can't simply pass by.

Take the time and do it. Doing nothing will simply aid the RMT in staying where they are now, destroying the servers and economies, ruining the game for our playerbase that is already suffering from overpopulation in end-game and everything overall. Send GM calls when the RMT claim NMs on our server, report them for 3rd party program usage when you see them POS hacking and flee tooling and Mr. Argus-ing. Do what you can, and even if it's only a little help, it's that much closer we are to getting a solution.

It's few and far between that there are times where the server comes together to acheive something, especially in end-game. However, I feel that in this case, we can come together for this reason and let SE know we're not taking their inaction sitting down.
#2 Jul 11 2006 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
84 posts
Great post thanks for all the info... I have a question though, ok first off i am agianst RMT... So im curious how do you know for sure that a character is envoled in RMT? I have heard people in my linkshell talking about how they use bots to farm for them? So i would love to report some gil sellers but i dont want to hurt a fellow player just for using something to farm... So i quess im asking how can you tell a gil seller from a normal player?
#3 Jul 11 2006 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
I can vouch for this as recently we had an issue with a member on our linkshell and I needed to speak to a GM to see what could be done about it. The person suggested speaking to a Senior GM and that person and I had a very nice, very lengthy, conversation about a number of items that were bothering me in game.

This SGM also said that the use of the feedback form in an intelligent, not 'leet speak' and literate manner would get far more results than any number of GM calls you can ever make. According to the person i spoke to, not only complaints but suggestions on how to deal with the problems are taken very seriously by the community team when presented in a mature, adult, and well spoken manner. To paraphrase the SGM I spoke to, if it sounds like a kid crying over someone stealing his cookies, it will be treated as such. Meaning ignored.

The same SGM suggested that the thread we currently have in our LS community site called 'Gripes' and the other called "suggestions", as the former was one of the largest threads on the whole LS community, would also likely be looked at. It might be wise to kick in your comments there are well.

Based on those suggestions I posted within our Dynamis LS community site a thread specifc to the Ulli issue with an offer to compose a list of complaints, and possible solutions, into a kind of form letter which then each person interested could copy and paste into the feedback forms.

Multiple people, making clear, concise complaints, and offering possible alternatives and courses of actions in similar clear, and concise manner will get much more accomplished than a million rants, 'petitions' or other means.

I know many, possibly most of you here have an issue with me and or my Linkshells. I am asking you put that aside for a moment to consider the greater good of us all, and refer to the posts I have mentioned. One voice, and one message will get us results.

Togehter we can change it, seperately we will all be chasing our tails.
#4 Jul 11 2006 at 11:38 PM Rating: Default
A few days ago, RMT on Ragnarok claimed Behemoth, as usual, and I submitted a GM call shortly after. A conversation with the GM ensued, and after hearing the same old schpeel I've heard a hundred times over, I asked if there was anyone with greater power I could speak to directly about the matter. The GM stated that I could speak to a Senior GM if I wished, and then was referred. She stated it could take up to 24 hours to get back to me.

waste of my time. RMT has nothing to do with claming behemoth. Claming behemoth doesn't mean they are RMT. just like xping in blm burn pt doesn't mean your a gil seller. prove it before report to GM. or atleast have prove infront of a GM.
there is a post on other forum that guy said it well.

"..... you are correct that SE can ban whoever they want. However, as easy as it is to dismiss things as easy when you are on the other side of the looking glass. Imagine SE bans 2000 accounts of the guys who are suspected botters, however only 1500 are, and SE makes a very crude over-sight. That is just bad PR and bad business......."

i just hope u guys don't accused everybody that you don' like being RMTor whatever. if you get 99% right, but one 1% wrong. that 1% is enough to make me dislike you. i had been accused of being a gil buyer. i don't care. go report or whatever.

Edited, Jul 12th 2006 at 12:39am EDT by Spotlesseden
#5 Jul 12 2006 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
133 posts
I quit FFXI a while ago mostly because of RMT and how awful it was getting. I honestly tried every way possible to do something about the gil sellers on our server, some good ways and some bad ways. I pretty much had a personal war with the first bunch of known sellers, the infamous Logitech and Hpc. I knew that nothing could be done because they were after all "normal" players. I got to know one of the shift people that "played" Logitech. I got a ton of extremely detailed information about what was going on from him and reported it to a GM after a few weeks of info.

"We will look into this matter, thank you very much for the information. Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

That was pretty much it. As we all know Logitech and Hpc were still around... for a long time and then got more members, got more aggressive, and got bots. I became very frustrated that nothing was done even way after they became aggressive with MPK's and bot usage. I took everything I had, notes, images, and GM quite a few of the GM's response to my questions... sent that off in a very detailed letter to SE and got nothing but a automated response.

That was my first notion that nothing was going to be done. So I decided to actually wage my own war against all the RMT's on Ragnarok. Went as far as over crowding camp area's calling GM's to watch as over 20+ players could not out claim 1 admitted gil "collector" every single time Stroper Chyme popped up, massive MPK's taking out the 24-7 botters many times, even got as stupid teaming up to create a "Gil Seller Haters" LS (which surprisingly had a huge amount of members for a small time) that basically over camped the major NM botter's places. I even became friends with many of them and tried anything I could to get any info on them and immediatly report it to GM's.

None of that worked. After collecting all the info I had and knowing SE would do nothing about it I still had a hope that something would be done to them one day. I took all the info (heh a small bit of it was actually posted here a long time ago.) and made a 14 page "I am quitting FFXI and this is why." PDF file detailing everything about the RMT's that were known by me. Sent it to POL and SE e-mail's... after 3 months of quitting I finally got one response. It was the same automated response from the first time.

Now here we are at a much later time and I can happily say pretty much all of those accounts are gone, but the sad thing is some of the same people are still at it again. I really wish something could seriously be done about them but all that will happen is they will just buy new accounts (or old ones) and be right back at it. For now I am going to turn my back and pretend there is no such thing as gil sellers and just play to have fun. If you really want something done I suggest making a extremely detailed document file about all the known sellers, making a website for it and sending all the info to every e-mail that the info could be used for.

Oh and PS, if you have any images of anyone admitting to selling gil it really does not matter as GM's are POL cannot use those as evidence.
#6 Jul 12 2006 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
86 posts
Great great post Thanks for the direct from POL information. I just wish you had a log of the conversation ^^. Ive done my fair share of GM calls, never getting a response other then the copy and paste:

"Thank you for your call, we will look into the situation"

My short reply is: with a GM call they do a short write up on a situation that probably doesn't comtain alot of useful information, then they move onto the next call in queue. A GM has a good deal of power, but thier main job is mostly to patch things up, Smooth things over, not really fix anything. An Email can contain much more information directly from a player that can be reviewed more casually and ensure that its contents are more thoroughly cataloged.

The long reply is:

I work for a bank in a high volume call center, so I can speak from a little personal experience handling both Emails and actual customer calls. When the GM gets a call in game, your claim is just 1 of probably hundreds in queue during prime time. An instance of botting or a Mr. Argus port etc have a 10 second window of oppourtunity to catch the person in the act before either the monster is claimed or the person is gone etc.

When you have a ton of other claims in queue about "Such-and-such called me a swear word" or "I cant find the ???'s can I get a hint?" By the time they can respond to the important calls, the event in question is long over. They dont have the ability to accept a screen shot etc so they can just write a short synopsis of the situation and move on to the next call.

Its frusterating because its a live person on the other end of the line, unfortunately since it is a person trying to keep up with things that are happening in real time its simply not possible for them to snag someone red handed 99% of the time. Its not that they dont sympathise, but it also kinda puts things into perspective and also sheds a little light on why things seem to slow down even more when you an 50 of your friends put a claim in at once. Things have to be individially answered and logged, which makes it even more difficult then it was before to get around to answering the next real time claim about a botter etc.

Thats where the email becomes a more impressive tool. An email can come attached with information, Screen Shots, logs etc that can be reviewed after the fact. Once again the canned responses can be discouraging but its just another tool to tell you that your email has indeed been recieved and is being reviewed. Due to the tremendous amount of emails that are recieved every day, its just unrealistic to assume that every one no matter how in depth, is going to be answered with a unique reply and OXOXOXO at the bottom. The advantage though is that Emails can be more easily saved, re-reviewed, forwarded to people who can actually act on thier contents. The more emails that are recieved on a particular issue, the more the issue is being reviewed an patterns arise. Its just sound business sence.

waste of my time. RMT has nothing to do with claming behemoth. Claming behemoth doesn't mean they are RMT. just like xping in blm burn pt doesn't mean your a gil seller. prove it before report to GM. or atleast have prove infront of a GM. there is a post on other forum that guy said it well.

Thank you for you well worded and well thought out reply! This post isnt about revenge calls. Unfortunately there is a large base of people who are confirmed sellers. The attempt is to try and whittle thier ranks down. When you see an alliance of 15 identically equipped Taru BLMs and 3 BRDs zerging back and fourth looking for a spawn. Or someone magically appearing whenever a NM spawns even when they were in a completely different part of the zone 2 seconds ago, I refuse to believe that even in the most dense of people it doesn't raise a few red flags.

i just hope u guys don't accused everybody that you don' like being RMTor whatever. if you get 99% right, but one 1% wrong. that 1% is enough to make me dislike you. i had been accused of being a gil buyer. i don't care. go report or whatever.

This also isnt about gil buying (although it is part of the problem. Sellers can only exist while theres a market for them to sell in) People are sick of the 24/7 camping of NM by people with names like GHB TBS etc. Spawns appearing with purple names and NMs with sellable drops dieing, then 45 seconds later having the items being spammed in Jeuno. When you catch a gil buyer you've stopped one person. When you nail a seller you've possibly set them back dozens or even hundreds of transactions. Its not possible to have a game free of Gil sellers, but its an epidemic when they can start zerging Dynamis and some of the bigger HNMs in the game. They aren't hard to find becasue they know ATM there isnt much being done to stop them. Even to the point about being smug about it. Send those emails, take those screen shots, record those logs and help the honest player base give at least the worst of the HMT band the slap in the face we all want.
#7 Jul 12 2006 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
There is an old legal/moral question that seems to relate to how SE handles this situation. It was hinted at above.

Is it better to jail 999 innocent men so that one guilty man is caught? Or is it better to let 999 criminals free so that an innocent man is not falsely jailed?

There are, of course, variations on the concept (some use the death penalty example) but the question is still valid.

Is it more acceptable to punish an innocent for something they did not do than it is to not punish they guilty for something they did do, becuase you may be wrong?

Admittedly a game is not the same as reality, but the concept applies. If you think it doesn't, how would you feel if you were the one banned and your account deleted because someone was "99% certain" or thought it was "clearly obvious" that you were involved in RMT?

None of which is really on topic, the point is that an SE representative has informed at least 2 members of this server as to what it takes to get action and reaction from SE.
#8 Jul 12 2006 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
26 posts
While I can understand the desire not to ban legit players - I know I sure as hell wouldn't want to be the one caught up in that accusation - it's no excuse to letting thousands of gilsellers, farmers, and mules go on without doing anything about it, or JUST enough to scrape on by without the entire playerbase exploding in an outrage.

Would you tell society not to bar criminals at all, or investigators to stop investigating crimes, because they *could* be looking into an innocent man? No. You tell them to do their jobs the best way they can, and that's what we're asking. We're not asking to point fingers at random accounts and go "Yep, that guy's a gilseller, ban 'em." We're asking for more action be taken against people who so obviously are RMT in general.

It's easy to sit aside and say "It's not worth my time." simply because the situation looks bleak. It's a lot harder to pick up a sword and fight against what you think is wrong, regardless of how small a difference your one sword makes in a war. The fact that it *does* make a difference, no matter how little or miniscule you may believe it is, is worth it in the end.
#9 Jul 12 2006 at 2:32 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts

I'm not sure who you appeared to be railing against there, but I certainly hope it wasn't me. I am agreeing with you.

I was merely pointing out the midset of the people whose minds you are trying to change. If you don't know how they think now you have no chance of changing how they think later.

All I suggested was the exact same thing you were told. Throwing ourselves mindlessly at a wall will result in a lot of noise and maybe someone might even look out a window to see what it going on. Making an intelligent appeal, with well worded, carefully considered, complaints and suggestions will simply prove more effective in both the long and short term.

#10 Jul 12 2006 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
26 posts
Was referring to Spotless^^;
#11 Jul 15 2006 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
43 posts
blizzard manage that too to ban the gold seller why SE not? i saw 6month ago when i quitet the game the same gilseller like 2years and the @#%^ is there popped 345234532 more @#%^ing gs.
why SE can ban player that just use a simple windower who the user just profit from tabbing and nothign else? but they arent able to ban player with bots? no i cant understand SE sometimes i think the gilseller are from SE, if i didnt saw a good work against them, why SE dont sell gil and item on the homepage like some other games if they dont do any sightable **** about banning gs?

Edited, Jul 15th 2006 at 5:13pm EDT by sectorchan
#12 Jul 17 2006 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Blizzard uses a tool called "The warden" to monitor a players game from their own machine. Yes, we're talking about a program that is running when you run WoW and is looking to see what ELSE you are doing at the same time.

If the warden catches you doing something Blizzard doesn't want you doing, it flags the company and notes your account. That's how they catch them. Many don't realize this is going on behind the scenes.

For SE to implement something like that it could only be done on PC, which seems logical since really that's the only place you can use any tools anyway.
#13 Jul 17 2006 at 9:32 PM Rating: Default
i don't care either way. just don't ban my friends and I. and don't call me gil buyer without proof. i only post because some loser call me gil buyer.
#14 Jul 18 2006 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
it wont catch gilbuyer, but it will catch gilseller cause se will see who get the gil and will see who is bottig, i had at my time personally no problem with this monitoring till it just looks for bots and dont spy my comp out
#15 Aug 11 2006 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
I was so close to having an awesome story to tell about some RMTs...

I saw the stereotypical party in Rolanberry, so I was hanging around, just being a pest to them. One of them sent me a tell, asking what I was doing, I replied that I was killing bees which had been my original intent while lfp.

Then the same person asked me to lead them through the zone... and out of nowhere I had a train of RMT characters /follow me. I was like, omfg this is too good to be true. Another player had come by at this point and we were cracking up with each other. I decided I would try to lead the chain past an Ochu but this is where the story ends.. they saw the Ochu and stopped following me at the last second >.<
#16 Aug 11 2006 at 10:11 AM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
Maybe if Alla would stop running RMT ads it might help...

Since I know it would get killed if I posted the screen here... here's a link

#17 Aug 16 2006 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
It's really a shame to see things like that occuring here. As always, it truly sucks to see people supporting (even in a vague way) the RMT machine.

In other news - if you happen to be a livejournal user, I've created a community in which to speak about your experiences and your advice in dealing with RMT, and aiding GMs in their (sometimes subtle) investigations. The community is named ffxi_anti_rmt if interested. URL here (

As always, best of luck to you in your hunts and hopefully your encounters with these menances will be few and far between.

Edited, Aug 16th 2006 at 4:20am EDT by Makotaco
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