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Warning! Don't ever do Assault w/ Gabe, proof insideFollow

#1 May 06 2006 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
31 posts
Today, I just logon FFXI and Spoolin asked me to join his team to do Assault "Mamool Ja Staging - Rescue mission". PT consist of: Gabe (Pt leader), Spoolin, Shadows, Ajimix, Lubu, and Zefren. I joined the party due to Spoolin and Shadows are my ls members. First run, Shadows won the random; therefore, he sponsored the run. We won the mission, Gabe told only Shadows open the chest and Shadows did and he obtained ??? ring, but the chest also give us 3 items. Gabe said freelot!


We decided to do the mission again and this time Shadows won the random again, but Gabe rejected Shadows to sponsor again and he wanted to sponsor. Then we let Gabe sponsor the run. We won the mission, Gabe opened chest got his ??? ring and the chest also gave us 3 items and we also killed Mamool Ja Warder and it dropped Mamool Ja Helmet. Gabe told us to pass the pots (what happen to free lot on items from the chest like he said on 1st run). We passed the pots to him and we lotted on Mamool Ja Helmet, but Gabe didn't lot after he saw I lotted 955 on it. He hit release to warp us out right after he got his pots and I couldn't get Mamool Ja Helmet. Gabe is too GREEDY and a moron. I just want to warn you guys becareful doing assault with this guy.
#2 May 06 2006 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
Yes sadly there are a lot of children that play this game but hey what do it expect from 13 yr olds they ***** and nag too much and want everything one their way. Just avoid name callers and people that whine and your straight.
#3 May 07 2006 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
51 posts
well they say the proof is in the puddin'

rather in this case it's in the screen shots

good job on the completes, and thanks for the warning~
#4 May 07 2006 at 3:18 PM Rating: Default

Smithing (? - Unknown)
Crystal: Lightning
Result: Steel Ingot
HQ #1: Steel Ingot

/comfort you losted an steel ingot

Well but i think he didndt know it was a 10 k or less item... so he couldnt do that if he knew it was that crap? o.o

Edited, Sun May 7 16:25:30 2006 by Squallido
#5 May 07 2006 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
First of all, wtf. I invite you to do assault and we win 2 times in a row. 2nd, my bad, if you want the split of 2k for hi pot +2, or split of the 10k hi pot tank then plz /tell me. 3rd, you call me a child yet your the one ranting about this. If you have a problem settle it ingame. Anyone who knows me sees me as selfless. Being a pld, I've done Charby over 10 times, and each time i passed on lot. Anyone who wants to talk to me ingame about problems with me, please do so - that is the proffesional way to {take care} of things. Anyone else i will label a whiney baby. {Good Bye.}
#6 May 07 2006 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
79 posts
So... a post over a 4k item? >_>

Wow, you don't make gil? Hell I'll go buy the last two in jeuno if you'll drop this crap. It was just a item, not even a rare/ex or even a really hard drop to get.

I see, "Waaaaaa I didn't get the item I lotted for because Gabe is gready."

meh, its only 4k, get over it.

Plus I've been friends with Gabe since I first started FFXI. Hell he died twice when helping me get my WHM AF body. If he was so gready he would have left after the first death.

So sit back, take a pill or two, and remember. Its only a game, and life goes on.

Edited, Sun May 7 19:16:12 2006 by Amirith
#7 May 07 2006 at 11:21 PM Rating: Good
31 posts
Take a look at the pictures closely and read it carefully how Gabe acted, telling people to pass 1 time is enough. See how many lines he was telling me pass the loots, it seem like he was afraid I'm gonna lot on those pots. Btw Amirith, ofcourse you back him up coz he's your friend.
It doesn't matter how much the ingame items worth, but it's the principle in playing the game. When someone sponsor the run, as the leader of PT you say "Free lot", but when it's your turn you say "The loots belong to sponsor". Also, he lost the random again but demanded to sponsor mission and we were nice enough to let him sponsor it. But then when we got the loots from the chest for winning the mission Gabe's sponsored, he demanded people to pass. Likewise, you guys said items don't worth much, but take a look at Gabe attitude in the 2nd picture.
I made this post just to warn players becareful of people like Gabe and there are hundred of people like Gabe out there, Gabe just one of the example that I've actually taken screenshot to prove to others. Items doesn't mean anything to me because my char. got what I needed or if I ever need gil, I can always ask Danksta for it because I have his trust. Therefore, this post wasn't intented for fighting over the items but a warning to players on Ragnarok server to watchout of greedy kids. Or if you are careless and got into their trap in pricey items, don't blame people why not warn you at first hand.
#8 May 08 2006 at 1:15 AM Rating: Good
803 posts
For those who focus on the value of the items, don't. It's about the idea behind it. First run: Free lot! (gabe ain't leader) Second run: No free lot! (gabe is leader). Strange eh?

But I guess that's just gabe's "proffesional way to {take care} of things" (quote from him)
#9 May 08 2006 at 5:00 AM Rating: Good
115 posts
Well, I remember a certain someone standing in the midst of a Simurgh fight and then telling the other LS members to do so aswell. That is so very professional!
#10 May 08 2006 at 9:01 AM Rating: Default
79 posts
Ok then. How about this then, you said you joined after the PT had started. Right? Did you ask Shadows if Gabe had already asked him/her if he wanted the other items? For all we know he could have said I don't care about the other items to Gabe.
#11 May 08 2006 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
47 posts
it has nothing to do w/ how much the gil is, it's the attitude and the personality imo....
#12 May 08 2006 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
amirith, i think u need to read the pic he took closely. it is nice of you to back up a friend,but when you see the 2nd pic, you can clearly see the ls chat they had after, shadow was there too, if he did agree that he doesn't care about the items ahead of time, he'd probably tell them that instead of agree gabe is greedy too.
anyway, everybody has their side of story as always, so just let ppl decide who they want to believe.
#13 May 08 2006 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
403 posts
#14 May 09 2006 at 4:35 AM Rating: Good
Hi, i had a similar problem with Assault, after finished Seagull Grounded, one guy open the coffer and get a ??? Polearm. We had a DRG on party and i said: Split if expensive weapon or lot DRG on rare/ex. But the guy who open the coffer said: i have Merit pt... Good bye, and he disband. I tell him to come back to identify item, and he come... but he identify item out of our pt...

He tried to trade me to give me a ******* cheap polearm, but i am 100% sure that if it had been a Colossal Lance for example, he will not trade to me... and worse.. if had been a rare/ex lance, our DRG will not lot for it.

with this i want to say that Gabe haven't excuses, with 4k or 4M u have to follow a certain policies. These rules are not written, but it is not necessary having a bit of common sense.

Amirith major friendship is demonstrated scolding to him a wrong action, which trying to justify.
#15 May 09 2006 at 7:56 AM Rating: Default
79 posts
Hi, i had a similar problem with Assault, after finished Seagull Grounded, one guy open the coffer and get a ??? Polearm. We had a DRG on party and i said: Split if expensive weapon or lot DRG on rare/ex. But the guy who open the coffer said: i have Merit pt... Good bye, and he disband. I tell him to come back to identify item, and he come... but he identify item out of our pt...

He tried to trade me to give me a @#%^ing cheap polearm, but i am 100% sure that if it had been a Colossal Lance for example, he will not trade to me... and worse.. if had been a rare/ex lance, our DRG will not lot for it.

with this i want to say that Gabe haven't excuses, with 4k or 4M u have to follow a certain policies. These rules are not written, but it is not necessary having a bit of common sense.

Amirith major friendship is demonstrated scolding to him a wrong action, which trying to justify.

First of all... Yoda? I did not understand one thing you put down. Second, stop the whining, really. Just blacklist him, and go on with your life. Yeah yeah, your going to come back "Its not about the item, its about the person blah blah blah waa waa waaa I want I want, cry cry cry."

And from what Gwedolyne has said, it looks like you are the pot calling the kettle black.
#16 May 09 2006 at 10:06 AM Rating: Default
Scary thing that people will do that also with expensive items, just take care when doing assault
#17 May 09 2006 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
yes, my english could sound as yoda, but I can speak it decently, I am sure that you cannot do that with mine.

i can Resume all in:

Gabe: unjustifiable
Amirith: trying to justify him uselessly

your going to come back "Its not about the item, its about the person blah blah blah waa waa waaa I want I want, cry cry cry."

Pass the pots plz
Pass the pots plz
Pass the pots plz
Pass the pots plz
#18 May 09 2006 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
115 posts
And from what Gwedolyne has said, it looks like you are the pot calling the kettle black.

Sorry, it was Gabe who did that, while he was in CallForHelp.
#19REDACTED, Posted: May 09 2006 at 4:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Smiley: cry
#20 May 09 2006 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
Lol is right, we should see more relaxed the screens without even say a single word :)

Edited, Tue May 9 18:20:45 2006 by Squallido

P.D= OMG you losted 4 k item... he prolly sold it and went buy a kraken club

Edited, Tue May 9 18:21:26 2006 by Squallido
#21 May 09 2006 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default
First off, i said /tell me ingame for your what, 2k from 1/6 split? and yes, i was dieing cuz i trained to the endpoint so that we could win. The first run we had 30secs left and SOMEONE hit the end button so no one could get the items. I've done many assaults and most of them wins, this is the first time someone has complained about winning. seriously im not greedy, i guess i said it the wrong way. i meant lot or pass items on first run cuz we were running out of time. Im in a HNM and alot of the times it take people 5mins to pass on triggers, having 30secs left i said to hurry up honestly who cares who gets item, just do SOMETHIN before theyre lost. someone hit button, im not suprised if it was you, the one whos whining like you know so much about assault.

--Also, Gwed, the ONLY time i camped ontop of Sim is when gilsellers claimed. I dont care about being scolded by people like you, they do that to me and my lsmates all the time. You dont know how annoying it is to be killing Olla, to have a gilseller part pull 2 pots to our mages and kill them. Judge me all you want, but as a great man once said "let him without sins cast the first stone" - this certainly is not you.
#22 May 11 2006 at 1:48 AM Rating: Excellent
127 posts
It's really not my place to say anything, but I simply cannot help myself with this quote.

Anyone who knows me sees me as selfless. Being a pld, I've done Charby over 10 times, and each time i passed on lot.

So? That has absolutely no relevance to the subject at hand. You somehow think doing the right thing in that circumstance clears you from denying someone a lot? [This is regardless of how much the item is worth, it's the concept.] You have a lot of nerve, and you're really immature in your reaction as well. You were caught, and a misguided example was your excuse since: "that is the proffesional way to {take care} of things."

#23 May 11 2006 at 2:47 AM Rating: Good
it has nothing to do with value of the items. It's the story behind it.

thanks for telling me about this person.

Edited, Thu May 11 03:48:42 2006 by Spotlesseden
#24 May 12 2006 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
You didnt see the screens too much did you?
#25 May 12 2006 at 8:00 AM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
Who cares about a 4k or 10k item...

If your that worried about it, then do missions with people you know.

Edited, Fri May 12 09:07:38 2006 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#26 May 13 2006 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Being a pld, I've done Charby over 10 times, and each time i passed on lot.

Good job, you should be proud. I believe it was said above, it has nothing to do with the situation at hand. How is it ok to say free lot on someone else's run then say only you can lot on yours? Greed.
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