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#27 Jun 07 2006 at 11:17 PM Rating: Default
really i never had 1 single problem with matt. I've pted with him as his brd and whm more than once and i have to say he is so much better than the bad rep that others give him. Hell i can name at least 2 other people who have posted on this thread that have a rep just as bad to wourse than the crap i hear about matt. Matt u know i got ur back and don't let **** like this put a downer on ya. {peace} man and the best of luck to ya w/e u choose to do. Be sure to hit me up anytime

#28 Jun 08 2006 at 8:13 AM Rating: Default
really i never had 1 single problem with matt. I've pted with him as his brd and whm more than once and i have to say he is so much better than the bad rep that others give him. Hell i can name at least 2 other people who have posted on this thread that have a rep just as bad to wourse than the crap i hear about matt. Matt u know i got ur back and don't let sh*t3 like this put a downer on ya. {peace} man and the best of luck to ya w/e u choose to do. Be sure to hit me up anytime


Thank You ^^
#29 Jun 08 2006 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
388 posts
Why do we all hate Demonspawnmatt? And why must it be taken out in public forums, even if there's a good reason?
#30 Jun 08 2006 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
Eleas wrote:
Why do we all hate Demonspawnmatt? And why must it be taken out in public forums, even if there's a good reason?

Look who made the original post, he brought it on himself.
#31 Jun 09 2006 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
"what else could you people possibly be looking for in a player hmm?"

Skill playing those jobs half ways decently?
Not saying you'll come replace people in partys then decide not to.
Not making threads like this?
Not having the vast majority of people who you pt with, say your a horrible player?

I donno, those are a few things to start i reckon
#32 Jun 09 2006 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
It's illegal for you lot, the rest of the free world just laughs and flames your president ^^;

Lol, so true.
#33 Jun 09 2006 at 10:50 AM Rating: Default
"what else could you people possibly be looking for in a player hmm?"

Skill playing those jobs half ways decently?
Not saying you'll come replace people in partys then decide not to.
Not making threads like this?
Not having the vast majority of people who you pt with, say your a horrible player?

I donno, those are a few things to start i reckon

I do brd at least and got many complaments on it. Explain that?

I gurantee you all the pts were at night when i said that. Im not a freak like you playing the game 24/7.

I just want the younger players of Ragnarok see what most of you are turning this server into.

I mess up on WHM and you people take it to my grave how about at least giving me a chance in a known HNMLS. Oh wait i forgot you can't cause all you care about is your rep.
#34 Jun 09 2006 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with you 100% of the server going to hell from the way it was when we were all lv 1, but on the fact that people dont let you do/join stuff with them because of your rep well thats your fault honestly if your doing everything that these people are saying you've done that the only person you can blame is yourself. Hell IF i was a ****** ninja and didn't know anything i wouldn't go around blaming everyone for that(btw im not a ****** ninja just for future refrence):)

oooo and telling all the new people what to expect when they start end game stuff well thats just what you've seen. I agree greed and power has gone to everyones head (cept a few) but honestly if you hate it so much quit now shut up and let everyone else that loves this game and the people in it, play it in peace. And who says HNM LS is the only thing you can do once you ding 75, i know tons of people that are anti HNM ls and still play the game every day and love it.
#35 Jun 09 2006 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
Demon, I've been a friend to you for a long time, but right now, I'm going to be brutally honest:

Everything that has happened to you, is your fault, and the blame lies solely with you.

The only reason you're posting this is to try to justify your actions, and give an example to newbie players. You're just running from your problems, instead of trying to fix them.

Instead of posting this bullsh*t, which you knew 100% that would turn into a small flame war. Also, you knew 100% you were going to reply, and keep using these boards. You could have been:

Reorganizing your macros, in order to make them more efficient.

Could have been honing your skills with your jobs. This would include studying what mob's TP moves give certain effects, figuring out how long each of your spells durations are, making cycles with certain spells, and so on.

So far, I've seen you whining, and expecting handouts, and apologizing to everyone you find. You don't get better, nor do you even attempt to.

Yes, this game is all about reputation. To be honest, if you were the leader of an HNMLS. Would you rather have the:

1) Gimp, that whines, complains, freaks out when something unexpected happens, is sub-par in both equipment and skill.


2) The player with the shining resume. Who does not hesitate, nor freak out. He's very good with his job, and he's a very likeable person who has no apologies, because he's a good, knowledgable player.

So to be honest, all the blame lies on you. You've been given chances from what I have been told. But each time, you fall victim to the same things. Don't apologize, that won't work anymore. What you need to do at this point, is work on your skills, and work on your equipment. THEN, what you need to do is delete your character and have it restored, and change it's name, because right now, people have a BAD taste in their mouths.

I was in a merit party last week, we skipped you over for a RDM, just because of your reputation.

Think about the things everyone's telling you. They're being brutally honest right now. Try to get better, or else things will continue the way they are.

Edited, Jun 9th 2006 at 3:55pm EST by Samano
#36 Jun 09 2006 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
demonspawnmatt wrote:
Oh wait i forgot you can't cause all you care about is your rep.

Well, sadly I hate to break it to you, but that's how this game is structured. Right off the bat, you can only have 64 people in a Linkshell on at the same time (sure you can have more pearls than that, but endgame doesn't support this very well). Combine this with the fact that you can only have 18ish people for most endgame encounters actually participating in it, with the rest of the people either being "backup" or healing outside the ally.

To make this even worse, add another fact that endgame is insanely bottlenecked as it is and more and more people are hitting 75 by the day, and want to join an HNM LS. Seeing 200+ people at Dragon's Aery on a Day 1 Fafnir should be enough clue that there's a huge problem. 1000 players -> a few linkshells, you do the math. When given the choice of 100 (yes one hundred) people applying to a Linkshell, why would people choose someone who has a problematic past, versus someone who is either recommended by current LS members and knows that they will fit right in? Reputation matters, because on paper, that's the only easy way to differentiate people easily on initial basis.

Think of it like a job resume when applying, if you have a criminal record, no matter how reformed you are, you're still going to be having difficulty joining a new company and you'll always be under scrutinization. Best thing is to suck it up and try and do your best to CHANGE these things, not sit there and whine about it. It's a tough break, but sorry, that's the real world, and while we all would like to think of FFXI (or any other MMORPG) as an escapism, fact of the matter is RL always trickles into it. Can't be avoided, it's human nature.
#37 Jun 09 2006 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default
**** you all haters. UNCTGTG, you are also one of those that has bad rep so dun try to be a smartass. We don't need you to make things worse.
#38 Jun 10 2006 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
403 posts
I don't usually reply to threads like these, but this was too juicy to resist.

demonspawnmatt wrote:
I dont usually post on here for obvisious reasons people saying im a bad player well whatever the case may me anyways this will most likely be my final statement on this board even if i get flamed i most likely will not post back anyways my final saying

reputation is that all you people care about god you people who think reputation is everything is the sole reason ragnarok is messed up today if you dont want people in ls that have a bad rep thats fine but dont lie to people saying to them we have no room or some other lie just tell them the truth its all i they want to know the choice is youres but if you make the decision by rep your just as bad as the gil sellers and the gil buyers my final message

Hmmm. Your understanding of the word rivals Square's.

I'd have to totally agree with Daamian on the criminal record analogy. Couldn't say it better myself.

p.s. Exit's to your right.
p.p.s. I'm pretty sure gil seller/buyers will sell/buy you/r gil regardless of your reputation.
p.p.p.s You might say you'd like the god-honest truth in your face. Others, however, might not be inclined or comfortable with being so blatant.

Edited, Jun 10th 2006 at 9:32pm EST by ChemoshPrime
#39 Jun 11 2006 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent

Good riddance, shit bag.
#40 Jun 11 2006 at 1:36 PM Rating: Default

Good riddance, **** bag.

I got what I wanted that night ******.
#41 Jun 11 2006 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
283 posts
What happened to "final message"?

And seeing that chatlog screenie, all I can say is: cheer up, emo kid!

Edited, Jun 11th 2006 at 1:45pm EST by WantaRagnarok
#42 Jun 11 2006 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
If you already knew the answer, why did you ask the question? You leveled 2 rather easy jobs to level (especially brd), yet you did your name no good at all during the process.

Rather than consider rusta "Pwned" and "you got your way" with that exchange, why did you not use that opportunity to improve your reputation? Do you not think that Russta MAY have been mature enough to eat his own words had you not thrown a temper tantrum and disbanded party? Since he has also leveled BRD, don't you think he could have perhaps given you a tip or two had you been willing to actually listen?

You KNOW you have a bad reputation. If you want to clear it up, put ACTION behind those words. You have talked a lot about how to improve your reputation in the past, but I guess have not done anything. It is past time to do.
#43 Jun 11 2006 at 9:21 PM Rating: Default
If you already knew the answer, why did you ask the question? You leveled 2 rather easy jobs to level (especially brd), yet you did your name no good at all during the process.

Rather than consider rusta "Pwned" and "you got your way" with that exchange, why did you not use that opportunity to improve your reputation? Do you not think that Russta MAY have been mature enough to eat his own words had you not thrown a temper tantrum and disbanded party? Since he has also leveled BRD, don't you think he could have perhaps given you a tip or two had you been willing to actually listen?

You KNOW you have a bad reputation. If you want to clear it up, put ACTION behind those words. You have talked a lot about how to improve your reputation in the past, but I guess have not done anything. It is past time to do.

You people just want more and more from players I gurantee you if I had all jobs lvl 75 You people still wouldn't give me a chance in a good hnmls true or no?

I'm done here think about that hard and if you wanna insult me do it in game

Later Alla messageboard
#44 Jun 12 2006 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah, I'm sure alot of people believe DSM is a "jackass", but I'm sure alot of the people passing judgment are probably subject of such judgment themselves. Granted we all make mistakes as far as FFXI goes, some of us choose not to make this our lives. Maybe DSM has his reasons, maybe he doesn't, but I'm getting tired of this close minded opiniative "contribution" that I see to posts about people such as Demonspawnmatt. Suppose he's a 13 year old person just barely obeying the TOS. Granted he's probably not hinted on the etiquette on most teenagers online, he's thirteen. The day a thirteen year old makes FFXI his life is the day baby jesus drinks a keg of MGD with me (har har). For most of of you, three syllable words and above are just filler text, so just let me make it short. <<< Demonspawnmatt is a person too, granted he probably doesn't play as much as everyone wants, or the way everyone wants, he is a person too. He doesn't make FFXI his waking thought or his wet dream, but the "norm" makes it "OK" to pass open criticism upon this person.>>> Albeit that I, myself don't really know this person, it's hard to judge him by the few actions that I've seen myself. I've seen him ditch out on parties, I've seen him fullfill the role of "puller" as a bard flawlessly with my own two eyes. We're talking those 'fabled' 15k/hour parties in KRT when I was leveling my monk. I know most of you probably don't know me, and that for those of you that do, you really should try to get the know the person behind the screen. I myself don't know demonspawnmatt, but some of the people I've hated most in my 21 years of living this life have found that some of the people I detest most are some of the nicest and most interesting people I've encountered.

'nuff said, Keagan for President.

Edited, Jun 12th 2006 at 4:42am EST by EdgecrusherRagnarok
#45 Jun 12 2006 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
It felt wrong replying to this thread with a signature that contradicts my afforementioned statement. Contrary to popular belief I'm open-minded and receptive to discussion. ;)
#46 Jun 12 2006 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Well, Personally, I think it is obvious WHY DSM's repuration is so bad on Ragnarok - it has been displayed here. Yea, he WAS offerred some pretty cruel words, but, maybe he expected that, and just wanted the attention, like his last posts? (I'm refering to the one I know you hate my WHM, but please give my BRD a chance one)

Bottom line here is after reading the first few posts, I thought - eehh, maybe DSM is just the kid that everyone likes to pick on so maybe he deserves another chance. MAYBE he would actually be able to listen and respond. Now, I don't think so. Now, I think he has meanderred through two different jobs, and not even listened to kind and constructive advice.

So here is my final piece of advice to you - learn how to take criticism, even if you consider it wrong. People are probably NOT attacking you. If Rodin says organize your macros, ORGANIZE them so you will become a better player. If a lot of people have told you you go AFK a lot during parties - stop it. Yea, I know its a game, blah blah...but that doesn't mean that AFK 15minutes every hour is is not.

And before you say I don't know you, I actually do. I was in one of the parties you dumped and it was because of me (I don't party with PLDs especially ones with stupid subs-I was restarting my PLD AF for AF+1 and was actually switching to get cusion on my RDM. We ended up getting a great BRD (me - HAHA) and having a nice pt). Don't make assumptions. Dont assume people are out to get you when in all likelyhood they are not. You were told how to fix your rep, you didn't. Level BST.
#47 Jun 16 2006 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
if he not good at jobs ok, still doesnt give you the right to insult him.

You have obviously never partyed with this guy. 70whm in SEERS GEAR! Yes, seer's gear which is lvl 29. SEERS GEAR!! Do you hear me?

Not everyone can have a nobles tunic, but seer's gear? Come on!!!
#48 Jun 18 2006 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
Only problem i had with DSM was when he randomly bailed on my Ohat group after it took like 2hrs set up and we were pretty much @ Den of Rancor...he just goes "im out kthxbye". other then that i dunno about the guy.

#49 Jun 18 2006 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
479 posts
He only used Kingdom Horn in Cape Terrigan on his BRD because it was the only instrument with CHR on it...
#50 Jun 18 2006 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
lol...umm Horn +1 isnt that one of the better brd horns and its lvl 4 or something??? i dont know brd so dont hate me because im beautiful >_<
#51 Jun 19 2006 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
283 posts
Not really. For every song BRD has in that level range there's a better intrument available.
And if that's the only instrument he uses for ALL his songs I'm gonna cry.

Minuets should be played on Cornette +1 for the +2 to Minuet.
Madrigals should be played on Traversiere +1 for the +2 to Madrigal
Elegies should be played on Horn +1 for the Elegy +2 and so on.

You're really gimping all your songs if you sing them all with that same "CHR+3 March +1" Kingdom Horn instrument. CHR does nothing to party buffs either.

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