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Rant: EminentFollow

#27 May 01 2006 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
lol, yeah, "everyone" The whole 3-4 people that have ever had a problem with me, who troll these forums looking for me to post so they can comment about me and my LS rather then the topic.

Man lemme tell you, my ps2 bot worked so good on dynamis lord, ouryu, cerberus, jailer of love.. what would i do without it!
#28 May 02 2006 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
There is nothing in this game as rewarding as sharing a victory with 15-20 people feeling the same excitement as yourself.

To impose the idea that hnmls's are the most rewarding thing to do seems to be very self centered. HNMLSs may be one of the most rewarding experiences for some, but for others it's not.

Unlike previous FF's, FFXI is made so that you can choose what you want to do. For some, getting items/gear is the reason to play, some ppl like crafting, some people are exp whores or ballista addicts. hnmls's are only one part of the game--some people find it very rewarding, and some people just don't like it.

What people choose to do and what to enjoy, and essentially how to enjoy the game is up to them. What you find fun might not be fun for others. Try looking outside the group and realize that other people have different attitudes and tastes

Oh, but wait.. we are all anti-hnm ls on this forum! (ie. rejected from the big hnm ls's)

most of the people that I know who call themselves "anti-hnmls" are usually:

a) have found other things in game that make them happy (other than hnmls's) such as crafting, levling, ballista, missions, etc

b) have real life engagements to tend to and can not make it events on a regular basis or do not have the "wanted" jobs or times that they require

c) have been in hnmls's and have found it too stressful or not worthwhile dealing with drama and greediness--especially since this is a game to enjoy not stress over

--just my 2 cents
#29 May 02 2006 at 5:55 AM Rating: Decent
265 posts
yea im gonna have to agree, most people that join HNMLS are "big-game hunters" as well as "Treasure hunters" .. along the way, you are able to make great friends that usually think the same. If you a ballista addict or whatever, might not be the scene for you. HNMs are highly competitive, and very fun. I mean, if you goal aint to see Absolute Virtue, or Nidhogg die and drop good items. Its not really the scene for you, and rightfully so, i hate ballista. FF is a huuugge game, can find tons of things to
do. But please dont flaim those of us that enjoy killing the big ****, and getting the good drops and pimping our jobs. For us, its why we play. We arent here to lvl exp, cyber with manthras, or shout in jeuno all day. So please be tolerant of one another, we are all people w/ feelings and dont take much to hurt/ **** someone off.

On another note, I hate these rants there so counterproductive. Everyone's thats envolved from the original poster, as well as the trolls that hop on the band-wagon and poke fun at someone completely unrelated to the original rant, seriously question your motives for playing this game, cause your not having fun, or you just got to much hate. I mean, who really gives a **** if someone sux at there job, or are ****** person, or ****** you, or whatever. What REALLY are you trying to accomplish? revenge? i seriously doubt solstice or whoever this **** started out with could give a rat-*** what any of you say. They seem to be getting along well without most of you. And unless im mistaked, and loose like 30 members tonight in a planecrash, there gonna be ok tommorrow. There credibility wills stay the same. Leadership will keep the same rules. Those rules will be enforced the same way. They will keep getting recruits. They will manange to fill you vacant slot with someone, in most cases, extremely productive, who will probably fit in better and have simular goals as the ls and strive to succeed. If you pissed you got kicked, um, go do a a EMO-stabby-stabby-cut-cut and get over it. If your upset cause they wont let you back in, or reject you over and over again, go do a EMO-stabby-stabby-cut-cut and post live journals. Now i will state right now these posts are so ******* long i have no desire to read everyword of the rambling, but i get the basic gist of it all. Now I Dont know stellar at all, in fact i have never spoken to him EVER in this game but seriously hes right, and i agree with him. (let the trolls begin) lol. If you depend on others for everything well i think u can figure it out for yourself, your not really adventuring, your holding an adventurers hand the whole way. Also, If you can come to this forum and flame the **** outa him or whoever it started with , eminant or whatever, i think its entirely possible for you to download a map of ifrits cauldron, as well as look at 190287359017 other posts by players about how to get there and the specific details. You cant hold your mommy's hand for your whole life, and asking others to hold your hand is just as dumb. If you were that concerned you couldnt get to the BBQ camp or whatever, prolly woulda saved yourself alot of time and energy, as well as real life stress, if you just went to got the map and chilled the **** out. To prevent further problems, I will help you out. Here are some links that could have solved this whole problem IMO.


vanadiel atlas

um heres some more info on the zone from allakhazam

If your on ps2 or Xbox, get out of your chair/couch/bed , start to walk towards your computer, open your browser IE firefox whatever, insert these websites, hit cntl+P wait 30secs, walk back to chair/couch/bed , and handle your business

ok i hope this helps ^^

*let the flaming begin muahahaha (dont worry stellar i prolly take some of the trolls off you for awhilem bein as im agreeing with you lol)

Edited, Tue May 2 07:02:15 2006 by Pace

Edited, Tue May 2 07:05:09 2006 by Pace

Edited, Tue May 2 07:00:35 2006 by Pace

Edited, Tue May 2 07:12:11 2006 by Pace
#30 May 02 2006 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
Pace, this wasnt really about not just knowing the way, plus ifrits is a bit of a pain. The problem was that no one answers. This does happen alot, people will ask a question and noone will have the simple respect to answer.

Even if someone answered him "F off and find your own way" thats better then no respone. Its really annoying when you feel like you are talking to a wall.

Stellar, I have heard that you guys bot from other ls, didnt say that you did, I hope you dont.

Hnmls, the problem is not people enjoying the big kills and all that, its that leaders of hnmls feel that they own your soul when you join. This is wrong, and right now hnmls are run so counterproductively. I wish some leader would have the balls to have a bit of creativity and stop following the general trend.

There are two type of people that would want to join a hnmls, the ones who want all the good stuff, willing to put alot of time and effort in doing that, even if it sacrifies a bit of their enjoyment in the game doing other things. Nothing wrong with that. The other group are the ones that want to be part of the end game scene for the experience, they dont want the loot they just want to see as much of the game as possible, but they still want to be able to experience other parts of the game, they dont want to limit themselves like the first group who concentrate more on one aspect of the game.

Then second group are shunned upon, kicked, treated like crap, and basically just not wanted. And no offense to leaders, you are all a complete bunch of morons if you cant see the benefit of having alot of these people in your ls that arent counting points.

People will argue well they are not dedicated, cant count on them to be there. Now this is where the argument fails. The only respect these people should have is when they say they will be there, they better be there, if they say they wont, then they wont. This makes it easy to handle and if you have 20 or so of these people in your ls you can be assured you will never be short for a event again. You can have 100 pearls handed out, but most ls's only have 30-40 members.

So the people that want the items, they are the ones you control, makes sense, the others dont get items but you just asked for the respect of notifying sacs that you will be there or not.

I can guarentee if the way hnmls were run, you would see less greed, more cooperation, and more chance at killign the really big game because of the increased amount of members.

And not sure if you have noticed, but the expansion seems to be based more on small groups. Some of the best equipment in the game are obtained by assault points or coins or standing points that require small groups, not a hnmls to obtain. Maybe SE sees how many people have quit because of hnmls and the way they treat people. Or people quitting because they dont want to sacrifice their real life or enjoyment of other parts of the game to get good equipment, then find themselves gimped cause noway they can ever get any god equipment.

Dont be surprised if you see hnmls start to diminish.
#31 May 02 2006 at 9:56 AM Rating: Default
gezus christ who reads these long *** posts >_>;;
#32 May 02 2006 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
Well at least I use paragraphs, bad pace bad. jk

#33 May 02 2006 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
479 posts
hmmm, so u cant read anything without taking quotes out of context... that figures. Reading comprehension... flunk it much?

How did I take it out of context? You said people should have maps ahead of time and know their way places, but Eminent clearly hasn't known his way around sky the whole time, as he's specificly followed me to camps (Sup Ulli)

Edited, Tue May 2 14:07:16 2006 by Awoir
#34 May 02 2006 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
"Stellar, I have heard that you guys bot from other ls, didnt say that you did, I hope you dont."

Accusing people of botting is an excuse to make yourself feel better for losing the pull. I don't deny there are bots out there but everyone wants an excuse for losing.. What's odd about your accusation is we are pretty well known as just about the worst pulling LS out there, having claimed 2 Fafnir, 2 Nidhoggs, 2 KB's and 1 Aspi in close to a year of camping. We camp kings on occasion but focus more on the parts of the endgame that arent effected by programs.
#35 May 02 2006 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
Then my bad.

And where did Flammy go?
#36 May 02 2006 at 4:46 PM Rating: Default
265 posts
shuff we gonna have to agree to disagree. you have to ask yourself, "why does that leader seem to be bossing me around" and more importantly "is he doing it to others." Maybe he has to tell you 1028 times and is riding you all day because they actually want to come to stuff cause they need you, and you "decided" you didnt want to do anything that day. well im sorry that sends a ********** you" message to your "friends" which compounds on the problems of them not liking you, not listening, or caring about your problems.
But bottom line, its not your linkshell, you dont run it, you dont operate it. Moreover, you havent for the past 2years + . now, if you think you can do a better job, make your own shell with your own rules that lets people do whatever the hell they want. Just everyone needs to stop complaining about HNMls there evil, when they really arent. And that the people that run them are the scum of the universe, when they really arent. They just know how to get things done. And if it means getting upset at members, disciplining members for being ********** well thats the nature of the beast. But i SERIOUSLY doubt any of the leaders love to kick or get mad at people, im sure they would much rather like for thinkgs to go as smoothe as possible with no bumbs in the road. Im sure they would love to NOT have to worry about lack of members showing up, or the wrong jobs showing up to planned events made specifically for the ls. Its easy to throw rocks when your outside the glasshouse i guess. Poeple just need to chill and smoke a bong or somethin
#37 May 02 2006 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Tue May 2 19:59:56 2006 by xbobx
#38 May 02 2006 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Tue May 2 19:59:39 2006 by xbobx
#39 May 04 2006 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
403 posts
I was going to try reading the thread, but the walls of text killed my eyes. :(
#40 May 04 2006 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
LOL same
#41 May 07 2006 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
omg what a freak u are. I was in the LS the whole time, i saw people respond to your requests. As a matter of fact i read them tell u over and over that you would get help breaking your latent yet u kept asking. And your the liar as u well know fool, i was at the event and on time.You want to flame about childish people... LMFAO I was in jeuno just the other day and watched as you ran past Eminent and started yelling calling him names. Pretty childish actions on your part. Yes I do have a "thing" with Eminent... so what. I'm still being truthful unlike you who has to make up lies in order to get attention.
#42 May 08 2006 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
Ok... to clear things up, I was there and know what happend. We weren't fighting for FUN, we were fighting bombs to get BQ ash and cores for people who didn't already have trigger set. Through the battle chat and me having to {focus} for when to use Flat Blade (because this was a pre-event event, and no stunners were here yet) I failed to see that you needed help. I think others had the same problem. Afterwards, checking the log i saw every few minutes a "guys i need help plz." Well, i was already helping a bunch of people getting their triggers, so making this rant is sort of pointless. NOW, meribela please dont flame me about this, for i am friends with you from previous experiences with you, and we're soon to become Dyanamis-Xarcabard lopers together. I am simply stating this wasn't Eminent's, nor anyone elses fault. Sometimes its hard to see someone is not in the right place, save for Sky where you can see that the person is in another zone. I think this whole thing should just be forgotten, as it was no ones fault. That's my input - see you ingame.
#43 May 09 2006 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
You were responded to many times by people in ls, the people who didnt hear you were the people there for pre event. While im sure some may have heard, many were busy saving everyone from Self Destruct. you were told to wait while others come, and then all of a sudden u get mad and leave O_o
#44 May 09 2006 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
2,071 posts
Commander Eekiki wrote:
I've been recruited by a couple HNMLS's. I turned them both down. Get over yourself.

And YOU need to do the same. Get over yourself and your hatred of organized HNM LS in this game.

All you do is complain about how you dislike them, without ever having experienced a good one firsthand.

Much like chat LS's, good HNM LS's are simply a group of friends, albeit with the intention of completing endgame goals in mind. That's it.

There's nothing wrong with being in an HNM LS and there's also nothing wrong without being in one. Different strokes for different people.

To think that all people in HNM LS are cocky, arrogant and elitist is actually gravely, gravely mistaken and actually even naive. Only the very vocal ones are seen and heard and it's auto assumed that the entire scene is full of such people. So very far from the truth.

I know for a fact that I've never looked down on someone for choosing not to join that part of this game. I suggest it's time for yourself (and others who bash on HNM LS) to do the same. Move on already, it's getting old.
#45 May 11 2006 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
Great Post, I think you sum up what many believe a HNMLS to be, or atleast what we expect it to be.
#46 May 11 2006 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
It's very depressing to see you all still fighting over HNMLS stuff. You are all for the most part really nice people. Stellar, many years ago was kind enough to help me with my G1. EEk gives good advice. Maribela helped alot when I amd sprightly were both lower levels.

We still play this game because of the friendships, the good people that we have met not because of some item dropped in a mmorpg.

Shuffles, getting kicked out of a linkshell isn't the end of the world. Friends fight, give it some time to cool off and I am sure you and stellar will make up.

Everyone who knows Zeena & Sgtlilpuppet please send them your best wishes and tell Zeena to get better soon.
#47 May 12 2006 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
"Shuffles, getting kicked out of a linkshell isn't the end of the world. Friends fight, give it some time to cool off and I am sure you and stellar will make up."

That wont happen. ever.
#48 May 12 2006 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
That wont happen. ever.

It might! I was watching the Discovery Channel last night, and you'll never guess what I saw! They have a brand new procedure. Doctors are now able to remove people's heads from their asses! So don't give up hope, Stellar might actually see light again yet.
#49 May 12 2006 at 11:55 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
So much drama and for what to say im right and your wrong <.<....
Guys i love FFXI but threads liek this relly makes it seem awful.
Why cant we all go back to the days when we started where we had level 50 pts just 50's to do G1 and doing rank mission w/e about just joking and laughing. Thier were never probs thier why cant things be this way.
#50 May 13 2006 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
Sounds to me like

A) The OP should not have expected to be tended to for an event that he went to to help out, and instead could have done a bit more independent work. I fail to see a huge problem here.

B) The leader could have done without assuming to have understood the situation entirely (and yeah, this probably is and "High and Mighty" disorder) and instead should have listened to a person that he/she trusted enough to invite into what SHOULD be, by ANY standards, a groups of friends and fellows, not a band of vicious deception that he(the leader) has turned it into.
#51 May 13 2006 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
B) The leader could have done without assuming to have understood the situation entirely (and yeah, this probably is and "High and Mighty" disorder) and instead should have listened to a person that he/she trusted enough to invite into what SHOULD be, by ANY standards, a groups of friends and fellows, not a band of vicious deception that he(the leader) has turned it into.

Just where in the world are you coming from making statements like that? Seems to me that people like you passing judgment on other they know nothing about is the one with a "high and Mighty" disorder. You have seen post on this thread from what 3 people in the LS and yet you judge us as a
band of vicious deception that he(the leader) has turned it into.

Thanks for the great example of the kind of people we do not want in our LS.

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