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Rant: EminentFollow

#1 Apr 23 2006 at 10:43 PM Rating: Default
Just thought I post another fun and exciting thread :P This is a rant so please just speak your peace if you have to and leave it at that.

So after replying to Wanta's thread about Kuw, I gotten to talk with him and found him alright. Then he suggest I join a hnm LS seeing as how I can't have all these 75 jobs and not be in one. Well, I have been in many. But each and every one of them have this problem which I'm giong to address. His recommendation was based on that Eminet was a "nice" guy. Okay, that's what I'm looking for.

So I do a few events with them and LS is doing pretty good, better than some LS I've been with. In addition, I know some of the members from my Dynamis LS as well. Well, things started going downhill during Bobm Queen run.

I had a friend offered to help me break latent to get Decimation for my Warrior job 2hr's befor event. Well, I got rushed and asked if any LS members would help me do it while waiting. Blacken and a few others were happy to do so. Yay!! Well, I changed, walked all the way to ifrit to join the 1 PT there currently. I zoned, didn't have map or knew where to go so I asked several times to the PT if someone could come get me. Well, after 30min+ no one did. In fact, no one paid any attention because they were fighting. Then things turned out bad and PT died with no raise around. So I'm thinking here, why am I even here. Why doens't Gabe or Chezza, both of whom I know from Dynamis LS, bother replying to my comment or even coming to get me.

Anyhow, after PT died I waited for a few more minutes and decided I should leave seeing as no one is paying attention to little old me. So I told the PT I was going back to town and disbanded. Then here comes "nice" Eminent. After a few talks of why I left the event he had the nerve to accused me of being "greedy" in front of everyone. LMAO. I simply told him that he had wrongly accused me and he should check the LS log and PT logs (via PT members) for his proof. I asked the same of the PT that died as well. At least Chezza, Gabe, Blacken and Radient (maybe others I don't remember) had checked the log and verify what I was saying was true. But no, Eminet being the leader and all will never stoop to apologizing. Needless to say, after I suggested checking log and members have agreed and apologized he quiet down.

Then today, yay! I meet some of the LS members and they ask why I wasn't in the LS anymore. I told Blacken that I didn't want to be in an LS that had a childish leader (from the above experience). I'm assuming this got back to him as his /tell came next. I have screenshots of the conversation today just in case this gets out of hand. Anyhow, he comes and accusses me of talking **************** behind ppl's back. I go HUH to myself and reply, I said or did no such thing. I did however say you were childish. Then you gets off that topic and gets back the the old one above. Then I did as I have then and told him that if he had checked the log and talked with the PT members he would know the truth. But nope, he makes false statements of me by saying it's my fault, it's the PT 's fault because they died, and so on. Well, I can't help you there Eminet because everything that had happened happened IN PT chat and LS chat. You yourself wanted to shamed me by doing that and instead some members READ the log and sided with me and even apologized. Now, have you apologized for doing what you did and your accusations of me. I don't think so.

Anyhow, it ended with me telling him that he shouldn't try to sound so righteous because he's surely not and that if he had taken the time to read the logs and/or ask the LS members he would clearly see that. I didn't get anything accomplish that day and wasted alot of time, not just the 30min+, waiting for PT to come get me either. Hardly anyone was at Ifrit until PT died and needed raises. That was like almost an hour later, almost 2hr since I was told to come. Yea, I am upset alright. Upset at not getting anything done nor being listen to. Hours wasted. I'm sure no one would like to get to the event and sit on their *** BEGGING for someone to come get there.

His last words to me... "have fun fighting and die..." LMAO this after I commented that the LS members fought really well and all. You know what Eminet, F*CK YOU. If you had listen you would have known at least two things we talked about before I joined:

1. I DON'T CARE ABOUT DROPS/ITEMS, I care 0%. Get it? Good.
2. I SEEK NICE players

So take your lying *** and F*CK OFF cause you know it and NOW your members now it. I didn't say check the log for nothing. What an ***.

#2 Apr 24 2006 at 9:52 AM Rating: Default
Holy shizah that posts long...

meh i was to sexy to read the whole thing anyway x.x
#3 Apr 25 2006 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
Huh? Seems to me if you dont have maps and dont know your way around maybe you should just be patient untill someone has the time to take away from what they are doing to play fetch for you. If all you were there for is to break your latent.....hmmm y should anyone drop what they are doing to "run" and lead you by the hand? If you had been patient and waited, there was 2 more parties headed into the zone tat could have lead you to camp. The 1 party you refered to had arrived early to do a little farming for LS members. You are the one that acted childish and left the event befor it even started. Why? Because you had to wait for someone to lead you by the hand to time get a map, take the time to learn an area ahead of time. Dont be a burdon on yor LS mates and expect them to drop what they are doing to lead you around by the hand.If you do need help getting aroud then try asking nicly and being patient... you might get a beter respons.
#4 Apr 25 2006 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
479 posts
next time get a map, take the time to learn an area ahead of time.

Hypocritical much?
#5 Apr 27 2006 at 3:56 AM Rating: Decent
hmmm, so u cant read anything without taking quotes out of context... that figures. Reading comprehension... flunk it much?

Edited, Thu Apr 27 07:39:57 2006 by pyrodo
#6REDACTED, Posted: Apr 27 2006 at 9:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) not rly :|
#7 Apr 27 2006 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
Meri dropped what she was doing and came to help... so if the PT needed help then why not come and guide her? Maybe she was better off doing what she was doing before the event ;p
#8 Apr 27 2006 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
I believe that the OP is in the right in this case. If I remember correctly, the map of Ifrit's Cauldron is difficult to obtain, and it's not worth spending the time to get for one event. If the OP was ASKED to come, the party that was there needed to have the decency to come and help. It was their obligation.
#9 Apr 27 2006 at 11:44 PM Rating: Default
165 posts
The map for Ifrit's Cauldron is obtained from a coffer. BQ is popped about 1 minute from the entrance. Nothing bothers me more then people who whine about not getting their hand held from one location to the next.. Obviously you have internet access and alot of free time on your hands to post all of these rants, so look up the map and find your own way around.

Edited, Fri Apr 28 00:52:02 2006 by sStellar
#10 Apr 28 2006 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
While it does suck having to lead people around by the hand, it sucks even more to be ignored when asking a question, especially if you are going somewhere to help someone. I don't have windower and I forgot to pull up the map before the first time I went to help with BQ. I was lucky, in that when I asked for help getting there, the people who I showed up to help get the ring were nice enough to come get me. I would have been just as happy with directions, but the extra help is always great. They did this to show appreciation for me coming to help them get their rings and claws.

I know it's a bit different when it's a shell event in that people are expected to come and participate, but in reality, people are still giving their time and effort to help others accomplish their goal. Answering a simple question or acknowledging someone even with an I don't know how to explain it does wonders when helping show appreciation. Nothing like going to help someone and feeling totally ignored.
#11REDACTED, Posted: Apr 28 2006 at 10:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I wish ragnarok/KI had as much drama/or w/etf it is ) as allakhazam .. /sigh
#12 Apr 29 2006 at 7:03 AM Rating: Default
As expected sStellar, your idiotic comments never suprises me. It's no wonder you post wrong info's in your threads. It's no wonder you NEVER learn and rely on false infomation on forums such as these. Must be very simple and easy to be LEAD by others who have done the work for you beforehand and made it simple for morons like you to just surf, click and look. And here you are referring me to people who had held your hand to get what you needed. There are some few people who don't like the game being ruin by reading guides and walkthroughs UNTIL we have too. If that's not your cake then so be it but telling people to go look it up on the web and following is a contradiction in itself.

Here's an example so you understand. The new expansion was just released right. Well, how do you think the first few people knew how to do the quests/jobs/missions? Do you think they somehow magically surf the web and found it or could it be that they spent the time talking to NPCs, researching, investingating, etc etc like what RPG's are meant to employ and found out themselves. Could it be that this might be more enjoyable than your suggestion of simply going on a webpage in the hopes that someone can guide you to whatever your needs are. You were probably not one of the first players on the NA release either I bet. When there were no pikko pots, Marissa fishing, etc and some of us did sysnthesis, quests, missions, by trial and error, patience, logic or what have you. But hey, if that's your cake to surf and find out what others have already for you..go for it.

Now if you misunderstood my long post, I'll make it clear for you. I had roughly 2hrs before event. I had convinced a friend, sort-of, to help me break latent on my pick. But before heading off I asked the LS if they would help me break latent as there was already a PT fighting, FOR FUN, at Ifrit's Cualdrun. So I was greatful that they would help me do this and spend time together. This is also considering the Chezza and Gabe are on the same Dynamis LS as I am. But when I got there about 30min's later, asked because I have no map and was forced to wait around for 30min+ while they had more fun fighting, my patience just ran out. Well, it ran out when the PT go wiped and I knew it was going to be much longer since raise was needed.

If you dont' want to hear my ramblings on your idiotic ramblings read Tiffie's comments cuause he/she knows what's courtesy and what's not. And did I mention this is a LS? Is it too much trouble to answer my plead to guide me to where they are? Is it too much even answer the question, whether it's a "can't right now, busy fighting" or "yea, after the fight". No it's not, not when it's your LS. And then to be accused in front of the entire LS by the leader who didnt' even bother to read the LS/chat logs is even more insulting. More so when the PT members that I had asked checked the log, verified it and apologize. And yet this Eminet assh*ole can't even do that. And he expects me to remain in the LS? Lol

I don't have a need for Ifrit's map atm and since this is a LS event why shuoldn't help be offerred courtously/generously? I mean, LS is suppose to help each other right. If LS is really close, like many JP LS's are, then they'll even offer to help get the coffer key/map for you. All I asked for was for someone to guide me because I had no map. I didn't even get an answer to the questions and I waited for an answer for 30min+ and STILL didnt' get an answer. Would any of you want to be in a LS with members acting like this? Simple questions really.

Edit: Another example just in case you can't understand what I'm trying to convey to you sStellar. Ever seen that Whm FFXI video, you know that sad one. Well, do you think think by chance the whm was suring the web to adventure and have all that excitement and fun and know the story in and out. Do you know the story thus far and if you think you do how much of it was from guides/websites than the actual gameplay LOL.


Edited, Sat Apr 29 08:08:04 2006 by Meribela
#13 Apr 30 2006 at 12:00 AM Rating: Default
165 posts
What adventure is there in having someone else lead you to everything? If you want to be adventurous then why didn't you find the pop location yourself. I can't see the difference in following a map online and blindly following some person you forced to come lead your ignorant self.

I'm still waiting on a tell so you can show me how to play rdm (lol)

Again, I never read past the first paragraph. You really need to practice getting your point accross in under 2000 words.
#14 Apr 30 2006 at 5:41 AM Rating: Good
sStellar, you fail when it comes to logical reasoning. You fail miserabley.
#15 Apr 30 2006 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
She was NEVER ignored. She was told in LS chat to wait and someone would come for her. The problem was simple.... she was too impatient to wait. She is the one that had to be told SEVERAL times to be patient and wait for help. This was a schedualed LS event to get people their BQ rings. She only showed up to get help breaking her latent. If she had come to help the LS she would have 1) read her LS chat and known people had offered to help her. 2)been patient and waited at the zone for the next arriving group to lead her in rather then demanding people run to her aid immediately.
#16 Apr 30 2006 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
What a *****
#17 Apr 30 2006 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
"sStellar, you fail when it comes to logical reasoning. You fail miserabley."

You fail at spelling ^-^

Care to explain the "logical" difference in adventuring from looking up the map online and having your hand held to a location?

If you're so into adventuring, do it on your own time.. Don't **** up LS events making people come fetch your sorry ***.. If you would have shown up on time for the event, it seems there wouldnt have been an issue anyways..
#18 May 01 2006 at 8:19 AM Rating: Default
Pyrodo, you know that's a lie as well as any of the PT members there did. I asked, came in advance as I told Eminent ALREADY that I would come at the scedule time but decided to come early so LS members could help me break latent. There is a reason why I said "check the Log" and thus you coming here to defend your friend is nice and all but your lies doesn't disprove that fact that Radient, Blacken, Chezza, Gabe and others I forgot name are checked and apologize.

I was never ignored? Are you kidding me. I didnt' even get an answer to "can someone come help guide me since I don't have map?". And you think this isn't being ignore...for like 30min+? There was no demand of anything. I asked the PT there already, AHEAD of LS event, if they would help and they offered willingly. How can I demand when I'm a new member. Please save your lies to taint me as others know full well what happened.

So please know your facts before replying with your lies. As I understand it you and Eminent have a thing so I could appreciate your defence but these preposterous aren't going to do you any good. Like for instance you weren't even in the converstation NOR showed up at the Event at the scedule time.

sStellar, the difference between the two is that it's an LS event. There should have been some common courtesy amongst LS members even IF there are members that do not have the require map, item or what have you. There is no reason for me to go to Ifrit Caudron and thus no reason for me yet to get a map or even look it up. And if I were to stay in the LS and this event became common then I would have surely ask for help in getting coffer if not solo it myself. Your logic fails miserably simply because you can't stand mine and tried too hard to counter. I haven't even been to Carpenter's Landing. I don't know what the place even looks like, as such with many places. That doesn't mean I should go look it up instead of exploring it myself. LoL. And you got all your maps/items/coffers all by "your" knowledge, without anyone's help. Wow, simply too good to be true.

And if you and Pyrodo bother to read carefully, the event wasn't schedule til 2Hrs later. I came early as did the 1 PT there already. This BS by Pyrodo is laughable. I even told Eminent before asking LS for help on latent that I would be there on time and would spend the Hr or so breaking latent with my friend. Go ahead Pyrodo, ask him. LOL. I love it when people stand up for their so call friends. They'll do anything, absolutely anything :) and while you're at it, ask him about our last conversation and see for yourself how "good" of a friend he is or rather how nice he is. I said nothing but good things about the LS and he had the balls to tell me to "have fun and die..." LMAO. Did you know that he said that after I praised the LS for being organized and doing god fights very well. Well, now you know. And to get that response. F*CK off. I'll take my membership elsewhere if that's the attitude with the leader and his "friend". And yes, I am aware of some other members leaving the LS as well, aside from this incident. Cheers.

I am a ***** when ****hole like these are around. I hate liars and I especially hate rude people, in-game or in RL. If you can tolerate this kind of BS then the LS does have good members that make the events more exciting and fun. Have fun in-game *^^*

#19 May 01 2006 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
Just ignore Stellar, hes one of those guys that paid gil for a shell and thinks hes all that when all he real is, is Rex's sock puppet. He hasnt a clue about common respect for others.

Leadership paid by gil.
#20 May 01 2006 at 4:02 PM Rating: Default
Yep Shuffles, we all know Tarus have their hands up hume's asses 24/7 XD
#21 May 01 2006 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
Lucky i wear gloves
#22 May 01 2006 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
lol, still bitter about getting kicked Shuffles?
Your logic is interesting considering Rex doesn't play much anymore so he's no longer a sack.

Yea and listen to shuffles.. I don't have a clue what i'm doing.. I mean anyone can buy a pearl and quickly become one of the most successful hnm ls's right? Oh, but wait.. we are all anti-hnm ls on this forum! (ie. rejected from the big hnm ls's)

<3 Stellar
#23 May 01 2006 at 6:28 PM Rating: Good
Sore because I can log on whenever I want and do what I want and not be ordered around by a little brat with delusions of grandier.

Yep still sore.

And you really shouldnt bring that up, cause boy did you look like an ***.
#24 May 01 2006 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
sStellar wrote:
we are all anti-hnm ls on this forum! (ie. rejected from the big hnm ls's)

I've been recruited by a couple HNMLS's. I turned them both down. Get over yourself.
#25 May 01 2006 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
Yeah, it's obvious your sore, when you're replying to a thread about Eminent, by Maribela and shifting the focus to me. I'm flattered :) Rejection's hard to take.. I feel your pain.

Quit acting like you know anything about me. You were kicked from the LS because you were inactive. Posting on this forum instead of trying to resolve any issues you have with me shows your lack of maturity, similar to the topic starter who picks a different person to bash on every week.

Eikiki, have you ever even been in an HNM LS? How can you form an opinion on something you have never experienced? There is nothing in this game as rewarding as sharing a victory with 15-20 people feeling the same excitement as yourself.
#26 May 01 2006 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
Shifting focus to you, can you read? focus was already on you because you came in and made an ******* comment.

You would think when someone is so full of himself he would realize when everyone is talking about him.

I was kicked from the ls because i told everyone that I dont want items but dont want to be have to be everywhere all the time, taht I would decide if i can go or not, I was accepted on those terms since thats what i stated in my app. I was also on vacation which was also noted, I also asked if i could get whm to 70 first before I started helping, All the above accepted by you.

I did exactly what I said i would do.

And i was kicked because I told Rex to F - off after he wouldnt stop harrassing me and calling me a lier.

Now go back to your little rock and crawl back under it with the rest of the slugs.

And ya you guys are successful, I wonder if the bots have anything to do with it? I have heard the reports from many other hnmls.
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